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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:18. Заголовок: Спец-DVD "Спайк". VasquezE. (03/02/04 16:30:22)

VasquezE (03/02/04 16:30:22)
Спец-DVD "Спайк".

...вышел в Англии и появились первые описания содержания:

pelinxf со Спарклей пишет:

My Spike DVD arrived today (YEYY!!) and I want to give you a little overview of the Spike character profile. I don't remember someone posting anything about it but if they have just snip it. I may have skipped some parts since I was taking notes while watching it but I'll try to give an vogue idea.

Profile stars with Anointed one's "Who are you ? " and Spike's "Spike " exchange then we see series of scenes from School Hard to Fool For Love while Buffy main theme plays at the backround.

I think interview is pretty new. Probably shot at the end of season 7 . James looks relaxed and happy(oh , he looks superb!) He's wearing a dark green tshirt. There's what he said, nothing new ...

Spike is patterned after Sid Vicious and when he took the part he really didn't know that paticular North London accent but luckily enough he was doing a play with a guy from North London.

He thinks Spike being punk rocker and punk, works really well because Joss has been to England and he was a punk at heart. Joss probably knows that world and hung out in that world.He's a bit of an anarchist in the best way. He has a rebellious spirit, he likes to shake it up in a loving and humorous way but he is a rebel.

[ Insert another interview, probably during season 6 'cause he's really thin ]

Spike came in to the show and I started to get fan mail, everybody was really pleased..Joss took me aside and said " Dude! This is not the Spike show and it's not going to be the Spike show. You're here because we don't want to kill a villian in every episode so it doesn't become Scooby Doo."

[ deInsert season6 interview ]

Probably my most foolish moment in season 2, and there were many, (laugs here. Blushes a little ? he scrathes his nape.) was my first scene in front of the camera ( Woodstock ). It looks like a very "large" acting. Joss came up to me after that and said " Could you give me a little more Tim Roth and less Laurence Olivier please ?" I think the accent got better through the season.

[ Insert season 6 interview ]

Drusilla was his first love. Both his human life and his vamp life she was the only love he's known until now. (interesting that James doesn't view Cecily as his love) She presses every button of him to make him want to be a white knigth for her.

[ deInsert season6 interview ]

[Insert the new interview with Juliet Landau and James ]

They look great together. It is very apparent that James admires and loves her I was also amazed how much Juliet's real voice was different than Dru. She talked about how much they clicked as two actors in those scenes. Apparently Spike and Dru's infamous almost-kiss scene was from James's audition but the Joss liked it so much they decided to include it to School Hard. Didn't know that ! They - mainly James - did that bit again rigth in that moment. Watching James transforming himself from a relaxed actor to that vicious look of Spike to his deligthful laugh in matter of seconds is amazing.

[James continues] It is in the contrast between the fact that they don't have souls and they appear to be pure evil and they also feel this incredible love that's even deeper than something we may understand. We were afraid that we were getting freaky. ( They laugh ) " feeding off puppies..etc.." ..the crew were like "eeewwwwww" and we were like " What? What ? It's just us " They clearly establised that love in the first part of the season then they broke it. That lead to betrayal, vengance and I ended up being lovelorn.

[ Marti Noxon] ...When they were not there you felt the absense. You missed the energy so we wanted to bring them back, unfortuanetly Juliet was unavaliable. We wanted to bring them for a couple of episodes and see, you know the rest. He's all over the show now. We love the character, it's a joy to write him.

[Jane Espenson]

In FFL, we've got the see William ( the scene: William talks to Cecily and in the backround Spike&Buffy theme plays) .Once you know, it all kinda falls into the place. He was looking for a world where he feels strong and confident. Yet when he falls in love he has a poet's heart and he gives his heart completely.(You can actually see Jane's face lightens up when she talks about him

James says he was scared of losing his "cool" when he read the FFl scenario for the first time and season 4 being a rollercoaser experience for him but he enjoyed the season at the end.

Joss took me aside one day and said " You were developing something for Buffy. It's gonna end up hot so get ready " (sorry not an excat quote...I couldn't figure out one or two words) Being in love with Buffy gives more possibilities to the character development. More roads to go down to. We clearly see in season 5 that Spike hangs out there for Buffy. To protect her and to protect who's important to her. He's a psychopath who loves to kill people but also he's a very sensitive guy ( rifle scene from FFL)

Spike is the best role that I work on it. First he was incredibly cool because he was disposable villian but the writers are giving him so many sides, bending him in so many ways to make him 3 dimensional. They put lots of energy to the character for that.

That's all I can gather. Some of the monologues isn't excat words. Sorry. As you can see nothing really new there, becuase of the episodes the interview is mainly about his early days and Spike-Dru.

General DVD:

Menus are nice. I would love not to see Harm in FFL menu but...

Buffy and Angel DVD trailers are very funny. Cartoon Angel looks cool, he even vamps out.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:18. Заголовок: Geroneja(03/02/04 16..

Geroneja(03/02/04 16:47:50)

А у меня нет ДВД, что не мешает мне хотеть именно эту штуку ))

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:19. Заголовок: Loy Yver(03/02/04 16..

Loy Yver(03/02/04 16:47:50)

И я тоже хочу... :)

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:20. Заголовок: Dotana Van Lee(03/06..

Dotana Van Lee(03/06/04 06:48:11)

и сколько же хотят за это чудо?

I Would Die For You...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:21. Заголовок: AlhenaG(03/07/04 10:..

AlhenaG(03/07/04 10:10:52)

Все эту штуку хотят. Но вообще-то по-другому как выколачивание денег из народа, я это назвать не могу. Ведь те же самые эпизоды, что все видели, самое ценное это всякая вне эпизодная ерунда. Они ее добавили и руки потирают а мы тут мучаемся. Пользуюсь мерзавцы нашей истории болезни. Стоит это не дешево, пошла специально в магазин посмотреть. Самый дешевый, что был 10 фунтов, но это было вчера, а сегодня осталось только по 13, в другом магазине. Жаба душит страшно. Тешу себя надеждой, что какие-нибудь добрые люди все это дело скоро рипнут. Но хочется все посмотреть страшно.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:21. Заголовок: crisl(03/09/04 14:17..

crisl(03/09/04 14:17:06)

А у нас другая проблема - лишние 10 фунтов есть (то бишь в рублях), но сколько по нашим магазинам не ищи ни по 10 ни по 13 не найдешь

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:22. Заголовок: VasquezE(03/09/04 14..

VasquezE(03/09/04 14:56:27)

У мой дочки приятель в Лондоне учится, может быть он привезет... но не раньше июня.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:23. Заголовок: AlhenaG(03/09/04 15:..

AlhenaG(03/09/04 15:21:12)

Да деньги тоже есть, просто учитывая, что на Амазоне весь боскет с сезоном стоит 35-40 долларов, а тут одна девидюшка за 20-25 получается, по неволе задумываешься «а зачем?». Хотя может, и куплю надо подумать.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:23. Заголовок: AlhenaG(03/14/04 13:..

AlhenaG(03/14/04 13:04:40)

Тяжелые и продолжительные раздумья таки не удержали меня от покупки. Слаба человеческая натура. Ничего особенного кроме интервью на этом диске нет, я все-таки ожидала немного больше доп. материлаов. Даже брошюрку никакую не положили.
Единственное что радует, это вот это самое интервью, которое могли бы сделать и подлиннее. Серии тоже радуют, но серии у меня уже есть, да и видела я их сто раз. Хочется только нового и дополнительного.
Pelinxf права, у Джульет, ну совершенно другой голос и манера речи. Она говорит скорее как Фред. Улыбались они вместе очаровательно.
И еще, какой же он все-таки душка.
Этому диску бы всяких доп. прибамбасов часа на три, вот тогда это была бы вещь.
Всяких «за кадром» например. А то он сказал, что делал много ерунды во время съемок, заинтриговал, понимаешь. А я (и подозреваю что не только я) это теперь посмотреть хочу. А все, потому что … он такой душка. Но кажется, я это уже писала.

ЗЫ Во французском варианте у Спайка такой ужасный голос. А у Баффи наоборот.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:24. Заголовок: Loy Yver(03/14/04 19..

Loy Yver(03/14/04 19:43:55)

Тяжелые и продолжительные раздумья таки не удержали меня от покупки. Слаба человеческая натура.

Слаба. Слаба. Но ты еще и думала. Я бы тут же купила, если бы была возможность. Поздравляю с покупкой.

P.S. Ну, прям, завидки берут.

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.05.08 03:25. Заголовок: AlhenaG(03/15/04 12:..

AlhenaG(03/15/04 12:50:51)

Loy Yver. спасибо за поздравление.
А завидовать собственно особенно нечему, как я и писала ничего особого в этом диске нет, а если и есть то очень мало.

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