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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.06.08 04:47. Заголовок: Спойлеры и рассуждения. VasquezE. (10/25/03 03:20:11)

VasquezE(10/25/03 03:20:11)

Спойлеры и рассуждения

1. Почему хронология пятого сезона сдвинута ровно на четыре месяца назад?

а) сценаристам необходимо, чтобы события финала происходили в январе 2004 (то есть через 8 месяцев после Chosen)
и) это просто оплошность вроде "потерянного месяца" в середине 7 сезона "Баффи"

2. Почему к матери Лайлы вернулась память сразу же после того как Уэс убил отца?

а) их души встретились на высшем уровне бытия, и теперь мама Лайлы вернулась с посланием от Роджера Уиндэма-Прайса к Уэсли или ко всей Банде Клыка
б) просто совпадение

3. Почему амулет и материализующее волшебство были посланы по почте?

а) бюджетные ограничения
б) Сценаристы не нашли другого способа подсунуть Хармони Спайку в момент его материализации

4. Зачем сценаристы спаривают Спайка и Хармони?

а) они намерены радикально переписать обоих персонажей и сделать их них "комическую разрядку" шоу
б) они готовы принести Хармони в жертву гнева фанатов для того, чтобы другие кандидатуры в "девушки Спайка" (Фред, Ева) казались бы фанам более приемлемым

5. Почему в чаше страданий оказалась Mountain Dew?

а) Если это идея Джосса Ведона - чаша страданий окажется настоящей, что бы в ней ни находилось. Ведон не раз говорил, что в его понимании "цель путешествия - в самом путешествии". В соответствии с этим кредо единственное, что имеет значение - то, что Спайк все-таки выпил эту чашу. Можно начинать готовиться к тому, что Спайка снова будут мучить...
б) Если это идея Дэвида Фьюри - значит, чаша страданий - всего лишь "оживляж", дешевый предлог для демонстрации драки двух крутых мачо

А ваше мнение?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.07.08 23:23. Заголовок: http://Geroneja(01/1..

Geroneja(01/13/04 12:04:58)

Стренджер, не читай Кристин, это вредно для здоровья, я давно говорю )) А вообще иногда она развлекает хоть )

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.07.08 23:24. Заголовок: http://Geroneja(01/1..

Geroneja(01/13/04 13:04:55)

Кстати, наткнулась вот, статья в Sunday Mirror, прошу сканы:

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.07.08 00:34. Заголовок: VasquezE(01/13/04 13..

VasquezE(01/13/04 13:38:05)

Только что Дрю Годдард "выступил" на bronzebeta. Ну просто пэсня...

Drew Goddard Quote: From http://www.bronzebeta.com/

You know, I was gonna come here and hang out for a while since the rest of the gang is either away writing, acting, directing, or talking to reporters... and then just as I post Joss shows up in the office and wants to talk about the rest of the season.

What's there to talk about? Angel broods, Fred says some run-on sentences, Gunn mixes street lingo with lawyer-speak, Wes kills somebody, Spike says something that causes half the fans to write letters to the office telling us how much they hate Fury, and Lorne mentions some B-level celebrity.

It practically writes itself. I don't see what there is to talk about.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.07.08 00:35. Заголовок: Strenger ...что пра..


...что практически ничего из перечисленного еще до сих пор (не сглазить бы!) не случалось в этом сезоне (в отличие). А то, что есть, просто не идет в сравнение с количеством этого «до того». Ангел у нас «брудил» раза два на восемь серий: большей частью он а) ловит кайф от нынешнего положения; б) беспокоится о своем героизме (не совсем чайльдгарольдовское состояние духа); в) чувствует себя глубоко правым; г) я очень извиняюсь, но закатывает истерики как последняя королева драмы *увертывается*. Лорн вообще не упоминал никаких знаменитостей (а если и было, то уже тот факт, что при всем напряжении памяти я не могу этого вспомнить, кое о чем говорит *скромно*). Фред разговаривает вполне связно, достаточно настойчиво и столько, что иногда хочется этот процесс хотя бы несколько затормозить (и да, я еще не забыла ее выступления про равенство в седьмой серии... впрочем, что с меня возьмешь, я помню даже ее речь в третьем сезоне в больнице *бррр*). Ганн с самой что ни на есть первой серии – аккурат после операции как минимум – не произнес ни одного жаргонного слова. Остается «тот» момент в «Судьбе» со Спайком. Который – трудно не заметить – специально и обыгрывается Дрю (хммм... это имя уже начинает наводить на ассоциации ), а может быть, и всеми МЕ в его лице. Но «постоянным» и «характерным» этот самый момент можно считать только в контексте не то что всего «Ангела» (в котором Фьюри до сих пор почти не участвовал), а всего Джоссверса. (Знаменитая история с интервью, слегка «украшенная» реакцией многих на «Облом» в пятом баффском сезоне... каковая реакция сама явно подогрелась все тем же интервью). A в этом сезоне, в этом шоу – «он такой один» (копирайт рекламы, от которой у меня уже родимчик ). То есть, опять же – не совсем адекватное определение постоянных черт этого ангельского года.

Отсюда вывод (мой ): годдардовское выступление, скорее всего, переводится как «ничего вы не знаете о том, что в этом сезоне происходит, и даже представить себе не можете». Заметьте, я не утверждаю (пока ), что он прав. Но подозреваю, что какие-то основания к такому умонастроению у МЕ есть. Недаром особо проницательный народ почуял арку...

Геро, а Кристин я и стараюсь не читать. Не говоря уж – принимать всерьез. Но почти месяц на голодном пайке – это хоть кого доведет. Ну и переклички, как я уже сказала, пуганули...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.07.08 00:38. Заголовок: VasquezE(01/13/04 16..

VasquezE(01/13/04 16:56:34)

Полезные ссылки:

Новое интервью Кристиана Кейна. Вы знали, что он пробовался на роль Райли? Я - нет.


Ведон подтверждает слухи о "Людях Икс":

Whedon: X-Men Gig Possible

Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon confirmed to SCI FI Wire that he is indeed considering writing a series of X-Men comics for Marvel. "There is a rumor out there," Whedon said in an interview at the television critics' winter press tour in Hollywood. "It's something that could happen."

Whedon added that he would approach such a project with trepidation, knowing the "legacy" of the decades-old franchise and fervid fan loyalty.

But it wouldn't be Whedon's first foray into comics—he previously wrote the Buffy-related Fray series for Dark Horse—nor would it mark Whedon's first dealings with the venerable X-Men universe. Whedon wrote a draft of a screenplay for the first X-Men movie, which wasn't used. "It was brilliant," Whedon said, with tongue in cheek.

ЗапТуИт сообщает, что The WB прикрыло телешоу "Бесстрашная", что дает "Ангелу больше шансов на продолжение...
Оффтоп: (ссылка действительна - скопировать в адресную строку без звездочки. прим.elendenika)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.07.08 00:46. Заголовок: Geroneja(01/13/04 17..

Geroneja(01/13/04 17:31:25)

Люблю я Годдарда, ей Богу, второй Ведон растет ))
А если серьезно, что-то тут явно не чисто и, возможно, что скоро все кардинально изменится ) И не нравится мне в этой речи заявка про то, что Уэс, как всегда, кого-то убивает, не дай Ведон, конечно, но пугает меня это!

*плюхается в обморок*...ээээ... *протирает глаза, снова плюхается в обморок* Кристиан Кейн пробовался на роль РАЙЛИ ФИННА??????????????? Ну если Натана Филлиона в роли Ангела я бы еще как-то представила, то Кристиана Кейна в роли Райли... Мдя-м... Баффи и Линдси... Такая шипперская ветка есть?? )

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.07.08 00:48. Заголовок: VasquezE(01/14/04 04..

VasquezE(01/14/04 04:36:55)

Ну вот, иногда удается откопать что-то неожиданное

даже для опытных спойлерщиков. Я тоже была в легком шоке.
А вот новое интервью Каризмы Карпентер. Нашла на ASSB, но там его скоро не будет, а ссылки вообще нет, поэтому тащу сюда...

Cordelia's interview (SPOILERS)

JPM: I read your August 15th (2003) Boston Herald interview and I believe that was the first time you addressed the situation of your 'abrupt release' from Angel. I applaud you for the way you handled it. I'm sure it was a difficult situation, you were hurt and disappointed but despite that you handled it with class and grace. Your sudden departure from Angel shocked the fans and certainly angered many. Have you and Joss talked about that situation and was it a difficult decision for you to go back for the 100th episode considering how things unfolded?

Charisma Carpenter (CC): Um, yes and no. First, to answer have I spoken to Joss about it, no we haven't, there's really no point. There's really nothing to say. The day I ended up on the set to return for the 100th episode was a lovely day and he was there, he wrote a note and left flowers for me in my trailer expressing his gratitude for my return and that it meant a lot to him and the story would probably be one of the sweetest they'd ever told. And that's enough for me. I don't have any need to hold on to anything.

JPM: You don't want to dwell on it.

CC: Yeah, I mean it's just, it's turned out to be a really great thing. You know, sometimes and this is kinda clichй but sometimes...well, I was laboring on whether to return or not return or how to proceed myself. Sometimes decisions get made and it ends up being God doing for you what you couldn't do for yourself. It's just turned out for me to be a really positive thing. So it's hard to harbor any resentment or ill feelings for something that has turned out to be a wonderful thing.

JPM: Any tidbits you can share about Cordelia's return on Angel?

CC: You know I agree that it's going to be one of the sweetest stories ever told. It's pretty emotional. Bear down, hold on. [laughs]

JPM: Is there going to be closure for Cordelia?

CC: I don't know what your definition of closure is and I'm not gonna take liberties in trying to assume what you mean by that...

JPM: Did they leave it open so that Cordelia could someday come back?

CC: Yeah. You know this a difficult thing too...

JPM: Because in Jossverse there's nothing permanent...

CC: Yeah, in Jossverse there's always an opportunity for that to happen. Whether it does happen in his end or my end I wouldn't really count on it. But I feel that it's a really well told story. And I think that regardless of how people take the way I leave it is up for everybody's to deal with. But I think that if we don't get emotional about it, it's just a really well told story. Um, honestly I wouldn't have gone back for anything less. That's the truth. I wouldn't have ever considered it if I just didn't think like 'whoa', 'ok', 'that's good', 'that's a good story'. Now let's negotiate. [laughs] Now let's take it to the next level. Because I wouldn't come back for anything less. I think it's important to give that character, I think she's important to the show. She's important to Angel, that it was important to tell a very good story. If this is the last time we see Cordelia, I think people will not be disappointed.

JPM: That's great to hear. I think that once we post this interview and the fans read your comment, they would want to watch this episode even more and not miss it.

CC: No, I wouldn't miss it.

JPM (for Glenn): It was a pleasant surprise to see you on the new Alicia Silverstone TV series, "Miss Match". What were the circumstances of your going to work on that show?

CC: I think the circumstances were that there was a story about a girl named Serena Lockner who turned out to be a friend of Kate, who's Alicia Silvertsone, from High School, who she has bitter-sweet feelings for. And Jeff Meshel is the one who championed for me to play the part. He thought I would be well suited for it and knew I was available. He made it all happen in more ways than one. And I'm so grateful because working with Darren Starr, Dennis Erdmann, and Alicia and now that I think about it, pretty much the whole lot, is a fantastic experience. And I've come back now, I just wrapped one, I shot an episode, Santa Baby, which aired already, and then I did Angel, which won't air until Feb. 4th. I wrapped that Monday and started on my third episode for Miss Match on Thursday of that same week and we just wrapped yesterday cause it was split over the holiday. And then I'm going back again for a fourth one at the end of the month.

JPM: Wow!

CC: I don't think that they know fully what's happening with Miss Match so therefore I don't know how many more if any, if the show's even gonna keep going. But if it wasn't for Jeff Meshel, that would have never happened and my decision to go back was a really easy one since Darren has made it so easy and she's such a fun character to play and she reminds me of Cordelia a little. And it's just been a pleasure.

JPM: It's looking like Serena may become a recurring character cause now you're going to be doing your 4th episode. Do you think that's where it could be headed?

CC: Well, they know that I'm not very anxious to get into one hour again. So, I'm happy to do that because it's a wonderful working relationship but I will be going out for pilot season for half hour work and that's the gamble I'm taking. I'm happy to reccur in a one hour but I really don't want it to be anything more than that. With Donovan in the picture and maybe wanting another one someday in a semi-near future I just think that would be most conducive to my family (half hour work).

JPM: It's wonderful to hear that your priority is your husband and your child.

CC: Well, that's my goal. I just hope it doesn't backfire on me [laughs] where I don't turn down a bunch of great opportunities because one-hour's have come my way but I've just been saying no. It's been a difficult thing because some great opportunities have come and I've just been holding my breath and praying...I'm basically gambling hoping something will come along this season and if not, I don't know what the future holds.

JPM (for Glenn): We recently talked with Julie Benz

CC: She's a doll.

JPM: Yes, we agree. She's a wonderful person. She shared some of her experiences from her first day on the Buffy set. Was there anything about that first day on the set - experiences or emotions - that you remember most and would like to share?

CC: Being terrified because every executive was on the deck that day. And the very first scene I shot was the scene where Buffy comes out of the bathroom and she takes her hand to my throat and I'm like 3 feet off the ground with a stake in her hand ready to plunge me. Then she realizes that I'm not who she thought I was and she drops me and I look at her and I'm like 'what's your childhood trauma?'. That was the first line I had to deliver and I was really nervous. I remember David Greenwalt, everybody was on the set and the second I heard laughter then I relaxed. That's my first memory of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

JPM: It was a good experience then.

CC: Oh, for sure. And I remember my first season just never hitting my mark and the poor cinematographer, I was never in my light. [laughs] Cause I was such a novice and thank God that Sarah was as seasoned as she was because she was really a great leader in that regard in the sense that she would communicate really well with the crew. She knew that there was a mark to hit, she knew how to ask questions and she was very ahead of the game. She was on the director's mindset where I was just like 'huh?'. [laughs] Like you know, 'what's going on around here?' I didn't know if I was coming or going let alone to be conscientious of the lighting and the wardrobe and don't run my fingers through my hair even if I'm nervous. [laughs] There's just a lot of departments to make happy. Obviously I was new and didn't become aware of those things until much later.

JPM: But look how far you've come.

CC: Yeah, it's been a long journey. [laughs]

JPM: You're such a good actress. Look at how much you've done with Cordelia.

CC: Wow, thanks. You're really gonna like the 100th episode. There's stuff that comes through that has probably been like 4 years accumulated. It's just a summation of the last 4 years. Like everything. The gamut, the emotion, the funny. They wrote the script with range. I know that in some cases it was there because it was there. I think with David and I, we had scenes that, I don't even have the right words to serve what I'm trying to say here. What I mean is that it's a strong, strong and powerful episode full of what most of the show is. You know, there's fighting, there's humor, there's sex, there's love and forbidden love. There's tears, it's just all there and it's a really special episode.

JPM: So again, this is one [episode] that fans shouldn't miss and not miss taping.

CC: Well, if you're a Cordelia fan, yeah. This is the one to watch.

JPM: While we're talking about Cordelia, how did you feel about the Evil Cordelia/Connor storyline?

CC: I hated it. I hated it.

JPM: That was a quick answer.

CC: I didn't like it all. I was very uncomfortable. I hated it.

JPM: It gave the fan community something to talk about. Of course there was the 'ewww' factor. Some reviews and fan comments were negative. So, you didn't like it either.

CC: I don't know what the reviews were but the vibe that I got from my mother who pays close attention to that stuff was just that nobody was a fan of that storyline. The only thing that stands out, that I remember reading, was something about how it was like monotone or like one note. It was just all one. I was really unhappy doing it, it's fun to be bad but I like traditional bad Cordy where she's just a little prissy bitch. But I didn't like this at all. I guess they just didn't know how to serve her anymore and so that's what kinda came out of it. They wanted to dupe the audience and I guess it just didn't work out very well.

JPM: Ah...let me go back to Buffy for second. What was it like working with Sarah?

CC: She's really professional. Very hard working and very focused.

JPM Great. Now, See Jane Date...

CC: Oh, you're covering the whole thing aren't you? I thought this was Cordy-specific.

JPM: No. You know, a fan is not only interested in that one specific part of your career. If they're a fan, they're a fan of everything that you do.

CC: Yeah, I found that to be true. I did want, if you could, express my gratitude to the fans for the support in my leaving, the Variety or the Hollywood Reporter ads and all the e-mailing and faxing and the inundating of various places. [laughs] My mom tells me all this stuff that's going on and I'm just so impressed that people even care to such a level. I mean it's warm, fuzzy, flattering but it's more.

JPM: It's funny because in the Buffyverse the fans have come to love not only the show, the characters but the actors as well. Buffy is over or an actor has left but the fans continue to support their projects because we've come to appreciate the work.

CC: I think, God, could I ask for anything more? Really, no. It makes me feel really good. So thank you.

JPM: And you are very welcome. If you'd like to take a couple of minutes later to say a little something for the fans, I'd make that into an audio clip so it's all in your own words. People might think that I'm embellishing your message. [laughs]

CC: Sure, that'd be great.

JPM (for Glenn): So, about "See Jane Date"... When that came out, one of the things he (Glenn) heard time and again was how 'nice' your character Jane was in comparison to the role of Cordelia in which many people know you best. He thought it was a refreshingly different role for you. What was it like to play a character like that in contrast to your better-known Cordelia role?

CC: Well, I liked it. I liked doing the not so gloomy, dark [hears baby noise in the background, pauses]

JPM: Oh, the baby...(poor child is patiently waiting for mom)

CC: No, dad's handling it. [pauses] Um, like he said it was refreshing. Because I had done Buffy and Angel, which you know is a lot of long hours, night shoots, grim locations, and so this was so refreshing. It was probably the hardest job I've ever done in the sense that I was a new mother, my baby was 10 weeks old when I shot that film. And I brought the whole kit 'n caboodle, son and husband came. (See Jane Date was shot in Canada) My husband championed me through that, supported me and became the primary caretaker of Donovan while I was there. And I was also breastfeeding and memorizing pages of dialogue every night and working 15 hour-days. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. But because of that experience, and getting through it and doing it well, and having such a great crew to go to work with and have words in a project that was so different, and light, and bright, and fun, and sensitive, you know I just welcomed it so wholeheartedly. That has now given me confidence. That now I don't feel threatened or scared to do anything. I feel like anything is possible after doing that. I'm not afraid of the work.

JPM (for Glenn): There you go. Now are you actively seeking out or working on any other projects this year besides the upcoming Miss Match appearances?

CC: Well, yeah. There isn't one in particular that I'm working towards but pilot season is coming up and the only thing I can say is that I'm focusing on half-hour. Movies, I don't know. I certainly wouldn't not do a movie but it would have to be the right thing and I think I'm most comfortable doing television and I would love to do half-hour...just because it's less work and now I do comedy and I think that's where I'd like to go, I would be best suited for right now.

JPM: What was your reaction when you were offered to move to Angel and did Joss give you any idea as to the direction he planned to take Cordelia on that show?

CC: Um, my reaction was concern that what if it didn't fly, would I have a haven to return to? And then I was assured yes, then I was like 'what about the writing' but my first reaction was 'really, you'd want me to do that? and what an honor'. I was really flattered. And then I was like 'wait a minute, what if it gets cancelled after the first couple of episodes? Does that mean I'm going to be in the poor house again?' [laughs] You know, am I gonna kick myself and go what have I done? [pauses, talks with Damian in the background. The poor baby is fussing now. He can't wait for his bath and this strange lady is keeping mommy away from him. Bad lady...]

CC: Ok...[laughs]

JPM: I understand that you're very busy. So last question and this is something that I always ask, have you found the meaning of life yet?

CC: Um...[laughs]

JPM: I always get that reaction.

CC: I think that it's not realistic at my age to say that I've found the meaning of life but I think I've found happiness and I think I understand...having my son, I've always wanted children since I can remember and finding the love of my life and being able to have a baby with the love of my life gives me probably the greatest...

JPM: Feeling in the world?

CC: Yeah. It's really intense and I don't know if that's the meaning of life. I think essentially the meaning of life is probably the journey and not really any one thing or an outcome or a result. I think it's kinda the process and I think that if you can find happiness in the process then maybe that's it. I just feel really in love with life and the life I've created with my family. So it works for me.

JPM: You are very blessed. Thank you very much for doing this. Give Donovan a hug from all the fans. Good luck with everything.

CC: Oh, thank you!

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Geroneja(01/14/04 11:34:31)

Васкес, спасибо )
СС вещает довольно интересно, плюс про 12-ю кое-что

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(01/14/04 12:27:46)

Интервью Ведона

Интервью Ведона на scifi. Почти все давно уже известно, но упоминание о том, что они пока не решили, будет ли сниматься Картайзер, полностью перечеркивает идею о том, что в 15 серии будет Коннор. Если только Ведон не вешает нам лапшу на уши...


Old Friends Visit Angel

Joss Whedon, co-creator of The WB's vampire series Angel, told SCI FI Wire to expect familiar faces as the current fifth season winds up, including Andrew (Tom Lenk from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) and the possible return of Connor (Vincent Kartheiser). Kartheiser's character—the son of Angel (David Boreanaz) and Darla (Julie Benz)—left the series at the end of last season after Angel made a deal with the nefarious law firm of Wolfram & Hart.

Whether Kartheiser returns depends on scheduling and other issues, Whedon said in an interview at the television critics' winter press tour in Hollywood. "We do have every intention of seeing him again and seeing the Connor who did grow up happy, who had everything that he never had and what that person would be like and what it would be like for Angel to deal with him knowing what Connor can never know," Whedon told reporters.

Lenk, whose nerdy character survived the apocalyptic finale of Buffy last spring, will definitely show up in a Slayer-themed episode due in February, Whedon said.

And, as previously reported, Carpenter's Cordelia will return to wrap up her character's storyline in the series' 100th episode, "You're Welcome!" which is schedule for Feb. 4. "That's very much kind of an opportunity to sum up and sort of go, 'Good lord, we've been doing this for a while,'" Whedon said. "And without being sly and post-modern about it and winking at the audience, really using it as a milestone and having her—because she was there at the beginning—come and say, 'Well, where are you now? Where were you when we started, and where are you no and how do you feel about that?'"

One face that definitely won't appear on Angel this season: Sarah Michelle Gellar's Buffy, Whedon said. "Sarah last year said that she would be interested in coming on the show," he said. "And then this year, she ... said that it felt too soon. And that's something that I actually understand. It's very difficult when you throw something off that's sort of taken over your life and your public persona for years and years and years, ... it's very difficult to just sort of say, 'OK, I'm going to throw that back on on somebody else's show and dive in again.' And I think that's probably what happened."

Whedon added, "I don't know that it's a never. ... It was more just like, 'Now's not the time.' And as writers, we have to go to our own characters and care more about that. And so it isn't ... bad, I don't think. ... I would love to see her on the show, and she's welcome anytime she decides she is ready. But I don't know if that will happen, and with a cast like that, it's not my first priority." Angel returns with new episodes Jan. 14 and airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

И первые сообщения с конференции телевизионных критиков или как это правильно называется по-русски... Вроде бы у "Ангела" есть шанс на следующий сезон.

There's a post at BAPS about the Angel panel, and it appears that the show might actually be renewed.

Jordan Levin said that "Angel" didn't have to worry about competition from the revival of "Dark Shadows," which is being developed for The WB..

Levin said that they can co-exist because "Angel" is action-adventure and "Dark Shadows" is a gothic soap opera.

Конечно, речь идет о текущем сезоне, но в целом это и закладка фундамента на будущее.

The WB Network's 2004 All Star Party
January 13, 2004 - Hollywood & Highland
Hollywood, California USA


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VasquezE(01/15/04 05:44:52)

Эссе Shadowcat

Shadowcat написала новое эссе о тенденциях в расстановке эпизодов внутри сезона в соответствии с идеями и "посланиями", которые они несут. Немного переусложнено на мой вкус, но все равно интересно


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VasquezE(01/15/04 15:08:53)

Спасибо, Геро, фотки классные!

Извините за оффтоп, но не могу удержаться:
Только что посмотрела по СТС "Андромеду". Начался второй сезон, господа. И девятая серия будет у нас через черверг в ночь с 29 на 30. В 0.10. Отметим себе в программе и не забудем.

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Geroneja(01/15/04 16:22:56)
Эх, хорошо вам, буду смотреть на английском, то бишь, пересматривать

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(01/16/04 11:14:17)

И снова фотографии:


*насмотрелась и ушла качать серию на больную голову*

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(01/16/04 14:55:44)

Новости и новостюшки

фото из 10 и 12 серии

трейлер 5.10

И небольшая статья про Дэвида Бориэнеса

Angel's star directs self

David Boreanaz, star of The WB's Angel, told SCI FI Wire that he came prepared for his debut as a director in the upcoming episode "Soul Purpose," which airs Jan. 21. "I came in with some really strong ideas and some strong visuals that I wanted to do, and I had a big ... meeting with [executive producer] Jeff Bell," Boreanaz said in an interview at The WB's winter press preview. "A lot of the ideas I wanted to do kind of got, not squashed, but just toned down a bit, because I had to remind myself that I am shooting an Angel show and not this crazy, cinematic, swooping thing," he said with a laugh.

In "Soul Purpose," Boreanaz does double duty as helmer and star in an episode that brings back the character of Lindsey (Christian Kane) and puts Angel in a fever-dream state. Balancing both roles was a challenge, he admitted. "It's pretty crazy, yeah," he said. "You do your work, and there were moments when I was acting in it, and I had the [assistant director] call 'action,' or I would look at a little television monitor while I was setting the shot and rehearsing. So your mind's really all over the place. But I enjoy working like that. The more that's going on, the better for me creatively."

Boreanaz's castmates praised his sure hand and confidence, unusual in a first-time director. Boreanaz was more self-effacing. "All I want to do is fulfill the story, tell the story, and as a director you want to creatively shoot it so that you keep the audience involved rather than removing them, because it can be very easy to do that," he said. "So that was challenging to do that. And I had a good time. I kept within the parameters, and I pushed some buttons, and I shot a lot of low angles. I like low angles." Angel airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

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