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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.05.08 04:51. Заголовок: ANGEL: Save as.... Geroneja. (02/21/04 12:05:20)

Geroneja(02/21/04 12:05:20)
ANGEL: Save as....

В этот топик я копирую всю информацию об отмене "Ангела" на шестой сезон и возможностей на продолжение, спойлеров постараюсь избегать, как могу
Спасибо Васкес за идею )


Posts: 12
(2/14/04 5:17)
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Этот сезон все-таки последний. Новости с Zap2it.

LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - Earlier today, an announcement was made to the cast and crew at The WB's "Angel" that this season, the show's fifth, would be its last.
"It's official enough to know it's real," David Greenwalt, who co-created the series with Joss Whedon, tells Zap2it. "but I haven't talked to anybody at the network or the studio. I can tell you that it's real, that it makes Mr. Whedon and myself very sad, that we wish it had kept going and we thought it was only getting better.

"Joss and [executive producer] Jeff Bell told the cast and crew today. We have no understanding of the inner workings of the corporate world, but we've had a long and fruitful relationship with [producing studio] 20th Century Fox and The WB, for which we grateful. We just wish it could have gone on forever. Apparently, it's not going to.

"Joss literally called me this morning, so it's very new."
This news comes on the heels of airing the 100th episode of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spin-off, the taping of which was marked by a party on the show's sets last November.

At that time, the WB's entertainment chief, Jordan Levin, said, "The work that you all do, I cannot thank you enough. This is something that will last. You can see it in the DVD sales. You see it in the fans. They give an incredible amount of attention to almost everything.

"You've created a cult here, and it's pretty wonderful to be a part of it. So thank you and congratulations."

Next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 18, "Angel" airs one of its most innovative episodes, called "Smile Time." Written and directed by Ben Edlund ("The Tick"), and based on an idea by Whedon, it sees the show's title character, a crusading vampire with a soul, forced to fight evil after being transformed into a walking puppet (with voice by series star David Boreanaz).

"It's so brilliant," Greenwalt says. "I just love it. It's one of the finest pieces of filmmaking I've ever seen. It just cracked me up. It's so ridiculous and silly, and yet there's all this heartfelt stuff in it. It's just quintessential Whedon.

"But wait until you see the episode that follows it in terms of abject heartbreak. It's just searing."

Greenwalt stepped away from "Angel" a few years ago but has remained a consulting producer. Since then, he's worked on two short-lived but critically acclaimed series, ABC's "Miracles" and UPN's "Jake 2.0." But he's contemplating a possible return to his old stomping ground.

"I might just go direct episode 20 [of 'Angel']," he says, "so I can say my farewell to everybody. That's something that might happen."

As of press time, The WB had made no official announcement.

Posts: 10
(2/14/04 8:23)
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Re: *
A statement from The WB:

For the last seven years Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer have been cornerstones of our network. The sum total of the work done on those shows has produced some of the proudest moments in our history. Like some of the great series that are leaving the air this year, including Frasier and Friends, the cast, crew, writers and producers of Angel deserve to be able to wrap up the series in a way befitting a classic television series and that is why we went to Joss to let him know that this would be the last year of the series on The WB. We have discussed continuing the Angel legacy with special movie events next year, which is still on the table. In a perfect world, all of these details would be completed before this information went to the press so that we could be definitive about the show’s ongoing future. But in any case, we did not want to contemplate this being the last year of Angel without giving the show the option of crafting their own destiny for this character and for this series. David Boreanaz continues to be one of the finest, classiest and friendliest actors we have had the pleasure to work with and we hope that the relationship furthers from here. The same can be said for all the actors and producers on the show.

Elena S
Posts: 125
(2/14/04 12:09)
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Кампании уже начались
Я знаю об одной - на своих любимых спарклях, но думаю, что каждое уважающее себя заведение начнёт такую кампанию.

Posts: 690
(2/14/04 21:57)
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Re: Кампании уже начались
Ну вот, праздник называется.. А, может, спин-офф? Мдя-м.. Эх, теперь точно придется уговаривать СМГ, если дальше таки ничего не будет....

Список компаний на сейчас

Smth Blue
Posts: 135
(2/14/04 22:23)
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Блин, если б знала, что так испортится настроение в праздник, в жизни б не полезла в инет на пять минут...

Две линки на петиции:

Posts: 422
(2/15/04 0:59)
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Re: Кампании уже начались
Еще один линк на петицию

Два любопытных момента. Во-первых, объявили о-о-очень заранее. В прошлом году официальное объявление сделали 12 мая. Второе - объявили вечером в пятницу, "под выходные". Типа "к понедельнику набежит много других новостей - авось забудут".

Теоретически-то понятно. Даже если рейтинги в этом сезоне выше, стоимость сериала в следующем сезоне будет больше. Потому что сроки контрактов истекают после пяти лет, актерские агенты начинают торговаться и т.д. И это ясно уже сейчас.

А практически... хочу услышать официальный комментарий Ведона. Интересно, что он скажет. Потому что все эти недавние фанфары ("Ангел - самый сексуальный герой на ТВ!" - на обложке TV Guide, который принадлежит той же корпорации, что и The WB) - в свете последних новостей выглядят несколько странно.

Первый отзыв Ведона - пока неофициальный, на Bronze Beta
joss says:
(Sat Feb 14 22:31:16 2004)

Some of you may have heard the hilarious news. I thought this would be a good time to weigh in. to answer some obvious questions: No, we had no idea this was coming. Yes, we will finish out the season. No, I don't think the WB is doing the right thing. Yes, I'm grateful they did it early enough for my people to find other jobs.

Yes, my heart is breaking.

When Buffy ended, I was tapped out and ready to send it off. When Firefly got the axe, I went into a state of denial so huge it may very well cause a movie. But Angel... we really were starting to feel like we were on top, hitting our stride -- and then we strode right into the Pit of Snakes 'n' Lava. I'm so into these characters, these actors, the situations we're building... you wanna know how I feel? Watch the first act of "The Body."

As far as TV movies or whatever, I'm not thinking that far ahead. I actually hope my actors and writers are all too busy. We always planned this season finale to be a great capper to the season and the show in general. (And a great platform for a new season, of course.) We'll proceed ahead as planned.

I've never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn't about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I've been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don't FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am.

Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It's meant a lot. I regret nothing (except the string of grisley murders in the 80's -- what was THAT all about?) Remember the words of the poet:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally
shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn."

See you soon.
See you soon.

И довольно взвешенные комментарии со Spoiler Slayer

Tensai at Spoiler Slayer posted his thoughts and speculation on the news.Thought I would bring it over.


ATS: Musings On The End

As expected, I am getting a inundated with emails about the announcement that Season Five will apparently be the final season of 'Angel'. It would probably be best to try to answer most of these here, rather than respond to each and every email. Did you hear the news/see this article, etc? Is it true?
Unfortunately, yes it's all true. The WB has released an Official Press Release explaining their reasons for announcing their decision at this time. It also is an early announcement, as they do mention that they are still negotiating for 'Angel' specials. As articles/news is released, I will try to get the various articles posted in the News section, so please send links if you feel that I'm missing any.

Why did this happen, it doesn't make sense?
Actually, looking back at the stories from earlier this season, it does make some sense. Since before 'Buffy' even ended, I had been hearing rumors that the budget was a big sticking point in negotiations. Add to this the reports that the show was doing a lot of 'in-house' shooting early in the season due to a tight budget, and the very intriguing comments after the season started about finally getting the go ahead for a full season. It's my hunch, that the WB was originally aiming for the show to reach Episode 100, then based on the decent ratings okayed a full season.

However, with several new (and pricey) series on The WB's horizon for next season, it's my guess that the cost of paying for another season, just doesn't make sense for the ratings they were getting. It's doing well in it's time slot, but at five years in (and with the addition of James to the cast), it's unlikely that they would improve any further.

What about another network, like UPN or Sci Fi?
The same reason the WB decided against Season Six, is likely going to keep another network from picking it up. SciFi is definitely out of the question in my opinion, as they're going to be shelling out the big bucks for both 'Battlestar Galactica' and a new 'Stargate' series. 'Battlestar' gave the network it's highest ratings ever, but they still took a few months to decide if it would be worth making it into a regular series. UPN is dealing with the fiasco that is 'Enterprise' and I think it would be iffy at best that they would want to invest in 'Angel', again because at this point the ratings likely aren't going to jump dramatically at this point.

How can we save the show? Can you post links to my petition/postcard campaign?
I'm going to be honest, I don't feel that anything the fans can do will save the show. Unless we managed to scrape up 10 million viewers, it's probably not going to happen. The WB knows that they have a core/niche audience of a few million, and yet they still determined that the show cannot continue. A couple hundred thousand signatures or postcards will probably not have any effect.

However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't let your feelings be known. Send postcards and sign petitions, tell The WB how you feel. Even more importantly, let Fox know how you feel. As for the site, I've always taken the stance that in order to remain neutral, I don't want to single out any particular campaign or petition. So while I will not actively post any links or write-in info, there is a huge amount of information in the Daily Rounds linkage. Please visit these sites for information on how you can participate.

We should boycott The WB or it's Sponsors.
I've gotten more than a few emails suggesting this tactic, and I have to be honest and say 'Absolutely not'. I am extremely grateful for the five full seasons of both 'Buffy' and 'Angel' that the WB gave to us, not to mention the other shows that I happen to watch and enjoy on their network. I hold no ill-will towards either the WB or the Sponsors who support the show. Broadcast television is a mess right now, with cookie cutter series being produced everywhere. If you aren't a 30 minute sitcom, a reality show, or a police/medical/law drama, you don't have a fighting chance. I give a lot of credit to networks like The WB which take chances on series like 'Buffy' or 'Angel', as well as shows like 'Smallville' or 'Gilmore Girls'. All I can say is Thank You for the wonderful five years you've given me, it's much appreciated. I also know that there are fans out there who would like to thank The WB as well, so please use the Daily Rounds linkage, as many of the petition/write-in campaign sites also have the addresses to where you can send your thanks.

How will this affect the final few episodes?
This is perhaps the best question I've gotten, and I have to be honest, I really can't say for sure. At this time, my guess is that everything that hasn't been filmed, is subject to change. While I know that Joss always intended to wrap this season as if it was the series finale, we may see some additional faces from the past. With both Tim Minear and David Greenwalt expressing interest in Episode 20, it leads me to believe that 21 and 22 may have already been planned/written by Joss himself. I also think that this could bring an appearance by Sarah Michelle Gellar back into play, despite the reports to the contrary. I also would not rule out seeing Alyson or some of the others finding a way to make it into the series finale.

So with 'Angel' ending, is this it for the Spoiler Slayer?
This is a tough one, because obviously the site itself isn't solely devoted to 'Angel'. But I'd also be lying if I were to say that after 'Buffy' ended, I've haven't been doing some of my own cost/benefit ratio analysis. The site is not an inexpensive one to run by a longshot, which doesn't even take into account the personal time I devote to the site. Although I've promised that even if all the Joss shows were to go off the air, the site would still stay around and spoiling for other series, this decision by The WB does have me thinking about the future. If 'Tru Calling' were not to make it to season two (and to be honest, 'Angel' has a better chance of being renewed.), 'Wonderfalls' doesn't get picked up (which would make me angrier than 'Angel' ending), and 'Dead Like Me' doesn't get signed for Season Three, it would be a very tough call.

However, 'Dead Like Me' seems to be going strong, and 'Wonderfalls' should have a decent chance. Also, as mentioned before, I will more than likely will be following spoilers for the new 'Doctor Who' series. Obviously, if any Buffyverse spin-off or mini-series were to be announced, I'd be right there in the thick of things. I also want to express my thanks for everyone who has written in during the past day, expressing their appreciation for the Spoiler Slayer site. I don't think there's any reason to think that the Spoiler Slayer will be going away anytime in the near future. Especially if you consider the last question I've gotten...

Do you think there will be a spin-off next season?
As sad as it is to see the end of 'Angel' approaching, I can't imagine that Joss and Mutant Enemy will not be doing anything in the near future. It's rare that a production company can create memorable series that manage to achieve not only a devoted fan following when it's on the air, but turn around and generate very strong DVD sales as well. One only need to look at the success of 'Firefly' on DVD, to show that even a project that ended earlier than it should have, can still be profitable to the studio and production company. Not to mention the critical acclaim Joss and the company has received.

Is this the end of the Buffyverse, I highly doubt it. Especially since The WB is already expressing interest in 'Angel' movies or events next year. The strong fan response to the announcement is only going to prove that the Buffyverse is still very viable in terms of being able to pull in a strong, core audience. Maybe it's simply time for something new and different. While we might not see anything for next season in terms of a new series, I think it's almost certain that we won't be Whedon-less for very long.

On a final note, this is all still in the early stages of the announcement. I'm certain that over the next few weeks, we're going to see a lot of interviews and comments about this news. As I've mentioned earlier, I will try to keep up with the numerous stories as they come in. In addition, although the site doesn't have the capability of allowing you to directly comment to other fans of the site about the news, I am opening up a post on my personal page for those who would like to express their feelings about the show ending. Please feel free to comment about the news there.

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(03/12/04 11:07:55)

Васкес, спасибо
Что-то как-то грустно мне, но будем надеяться

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 31.05.08 03:41. Заголовок: VasquezE(03/12/04 16..

VasquezE(03/12/04 16:05:54)

Ну, скажу я вам... Народ выходит на улицы

Save Angel Week Kicks Off with LA Rally

Campaign efforts span the globe as fans plan rallies and blood drives in the upcoming weeks.

10 MARCH, LOS ANGELES-- ANGEL fans from around the world are showering WB Co-CEO Jordan Levin with signs of devotion to their favorite vampire with a soul. From flower arrangements to advertising to rallies and blood drives, the campaigns to save the cancelled WB series ANGEL have hit full steam.

Burbank area florists received a mini economic boom as over 100 flower bouquets began delivery Wednesday to the offices of The WB, all aimed at Jordan Levin. Cards expressed sympathy for the potential loss of viewers, as well as words of support if the network reverses its decision. The initial suggestion came from The WB's own online message board, and spread to all the campaign sites.

On Friday, the Save ANGEL Rally kicks off "Save ANGEL Week" which runs through March 19th. The LA Rally will draw hundreds to a peaceful demonstration in front of the Warner Brothers studios in Burbank, California. Rally organizer Pepper Aahz said, "We're going to show the WB executives that there are enough fans to make a difference, that we are willing to fight for ANGEL."

Next Wednesday, March 17, will be national "Give Blood for ANGEL" day. Fans from around the country will be stopping by their local Red Cross blood bank to donate in the name of the series. Individual donor cards reading "I gave my blood for ANGEL" will be sent to the network in demonstration of how much fans want to see the show continued.

One campaign, at SavingAngel.org, has ads running in industry magazines, beginning with a March 9th full-page in The Hollywood Reporter. On March 15th, a similar ad will appear in Variety.

Earlier in the week, viewers were buoyed by insider information that their efforts had already returned the production companies and The WB to the negotiating table. A source with connections to Mutant Enemy posted a tip that talks were currently underway to bring ANGEL back from the dead. An earlier message sent from News Corporation's UK satellite company BSkyB seemed to confirm that the parties were feeling the pressure from both ANGEL viewers and broadcasters.


The Save ANGEL Rally was originated and organized by Pepper Aahz, a 25-year-old mother of two in San Jose, California. Aahz feels a strong connection to the show, for a particularly personal reason: her autistic son learned to speak because of it. "Therapists and surgeries didn't have the same impact on my child as a good guy saving the world with a cool sword. After two years of watching, he now has a semi-full vocabulary."

Said Aahz, "I owe it all to the cast and crew of Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] and Angel."

Through the series, Aahz has found friendship and escape from daily worries: "Because of this show, I have met the most amazing people. Every Wednesday, the same group of us meet to watch ANGEL, and regardless of personal stress, we can always put it aside for one hour, together."

Pepper Ahz,
Save Angel Rally-LA

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 31.05.08 03:42. Заголовок: Geroneja(03/12/04 16..

Geroneja(03/12/04 16:39:24)

А люди пишут открытые и доовльно странные письма Джоссу, которые вызвали уже бурю недовольства:

Columnist Hank Green couldn't imagine there was more than one Joss in the public eye. Disappointed at not finding an open letter to Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he drafted one.

Dear Joss Whedon,

You are very good.

Not only did you bind my soul with a story of nerdy yet surprisingly attractive high school students overcoming insurmountable odds to become a band of vampire-slaying and world-saving misfits, you wrote it to an audience of us. Us being nerdy high school students with a strong internal desire for a tangible reason to live.

You ended Buffy with flair and simplicity. The lives were going in all the right places, the final scene was touching, brief and thought-provoking, and the lives that were ended were beautiful and perfect. We were done with high school, for a couple years by then, had enjoyed going to college with Willow and Xander, but it was time for the epic battle to be won.

The reason I am writing, however, is that you created Angel. A spinoff, and by all rights, one aimed at angsty twenty-somethings who had a strong internal desire for a tangible reason to live. In our twenties, Joss, is when we should be finding our own reason to live.

But what happened is that you provided us another band of our peers (and a 200-something-year-old vampire) who lived for undeniable truths. Helping the helpless, saving individual lives, destroying evil no matter what form it took. That's what Angel Investigations did, and that is where tens of thousands of fans found meaning in their lives. Now, 5 years later, we're out of college and in the workforce, just like Cordelia and Fred, or we're doing our best with only a high school education like Gun, and the Fight of Angel Investigations has become our fight. Our lives are largely without meaning but, in that City of Angels you created, there is something to fight for.

Did you know this? And what did you think when the WB came to you and said this would be your last season. Did you think "Finally all those twenty-somethings will be able to find their own meaning in life?" That's what I thought, pleased that I would be free from my last binding TV interest. Or did you think, "I bet tens of thousands of twenty-somethings across America will band together and fight for this show. They will fight because they finally have something to fight for. They will fight because without Angel their lives lose the vicarious and fleeting meaning the show gives to them. They will fight to the tune of raising over $17,000 that should, by all rights, be going to John Kerry's campaign"?

Well they are fighting, and SavingAngel.org did raise over $17,000 dollars for print and billboard advertisements shouting "We will follow Angel to Hell...or another network!"

I don't know why the WB would renew Angel for my sake. I certainly still watch the show, and though you've just killed off the only female character (aside from the obedient pit bull in a valley girl's body; Harmony), and all of the male characters are annoyingly broody and relatively unattractive, I am still enjoying the plot twists, and moral messages, not to mention the "good fight" against "evil doers." But I haven't watched the WB in over a year. I don't have a television, so I download Angel every week from supernova.org, and, to save bandwidth and time, they cut the commercials out. The WB doesn't make any money off me, so why should I be disappointed they're pulling the show?

What I'm disappointed about is you forcing a fantasy world onto lonely intelligent high school and college graduates who had full lives ahead of them. Buffy was gone and maybe, just maybe, we could have found lives of our own. But you took our good years, the years where we lose our self consciousness and do our best to break free of the useless American Dream. Many of us are stuck now, and with slogans like "Angel has been saving the world for years, now he needs your help" the lost are reaching out for the crutch you've provided for them and that has now been yanked away.

They don't need it, and the only way I will be pleased with you as an individual (I will always respect the plotlines and fantastic writing of both series) is if, at the shows end, you give the lonely confused Angel fans of the world something real to care about. You need to show them one or a thousand things in the real world that are worth fighting for, and then I will respect you and we can be friends again.



"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(03/14/04 07:12:16)

Странное письмо. Я бы обвинила Джосса в другом - что он привил нам вкус к хорошему ТВ, которого остается все меньше и пеньше, и что теперь вообще ничего смотреть не захочется.

По делу: На Спарклях мне попался на глаза очень любопытный обмен мнениями относительно финансовой стороны дела. Я посталась "законспектировать" его и сделать более читабельным.

Just read the thread at ASSB about the rally

The exec claimed that if we really want Angel to return, we should pressure Fox to lower its licencing fee, saying that they raised it the same way they did Buffy after the 5th year, which is why they can't afford it."

Why didn't they say this when they canceled the show?

Hmm I wonder if there was any substance to what the WB'ers said about liscensing fees being an issue - I mean yeah it sounds like more hedging/excuses/bs BUT if it is a valid issue, should we do something about this? Target the FOX guys?

Obviously because the offical statements are meant for the general public, they aren't going to say to the public that in deep negotiations with Fox we offered X and they wanted Y and we couldn't do it so talks feel apart. And, The WB still wants to preserve its relationship with Fox pertaining to shows like Lost in Space or other future works, so you won't see The WB badmouthing Fox or blaming them for the death of AtS in any interviews or offical releases from the network. However, off the cuff stuff is sometimes acceptable.

In fact Fox's semi offical policy has been to steadly raise the license fees for its shows, and this also completely goes along with what I heard about Fox scoffing at the WB when it came to license fee negotiations.

Now, I don't think in any way the WB are nice guys, but this is big business and for the most part big business is amoral and all about the bottom line.

Angel already took serious budget cuts this season. I may not trust Fox, but when Bell says that they can't make a quality show if they have to cut the budget again, I tend to believe him over WB rumors.

This isn't even about the budget of AtS as much as it is about how much money Fox wants out of the deal. Just look at Buffy during season 6, there was no way in hell they were spending 2.35 million on each ep, basically Fox was making out like a bandit and taking a large percentage of the license fee for themselves. Fox could have set the license fee for Buffy under 2 million and still made a profit, however Fox wanted the extra money for themselves.

Even if the WB decided to shell out extra money for AtS to Fox, it doesn't mean Fox will necessarily end up using the extra money to have better production values for AtS. More then likely Fox would just pocket most of the money and sprinkle bits of it to AtS.

Thing is for the first few years Angel was produced at a loss, syndication was a paltry 250l/ep. Its the way Fox and I do believe the studios generally work, they undercut existing shows then up the price when the networks hooked. Unfortunatly it means long running shows have to be hiked a lot to subsidise the huge losses made on shows that fail.

Thats besides the point though, guven that the WB had a 2 year option, and Fox were in no position to ask for more money (other than any pre-existing escalators)

И собственно новости.
С 16 по 26 марта кампания по спасению будет проходить на грузовиках, развозящих по городу рекламные щиты. Если хотите посмотреть, как это выглядит - сходите


А это - маршрут следования

1. 8:30 – 9:00
Warner Brothers Studios
West Olive Ave., Burbank

2. 9:00 – 9:30
WB Corp. & WB TV Network Offices
4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank

3. 9:40 – 10:10
KTLA Studios
5800 Sunset Blvd., LA

4. 10:15 – 10:45
Paramount Studios
Melrose Ave., Hollywood

5. 10:50 – 11:50
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Geroneja(03/14/04 12:42:34)

Васкес, спасибо за новости ))

Странное письмо. Я бы обвинила Джосса в другом - что он привил нам вкус к хорошему ТВ, которого остается все меньше и пеньше, и что теперь вообще ничего смотреть не захочется.

Полностью поддерживаю

Первое интервью ДБ после отмены "Ангела", линия партии, я так понимаю...

Just weeks after the drama series Angel celebrated its 100th episode, fans were stunned to hear it had been quietly cancelled by the Warner Bros network. But for its star, David Boreanaz, it was not all bad news after five seasons of playing TV’s vampire with a soul.

Were you shocked or surprised when you heard the show was cancelled?
I really wasn’t shocked or surprised. This is the way the business is. Like I said when I started the show, I worked on scene to scene, show to show. My commitment to it was 22 episodes each season, and when that’s done I’d consider it over. So it was actually a big relief for me and, personally, it gave me a big sense of freedom. I felt like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

Why is that?
When you do 100 episodes and you’re carrying a show, it’s a lot of pressure. People rely on you for their jobs – the camera people, the craft services people, the lighting people. Yet you really owe it to yourself to examine what’s right and what’s wrong for you as an artist. I don’t owe anybody anything – I owe myself and my family. So for me, I feel like, ‘Oh, I don’t have to hold that cross anymore.’ As heavy as it may be or as light as it may be, it’s not a negative. It’s a good thing!

How did you feel about the petition to save the show?
I felt bad for the fans. When the producers took the show and re-tooled it in a way that took it in a different direction, it should have been the responsibility of the network to put a keen interest into it during that time. So I don’t think they handled it in the classiest way. And the fans are the people the network really screwed over.

Will you keep any of the props or memorabilia from the show?
I’ll keep a few things, but nothing major. There aren’t any of (Angel’s) suits I’d wear.

You came back for the end of Buffy. Could Sarah Michelle Gellar come back for the Angel finale?
If it happened it would be great, but I’m not generally in favour of “reunions” because there is no reason to go back. It took a lot to get me to do Buffy. At one point I really didn’t want to do it, but as a favour to Sarah I did it.

Is your wife (actress Jaime Bergman) pleased you’ll be home more with her and your son?
She’s not home that much either now her career is starting to bite. But I do hope to be home more with my wife and son because I’m not on set for nine months of the year. That is one thing about the show I won’t miss.

Angel, Thursdays, 11.30pm, Seven/Prime


"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Loy Yver(03/14/04 20:03:05)

Хм... Мдямс... Ну и "линия партии"... Может быть, я что-то не так поняла, но, похоже, "бобик сдох". Или, как говаривала в подобных ситуациях моя прабабушка (мир ее праху!): "Кина не будет, кинщик спился". Дамы, стукните меня, да посильнее, если я не права. Я буду рада.

Suum Cuique (c)

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(03/15/04 11:07:21)

Я те дам сдох )
Если честно, то мне наоборот показалось, что он специально на эти вопросы обтекаемо отвечает, будто заранее была дана установка говорить то-то и то-то.. Эх, посмотрим, не будем пока бобика хоронить...

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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squirrelD(03/16/04 01:35:26)

Зубы проч от бобика!!!!!!

Хотя меня тоже это его "я не я и хата не моя" задело, но с другой стороны, а как еще он может реагировать? Стенать, вот мол, сволочи работы лишили?

James Marsters.ru
Eliza Dushku in Russia Forum

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VasquezE(03/16/04 06:53:34)

Вот и Ванда\Кристин вроде пока надеется...


Watch With Kristin - Chat Transcript
Monday, March 15, 2004

nobledisaster asks: I heard rumblings that Angel might have some breath of a chance left in it. Please tell us heartbroken fans that there's a glimmer of hope!

Kristin replies: BIG OLD AD in Variety today, rally on Friday, win from this year's SOS campaign (85 percent of the votes!!), flowers and candy bars to the higher-ups ... the momentum just keeps building!! Honestly, every day I'm more and more hopeful ... Though, sadly, haven't heard any concrete good news as of yet.
seba_88 asks: Do you think the SOS's gonna change their desition? More than 30,000 persons (including me) voted for Angel; I mean, that gotta do something

Kristin replies: Wrong. THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND OF YOU. That's GOT to send a message, no?
laurelene asks: Is it true that Michelle Trachtenberg is coming back to Angel?

Kristin replies: Read this week’s big ol Angel column, if you haven’t yet. According to the show’s rep, Michelle, Sarah Michelle and Alyson (Hannigan) all have been asked to come back to the show, but so far, no commitments. Michelle is doing a movie for Disney, Alyson is doing a play, and Sarah Michelle is supposedly ready and willing, but we’ll see what actually goes down. My HUNCH based on everything I’ve heard (including Sarah’s interview with Sci Fi wire) is that Alyson and Sarah will appear, and that Michelle will not. In the meantime, producers have worked up a storyline that might or might not include the actually players: Angel and Spike will come across Buffy’s new beau (I hate him already, don’t you?) and will have a “run-in” with both Summers girls (Buffy and Dawn) though it remains to be seen whether they will be SEEN. The only KNOWN guest star in that episode (numero 20) is Andrew.
chloe1292 asks: Now we just need angel on fox...

Kristin replies: FO SHIZZLE! Or, make that, FOX SHIZZLE!
milesfrom730 asks: This five week hiatus thing sucks! Will we be given Angel-ic-y goodness when the show returns? Do tell.

Kristin replies: The ETERNAL hiatus sucks even more, no? Illyria is going to meet up with Fred’s parents, as Fred. And Wesley will be PISSED.
Kristin: Thanks for being here and keeping me out of the pool hall (or SADLY away from daytime tv, as the case may be .. ay yai yai). Don't forget to watch Arrested Development on Wednesday and Sunday, Wonderfalls on Thursday, and DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN to save Angel! Peace out, mo fos.

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Geroneja(03/16/04 11:42:37)

Вот, даже Ванда/Кристин надеется, а мы чем хуже?

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(03/17/04 09:06:09)

Что любопытно - ДМ помалкивает. Ни слова, ни полслова.

А тем временем рекламные грузовички-то поехали...


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Geroneja(03/17/04 12:07:15)

Ага, ДМ молчит, видать, что-то знает ))
А грузовички хорошие, внимание точно привлекают

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(03/22/04 10:12:46)


Грузовички доехали до агентств новостей. Могли бы и раньше, но на выходные, похоже, репортеры расслабились. Зато в начале рабочей недели проявили энтузиазм. The Hollywood Reporter написал, Reuters и CNN подхватили...
"Save 'Angel' Campaign Takes Flight"


Save 'Angel' Campaign Takes Flight
2 hours, 15 minutes ago Add Entertainment - Reuters TV to My Yahoo!
By Chris Gardner
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Angel" acolytes are nothing if not devoted, determined and organized.
Fans of Joss Whedon's soon-to-be-canceled WB Network drama series sprung into action last month once it became official that the spawn of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" would get the big spike in May. The Save Angel postcards and full-page ads have been flowing into The Hollywood Reporter and other publications for weeks, but "Angel" fans distinguished themselves from past fan-fueled salvage initiatives last week by hiring (at $700 a day) a billboard truck to drive around Los Angeles and park at strategic locations (including THR's Wilshire Boulevard offices, Warner Bros. and the WB, Paramount, UPN, HBO and 20th Century Fox) for maximum impact and, of course, free media exposure. ("We will follow 'Angel' to hell . . . or another network," the billboard promises.)
Theresa Fortier, one of the instigators of the http://www.savingangel.org/ Web site, said the group has raised some $22,000 from several hundred donors in just a few weeks. The truck will cruise around for at least another week, and more print ads are likely to be placed.
"We've made it clear to (donors) that what we're doing wouldn't necessarily save the show, but if no one was gonna go broke, we'd appreciate whatever they could give," Fortier said. "We just want it known that we're concerned that the end seems near for quality TV drama. We don't want to lose the one last tie we have to the Joss Whedon universe."

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

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Geroneja(03/22/04 12:21:45)

Хорошо, что хоть после выходных опомнились, особенно такие товарищи, как Рейтерс и CNN )

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(03/26/04 04:17:05)


Интересные дела творятся в Сети... Руководитель Mutant Enemy Крис Буханан лично заглянул на Bronze Beta и оставил послание следующего содержания:

Message From Chris Buchanan, ME

From the Bronze Beta

Buchanan says:
(Fri Mar 26 00:49:13 2004) [Edit/Delete]

Hi, Chris Buchanan here from Mutant Enemy. Long time lurker, first time poster.

Thought it was about time (OK, it's way past time), to give all of the ANGEL fans an enormous shout out/thank you directly from Joss and all of us at Mutant Enemy.

Your kind words, support and efforts (flowers, beanie babies, postcards, mobile billboards, adverts, etc., etc.) in the weeks since the cancellation of ANGEL was announced, have been darn near overwhelming. We really, really appreciate the love.

It goes without saying here at the Bronze Beta, but I also wanted to let you all know that the Buffy/Angel-verse will never die.

While we consider the possibility of Season 6 of ANGEL as remote as the discovery of WMDs in Iraq, Mutant Enemy already has plans for more tales from the world of ANGEL. I can't comment on exactly what form they'll take, but rest assured, it's in the works.

Thanks again to all of the fans, the "Save Angel" organizations, and your efforts taken in our behalf.

You kids are the best!


Естественно, народ ухватился за plans for more tales from the world of ANGEL. Особенно мило это звучит в сочетании с интересными формулировками из последнего интервью Белла:

I was thinking of doing a Spike and Andrew [Tom Lenk] road trip episode.

И в другом месте

I know there is a faction of fans who want the reformed, 'Mr Romantic Season Seven of Buffy Spike... It's not that he's changed or we've forgotten that, it's just that he hasn't been put in the circumstances yet where you have seen just that side.

Меня это YET царапнуло еще вчера, когда я его в первый раз увидела. А уж сейчас-то народ резвится вовсю. Естественно, Версия №1 - The Spike Show. Соло или в ансамбле - неважно. Есть и другие забавные предложения.

I'd even watch the Wonderful World of Eve and Harmony if it meant another Whedon show. And Harmony can smack Eve around in every episode.

But I'm still clinging to my "Los Angelus Idol" pitch for a sixth season - in which there's a season-long reality talent show mixed in with the regular Angel plot line - Lorne gets to audition all the contestants, Angel and the Fang Gang get to judge them on talent and originality of their demon costumes, and the losers are "escorted" off the show by being killed along with the Monster of the Week.

I'll let you know when Levin returns my phone calls

Узнала кое-что, чего, к своему стыду раньше не знала.


If something Spike-centric comes to pass, it won't be because of the Save Angel campaign. (It *might* be because of the Spike fan campaigns that've been ongoing since BtVS season 2.. season 2's "Soul For Spike!", season 3's "Bring Back Spike!", season 4's "Scoobie Spike!", the long-running Redemptionista campaigns (BAPS, etc..), Spuffy, "Spike on Angel!", Spangel... THOSE postcard/letter/online campaigns might have something to do with it....

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