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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.06.08 04:47. Заголовок: Спойлеры и рассуждения. VasquezE. (10/25/03 03:20:11)

VasquezE(10/25/03 03:20:11)

Спойлеры и рассуждения

1. Почему хронология пятого сезона сдвинута ровно на четыре месяца назад?

а) сценаристам необходимо, чтобы события финала происходили в январе 2004 (то есть через 8 месяцев после Chosen)
и) это просто оплошность вроде "потерянного месяца" в середине 7 сезона "Баффи"

2. Почему к матери Лайлы вернулась память сразу же после того как Уэс убил отца?

а) их души встретились на высшем уровне бытия, и теперь мама Лайлы вернулась с посланием от Роджера Уиндэма-Прайса к Уэсли или ко всей Банде Клыка
б) просто совпадение

3. Почему амулет и материализующее волшебство были посланы по почте?

а) бюджетные ограничения
б) Сценаристы не нашли другого способа подсунуть Хармони Спайку в момент его материализации

4. Зачем сценаристы спаривают Спайка и Хармони?

а) они намерены радикально переписать обоих персонажей и сделать их них "комическую разрядку" шоу
б) они готовы принести Хармони в жертву гнева фанатов для того, чтобы другие кандидатуры в "девушки Спайка" (Фред, Ева) казались бы фанам более приемлемым

5. Почему в чаше страданий оказалась Mountain Dew?

а) Если это идея Джосса Ведона - чаша страданий окажется настоящей, что бы в ней ни находилось. Ведон не раз говорил, что в его понимании "цель путешествия - в самом путешествии". В соответствии с этим кредо единственное, что имеет значение - то, что Спайк все-таки выпил эту чашу. Можно начинать готовиться к тому, что Спайка снова будут мучить...
б) Если это идея Дэвида Фьюри - значит, чаша страданий - всего лишь "оживляж", дешевый предлог для демонстрации драки двух крутых мачо

А ваше мнение?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:02. Заголовок: Geroneja(11/23/03 16..

Geroneja(11/23/03 16:12:46)

Что я вам могу сказать дамы - одни плохие новости на ночь! 26-го, как известно уже серии не будет, но это еще полбеды - 3 декабря будет повтор Conviction, так что ждать следующей серии теперь долго Так я и знала!!!


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:03. Заголовок: Helen267(11/24/03 01..

Helen267(11/24/03 01:04:24)

вообще-то я тоже знала, поэтому и удивилась "известным срокам", но раз все обломалось.... эх, бум ждать. Вообще-то, 10 явно должны показать к 25 декабря (католическое рождество) иначе будет как-то странно...


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:05. Заголовок: VasquezE(11/24/03 09..

VasquezE(11/24/03 09:00:11)
Новости и информация к размышлению

Насчет рун: если верить осведомсленным товарищам, это все-таки руны
The bands on his left arm are runes (ancient Viking symbols used primarily for divination, but also in spellwork and as a coded communication system). The sigils on the rest of him are not, but I think they're based on alchemy symbols, or at least an original artistic interpretation of them.

посмотреть руны можно здесь

Новых серий, если верить TV Guide, не будет до января
According to Matt Roush, TV Guide, no new Angel until January

For a complete take on my reaction to the Angel episode, check out my Nov. 19 Dispatch. But the early response in my mailbag has been uniformly positive. I've enjoyed the show this season, but I was getting antsy for Spike to stop being a ghost, so I was thrilled that the episode so quickly resolved that situation and immediately set up this new chapter in the rivalry between Angel and Spike. Loved the flashbacks, and I was rocked by the final scene in which Eve revealed her duplicity by crawling into bed with Lindsey (Christian Kane), the former Wolfram & Hart lawyer who has returned with obviously evil intentions. This series is great fun, and it seems to be holding its own in a very tough time period. I will wait impatiently for new episodes to return in January. (Yes, I know, it's a long wait, but honestly, I could use the rest — and I advise fans of good genre TV to sample Jake 2.0 on UPN while Angel is on a break.) As for Tru Calling: Unless Fox moves it to another time period, I imagine it's doomed. But I can't get too worked up about this one. I love the star, but the premise and much of the execution leave me cold.

Вдогонку: если "Тру" действительно прикроют, есть неплохой шанс заполучить Элизу Душку в финал 5 сезона

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:06. Заголовок: Geroneja(11/24/03 11..

Geroneja(11/24/03 11:24:02)

Хм, а мои рунисты, говорят, что это не руны, во всяком случае, не классические ) И кому верить??

Эх, эти перерывы...


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Smth Blue(11/24/03 14:57:41)


Так я так поняла, что у него только на плече руны, мелкие такие, мож, они не разглядели Я бы знак тот на груди ъотела найти, раз уж он раза четыре повторяется...


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:08. Заголовок: VasquezE(11/25/03 12..

VasquezE(11/25/03 12:38:32)

Мерседес МакНаб

Крупных новостей нет, поэтому поделюсь мелкими. На Спарклях появился коротенький отчет о появлении Мерседес МакНаб на конвенции в Лос-Анджелесе.
Она сказала, что будет участвовать во всех оставшихся сериях, но, насколько ей известно, они не собираются переводить ее из recurring в основной состав. ММ не думает, что они будут переснимать вступительные титры в середине сезона, но она добавила, что ее могут ввести в основной состав в следующем сезоне. Когда ее спросили, кто был парень в постели с Евой в конце 8 серии, она ответила - Линдси, враг Ангела из первых сезонов. Насчет СМГ она сказала, что, скорее всего, она не сможет принять участие, по крайней мере, в этом сезоне, но они все еще надеются заполучить Элисон Ханниган.
Она также сказала, что больше всего ей нравится работать с ДМ, потому что он забавный за кадром, а в кадре полностью отдается роли, и рядом с ним она играет лучше. Насчет сцены Спармони она сказала, что Спайку не составило большого труда убедить Хармони, потому что после их разрыва она все равно немножко его хотела. Но самой актрисе зотелось бы видеть Хармони с кем-то, кто будеть ценить ее больше. Она полушутливо-полусерьезно предложила Лорна "потому что за ним не тянется хвоста" (очевидно имеются в виду шипперские дела). Она также считает, что Хармони и Ангел стали бы неплохой парой.

Sparklies Mod

I just saw this L.A. Comic con report on ASSB posted by Deanna B. She talked to Mercedes Mcnab

I asked her if she's going to be a regular, with her name in the opening credits, or if she's being kept as a recurring character. She confirmed that she's in every episode from now on, but as far as she knows they're not changing her billing status. She didn't think they'd film new opening credits in the middle of a season (Ha! Little she knows!), but said maybe they'd add her to the credits next season. (So #1: She's expecting another season, #2: She's expecting to be in it.)

Someone asked her who the guy in bed with Eve was, and she quickly replied that it was Lindsey, Angel's nemesis from the first couple seasons. (So it really is Lindsey, not another character played by CK. 95% sure before, but she seemed to confirm it.)

When asked about SMG coming over, she said it doesn't look like she'll be able to do it, at least not this season, but they're still hoping to get Aly at some point. (Which is what we've been told. No surprises.)

She said that JM is her favorite person to work with, since he's funny offstage, and such an intense actor that she acts better in scenes with him because he gets everyone around him caught up in the scene. It didn't take much for Spike to persuade her to go have a nooner because Harm had been slightly pining for him ever since they split up, but she'd like to see Harmony in a relationship with someone else who'd appreciate her more. She half-jokingly suggested Lorne, because he's the only one on the show who hasn't "gotten any tail," but thinks Harm and Angel would be a good pairing (natch).
1. Интересно, что ММ говорит о следующем сезоне, как о решенном вопросе. С одной стороны - хорошо, с другой она явно не разбирается в телевизионной кухне. Что приводит нас к пункту номер...

2. ММ явно не в курсе, что вступительные титры не "переснимают" а перемонтируют, что делается очень легко (сколько фанатских "титров пятого сезона" - со Спайком, с Эндрю, с Лайлой - появилось в Сети за лето!) И она явно не знает, что в титрах Seeing Red Тара была в основном составе.

3. Итак, за кадром, в "инсайдерских разговорах" членов съемочной группы персонажа Кристиана Кейна называют Линдси. Шон - вымышленное имя, под которым он представился Спайку. И, соответственно, у бедного Ангела в 5 сезоне начисто отбито обоняние (в смысле - у бедных сценаристов начисто отбито чувство реальности создаваемого ими мира).

4. ММ явно в курсе того, как отреагировали фанаты на Спармони. Иначе она не стала бы говорить, что хочет, чтобы ее соединили с кем-то, у кого нет богатого любовного прошлого. Но Хармони\Ангел?!!! Может быть, это была попытка пошутить?

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Geroneja(11/25/03 12:54:05)

Васкес, спасибо за новости )

В титрах "Ангела" тоже были перемонтировки - когдла Энди Халлета добавили в основной состав в середине сезона )

А о шипперских планах - Харм/Лорн это я бы посмотрела с удовольствием )) И Эндрю туда, Эндрю )


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:14. Заголовок: VasquezE(11/26/03 08..

VasquezE(11/26/03 08:30:01)

Гостевые актеры в 11 серии

Ну-с, господа, появилась кое-какая новая информация.

Пандора сообщила список гостевых ролей в 11 серии.

Andrew: TOM LENK
Real Estate Agent: DEBBIE MCLEOD

Vernon the Creepy Psychic: MICHAEL KRAWIC




Дана - Нави Рават. И по имени, и по внешности - индуска. Очень красивая, чем-то напоминает Фейт. Фильмографию можно посмотреть здесь:

а фото - здесь:

Судя по фильмографии, карьера Нави Рават в последний год-полтора пошла в гору.

Доктор Рабинау - Кевин Куигли. Фильмография:

Фото есть здесь (в нижней половине страницы)

По внешности вполне подходит на роль маньяка, хотя, конечно, нужно делать скидку на то, что здесь он играет плохого парня.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:15. Заголовок: Geroneja(11/26/03 10..

Geroneja(11/26/03 10:50:49)

Да, внешность у девушки оригинальная, посмотрим, как это все будет на экране смотреться )

Васкес, спасибо за информацию )


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:16. Заголовок: crisl(11/26/03 15:52..

crisl(11/26/03 15:52:54)

)) И Эндрю туда, Эндрю

А помните, как Эндрю заливал Уиллоу о его несчастной любви к вампирше когда она его поймала в лавке мясника...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:17. Заголовок: VasquezE(11/27/03 03..

VasquezE(11/27/03 03:35:00)

Смех-смехом, а ведь были в ту пору версии, что Эндрю встретил там Хармони!

На другую тему:
Обнаружила на Спарклях роскошное эссе по Destiny. Говорят - с сайта Tabula Rasa, но там я его не обнаружила, и ссылку дать не могу. Поскольку на Спарклях это перепечатали в запароленной ветке, я внаглую копирую текст сюда. В "необспойленный" раздел не могу, поскольку там есть спойлеры.

This essay was posted by Tallgent on TabRas the other day. I just loved it and wanted to share it with all of you! He said he loves Sparklies and would be honored if I posted this here.

Maybe we can chew on this for a bit.

Thoughts on Destiny

Oh. Hell. Yeah.

1. Like "Fool For Love" and "Lies My Parents Told Me" before it,
the juxtapositions were brilliant. But I loved the humor as well,
especially when it went from "We will be the best of friends..." to a
terse "Leave me alone, Spike."

2. I think there's a very crass kind of humor missed here when it
comes to the Harmony bit. We already know that Spike thinks more
below the belt than with his head. But this was after all a lovesick
poet who was called "Willy" and corrupted by the carnality of

2. And speaking of corrupted, the whole "Anything you can do, I
can do better" bit between Angel and Spike started when they first
met. Why am I not surprised.

3. Here's something else to consider. Have you noticed that Spike
has developed an emotional connection with each of the people he has
rescued? First there was the friendship that he developed with Fred,
although it isn't as demonstrative as it once was. And now he calls
Gunn "Charlie-Boy." Angel always withdraws from people he rescues.


And it's interesting in the dream/hallucination he gets that
Spike tries to get to know the couple he rescues.


4. Though it would have been painful, I wish we would have seen
the first time William tries to fight Angelus because then we would
see the cycle that Spike was always used to. As bad-ass as he was,
he could never be badder than Angel, so he internalized being
subservient to him in all areas. That's why he relished killing the
Slayers, because it was something he had up on Angelus.

5. Nice to see Spike discover that the gravity is lighter in
L.A. then it was in Sunnydale.

6. More cross imagery. Though it's a long way from the broken Spike
draped over the cross. Frankly, I don't know how to feel about that.

6. "Ponce." Idiot." Ah, brothers...

7. I wish we would have seen more Juliet Landau, too. Drusilla
seemed woefully underwritten.

8. Anyone else miss Wesley?

9. Anyone else wish Eve would vanish?

10. And I wonder if we've just been introduced to the Big Bad of
the season? The reveal was so priceless, though I wonder if the late-
coming Angel fans know the significance of tatted bare-chested boy.

11. David Boreanaz and James Marsters finally let the reins loose
and the result was the kind of inevitable chemistry that Whedon and
the boys knew each had in them. Bringing Spike to "Angel" is looking

12. And I advise you all to check out Angel's Soul Spoiler Board
or All Things Philosophical on Angel and BtVS for some kick-ass
essays on Destiny from Shadowkat, Ramses II, Rufus, and many others.
In fact, I can't remember the last time an episode spawned so many
thoughtful posts.

13. So we come to another watershed Spike episode. "Fool For
Love" started the Redemptionist outlook. "Intervention" revealed
Spike's selfless devotion and, arguably, the start of
Spuffy. "Chosen" gave us Spike as a redeemed martyr/champion. And now
we get a Spike who has finally defeated Angel. This was a mythic
Great Santini. Ths son bested the father and can now truly call
himself an equal. And the father knows it. If Angel's doubts about
his life mission were in doubt before, they're now in serious

But the frustrating, and somewhat exhilarating way, that Fury
represents Spike is that he doesn't act like a hero. In "Destiny,"
Spike had his moments of being a self-serving jerk. His
recorporealization made Spike want to indulge in all kinds of
physicality. Contrast this with Angel, who would probably be elated
beyond words at first, and then slink back into broodiness.

I admit it, I don't laugh with innocent glee at Spike's antics, I
chuckle with naughty id-releasing abandon. Spike is cathartic for the
devil in me. He's so unconventional as a hero. The Wolverine of

But make no mistake about it, Spike is a hero. I loved how Marsters
just dropped that voice dripping with sarcasm and said with
conviction that he was a hero that fought for his soul and saved the
world That's right, Gramps. "Willy" is on the level with you finally.

So whatever Angel may do to put Spike in his "place", Spike will have
none of it. He's no longer the Luke to the Yoda. He's no longer the
second-best vampire. He is his own person now, just as worthy for
reward as Angel is. Just as worthy of Drusilla as Angelus thought he
was. And just as worthy of Buffy as Angel thinks he is.

It doesn't matter that Angel will never tell Spike this, the point is
Angel knows it. He was beaten. He can be bested. And he can be bested
by his child, the one person he thought would never best him, let
alone spare him. Now will Angel realize he needs to invest himself in
the mission again, and he needs Spike to help him do it, or will he
allow the self-doubt to fester, the resentment to spread, and doom
them both to the real enemy, the one plotting right under their
jealous noses?

14. And yet, it sees karmically Angel may get the better deal. I was
thinking of the end of
Almost Famous when Penny Lane brought William Miller and,
Russel, the guitar hero god of her dreams together to reconcile.
Buffy teased that she wanted to bring Angel and Spike together to
rassle it out. With oil.

She got her wish. Sans oil.

But two things fill me with dread, both in Spike's character and for
Spike's quest for love. In "Conviction" we have a bit of potential
retconning with Angel saying that unsouled beings still have free
will, so really the lack of a soul is no excuse.

Now if we look at Angelus's turning, he was a reprobate in the
beginning so ultimately it was Liam who is at fault for what he
eventually became. Darla may have turned him, but the establishment
of Angelus as the most notorious vampire in history is all him.

Spike blames his evil on Angel trying to shape him. But, again,
William made the choice to follow him, even if he went against every
search for beauty in his poetic being. And if Willam is guilty of any
a priori sin, it is in not discerning the difference that all artists
or lovers of art should, mistaking ugliness for beauty.

So each has only themselves to blame.

And what rips brothers apart, and eventually brings them back
together? Common loves (or in Drusilla's case, common conquests) Each
vampire revealed incomplete truths. Spike said he got the soul
because it was the right thing to do. Angel says he only did it to
get in good with Buffy. They're both right and both wrong.

Spike did get a soul because it was the right thing to do. He
couldn't trust himself to not let the demon in him hurt Buffy, so it
was right that he made it possible to insure he would never do it
again by getting a soul. But he also did it to be the type of man
Buffy would want. And she did.

Then there is the similar failure of their great love. Lorne said
they both loved and lost. Which is probably true from both sides.

But Angel knows of Spike's insecurity and he preys on it, just as he
did as Angelus. He knows that Spike believes Buffy never loved him so
he uses it. It is the most hurtful weapon he can use, as was pointed
up here not too long ago.

Spike uses his weapon that he was more intimate with Buffy than Angel
could ever dream of. And perhaps Buffy loved Angel, but Spike made
her scream and come back for more.

With Angel she just screamed in terror.

Still if you had to choose, what would you rather have? Love without
the fulfillment of the private celebration of that love. Or sex
without the foundation that love provides. And in Spike's view, Angel
got the better deal. Angel was loved and he wasn't. So it's hollow.
It makes Angel mad because that's why he left; he couldn't provide
the physical aspect of love that Buffy wanted, but Angel got Buffy's

Spike doesn't know. And the tragedy the writers may have in mind is
that Spike will never know. He'll always believe that when it comes
to love, he'll always be second. And to Spike, love is the most
important thing. More important than the soul and more important than
being a champion.

But at least he can take satisfaction in taking something away from
Angel. Finally, after so many years of Angel taking from him.

It is the whole Buffy pissing contest which adds the sad coda in
Spike sparing Angel, demonstrating his soulful mercy, something Angel
didn't think Spike was capable of. Spike tells Angel he doesn't dust
him because he doesn't want to hear Buffy bitching about it. I take
it as Spike believing that if Angel had dusted him, Buffy wouldn't
have really been affected. Maybe a nod and a sigh, but she'd be
snogging Angel in no time. Spike just doesn't measure very high on
her concern scale, according to him.

And maybe that's the thing here, Spike will ultimately end up unloved
and under appreciated in the romantic scheme of things. Just for the
simple fact that You're. Not. Him.

And I find it kind of ironic how Spike in being an unloved character
in his world is arguably the most loved by fans of the show. There
are more websites devoted to Spike than any other character.

That can't be a mistake on the part of the writers.


Unlike so many other Spuffies, I am glad that Spike makes the
decision to not go to Europe. It will be interesting how the writers
will come up with the ultimate reason, but to me it makes sense that
he allows Buffy to live her life. That to me is an expression of love
that I thought he would come to earlier, sparing Buffy the knowledge
of his return and letting her concentrate on her mission. Or enjoy
life for the first time since being Chosen. Or find love.

What's interesting is how after he makes the decision, the past he
tries to leave behind comes back, as if he's being punished by fate
for staying away and not following his heart. We have the return of
Andrew, Willow's alleged return, and Dana, a tragic reminder of the
consequences of the spell that changed the Slayer line forever. Each
one leads back to Buffy.

And then there are those damn hands. I was reminded that metaphors
change in the Jossverse last week and emphasis was once again placed
on Spike's hands, specifically how he took up the cross that Angel
rejected. Those hands are cut off, leaving Spike incapacitated. Maybe
we will see Angel, whether he likes it or not, having to take up the
cross of his role as Champion of the people because Spike is

It just might be his rightful place as champion.

And where this leaves Spike is anybody's guess.


14. I loved how this ended. Not only for the wonderful surprise
and the idea of things coming full circle for Angel in potentially
facing his great W&H nemesis on said nemesis's home turf. But for
setting up the new dynamic Spike and Angel have to get to.

I was afraid that Spike would be the ideological Big Bad of the year.
Maybe he wasn't evil, but he was an obstacle that Angel would have to
overcome to achieve Shanshu.

But with the introduction of Eve and Lindsay as the dynamically
devious duo, a more serious threat is on the horizon. And it's no
longer about one soulled vampire defeating the other. It's about how
each of them must use their combined resources to defeat a common
enemy, and maybe come to respect, like, and eventually love each
other as true brothers in the cause.

I wonder of the writers aren't saying something about Angel and Spike
fans in general here and it's something Shadowkat alludes to in her
essay. Does it matter if Spike fought for his soul while Angel was
cursed with his? Does it matter that Spike conquered his demon while
Angel has yet to truly conquer his? No. What does is that each
vampire is on the road to redemption, they are both champions, and
both are warriors for the common good.

The fight at the end reminded me so much of Smashed. Both had a
vicious fight, both contained uncomfortable truths, and both ended
with acts of love. Loosely in the case of Smashed with its carnality,
ultimately empty carnality. But in Angel pleading to Spike with
concern about the rash choice he was about to make, he had for a
moment transcended the past of his enmity with Spike. In that moment
Spike wasn't an enemy. And both episodes were turning points. Things
could never go back to what they once were.

And if Almost Famous had Penny bring Russel and William together,
then perhaps Buffy's wish may have had a more altruistic intention
then first thought. Not so much to fight for her love. But in
fighting learn to love each other as Buffy may have perhaps loved the
both of them.

Yes, Spangels. You may go wild over that last sentence.

I too will sing the praises of Mel Odom's Buffy/Angel
crossover "Cursed." Odom portrays Spike's conflict well, how he was
always torn between being an evil vampire and a "soulful" romantic.
And I love how it's hinted at Buffy seeing potential in Spike to
become a champion, something Monster Island also addressed. That
might be the writers' rationale by ME for Buffy keeping Spike alive
all those years. Because she saw something in him he was only
becoming aware of.

Of course, I don't buy all that. But it's a nice thogught

Mixed feelings on Smallville for last week. Microly, I like the idea
of Lionel driving his son insane just to protect his reputation. It
shows just how cruel of a bastard Lex's father really is and
continues Lex's descent into evil. Reminds me so much of Anakin
Skywalker, in some ways he's a victim of fate. I also liked the
beginnings of Clark and Lana's eventual emotional separation. Fans
seem to forget that. Clark doesn't mope after leaving Smallvile, he
immediately falls for Lois Lane.

But macroly, I hate the idea of drugging being the main cause for
Lex's evil or perhaps giving him his moment of clarity that he really
is son of the father and deep down inside just as evil a bastard as
he ever was. Worse even. That seems hollow and trite to

Didn't see all of O.C. but I like how it ended with the song about
sister and brother and Ryan, Marissa, and Seth sharing Chinese. I
like the idea of perpetual loser Seth finding a symbolic brother and
sister in Ryan and Marissa.

Sorry to read about Angel's ratings not being very good for this
week. Probably inevitable with a show like this.

Clone Wars was awesome, but I got to wait til the Spring?

Times they are a changin'. The raised-Baptist Britney Spears singing
songs celebrating mastrbation.

Michelle Trachtenberg in a bikini rubbing herself provacatively with
a canned soda in her new movie.

And then there are things that remain the same like Michael Jackson
once again accused of child molestation.

And then there are the dependable traditions that will never change.
Like wishing everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.

Even if it was done prematurely last week.

We'll see you....whenever the new episodes come back. Anyone wanna

Just found out. See ya in January!


Кстати, возможно, кто-то помнит товарища Тallgent по блестящему эссе о финале "Баффи"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:18. Заголовок: Geroneja(11/27/03 17..

Geroneja(11/27/03 17:40:01)

Конечно, я помню, потрясающее было эссе, я тогда нашла множество отражений своих мыслей, которые так и не смогла сформировать ) И вот сейчас тоже нашла, пусть я не со всем полностью согласна, но на 90% - это точно, плюс написанно классно )

Васкес, спасибо )


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:19. Заголовок: VasquezE(11/28/03 12..

VasquezE(11/28/03 12:34:20)


Нашла отрывок из интервью Дрю Годдарда в Dreamwatch magazine (со Спарклей, как всегда)

DW: Has the purpose and focus of the season been decided yet or is
that still evolving?

DG: There is definitely a season arc in place. If I had to equate it
to something, I would probably equate it to season two of Buffy, in
terms of structure. If you look at Buffy season two, it had all
these great stand-alones but there was this building arc with
Angel/Angelus and that is the model we are using. Joss came to us
and he has a clear idea of where he wants the season to end up and
what he wants these characters to be dealing with and you build
that in. When the fans see episode eight, they'll see that the arc
is really kicking in – full speed ahead! The Shanshu prophecy is a
key element. There is nothing we could come up with that is better
than to have Angel's world thrown out of whack by Spike showing up
and being in a similar position. It's a no brainer.

DW: What's been most interesting for you to write this season?

DG: I'm like a kid in the candy store writing Angel. There is no one
more hard-boiled and tough than Angel and that's a character we
didn't have on Buffy. I have also been the biggest Wesley fan since
the beginning. He went from the mini-Giles to the toughest guy in
the Mutant Enemy universe. They asked me what I was interested in
writing and I said I wanted to do a story with Wesley because I love
that character so much. And of course, having Spike is a comfort
level. Spike's voice is the most fun, and I relate to Spike in that
he says the thing that is the most uncouth and I have that smart-ass
in me as well. Usually, when I'm writing a scene and I can't bear
how important I'm making myself sound, I have Spike come in and make
fun of it.

Итак, товарищ Годдард с удовольствием использует Спайка для комической разрядки...

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Geroneja(11/28/03 12:46:00)

Что хорошо видно в седьмой серии, как и то, насколько ему нравится Уэс ) Но Годдард не так прост, недаром он в легендах даже среди сценаристов, так что посмотрим, что будет дальше )

Интересно и другое тоже - если арка будет строиться, как арка второго сезона, то активное разворачивание должно начать в 13-14 сериях... хм... Шаншу - ключевой элемент... Ох обломают нас с этим шаншу, чувствую )

Васкес, спасибо за интерсные вести )


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.06.08 04:21. Заголовок: Smth Blue(11/29/03 0..

Smth Blue(11/29/03 05:42:51)

А может этот товарищ вводить в заблуждение насчет шаншу или за ним такого не наблюдается?

Сорри что не успела на русском:

So, last year we have Mesechtet (spelling?) in the white room who was protecting a sun in a way, right? Then someone can think that for some reason bringing it back to the sky could be considered as something that deserves a reward from Senior Partners. Heh, and ending world peace too, of course.
Now, in the white room a black cat is living, lovely J And in Just Rewards near the lift we are shown a statue of sitting cat, that is almost identical to Egyptian ones, representing Bast or Bastet who happened to be a daughter of Ra and once defended her father against his enemy, the serpent Apep. Every night Apep tries to stop the sun god's ship on his journey through the underworld. Occasionally Apep ould win, causing a solar eclipse, but Ra would always triumph in the end. Reminds something. Like they decided to send more powerful host to the white room this time. Again, sun. Why the hell evil corporation cares about it? No clue, actually, but the Egyptians knew that the Sun brought life, but they also knew that in the desert, the Sun could kill you. With vamps you even don’t need a desert.
Back to our cat goddnes. She was considered to be protector of cats, women and children. She is Goddess of sunrise. Her goddess duty changed over the years, but, she is also known as a goddess of love, fertility, birth, music and dance. Not quite fitting to Wand H. Thou she had a twin sister, and together they were very often represented as a two sides of one coin. So, Sekhmet, a lioness goddess, created by Ra from the fire of his eyes as a creature of vengeance to punish mortals for their sins. Sounds more like our guy J Thou instead of lion we have a panther, they are both just two big cats. Who knows maybe a goddess tried to relate to Gunn in this way like a black bro J
So, Sekhmet, the Eye of Ra (all that bleeding eyes…), the destructive Sun Goddess. Ra, the Sun God, was angry with mankind, because they laughed at him. He said that he'd send down his anger as Sekhmet, the Eye of Ra. She went down to Earth, killing men, and drinking their blood. She started to frighten Ra, who only wanted to punish Mankind, not destroy them all. So he dyed some beer red, to look like blood. When Sekhmet saw the beer, she was thristy for blood, so she drank it all, got drunk and went to sleep. When she woke up, Ra persuaded her to stop killing Mankind. Yep, she must like vamps, don’t you think? J
Another egyptian god we were shown this season was Anubis, we’ve seen his statue in the Opera, right before the big fight. He is Egyptian god of the dead, represented as a black jackal or dog, or as a man with the head of a dog or jackal. It was already said that
In the Book of the Dead, he was depicted as presiding over the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the Hall of the Two Truths. In this role he was referred to as the "conductor of souls". Can only add a pretty fact - as a patron of magic, it was believed he could foresee a persons destiny. Btw, destiny was first mentioned this season by Necro , he promised Spike to put his destiny in his own flesh and bone hands. Looks a bit like a theme this season. But back to Just Rewards. We were shown the whole room of bodies where demons could be put and walk among the sheep without any problem. That means that dead walking person isn’t necessary a vamp. Now, Anubis, as far as I remember, can resurrect a dead person, giving them some old memories but no free will so they would follow his will (like robots, you know J I was just thinking maybe I am taking all these robot mentions too literally?) OK, runes on Lyndsey doesn’t look like egyptian hieroglyphs, but yet noone can exactly say what some of them look like…So, what if Lyndsey is dead and that is why Angel couldn’t smell him? Plus, you know, throwing the whole universe out of its axis, not something you can easily do on your own. Or digging out an amulet. Or making him corporeal. And, cat and dog – not exactly friends J
Yep, it is Jossverse and he is gonna play with Egyptian mythology the way he likes, not the way it was written in manuscripts. And thanks to all who managed to read my babbling JWhat do you guys think about all that?


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