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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 06:29. Заголовок: JM on The Loveline (22.04.04) Geroneja. (04/21/04 16:09:49)

Geroneja (04/21/04 16:09:49)
JM on The Loveline (22.04.04)

Завтра ДМ будет на радиошоу The Loveline, он там уже один раз был, помнится мне, сегодня неожиданно всплыло, что будет и завтра ) То бишь, уже сегодня
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VasquezE(04/23/04 10:18:13)
Я кинула в общеспойлерную, потом зашла сюда и увидела... sorry for doublepost

Транскрипта с loveline пока нет, но MTS дает описание:

Winter Maiden

Not a whole lot that I found terribly noteworthy, but it was a pleasant two hours. I found Adam Carolla somewhat less infuriating than usual, although his primary way of diagnosing female sexual dysfunction is still to ask if the girl is fat. While Dr. Drew was off looking up the side effects of a particular medication, JM and Adam were bonding over the songs of the past that they especially loathed. They also talked about young actors having to work parties in order to make ends meet (JM did Pooh at kids' parties, and talked about trying to be an authority figure while dressed as an animal, but then it turned out he was only 17 at the time), and a young woman told JM that listening to him sing to Buffy in OMWF about the value of living stopped her from committing suicide. (And she sang the entire verse of the song to him.) She said she had tried to approach him at a few events (like a GOTR concert) to tell him this, but he was always surrounded by people. (!) JM was very gracious and responsive (as opposed to embarrassed and tongue-tied), and said that (big paraphrase here) public events like concerts are always awkward if you want any quality time with someone. He also stressed that the things he does as Spike that affect people's lives are the result of a team effort from people on the show.

Uh, what else. . . He talked about his brother moving to L.A. expecting to get to spend time with him, and finding that he works all the time, and calling him a slave. "I prefer 'indentured servant'," he added. [Джеймс такие слова знает... аж челюсть отваливается. Из Лингвы - indentured 1) обусловленный договором об отдаче в ученичество 2) обусловленный договором сервитута. Кто-нибудь понял?]

He told the eyebrow-scar story from a slightly different angle than usual. They were talking about cops, and the way they approach people when they stop them. JM was being quite sympathetic to the fear that cops have that any given person might haul out a gun and shoot them, but added that he had always been a magnet for hostile behavior from cops, and that when he was mugged and went to the emergency room, that he was basically treated as if he was a punk (in the worthless delinquent sense) and probably brought it on himself.

The only things I recall having to do with the sex questions that he joined in on was when a non-orgasmic young woman was talking about never having had oral sex performed on her. I think he said that she needed to find someone who would do that for her. (And Adam said that guys don't really like to do it; they just pretend they do. : ) And when a young guy said that he didn't get much out of sex either, and they were talking about the age when most people begin to get their sexual act together (around 20-22; nothing like having a schedule to adhere to!), I think it was JM who said that it's good to be with someone about your own age, who's going through the same stages of development. (Of course, Winter Maiden's first was several years younger than she, and had still been around the block several hundred more times than she had. But that's a story only fit to be told over several pints of cider. Now where was I. . .)

There was also an odd call in which a young woman told Adam that he should have a bar mitzvah, and she'd help him throw it. (He's Sicilian, not Jewish, but she seemed to think that the "respect" and the party were more important than actually knowing any Torah.) When she started talking about her bat mitzvah, Adam interrupted her and said that men had few enough things that were theirs alone, and that the bar mitzvah should be one of them. We have our menstrual cycles (I think this was supposed to be funny) and a few other things. Such as malls, I think JM added, but I really hope I misheard. :icky:

Otherwise, I don't recall any especially amazing remarks, but there was nothing excruciatingly embarrassing, either. I think the girl who had been considering suicide was the only caller who spoke to JM.

This post has been edited by Winter Maiden on Apr 22 2004, 11:35 PM

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Geroneja(04/23/04 10:41:51)

Васкес, все нормально, так больше народу прочтет, я в общеспойлерной написала, чтобы и сюда топали )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(04/23/04 15:51:49)
И снова MTS ))

This is not in order and jumps around and is not a clear, concise summary like Winter Maiden's, but here are some of the comments/quotes from the show and what I jotted down. It does not include all of the topics. My excuse for grammar errors, bad sentence structure, etc is that I live on the East Coast, so I didn't type this up until it was over after 3:00 AM. :smile:

Nothing earth shattering or really surprising in it, but I always enjoy listening to JM speak. He laughed a lot and was upbeat, as usual, which is fun to hear.

Some general points and comments that they talked about included:
The cancellation of AtS; JM mentioned some about the Save Angel campaign (he specifically mentioned the billboard truck, the chocolate bars and that NPR did a segment on it.) when Adam said that the fans need to start a letter writing campaign. JM commented that they only have 4 episodes left and to watch next week because Spike and Angel act like fabulous asses, and that it's funny the way that they get run all around. (Edited to add that I think that he was describing Episode 20, not 19 which is next week)

Adam said “By the way, who the hell would have guessed that you’d be doing the character of Spike on one show then sort of slide into another.” They laughed about spin-offs but that James didn’t get that; that he worked on other people’s shows. James said that he was totally surprised and never thought it would be like that—that he would come down, work hard, and humiliate himself for a tiny amount of money and leave and go back into the theatre; he never saw it coming at all. Adam talked about the “Spike Run” -- Dr. Drew knew how long JM had been Spike -- 7 years.

James talked about the long work days on a TV show set like BtVS and Angel and the differences in the way the two were done. That he had more time between scenes on Buffy because it took longer to set up the next scene, but on Angel, the director of photography is really fast so you don’t have as much time to go back to the trailer to relax. They usually filmed for 9 and Ѕ months, 12 – 14 hour days; 5 days a week. That there are talks about TV movies or movies and other projects in the future with the characters but Angel as a regular series is gone for now.

What’s next for James? He said, “I’m going to shave my head, and then I have to get to know people as an American with brown hair. My manager thinks that I’m going to be a big, leading man star, and he wants me to do that. I might try that and also I think that I might just be a character actor.

Adam talked about how James hair looks like it has the consistency of his; James said exactly; I’m going to cut it really short like yours because what else do you do? It’s big and bushy or short. They talked about a good bit about how difficult it was in high school with their kind of hair; Adam was called Brillo Head and JM said his name was Monkey and that he would have taken Brillo Head in a second. Adam said, I don’t know how old you are James, but if you are anywhere close to my age; JM—“I’m probably older than you”. Adam mentioned the feathered hair that was all the rage when he was in high school; James commented that he remembered feathered hair because he is 42, and he wanted that so bad and that he always thought that if he could find the right comb or brush; that he would mail order for these brushes. Think of what we did to the kids in the 70s—we destroyed them. They talked more about that kind of hair; Adam talked about how now kids can wear their hair any way they want to; so be it; how good kids have it now-- your hair is like a river, whatever direction it flows – fine. James laughed. Adam continued: in our day it all had to head in one direction. James agreed and mentioned Farrah Fawcett; that guys looked like FF too from behind. He named Leif Garrett as a male actor/singer with feathered hair in the 1970s. JM commented that would freak him out in high school (that boys and girls hair looked alike from the back because of that hair style).

Talked about police stopping people. JM mentioned his mugging (I'm assuming that it's the one that resulted in the eyebrow scar; can't remember if he said that) and how the police treated him when he went to the ER; that he seemed to attract negative attitudes from the police back then.

They talked about the concert this Saturday at the Knitting Factory and its location. There was conversation about people (some of them actors) who dress up as characters like Spiderman and stand outside businesses to advertise things; what tough jobs some actors have to take. James said that when he was 17 he played Pooh for a couple of kids’ parties and how difficult that was; didn’t wear a full costume with a head; I think that he said that he was made up to look like Pooh with facial make-up instead of a head.

To one caller who doesn’t have relationships, just “**ck buddies”, and that she doesn’t feel anything during intercourse. They spent a good while trying to analyze why she had this problem. JM’s advice was to get into a relationship so the guy could learn to please her. Talks about a little about oral sex and how good that can be for a woman.

Dr. Drew did a movie with the Olsen twins playing their father, I think it was; one or both of them may be on the show this week-end. JM mentioned that his band loves the Olsen twins (the younger band members).

A caller commented that she decided not to commit suicide when she heard part of OMWF; when he sang: “Life's not a song; life isn't bliss; life is just this; It's living….” The caller sang the verse to him; he was very nice to her and commented how the writing on the shows was real and that could affect peoples’ lives. She had tried to meet him one time after a GOTR concert but didn’t get to because of the crowd.

JM commented on lead vocals who do pre-recorded stuff during live shows, and how he’s surprised how many do it. They commented that it should be live. JM said that they should let the back-up people do the dancing etc, so that the lead singer won’t be out of breath and if they mess up, that’s okay. He commented that it’s obscene how many use pre-recorded stuff during live shows. JM said that they shouldn’t because even if they are worried about making a mistake, that it’s “dangerous and exciting to make a mistake.”

19 or 20 year old male caller with erection problem. JM asked –are you nervous? Most guys enjoy it much more when you know someone; when you get to know the person and are in a relationship with the person, though guys don’t always want to admit that. They talked about how you need to get comfortable with someone and how at certain ages, after high school, you learn and experiment more. JM commented that it’s better with someone your own age so you’re kind of going through the same thing.

One caller had a question about how good a barrier a condom is for prevention of HIV transmission. JM commented on using a condom with a spermicide. A comment that I didn’t really get-- that you need a titanium glove(?). I guess to really be protected, since latex may not always protect?

JM asked them the question from Angel: Caveman vs an astronaut in a fight—who would win? He chose cavemen after some discussion since astronauts are usually small people.

I think that I missed the last couple of minutes because the streaming stopped for some reason. This gives you an idea of what it was like until someone puts up an audio file on the internet.

They talked about Viagra and why it works for men but does very little for women. JM didn’t really comment on that topic that I heard.

To add to JM’s comments about his past problems with the police:
JM: I learned a long time ago to do whatever they tell you to do.
Adam: Yes, kiss ass.
JM: Oh my God. I have the smell of something; I don’t know what it is.
Adam: You do; you look like trouble; they don’t like you?
JM: No, no they really just want to get me down…ever since I was a young guy.

They talked more and joked about keeping your hands in view and on the wheel at all times when you are pulled over by the police.

More about the Knitting Factory gig and the KF itself -- where it’s located and a museum near it. Talked about things that tourists want to see and then are disappointed—like William Shatner, the set of Cheers, and the Batmobile. The Batmobile is a lot of cardboard and duct tape.
Adam: You won’t be disappointed with GOTR though.
JM: no duct tape on the band. We have a new album and it’s really good. It’s a lot better than the old one, and I think that’s what you are hoping for when you are in a band. And I just got finished filming, and we started daily rehearsals with the band, and it’s just absolutely fabulous.

Caller asked: when will the new album be ready? Imagine early fall, we’ve got to get back from Europe, master it and then copy it a million times. I thought that our first album showed a lot of potential but it was really rough. (then his comment about the jerk producer—talking about himself.) This time we have enough money as a band to really do it right, and it sounds great. Do get it; you won’t be disappointed. JM told her to come on down to the show at the KF because it’s going to be really good.

A little more detail from JM about playing Winnie the Pooh as a job: I was like 17 at the time; had a little show and had to hang out with the kids. They were good kids and everything, but that’s just basically managing kids. That’s hard anyway, even when you are dressed normally, but when you are dressed up like an animal, it’s absolutely impossible.
Dr. Drew: And when it’s a 103 degrees…
JM: And it’s like, you can’t tell them like “Hey”; you can’t lay a boundary down as Pooh. How are you going to do that? You can’t say “Stop touching me”. Adam talked about how he came close to getting involved with something called Party Pals; a friend of his did it, and he went with him to the audition and made it (more talk about that; all JM mostly did was laugh). Dr. Drew mentioned a new worry-free cloth that he saw at Cornell that felt like cotton but repelled everything like a windbreaker; everything just flew off of it. JM said that would change his life.

One caller talked about fiancй who became a paraplegic in January; she asked about sexual function. Dr. Drew talks about that; Adam mentioned that fiancй could become proficient at other forms of sex. JM told her to go watch the movie “Coming Home” because there’s a sexy scene about that.

When looking at picture of Dr. Drew from Olsen twins new movie, JM said “Welcome to the fold”; they commented that Drew looked good in a suit and that he could play a lot of things like that. JM said: “Rock on!” when told that he played the dad in the film. “I thought that you were like the lawyer or something. That’s a big part! So you wanna be an actor?” Adam to James: No, he was recruited; don’t worry.

Commented that he’s squeezing that role of Spike for every drop of money he can get; not going to let go of that bone (?), I think he said. Then the part about what the schedule was like when you do a show like Buffy. James: The schedule will spin your head; it takes a while to get used to.

James: My brother moved down here thinking that he’d spend a lot of time with me, and finally he got frustrated and he was like “Dude, you are a slave.” And I was like “Yeah, you got it; indentured servant, I prefer, but yeah. That’s the real work.” Talked about the waiting around, the measurements of where your feet have to be “and then you have to be spontaneous after all that”. That’s when they also talked about how fast the Australian director of photography for AtS was (compared to on Buffy); On AtS they spent more time doing more takes rather than waiting around for lighting. They talked about the movie “Dead Calm” with Nicole Kidman and Sam Neill that the AtS director of photography did also.

JM: Watch Angel next week because it’s absolutely fabulous. Angel and Spike get made into the most fabulous fools(?) and asses for the whole hour and it’s… yeah, both Angel and Spike get made total fools of the whole episode, and it’s really hilarious; and I had so much fun filming it, so it’s going to be really good. (Edited to add that I think that he was describing Episode 20, not 19 which is next week)

There was a caller who said that her friend started a “Self-Mutilators’ Anonymous” meeting, and that there are only about 6 meetings in the world. Talked about whether there were 12 steps for cutting (whether a 12-step program would work for this) and 12-step programs in general. Adam did a little pretend dialogue about his least favorite step, which is the “making amends” step; that they need a 13th step just to apologize for the “making amends” step. JM just laughed at this.

JM’s comment about the Olsen twins was “Dr. Drew hung out with the Olsen twins; how long were you there? You are now the god of my band. They are in love with them.”

JM responded to the one caller who said that James sort of saved her life; she was going to commit suicide one day, and BtVS was on in the background. The episode was OMWF, and James singing the part at the end of the song “Life’s a Show” made her stop and think. He commented: “Right on”. The caller had tried to talk to him at a GOTR concert before to tell him this; he said that there are a lot of people around at a gig and no time, etc. “We really do think that we are talking about real things (on the shows) and I’m really happy that it gave you a little extra____ (couldn't understand the word) that you needed that day.”

Adam joked that he tried to kill himself when he was 18 and heard the song “Maneater” by Hall and Oates on the radio but then realized that he could turn the knob on the car radio. JM mentioned Manfred Mann’s “Spirit in the Night”. Talked about other bad songs like Don Henly’s song “Dirty Laundry”, and JM commented that the funny thing is that some people really liked those songs a lot. Bad songs have memories attached to them too; Adam ranted. JM said that he loved Adam’s passion for music, and that he should be a musician.

Комментарии Winter Maiden:

Clear and concise? I think not, but thanks anyway! :smile:

This may sound terrible, but I listened under what I felt were almost ideal circumstances. I really had to tidy up the apartment and dust, and I listened while doing that. So I didn't feel that I was spending two hours listening to a chat show about sex when I ought to be doing about twenty other things, and I wasn't bored while dusting. :LOL: But I probably missed a bit here and there.

If it is with in 6 months or so of my birthday, I round up.
I bet I am the only woman on earth who does that.

Well, one of two anyway! :wink:

to watch next week because Spike and Angel act like fabulous asses

Ah, yes. Another thing I wasn't quite sure I heard right. It sounded as if JM started to use the C-word, and then hastily amended it to "asses." : I think perhaps Adam Carolla still brings out his sleazy side. :chaos:

He commented that it’s obscene how many use pre-recorded stuff during live shows.

The way he said this made it sound like he was commenting on some of the other acts at his own gigs. Perhaps Powder, for instance? I'm glad he thinks mistakes are dangerous and exciting. g: I'm the sort that identifies so much with other people's humiliations that I want to crawl under my chair. I never could watch I Love Lucy, and it's the same reason I don't watch game shows and chat shows. Whoever invented spontaneity was a very sick puppy. :LOL: I felt awful when JM flubbed really badly at El Rey. Now I can look back on it with perfect equanimity and just think that he found it exciting and spontaneous. :devil:

JM commented on using a condom with a spermicide.

JM suggested that using a condom with a spermicide was an additional aid against HIV. Dr. Drew set him straight on that right fast. In fact, condoms with spermicides, he said, are less effective than those without.

In the exchange about cavemen vs. astronauts, JM said something like, "You know, if astronauts went back to the mesozoic or something. . ." Dear James: That's the age of dinosaurs, sweetie. I think you've seen One Million Years B.C. once too often. :LOL: Dr. Drew became my hero when he (as I recall) responded to the remark that astronauts are usually small by pointing out that cavemen would have been little shrimpy guys themselves.

Adam did a little pretend dialogue about his least favorite step, which is the “making amends” step;

That was the only thing Adam said that I thought was really funny. He was talking about how the amends step is for the sake of the person making amends, but inconvenient and/or horribly embarrassing for the person amends are being made to. He suggested that you just dress up dummies as your ex-fiance or high school coach or whatever (I forget) and just make amends to that. Something like that. ETAActually, I think he was talking about holograms rather than dummies.

JM said that he loved Adam’s passion for music, and that he should be a musician.

And Adam replied that he wasn't passionate about good music, only the music he hated, which I also thought was funny.

Fantabulous summary, Cindy. I think you covered everything.

И от Teenes:
JM has a really nice speaking voice, though I may be the only one here who actually occasionally had problems identifying whether he or Dr. Drew was speaking from time to time (on the random comments/interjections). I was quite impressed by Dr. Drew - he's quite the knowledgeable guy. Wished Adam Carolla would shut up from time to time though. Slightly perturbed that they seemed quite determined to diagnose abuse for any sexual behavior/reaction they didn't know the cause of, but that's neither here nor there. Also rather perturbed that JM mentioned condoms with spermicide in a conversation about whether condoms stopped HIV or not as if that would be better (very glad when Dr. Drew immediately corrected him).

Outside of that, though, I was amused that he brought the cavemen vs astronaut argument up (though the parameters he described didn't sound to me like the ones they were working with on the show - the astronauts fly back in time to the "mesozoic era or whatever era cavemen were in" and had the choice whether they wanted to get out of their suits or not...he never answered the weapons question that I could hear). I actually would say cavemen as well but not for the reason he gave - astronauts are smaller?? Glad Drew corrected him on that one as well...

I do have to say, I'm glad James doesn't do marketing/promotions for the show. Somehow, hearing that Angel and Spike are going to act like complete asses, are going to be made complete fools of for the entire episode doesn't make me sit up and go "ooh! I wanna see that!". Then again, I have lingering issues from last week about Spike always being the butt of the joke this year, so maybe that's just me =).

I had to rush out of the room for a minute during it, but IIRC, he didn't just get passionate about lip-syncing to pre-recorded music and what a cheat that was, but also those machines that do automatic pitch-correction and what a cheat *that* was. I'm probably quite naive, but I didn't realize before last night that even club acts do lip-syncing/perform to pre-recorded lead vocals. I get it, to a certain extent, with acts like Britney Spears and the boy bands where they dance a lot too, or the huge events like the Superbowl. But a club show?

<small voice> - is it terribly, terribly insensitive of me that when the girl who was talking about how James' "life's not a song, life isn't bliss..." stopped her from committing suicide, I was wondering why in the world she was playing Buffy in the background at the time? And was Adam playing with her or did he actually mean it when he told her she had a nice voice? 'cause....er....shewasreallyreallyoffkey....and I thought it was a bit cruel if he was just playing with her.</small voice> Thought James handled the whole situation nicely, though.

Overall, it was really nice to hear the bits of James on the show, though. Like I said, really pleasant speaking voice, and it was nice to hear the tidbits about the Angel shooting schedule and how it differed than Buffy. Wish I had heard the part about Saving Angel and the whole hair conversation though =).

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VasquezE04/25/04 13:09:06)

Геро спасибо! (Пошла читать)

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