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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 00:25. Заголовок: Спойлеры и рассуждения-2. VasquezE. (03/28/04 15:51:44)

VasquezE(03/28/04 15:51:44)

Спойлеры и рассуждения-2

Геро, извини, но у меня опять появился значок, что топик закрыт, а мне хочется поделиться поскорее...

Голосовалка на сайте

Два часа назад лидировал Ангел. Потом весть разнеслась по спайковским форумам. Сейчас результаты вот такие

The Poll I'll probably regret: Who should be with Buffy?
Spike 39.6%
Angel 33.1%
Xander 10.3%
No one. 8.8%
The mummy hand 5.0%
Other (comment) 2.5%
Riley (barring a divorce) 0.7%
Ben (barring resurrection) 0.2%

Total votes: 604

Меня умиляет относительно высокий процент "руки мумии".

И еще: похоже, я поторопилась, заявив, что у Уток сплошной позитив. Я не заходила к ним несколько дней, а там, оказывается, была такая буча... Поскольку место побоища уже убрали, подробности можно почитать в другом месте -


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 00:46. Заголовок: Geroneja(03/28/04 19..

Geroneja(03/28/04 19:04:17)

Васкес, все, этот топик оставляем, потому как ежик что-то чудит ) Спасбио за ссылки: руки мумии - это нечто!! )))

Прогосовала - у Спайка сейчас 41% ))

Может последный пост сюда тоже перетащить?

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 00:49. Заголовок: Geroneja(03/28/04 19..

Geroneja(03/28/04 19:12:08)

Мы с Лой посовещались и решили перенести последние посты в новый топик )

Posts: 571
(3/28/04 21:05)
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Re: Фото ДМ
Alhena, Спаркли всегда считают наиболее вероятным наихудший вариант, а Утки - наилучший. Возможно, это как-то связано с периодом денайла - не знаю... Спаффи живуть впроголодь (я имею в виду - морально) меньше года, Бангелы - пятый год. При том что им с самого начала объявили, что любовь Ангела и Баффи - это нечто единственное и неповторимое, а Спайка до этого соединяли и с Дрю, и с Хармони, и никакой "единственности-неповторимости" словесно не декларировали. Многим Спарклям из-за этого кажется, что Ведон всегда "пренебрегал" парой Баффи-Спайк.

Интересный материал для обсуждения:

bubonicplague1348 wrote:
At the risk of being flamed, I really do not think that a Spike spinoff is a viable option. As a character, he just doesn't have the attributes that can carry a series with the lead role, unless something fundamental is changed about him.

Spike is fairly stable and defined as characters come and go. At this point, we can generally predict Spike's reaction to any given circumstance that is thrown at him. His history is pretty well-documented. I think that for a character to carry a spinoff, there needs to be a lot of questions that need answering in terms of psychology, history, etc. If one were to put Spike in a spinoff, I could only see it developing in one of two ways:

1. Spike as the lead. In this scenario, the show would essentially be Angel II. Souled vampire helping the helpless. Except in this case, we have the extra attitude and the complete loss of the redemption theme.
It would be a very simplistic show.

2. Spike as part of an ensemble cast. A better option, but most likely Spike would devolve completely back into his season 4 persona, existing only to snipe at other characters and be generally amusing.

We've already run into some of these difficulties this season on Angel. Spike doesn't care much about "deeper issues" such as redemption and his place in the universe. Spike has, by Fury's own admission, devolved. Fortunately, the season managed to handle these problems by having the main focus be between the Spike/Angel interaction: Because of his history and relationship with Angel, Spike can be a bit more philosophical than he generally would. Though Spike's character has reverted a bit, this can be explained due to the nature of his relationship with Angel, and he has been refashioned in terms of that relationship.

Spike's story came to a natural conclusion with the end of BtVS. The only reason his character still worked, IMO, was because of the Angel dynamic. A spinoff wouldn't have that - Spike would become either an Angel knockoff or be deconstructed to the point of unidentifiability.

I could see a TV movie or two, but a whole series? Not really. I'd much rather have JM move on to other projects (I'd prefer a TV series to movies, because I am selfish) that don't involve Spike. The man is too talented to be pigeonholed into playing one character.

Я с ней не совсем согласна: мне кажется, что спинофф Спайк-Фриллирия-Уэс (плюс, желательно, Эндрю и Халли) мог бы получиться гениально. До сих пор мне казалось, что Спайк неисчерпаем. Фред, конечно, была простенькая как стеклышко, но теперь у персонажа Эми Экер появились огромное пространство для развития. А Уэс нужен, чтобы держать эту парочку под контролем, поставлять информацию и время от времени решать неразрешимые проблемы старым добрым американским способом - при помощи огнестрельного оружия.

Я понимаю, что это чистый fanwank ("фанатский онанизм") - но все-таки интересно, что думают другие на этот счет. На Спарклях почти все согласились с Бубоник, но, как я уже говорила, там всегда наиболее вероятным вариантом считают наихудший.

И пара ссылочек:
эссе By the “End of Days” Buffy and Spike are “Chosen” “Fool for Love” - о динамике взаимоотношений Спайка и Баффи

И роскошные фото с австралийской конвенции 2001 года, которые появились в сети только сейчас.

Фотки, конечно, не профессиональные, иногда смазанные, но зато ДМ там весь в побрякушках и стоит за лекторским столом на фоне книжных стеллажей. На это стоит посмотреть!

Posts: 902
(3/28/04 21:22)
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Re: Фото ДМ
Васкес, спасибо за пост Бубоник и за ссылки )

По поводу спин-оффа... Только вчера обсуждала с человеком этот вариант ("Ангела" товарищ не видел и смотреть пока не собирается, но тоже говорит, что из спин-оффа со Спайком ничего хорошего не будет с примерно той же аргументацией), и я согласна с Васкес - Спайк как персонаж неисчерпаем, как повернет ситуацию в конце пятого сезона "Ангела" Ведон нам пока тоже неизвестно - если будет новый сериал, то они о нем знают уже сейчас и почва будет именно где-то в тех краях. Я так понимаю, что в любом спин-оффе с присутствием Спайка будет и Эндрю, потому как их работу в комнаде начали пробовать еще в седьмом сезоне "Баффи", плюс Уэс и Иллирия - было бы очень интересно, там тоже все далеко не просто, плюс Уэсли Уиндам-Прайс, как по мне, персонаж, который в Ведонверсе, получил наибольшее развитие после Спайка. Если в сериале будет Алексис Денисоф, то это всегда дает шанс на появление в нем Элисон Ханниган, плюс Душку говорила, что непрочь вернуться в Ведонверс. Так что получиться могло бы действительно гениально, и в сценаристы Дрю и Стива, все равно они написали половину пятого сезона "Ангела", и вернуть Эспенсон из "Девочек Гилмор" ))
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

Posts: 55
(3/28/04 23:46)
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Re: Фото ДМ
Понято, спасибо Васкес. Правильно в принципе делают, рациональные ребята. Но и расслабляется в принципе тоже надо.
А когда нам в последний раз заявляли что Бангел что-то особенно и неповторимое?
По мне, так в случае с Баффи, пусть она останется с кем останется, только вот пусть Спайка снова не убивают. У меня и стадия Бангела была и стадия Спаффи. В принципе Спаффи все еще длится, так как на Спангела прейти не получилось. Но мне в принципе все равно. Конечно я буду рада если все закончится С/Б, но так и это хорошо вот в чем вопрос?
Ну да ладно.

В посте Бубоник есть рациональное зерно, она девушка саркастичная, но правду матку иногда изрекает (даже не иногда, но манера изречения у нее своеобразная). Действительно будет ли так интересен серила имени Спайка и только про него. У Ангела период душевных страдании был сто лет, и за эти сто лет он успел начудить, что всем еще разгребаться и разгребаться. У Спайка этого времени нет. Он был мало того, что вампиром, без души, да еще и все время с одной и той же девушкой. Бубоник права, для интересного сюжета нужны какие-то неизвестные подробности разлученные близнецы и троюрные тети. И о чем может быть сериал, об искуплении? Не верю я вечно страдающего Спайка на экране, он выпендрежник каких мало, не в его это стиле, даже если он и действительно страдает. Может и есть они все эти интересные подробности, а мы о них не занаем,
А по поводу командного сериала, вот тут я с ней абсолютно не согласна и всеми конечностями за командный сериал. И я не согласна, что история Спайка закончилась вместе с сериалом Баффи. Спайк-Фриллирия-Уэс и Эндрю (обязательное его надо), Хочу это видеть. Команда мечты. Предлагаю так и назвать сериал.

роскошные фото с австралийской конвенции 2001 года

Спасибо за фотки! Загляденье. Какой он худенький на них. Прелесть. И фенечки у него душевные.

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 00:56. Заголовок: Loy Yver(03/28/04 19..

Loy Yver(03/28/04 19:18:37)

Теперь самое главное, чтобы Ежик снова не начал чудить.

Спасибо за ссылку с голосовалкой. Чертовски приятно.
Попытался черт меня дернуть и заставить проголосовать за руку мумии, но не вышло у лукавого. Сама хуже черта.)
Suum Cuique (c)

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 00:58. Заголовок: VasquezE(03/29/04 00..

VasquezE(03/29/04 00:43:21)

Ха! Каждый домыслит приключения Баффи в меру своей испорченности! )))))

А тем временем и Internet Movie Database разразился заметкой "Баффи не будет" В ощем, перепевы того, что известно, но все-таки - туда попадают только главные новости шоу-бизнеса. И заметка о СМГ идет на втором месте - после освобождения из тюрьмы Бобби Брауна
Sarah Michelle Gellar Out of 'Angel' Finale

Angel fans are disappointed to learn Sarah Michelle Gellar will not
be reprising her Buffy role in the show's season finale, after
bosses decided against it. Joss Whedon, the show's executive
producer, tells TV Guide's online edition that he didn't invite
Gellar to appear in the final episode of Angel - a Buffy, The
Vampire Slayer spin-off, because he didn't want it to "revolve
around a guest star". He explains, "I want to end the show with the
people who've been in the trenches together, the characters who have
lived - and occasionally died - together, the regulars." Whedon
invited Gellar to appear in the second-to-last episode, but she
wasn't available because she was in Tokyo, Japan, working on the
horror film The Grudge when the show was being shot. Whedon's
partner, Jeffrey Bell, says show executives eventually learned that
Gellar was available for the final episode despite being booked at
the time of the penultimate one. But by that time, the
second-to-last episode had already been written and shot, and
getting her into the last episode "didn't make any sense" with the
plot that had been written so far. Bell adds, "By the time it became
a possibility, the ship had sort of sailed."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 00:59. Заголовок: Geroneja(03/29/04 11..

Geroneja(03/29/04 11:51:58)

Да, IMDB ресурс очень и очень серьезный!

К нам ту на огонек в закрытом топике Стренджер забегала, переношу сюда:

Posts: 102
(3/29/04 17:4
| Del Re: Фото ДМ
Ну, раз уж попросили...

Нет у ДБ адекватного ирландского акцента, нет. Есть довольно карикатурный вариант. И он в этом не виноват: действительно, это произношение... даже французское, говорят, легче. Ирландцы не только "акают", они еще и "укают" там, где, по мнению англичан, не надо (иными словами, практически везде, где стоит английское "ю"). Куинн было начал Дэвида учить, но... сами знаете . Освоить это дело мало кому удавалось (а с точки зрения самих ирландцев, так и вовсе никому) - хотя и избавиться тоже

А ЭСХ... нет, у него не идеально оксфордское произношение, с прискорбием вынуждена признать. Но и не кокни (разве только если он сам того хочет, причем обычно в таких случаях дурачится). Нормальный чистый среднеанглийский образованного человека. (Вы думали, только в России есть средняя полоса? *ехидно*).

Ну и еще напоследок - в тему...

Не в обиду никому будь сказано, но я не думаю, что для сериала со Спайком в центре НЕПРЕМЕННО нужно мыльно-оперное прошлое с кучей связей и внезапными членами семьи Во-первых, одна флэшбек-книга по "Баффи" - Pretty maids all in a row - практически целиком посвященная Спайку и Дрю, имела уже такой успех, что некоторые до сих пор жалеют, что по ней одной не сняли спин-оффа. Во-вторых (заранее признавая непопулярность своего на эту тему взгляда), я не вижу необходимости во флэшбеках как таковых, по крайней мере, когда речь идет о Спайке: он и сейчас интересный (и нет, я ни на что и ни на кого не намекаю, но думать мне никто не запретит *показывая язык*). Наконец, в-третьих, я не вижу необходимости повторять все движения Ангела даже в варианте осознания блондином своих былых "подвигов". Мы уже неоднократно видели, как по-разному они с Ангелом воспринимают и переживают аналогичные ситуации. (Еще когда Спайк получил душу, сколько было страхов и охов, что будет у нас теперь Ангел-два, вариант уменьшенный и перекрашенный... и что?) Soul purpose все видели. У каждого свой вкус (меня та последняя сцена, когда Спайк говорит "неважно, виноват ли я был в ЭТОМ случае", шандарахнула сильнее, чем все ангельские речи в течение сезонов, для кого-то, наверное, все наоборот), но разницу в содержании - при сходстве положения - между этими двумя вряд ли кто-то будет отрицать. (Это как в "Теле" - ни одной одинаковой реакции на смерть Джойс среди скубят...) И Спайк, балансирующий эти свои чувства с действиями - а действия тут были бы без вопросов, пассивным (больше, чем на полдня) блондик быть не может по определению... - скажем так, ИМО, скучно, монотонно или неосмысленно это вряд ли может быть.

Но при всем при том при вышесказанном, командный сериал я бы посмотрела еще с какой охотой и, если бы спросили, энергично за него проголосовала. И не потому (во всяком случае, не только потому *стараясь быть как можно честнее*), что "хоть сколько-то Спайка на экране лучше, чем совсем без него". А потому что команда подбирается уж больно интересная: и к Уэсу мое отношение всем известно, и Эндрю уже практически обожаю, и Иллирия, на мое ИМО, *несравнимо* интереснее Фред... а Джеймс не такая дива, чтобы страдать (будь то эмоционально или творчески) от конкуренции окружающего качества. Наоборот, в яркой и блестящей компании он только расцветает. И идет такой обмен энергией, что... да о чем речь, будто мы сами не видели.

Так что лично я готова на любой вариант *беспринципно* А вот насколько я на любой из них надеюсь - это другой, уже гораздо менее бодрый, вопрос...
Нам, баффоголикам, к извращениям не привыкать!

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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AlhenaG(03/29/04 13:45:19)

Geroneja IMBM тоже ошибается, хоть и серьезный ресурс.

Strenger, спасибо за разъяснения.
Как говорят ирландцы их акцент самый худший акцент в мире, некоторые правда отдают пальму первенства провинциальны шотландцам.
Некоторые еще и шепелявят если это можно назвать, очень странно произносят букву S (к примеру слово ферст, произносят как фершт, и т.п.)
А научится ему мне кажется, не так уж и сложно, пожил бы месячишко в каком-нибудь Доннеголе и сразу бы заговорил, вот только ему это надо?
(средняя прослойка есть везде, да и Россия в принципе, ничем от других стран не отличается, кроме, … но это тема не для обсуждения политики и экономики)

По поводу теть и дядь это я не серьезно, так в качестве штампа-примера. Но интересные детали они всегда нужны. Вопрос не в том стала бы я смотреть этот сериал, конечно бы стала, еще, как бы стала! а в том стала бы его смотреть остальная целевая аудитория. Ведь будет очень жалко, если серил очень быстро свернут, из-за того, что у него будут низкие рейтинги или еще что-то в этом роде. Только понимаешь губу раскатаешь, разлакомишься, а тут на тебе, уже компания «спасем сериал …». И что такое сериал имени героя, это, прежде всего, сериал про этого героя, где весь сюжет строится под него вокруг него, и друге работают на него. Спайк шеф всех и вся? Что-то не верится. Очень может быть, что они бы придумали бы что-то эдакое и совершенно новое. Очень может быть.
По поводу книг и комиксов ничего не знаю, тут я абсолютные дилетант, да в отношении многих вещей в ВВ. Вот поэтому тут сижу и просвещаюсь.

И Спайк, балансирующий эти свои чувства с действиями - а действия тут были бы без вопросов, пассивным (больше, чем на полдня) блондик быть не может по определению... - скажем так, ИМО, скучно, монотонно или неосмысленно это вряд ли может быть.

С этим согласна, но даже при всей его активности, просто так он скакать не будет. Что будет тем самым детонатором к его действиям? И потом, просто один он быть не сможет. Все равно окружение нужно и лучше бы вот то самое окружение, о котором писалось ранее.
Но как фанат видеть сериал со Спайком в любом виде я буду рада. Но я больше за тот вид, который продержится подольше.

Но, если отвлечься от моих эгоистичных побуждений, мне бы хотелась что бы у Джеймса появилась какая-нибудь другая яркая роль.

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Geroneja(03/29/04 16:13:47)

AlhenaG, ошибаются все, тут уже что есть, то есть )

Да, поддерживаю, я бы тоже очень хотела видеть какую-нибудь новую и яркую роль для Джеймса, но и спин-офф хочу... Кстати, а почему бы не развить идею с первым Истребителем-мужчиной, были же слухи перед пятым сезоном "Ангела"..

Кстати, про "Ангела", вернее про Ангела, а еще вернее про Бореаназа - поползли слухи, говорят, от Джины Торрес, что Джосс берет ДБ в "Серенити". У меня только один вопрос - а ДМ?

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(03/29/04 16:40:37)

И эксклюзивное интервью Энди Халлета:


The Hollywood Highland Complex on Hollywood Boulevard is packed with people, and I'm sitting there on a bench, trying to figure out who among all of them is Andy Hallett. After all, although I googled him for pictures, so far I’ve only known him as Lorne the Host on "Angel", and Lorne is green, with red eyes, and horns. For a moment there, I almost mistake him for a forty-ish, balding Japanese guy, but then the real Andy comes along, and he looks great, and much much taller.a

We go over to a nice restaurant, take a sit, get our cran-apple-tinies from the waitress, and start the interview. Nobody in the entire place, not even the waitress, suspects that Andy here is a primetime TV star, and that seems to suit him just fine.a

So how did you end up doing "Angel"? I ask him, and he gives me a look. "I mean the show", I correct myself. "How did you end up on the show?". Andy smiles and says:a
When I first got to LA seven years ago - God, I’ve been here forever - I came with a friend of mine, Dawn, who’s related to Joss Whedon, so I basically got to know him socialy at first. So he watched me and my friends singing at this bar in Holywood, I used to beg him to come to that bar. Make him. It was scary, I mean scary.a

Too sleazy for him?a
Well, he likes stuff like that, but there were darts, you could play darts (at the bar) and these were some serious dart players, and the dart board - that was the stupidest arrangement ever, I used to bitch about it to the owner all the time - the board was at the middle of the bar. People are at the dance floor, and then you see a dart flying and you just have to duck, I’m serious. These guys playing darts were old time dart players and there was this guy, Jim, who’s the darts’ champion over there, and he didn’t take it from nobody and if you were in his way, he would just throw the dart anyway.a

What a nice guy! Can I meet him?a
Oh, he’s dead. He got clubbed over the head and he’s dead, so no. Unfortunately you can’t talk to him, no. So Joss developed this idea and I saw him in the airport, and he was like "What do you think of coming and auditioning for this part?" and he told me straight up, he said "I was inspired by you", so that was nice, but he also said "That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get It", because I didn’t have any experience.a

So if somebody else got the part you were the inspiration for, wouldn’t that just suck?a
I would have been PISSED. I would be watching the show every week going like - "@#%$ @#%$!", So I auditioned, and then I had to audition again and again, and then I got the part. I was only supposed to appear a couple of times, like two or three times.a

But people went crazy for you.a
Yeah, which was great. Really really great.a

Are you at all bothered by the fact you have this role in which you’re covered in prosthetics and make up-a

and people can’t recognize you? I finish my question.a
No, that part is good. I like that, that anonymity thing.a

You get the best of both worlds.a

But the make-up is a bitch?a
A BITCH! A bitch, whore, slut. I HATE the make-up!a

Do you at least enjoy the time you spend with the make-up artist?a
Dane is really good. He’s a true professional; he’s won Emmy awards for his make-up and stuff. Dane is cool, it’s just that this make-up procedure takes a long time and I can’t sit still for two seconds. And also, it's usually in a stupid hour of the day.a

Like 4 a.m?a
Yes. I’ve never been a morning person. Never ever ever.a

As you probably already discovered yourselves, Andy’s mind tends to wonder a little. Behind every fairly simple question lays an informative, interesting-beyond-expectations answer. He loves to talk and it definitely shows, but at this point I decide we’ve had enough with the small talk, and cut straight to the good stuff.a

What do you think about James joining the cast in the fifth season? Do you like what he brought to the show?a
Yes. James has a huge following with the ladies, huh? A lot of the fans followed him to the show. He also added a lot of action scenes to the show and his character has a lot of history, which creates a deeper story line. And it also gave us a chance to work with new people, new faces, so that’s always fun too.a

When did you find out that Cordelia is never coming back on the show, and how did you feel about that?a
I guess I found out in April or May but I don’t really remember vividly. I just remember being at home, in Cape Code, at my parent's house - to hear the news about the show - and then finding out that we got picked for a fifth season but Cordelia was not going to be in the mix. And I remember being surprised, but I also knew she was pregnant and having a child, and that she probably wanted to spend time with her child.a

She did appear to be surprised about the news herself. I mean, do you really believe it was her decision?a
I honestly don’t know. I know she wanted to spend more time being able to raise the child, because the way her schedule was prior to that - she couldn’t have. It just takes so long to shoot this stuff. So LONG. To shoot one show is eight days, and it’s eight long, long days, and it’s exhausting. So I can see how one would want not to be doing both at the same time. But I think that Joss and those guys also thought that her character had come to a... I don’t know, that she had reached a plateau or whatever, but I didn’t see that and I don’t think that a lot of the fans saw that, so I was really surprised. But I LOVE her. She’s one of those girls that... she’s in charge, she’s a powerful person. She’ll let you know right away if something’s bothering her on the set.a

So she’s kinda really like Cordy?a
Yeah, in a way. But not the bitchy part. Just very direct and has a powerful presence about her.a

Now with Cordy gone, you hardly have any female characters on the show (except for Fred). How do you feel about that?a
I don’t notice it that much because a lot of my scenes have women in them. And we have Mercedes Mcnab, who’s funny and great. I love her.a

What do you think about the changes in the fifth season - the new format, new locations?a
I LOVE the new locations! It makes it a lot more fun. It’s a bigger set and just… well, new. But it’s also hot as balls in there (you can print that). In between takes, I have to go and stand next to the air condition units, because I get so hot and can melt. It’s ridiculous. But aside from that, the new sets are the bomb! I just don’t know if that was the right story arc. To me, it’s like we say we’re going in to change it (Wolfram & Hart), but the place is so evil that... I don’t know.a

Andy has obviously put a lot of thought into the matter, yet finding the exact words seems difficult for him. I'm not sure whether or not to press the issue, thinking that I have trouble putting my finger on the problem myself. Plus, the show may be cancelled, but I wouldn’t want to mess with the writers, nor would he. I try to change the subject into a more cheery, colorful one, and strike gold.a

What’s your favorite episode?a

Well, you can't get more colorful then Vegas. "The House Always Wins"?a
Yes. That’s my favorite. Favorite-favorite-favorite! Not because it was all about ME, but because we got to go on location to Las Vegas. When we go on location, it’s usually around here, like an old house, or a gas station, so that was fun. And I’ve always wanted to have like a Vegas show, so it's like a real Vegas show, except that all the people sitting in the audience were getting paid to be there.a

Remember the scene where Joss played your brother and did that ridiculous Dance of Joy? How could you keep a straight face during the shoot - in other words, how many takes did it take?a
A lot! But I didn’t know it was him. He was keeping it a secret.a

Do you think knowing it would have made it funnier?a
No, I knew after a little while, but HE wanted it to be a big surprise, so he even had his make-up done in another make-up trailer. And I remember, cause the make-up artists were having to cater for his needs, so the whole time I was in make-up I kept hearing "We’ve got to do Namphar over at the brown trailer" and I’m thinking "Who the @#%$ is this Namphar? And why is HE getting special treatment, more than I am?", And then we went to a rehearsal, which was out in the woods, and I was late and they were waiting for me. And usually before rehearsals I go up to the other actors and introduce myself, but I was late this time, so I couldn’t. And then I saw Namphar and he did his dance and I thought "Oh my god! Who IS this guy?" I thought he was trash. And... how did I find out? Umm...a

He yelled "CUT!"?a
He smiles, Yeah, right. That’s very funny... I was standing with David Boreanez, and he was like "Oh my god! Do you know who that is?", and he told me, and Joss was really pissed that David told me.a

What do you like the most about Lorne?a
Probably the fact that... you know how when Angel turned to Angelus and he got really mean to everybody? Well, he never had that much mean stuff to say to Lorne, and that was when I was finally realizing this is kind of cool. Lorne doesn’t have that much to pick on him. He’s like "yeah, I am what I am, and I don’t go out and fight battles, but you can’t say more than that". I like the fact that he usually gets along with everybody. Like in one of the episodes recently, Spike was like really pissing everybody off, and Lorne was like "Alright, see you later, Spike". You know, not drawing judgment upon anybody, because he’s from this planet Pylea, on which - you know - he got picked on by everybody. So he hated Pylea because he heard music and nobody else did, and they thought he was insane. So he came to LA where everybody is supposed to be accepted, and I think he’d be the last one to put a judgment on anybody, because he’s been judged so much.a

What don’t you like about his personality, if anything?a
I wish that Lorne could be more... actually, no. I’m satisfied.a

If you could play any character in the Buffyverse, what would it be?a
Wow. That’s a good one. These are all original questions. It’s really wild, that usually doesn’t happen.a

Well, thank you. But usually the people who ask the questions don’t care about the show at all. They don’t even watch it.a
As Andy seems to have a little difficulty answering the question, I try to prod him.a

Maybe someone like Angel, a hero?a
NO. No-no-no!a

Spike? Cordy? If you could play like, Drag Cordy...a
It’s practically what I am! ...Can we pass the question for now?a

He's still uncomfortable with this question, so I gracefully let it slide and move on to a safer topic.a

What do you like to watch on TV?a
Larry Sanders. I love the show! Artie, the producer? Well he’s my favorite, he answers without hesitation, and immediately starts doing an imitation of Marty.a

Do you watch anything that’s on these days?a
Judge Judy. I love her. So I watch Judge Judy, Larry Sanders and The Price Is Right. Those are the three shows that I watch. I Tivo them.a

Are you bothered by the fact that Lorne doesn’t have a love life?a
No, not at all. Because that’s me too, that’s the way I am in my regular life, so I don’t imagine playing someone who has to deal with a relationship.a

You’ve never been in a relationship?!a
No, I have. That’s why I don’t want to play someone who is. I’ll be single forever. Forever and ever. I love, LOVE LOVE being single.a

Never want to get married, have kids?a
NEVER! I can’t think of a worst thing in the world. There’re so many people on this planet as it is, we don’t need any more. And I can’t make it to an appointment on time, so raise a child? What’s that? I can’t think of a worst punishment in the world.a

OK... so, is Lorne really gay, or is he like the gayest straight guy in the world?a
It’s meant to be ambiguous. Like Ricky Martin. He’s just got a lot of love for everybody. It was suppose to be this character that has the ability to just live and love.a

Do you have any influence what so ever over the story line?a

Can you at least improvise your own lines?a

Not even… I don’t know, sighs?a
Sighs yes. I add them to every scene, which means Amy Acker can’t go through a scene with me, because she says I add sound effects to everything.a

Well, you said that Lorne wasn’t gay nor straight, but I think he and Jack from "Will & Grace" would make a great couple, what do you think?a
Oh god! I don’t think they’ll get along that well. Lorne would have to say to him "Stop being ridiculous!" all the time. They’re both control freaks, so no.a

Is there a TV show that's on right now, that you would have like to have a cross-over with?a
He thinks about it for a while. I don’t know where Lorne would work. They always use to joke and say they wanted me to do an episode on "ER" and play a doctor and be drunk, but I can’t think of anything else.a

What do you think about the show’s fan base, that is so huge, you’ve even got fans in Israel?a
I know. That’s unbelievable to me. When you told me that I couldn’t believe it. It’s hard to believe that so far from home people are aware of it. I love it. It’s remarkable. I don’t even know what to say. He pauses for a moment, then goes on. They’re the best fans - I hate that word, best viewers - in the world, because they’re die hard, really dedicated, really loyal, very supportive, but they also tell you when they don’t like something too, if they don’t like a story line.a

Why do you think the show was cancelled? Do you think it had anything to do with the budget you spend on the special effects?a
Not really. They actually cut our budget this year, and people say you can really see that on the show, though I can’t feel the changes. I really have no idea. I just think it sucks and it’s weird. Weird timing too.a

Speaking of timing, "Angel" is finally airing on an Israeli channel in March. Is there anything you would like to say to the Israeli viewers?a
Really? Well, what does Shalom mean?a

He is obviously trying to avoid an international fiasco. It is a known fact that common words in foreign languages are usually curse words, and Andy doesn’t want to fall into that trap.a

Shalom is hello, and also peace, I assure him.a
Oh, very 'dirty'... he jokes. Well, I want to say thank you, and enjoy the show as much as possible, cause we just got yanked. This is the first interview I’ve done by the way, since we got pulled. I got like twenty five calls during this weekend, but this is the first one I’ve done.a

And we couldn't be more flattered. a

Andy Hallett and friends

In conclusion, I would like to settle one of the biggest mysteries of the Angelverse. Here's a question we've all been asking ourselves, wondered about while watching the show, discussed it at length in many forums. Sometimes we even lost sleep over it.a

What the hell happened to Cordy's hair?a

Andy says that it just took very long to style her hair every morning, "Almost as bad as my makeup".a

So, what, the producers just decided it was too expensive for her to have long locks? They've never heard of Felicity? Andy smiles and assures me it was all Charisma Carpenter's decision. She was just fed up with the time consuming styling process, so she went ahead and cut her hair one day. On set, they just didn't care for the result much, so they sent her to redo and redo her do.a

Thus comes to an end the mystery that is Cordy's Evil Blond Cut. Come on, admit it. That's all you really wanted to know.a

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(03/29/04 22:20:53)

Для только что вернувшихся из заточения, хотела бы знать ответ на вопрос: стопроцентна ли инфо о том, что СМГ так и не появится в финале Angel? Джосс с Беллом не шутили?

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Naisica(03/30/04 01:22:48)

Боюсь, что 100%, солнышко Хотели-хотели... и перехотели.


САБИ!!! С возвращением!!!!! ) Боже, как же я рада тебя "видеть"!!! ------
О, кто ты, прекрасный юноша с глазами, цвета осеннего лотоса и волосами, безнадёжно покоцанными пергидролем? (с)Коса Шивы SunnyDream

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(03/30/04 04:58:09)

Сабиночка, ужасно рада твоему возвращению! Надеюсь скоро увидеться!

Насчет СМГ - ну как тебе сказать... Утки кричат, что это дымовая завеса, Спаркли кричат, что дым идет из утиных ушей и что они курят слишком много травки. В общем, все как обычно. Небезызвестная Ванда\Кристин, которая долгое время уверяла, что СМГ обязательно появится, не оставляет надежды, что все происходящее - гигантская деза, но особо на это не рассчитывает.


Watch With Kristin - Chat Transcript
Monday, March 29, 2004

Kristin: Hey Tubers. Welcome to your "I can't believe Sarah Michelle Gellar is coming back to Angel and have nothing to live for" Support Group. Questions? Rants? I'm here for you. And I suppose we could talk about some other shows, too, if you really want to. And I'm so in denial that I just said IS instead of ISN'T. And I'm a wreck over it.
Kristin: SMG is NOT coming back to Angel at all. Me, of all people, to give you false hope. Sorry, god, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I just did that.
milesfrom730 asks: Why isn’t Sarah Michelle Gellar coming back?

Kristin replies: Make sure you read the TV Guide Online article, if you haven’t. Joss weighs in there. The only thing further I can tell you is that, according to a source, the whole “scheduling conflict” reeked of a pissing match between JW and SMG -- she wanted the bigguns, the finale (as I think we all wanted for her as well), and he wanted to keep her in the second to last episode so she didn’t steal the show. She no likey. So she no worky. Now, her CHARACTER, Buffy, still will be a part of that storyline, but suppos
Kristin: That said, I have this gnawing feeling that this could be the mother of all counter-spoiler endeavours ... I have this sneaking suspicion that Joss could be leading us astray so no one expects SMG to return. But maybe that's just my wishful thinking.
staff asks: So exactly what shows are we losing this season? TV Sucks now and if it doesn't it will after this season!

Kristin replies: Proof positive? Nick Lachey was just cast as Gina Gershon's handyman on a show called "Hot Mamma." And THIS, I ask you, is better than all the beloved shows we've watched go tits up this season?
nobledisaster asks: Mm, you were SO right about Wonderfalls. It makes me giggle, but it's also insanely smart and witty (from Time Minear? Of course) -- Any updates about future eps?

Kristin replies: First off, please please please, make special note of this: Wonderfalls' timeslot has changed to THURSDAY AT 9 ON FOX. So, at least, now it will have a slightly better pairing with Tru Calling. As for future eps ... So much goodness, I don't know whereto start.
txvoodoo asks: I and others are GLAD smg isn't coming back. the show doesn't need her - it stands on its own!

Kristin replies: Well, how very adult of you. (*sticks out tongue with fingers in ears*)
xeneri asks: Any word on whether some other Buffy cast members will be on for Angel finale?

Kristin replies: They had tried for Alyson Hannigan and Michelle Trachtenberg, but it doesn't look likely because Alyson is working on a play in London and Michelle is working on an ice-skating film which requires a lot of training and is also doing several episodes of Six Feet Under.
milesfrom730 asks: Wise kristen wont you tell us some news on Angel?

Kristin replies: We will get an update on Buffy ... we'll see her in crowds in episode 20, and find out what she's been up to. And we'll see more into Lorne’s past in the 17th ep – that he acquired a drinking habit after learning that the girl he loved was going to die. (Am I the only one that thought Lorne sang for the other team?)
wendylee asks: Anything on Tru Calling??

Kristin replies: Harrison is coming to the rescue -- or at least, Tru's aide. He's going to help Tru save the lives of two people ... Harrison's job will be to save a suicidal 19-year-old who lost her college money from gambling, while Tru attempts to save a man who has financial issues.
Kristin: WOW! Oh my gosh..I just got chocolates from Angel fans!!! Yay!!!! I love it when shows get cancelled! I love it when shows get canceled! Er, wait, no, that's not it at all.
I hate it when shows get canceled -- But I love me some die-hard Angel fans. You guys are the best. I just wish I could do more!!

Как видишь, ничего нового. Естественно, СМГ рассчитывала на финал. Я не удивлюсь, если впоследствии выяснится, что она специально построила график съемок The Grudge так, чтобы вернуться в ЛА ко времени съемок двух последних серий. Возможно, изначально это рассчитывалось как один из вероятных рычагов давления на Ведона. "Видите, я на 20 серию не успеваю, впишите меня в 21-22, как вписали в прошлом году Дэвида". Но - не прокатило. Ситуация другая. Ангел мог заявиться в "Баффи" на пять минут, чтобы скромно предложить руку помощи и удалиться - да и то все это выглядело весьма странно. В первых 4 минутах героев отмотали на 4 года назад - а на последней минуте опять перемотали на текущий сезон.
А в случае с Баффи в "Ангеле" ей нужно было бы и Ангела наставить на истинный путь, и узнать о том, что Спайк жив, и объясниться с ним - на это пяти минут ну никак не хватит. На это нужна серия. А отдавать финальную серию "гостевому персонажу"...
В общем, грустно.

И хотеломь бы добавить к посту Стренджер в предыдущем топике

Не в обиду никому будь сказано, но я не думаю, что для сериала со Спайком в центре НЕПРЕМЕННО нужно мыльно-оперное прошлое с кучей связей и внезапными членами семьи Во-первых, одна флэшбек-книга по "Баффи" - Pretty maids all in a row - практически целиком посвященная Спайку и Дрю, имела уже такой успех, что некоторые до сих пор жалеют, что по ней одной не сняли спин-оффа. Во-вторых (заранее признавая непопулярность своего на эту тему взгляда), я не вижу необходимости во флэшбеках как таковых, по крайней мере, когда речь идет о Спайке: он и сейчас интересный (и нет, я ни на что и ни на кого не намекаю, но думать мне никто не запретит *показывая язык*). Наконец, в-третьих, я не вижу необходимости повторять все движения Ангела даже в варианте осознания блондином своих былых "подвигов". Мы уже неоднократно видели, как по-разному они с Ангелом воспринимают и переживают аналогичные ситуации. (Еще когда Спайк получил душу, сколько было страхов и охов, что будет у нас теперь Ангел-два, вариант уменьшенный и перекрашенный... и что?) Soul purpose все видели. У каждого свой вкус (меня та последняя сцена, когда Спайк говорит "неважно, виноват ли я был в ЭТОМ случае", шандарахнула сильнее, чем все ангельские речи в течение сезонов, для кого-то, наверное, все наоборот), но разницу в содержании - при сходстве положения - между этими двумя вряд ли кто-то будет отрицать. (Это как в "Теле" - ни одной одинаковой реакции на смерть Джойс среди скубят...) И Спайк, балансирующий эти свои чувства с действиями - а действия тут были бы без вопросов, пассивным (больше, чем на полдня) блондик быть не может по определению... - скажем так, ИМО, скучно, монотонно или неосмысленно это вряд ли может быть.

Но при всем при том при вышесказанном, командный сериал я бы посмотрела еще с какой охотой и, если бы спросили, энергично за него проголосовала. И не потому (во всяком случае, не только потому *стараясь быть как можно честнее*), что "хоть сколько-то Спайка на экране лучше, чем совсем без него". А потому что команда подбирается уж больно интересная: и к Уэсу мое отношение всем известно, и Эндрю уже практически обожаю, и Иллирия, на мое ИМО, *несравнимо* интереснее Фред... а Джеймс не такая дива, чтобы страдать (будь то эмоционально или творчески) от конкуренции окружающего качества. Наоборот, в яркой и блестящей компании он только расцветает. И идет такой обмен энергией, что... да о чем речь, будто мы сами не видели.

Так что лично я готова на любой вариант *беспринципно* А вот насколько я на любой из них надеюсь - это другой, уже гораздо менее бодрый, вопрос...
Нам, баффоголикам, к извращениям не привыкать!

Стренджер, насколько я понимаю, это твои размышления по поводу поста Бубоник. Мне кажется, что ее рассуждения - во многом реакция на драматургическую неприкаянность Ангела в пятом сезоне. Авторы используют его в основном для раздачи руководящих указаний и как объект спайковских издевательств. Он как-то тихо и незаметно превратился в пародию на самого себя (потому-то серия с марионеткой и получилась так здорово - потому что это был момент истины). В отсутствие длинных "мыльнооперных" арок персонаж вообще перестал развиваться. И Ведон это чувствует лучше других - недаром в своей серии он устроил Ангелу "выход на публику" с воткнутым в него мечом и болтающимся сзади монстриком. Персонаж стал мультяшным, и от этого никуда не уйти, сколько бы страстей вокруг него не наворачивали.
Конечно, Спайк гораздо эластичнее, и актерский диапазон у ДМ гораздо шире. И меня не покидает чувство, что Фриллирию заготавливали на 6 сезон именно для Спайка. Вот почему я - за командный сериал, причем обязательно с женщинами. Конечно, после 30-миллионного премьерного уикэнда "Скуби-2" шансы увидеть СМГ на ТВ практически сравнялись с нолем, но есть же Дрю и Дарла... и Халли... и, в конце концов, можно новых дэвушек придумать!

Я по-прежнему с огромным нетерпением жду хоть слово, хоть полслова от ДМ. Вначале по форумам ходили какие-то невнятные слухи, будто бы он ведет переговоры о съемках в новом сериале The WB Dark Shadows. Сегодня вроде бы пришли сведения, что взяли Алекса Ньюмана (Хранителя Колодца в The Hole in the World). Теперь поговаривают, что ДБ будет сниматься в "Светляке"...

Помяни демона мести - а он тут как тут! Только что появилась рецензия на DVD 7 сезона "Баффи". Хальфрек действительно Сесили!


Goddard in particular brings an interesting slant to the proceedings, since it was the first episode he ever wrote, of any show. One especially interesting thing is that he finally confirms that the character Halfrek is indeed the same as Cecily, the 18th century woman with whom Spike was obsessed in the flashbacks in Season 5’s Fool For Love – a subject that has been intensely debated by many fans.

Забавно: ведь первый эпизод Годдарда был последним эпизодом Халли

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Loy Yver(03/30/04 09:54:05)

С возвращением, дорогая! Надеюсь, все в порядке?

Suum Cuique (c)

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(03/30/04 12:04:08)

Саби, с возвращением ))

Хм, ты смотри, они таки подтвердили, что Халли - это Сесиль, не прошло и три года! ))) А если серьезно, то хоть в этом мы оказались правы ) Мдя-м, слухами сеть только и полнится, а ничего толком так никто и не говорит...

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(03/30/04 14:38:03)

Знаешь, я не удивлюсь, если окажется, что Годдард "подстроился" под фанов. Когда вышел NLM, многие называли его гениальным литературным обработчиком фанфиков...
А эту ссылочку я обнаружила на ASSB и решила кинуть сюда для Аюра и всех остальных, кто интересуется комиксами:
4 страницы нового комикса про Ангела из серии Tales of the Vampires


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Geroneja(03/30/04 16:09:26)

Согласна, у Дрю в сериях всегда есть что-то такое, что уже кажется, что в каком-то фике я это видела, но пишет он гениально, тут уж не отнимешь )

Из новостей:
Сегодня 39 (!) лет исполнилось Джульетт Ландау, хоть о возрасте дам говорить и не принятно, но я бы ей больше 33 не дала ))

Фотографии ДБ с супругой:

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(03/31/04 02:40:02)

Всем огромное спасибо. Я и сама ужасно рада своему возвращению, теперь буду приходить в себя в родных стенах и на родных сайтах .
Теперь перевариваю новое инфо. Что ж, дождемся финала и точно узнаем будет ли СМГ, хотя шансы на ее появление нулевые.
Отдельные пасибки за фото Дэвида с женой.

Мне еще понравились последние фотки Сары и Сэта:

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Geroneja(03/31/04 11:18:25)

Саби, спасибо за ссылки, мне, кстати, тоже эти фотки приглянулись )

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(04/01/04 03:08:05)

Не за фто, Геронеечка.
Недавние фотки Эли отличного качества:

И по опросу слейерверса среди фанатов пока Эли имеет больше шансов на удачную кинокарьеру - 52,1% (к примеру, у Сары - 25,6%).
И наши девочки на непоследних местах журнала FHM (если кто еще не видел):

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SanAnn(04/01/04 03:40:02)

Соррьки за офф-топ,
но вы только посмотрите на эти фотки малышки Мишель в сериале "Закон и порядок":
Просто cutie!

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Саби, и снова спасибо )
Кстати, на слеерверсе сегодня пошутили и повесили интервью МТ, в котором она утверждает, что лесбиянка )

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VasquezE(04/01/04 13:43:19)

Вау, очаровательные фотки! Спасибо!
Сегодня показывали промку последних 6 серий. Вот описание:

Yes, 2 quick promos were on, one just before the Smallville ep airing in AtS' timeslot, & one about 35 minutes into it. At the end of the Smallville ep, where you would expect a promo, they aired a Smallville promo, grrr!

Anyway, the first promo was VERY short, literally 3 1/2 seconds.

Announcer: "Fresh episodes of Angel Return in 2 weeks." Then the following shots:

2 DB Promo/Glamour shots, that we've seen before. The second one was against their famous little wall.

2 JM Promo/Glamour shots, that we've seen before. The first one, he has his finger up to his eye, & the second is a side view shot w/ his head down, & their annoying bright lights.

Then there was a shot of DB as Angel, glaring.

And the last, best shot was Spike facing off against Illyria, in the training room. His brows are raised, & his pouty lip is out, & he nods to her, obviously meaning, "Let's have it, then," as they just start to circle. They show a shot of Illyria with an Ice Queen smile. Make that an android, zombie Ice Queen smile!
Spike is wearing duster, when he fights with Illyria.

The second Promo the WB aired tonight was longer, about 20 seconds.

Announcer: "In 2 weeks..."

(Begins w/ various shots of Angel. I'm guessing the first is from the Boxer Rebellion, the Power Walk scene.)

Ann.: "200 years..." (Second shot is Angel galloping on horseback, w/ a sword & shield)

Ann.: "Saving the world..."

(Angel standing, in a building, swinging another sword)

"Redeeming his Soul..."

(Angel running through woods, that look like the woods by Drogyn's Well. Then a shot of Angel chained, in a small old brick basement/dungeon type place. He is standing shirtless, back to camera, when the chains are pulled tight, so his arms are pulled up above his head. Then there is a front view of same scene. Setje, you can just see his nipps, hee! Angel looks scared & in pain, not crazy, or like Angelus.)

"Now, Angel's past returns..."

(Someone w/ dark hair, jeans, & white stripe buttondown falls to his knees. Might be Connor, can't see his face. Then a shot of Darla biting Liam, & a shot of his reaction. Then a shot of Dru, then Darla, then Angel on his knees, looking scared, a bright light flashes.)

"The Final 6 Episodes Begin..."

(Wide Shot of Illyria standing over Spike, who's face down on the training room floor. Still wearing the Damn Duster!!!)

Next is a shot of Angel, Lorne, & a woman, looks like it's in a parking garage. Angel is holding something, I can't tell what it is. But it's bigger than a breadbox!

Then a shot of SPIKE! He's in someplace dark, I can't tell where, glaring & walking toward the right side of the screen.
Then a shot of Angel, walking in a large sewer drain pipe.)

"Darla..." (shot of Darla, in bed)

"Drucilla..." (shot of Dru, hands in the air, looking crazy)

(Then a shot of Connor - hair a bit shorter, maybe he filled out a little since last year?)
Then a shot of Angel, who says "Connor."
(Then shots of Angel walking, first a closeup & then a wide shot.)

Announcer:"Angel returns, in 2 weeks, on the WB Wednesday night."

Ends w/ the screen showing:

The Final 6 Episodes
In Two Weeks

С сегодняшнего дня серия "The girl in question" числится в IMBD в списке актерских работ Джули Бенц и Джульет Ландау.

Геро, у меня к тебе вопрос, как к человеку, который пасется на MTS: как зовут персонажа, которого ДМ должен быть играть в "Венецианской жаре"?
Дело в том, что в Сhicago Tribune сегодня появилась вот такая штука:

Several weeks ago, you mentioned Vanessa Redgrave's two daughters with Tony Richardson. She also hada son Carlo, with her "Camelot" co-star; Franco Nero. What are they doing now? Does Vanessa have any other children? -- Jeane T. Perry, Miller Place, N.Y.

Now 34, Caro Gabriel Nero works as a writer and director; and just finished directing his mother and half-sister, Joley Richardson, in a film for HBO called "The Fever," adapted from a play by Wallace Shawn.

Carlo's father, Franco Nero, now 62, enjoys an active career in both films and TV in his native Italy. As of this writing, he is co-starring with Derek Jacobi in a historical drama, "Venetian heat," set for release later this year.

Я посмотрела "Венецианскую жару" по IMDB

Production Notes/Status:
Status: Pre-production
Status Updated: 21 December 2003

Cast (in alphabetical order)
Sean Bean .... General Schneider
Derek Jacobi .... Don Giorgio
Franco Nero .... Fabiani
Paul Nicholls .... Mario

Конечно, с декабря многое могло измениться, но странно, что ничего не просочилось по фанатским каналам. Мое сильное подозрение - что автор сходил на ту же страничку, куда сходила я, и творчески переосмыслил увиденное. Неро на главного героя не тянет - ему за 60. Пола Николса я посмотрела - ему 25, и он по идее должен играть молоденького солдата, который соблазняет жену. Значит ли это, что режиссер все переиграл? Или роль ДМ вакантна?

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Geroneja(04/01/04 16:57:24)

Васкес, огромное спасибо за описание трейлера, очень интересно, хочу видеть ) А Дарла и Дрю в 20-й.. Хм, я так понимаю, что они будут все же во флэшбэках

А героя ДМ в "Жаре", если мне не изменяет память, должны были звать Адриано, жену его - Катерина, так что я пока тоже ничего не понимаю...

Подтверждено, что Карпентер в финале пятого сезона "Ангела" не будет!
Новая работа Джули Бенц - минисериал "The Long Shot".

И гляньте на первую страницу новостей Слеерверса -- у них там веселое голосование по поводу того, кто самый горячий вампир - Ангел или Спайк, кто лидируети, думаю, понятно итак, но проголосовать не мешает )

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 01:46. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/02/04 04:5..

SanAnn(04/02/04 04:56:02)

Трейлерочек, конечно, воодушевляет...

Васкес, спасибочки. Я вот думаю, это ж сколько надо его смотреть, чтоб так все разглядеть .
Тут еще слейерверс вытащил на свет божий старые фотки ДМ (чтоб фаны не скучали, наверное):
Ну и, если кому интересно, качественные фотки Сары (муж также присутствует) с премьеры второй части Скуби-Ду в ЛА:
Обложки "EuroTrip" на DVD:
В голосовании пока Спайк с 53% против Энджела с 46%.

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VasquezE(04/02/04 13:36:21)

Геро, СанАнн, спасибо за ссылки!
Еще одна голосовалка - с кем должна быть Баффи:
Сейчас результаты таковы:
Ангел - 46%
Спайк - 54%

На Спаклях народ обсуждает, расскажет ли Ангел Спайку про речь Баффи насчет недопеченного печенья. Станет ли это "эмоциональной развязкой" треугольника. Я сильно в этом сомневаюсь - не может быть развязки, построенной на событиях из другого сериала. Но мне все-таки интересно, добавит ли Ведон хоть что-нибудь помимо стандартной присказки "мы оставляем ее, чтобы она могла жить нормальной жизнью"?

Я вот думаю, это ж сколько надо его смотреть, чтоб так все разглядеть

Именно! На стоп-кадрах изучают. Перед финалом все особенно взбудоражены и ждут, чем все кончится. А Ведон сегодня участвовал в каком-то радиошоу и пообещал "ощущение открытого финала" (open ended feeling). Вот что написал человек, слушавший передачу:

"Joss was on the Kevin & Bean show this morning on KROQ. It was great. He talked about the fan response and how "cool" it's been knowing that the fans are feeling the sadness of the cancellation of Angel just like the ME people. He also said that he was aware of the rally on Wednesday. His basic message this morning was to "keep making noise." He doesn't think that Angel will come back next year as a series. BUT, that it has a strong possibility of coming back in some form. He used words like "spin off" "miniseries and tv movie". They just don't know yet.

K & B asked why it got cancelled. Joss said the WB gave him a lot of reasons but mainly it was about making room for reality and repeats. He said it was about tv ad money for repeats. And that reality tv is destroying the landscape of television. He then joked that (and I'm paraphrasing) Angel was canceled because of dollars and cents. Well, it's about dollars but they have no sense.

Joss said that they are going to start shooting the last episode. And, that the feeling on the set is one of sadness. He made mention of the title of the last episode. But, I can't remember it. I was driving on the 405 and couldn't write it down. Sorry. But, it had a open ended feeling.

So, that's it kids. Keep up the noise. Joss said so!

Oh, and keep writing to everyone. He said that too."

А это - летнее интервью Годдарда, которое появилось в сети только сейчас. Кое-какие вещи меня поразили - например, что товарищ сценарист понятия не имеет, зачем в его серии (707CwDP) была проставлена дата и время. И что во втором сезоне "Ангела" линию Дарлы оборвали так быстро, потому что Джули Бенц должна была сниматься в другом сериале.


Drew Q&A, 2003
So, many moons ago, also known as the time just after Buffy ended its run, I (Dachelle) sent a rather ambitious list of nearly 30 questions to Drew by e-mail for him to answer for the site. Drew, bless him, tried his best to get to all the questions, but over time he became busy with Angel, and I became busy with law school stuff, and eventually it became clear that the Great DrewGoddard.com Site Interview was never going to be completed. However, in the interests of fandom enlightenment, I present the truncated, belated, but nevertheless interesting official site Q&A with Drew from summer 2003.

Q. Who are the hardest and easiest characters for you to write?

They're all challenging and rewarding in their own way. But for some reason, writing mean-spirited, obnoxious villains comes very easy to me. Hmmmm. For instance, I'd be at my happiest if I could write an entire script about D'Hoffryn discussing bathroom fixtures and making fun of frat boys. It must be because I'm so pleasant and humble in my every day life.

Also, now that I think about it, Andrew's a really easy character to write because I just stick my head out of my office and write down whatever the hell Doug Petrie is talking about that particular day.

Q. How has being a writer on the show changed your opinion on certain characters/storylines/relationships from those you had when you were just a fan?

You become more understanding to storyline issues when confronted with the reality of putting on a television show every week. Good example -- as a fan, I was always bothered by the abrupt ending of the Darla story arc in season two of Angel. When I came over to Mutant Enemy I found out that Julie Benz was cast in a pilot for another show that season and the writers had to work around it. When I look back at those episodes now and I can appreciate the work everyone did given the constraints of the situation.

Q. What is your favorite episode out of the ones you've written?

The one where Mark Greene keeps making small mistakes when delivering the baby and ultimately gets his patient killed. After that, it's all pretty much one big tie. Though "Selfless" does have Swedish Viking Troll dialogue in it. That's going to be hard to top. Where do you go after that? What's the point?

Q. For each of your episodes, list a favorite moment and/or a scene you'd change given a second chance.

"Selfless" -- Favorite moment: "Lloyd has a sketch of it on his wall." I'd change: the Spider Demon scene with Xander -- the webslinging effect didn't really work the way it was supposed to.

"Conversations" -- Favorite moment: Jonathan's last speech. I'd change: Not really sure... I was pretty happy with that one.

"Never Leave Me" -- Favorite moment: "It was kinda like when I used to get ulcers in high school, only at the end I became one with light and hope." I'd change: The building explosion effect. Don't even get me started...

"Lies" -- Favorite moment: Giles and Wood's scene in the basement. I'd change: Not sure... Fury did a damn good job directing.

"Dirty Girls" -- Favorite moment: "Like Falcon Crest." I'd change: Some nitwit wrote an eight page fight for that last sequence and caused the show to run out of money. If said nitwit had it to do over again, he'd condense it a bit. Ah, the limitations of television.

Q. You were given the task of killing off one of the most-popular and longest-running recurring characters in the Buffyverse, Jonathan. Describe how you went about writing that scene and what you think of the end result.

Jonathan's been there since the beginning, and it was important to us to give him a death that completed his character arc. When I was writing it I basically sat down and watched all the key Jonathan episodes -- "Earshot," "Superstar," the Season Six arc -- and looked at Jonathan's journey. He follows a fairly logical progression from beginning to end, so it was simply a matter of servicing the character.

I love how the scene turned out. Danny Strong breaks my heart.

Q. Why is Anya afraid of bunnies?

I'm not sure. You tell me.

Q. What the heck was up with the time/date stamp at the beginning of "Conversations with Dead People"?

I'm not sure. You tell me.

Q. You've written two episodes with other writers, and three solo episodes. How does your writing process change when you're writing with someone else? How are the duties broken up, and is there a lot of compromise involved or does each writer do his or her own thing and then the individual works are pulled together at the end?

Every script is different -- "Conversations" was a very compartmentalized script and "Lies" was a true collaboration from top to bottom. Writing for television is about playing well with others, so in a sense all scripts are collaborations whether you're credited as solo writer or not. I'm lucky because I work with such talented writers. There isn't a lot of ego involved. Everyone just wants to make the best script possible.

Q. Which parts of “Lies My Parents Told Me” did you write, and which parts belonged to Fury?

"Lies" was a weird process. At the beginning Fury wrote Acts One and Three and I took Two and Four and then we switched and I rewrote One and Three and he rewrote Two and Four. I don't think there's a scene that doesn't have both of our voices in there. It was an odd way to work, but Fury kept us on track. He had a very strong vision of what the episode should be right from the outset.

Q. "Lies My Parents Told Me" ended up being a fairly controversial episode among some segments of the fandom. Some fans felt Spike was portrayed too sympathetically, others too harshly, and many were upset by Giles's betrayal of Buffy's trust and Buffy's reaction to Giles at the end of the episode. Can you describe to us what you and Fury were going for in terms of the character development of Spike and the relationship between Buffy and Giles in that episode, and how well you think you accomplished those goals in light of the fan reaction to it?

At the end of the day, any time these characters take a strong position it's going to upset some people. Buffy's not a story-driven/standalone show; characters evolve within this universe. This doesn't always make people happy. Admittedly, we go to some dark places.

What's important is that the story stays true to the character. With "Lies," individual point-of-view shapes the morality of the episode. We tried to show that each character truly feels he or she is doing what's right. How you view the episode may depend on which character you identify with the most. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. It's exactly what we intended it to be. I'm glad people are talking about it.

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Geroneja(04/02/04 16:59:53)

Васкес, огромное спасибо ))

Мдя-м, я и не сомневалась, что насждем открытый финал, вот что-что, а закрытые финалы я у Джосса еще не видела )) И по поводу печенья с тобой полностью согласна )

Отдельное спасбио за интервью Дрю - весьма и весьма позновательно )

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(04/03/04 09:33:02)

Груда новостей...

За последние сутки на нас обрушился град информации. Во-первых, вышли комментарии Ведона к Chosen на DVD 7 сезона:

deborahw37 с BAPS расшифровала и вывесила все, что он сказал. Вот краткая аннотация

...he talks a lot about
Bufy and Spike through the whole commentary how James and Sarah
bring a history and intimacy and vulnaribilty to their scenes that
take it to a different level from that that David and Sarah work
on.. how they have rebuilt trust and comfort and intimacy but it's
not sexual (I'll transcribe it all tomorrow) although he says the
fade to black encourages to believe what we wish and if we wish to
believe they spent their last night making love or talking thats
fine ,that shot of them in the basement was about trust and
connection and it's the most imporatnt in the show . And he talks
about Spike as " our boy" how " our boy is redeemed and saved and
destroyed and completed by the Soul and how fantastic James is .
what supurb acting chops he has and how he loves him (and not just
for his shiny shiny hair) he talks a lot about how Sarah and James
seemed to have got together and arrived at the wrong reading of the
end, they were playing it as things falling apart but he told them
no . the sound and the world and the battle fade away it's just
them. perfect intimacy and the romance of the flaming hands the
culmination of a complex rich relationship ..he seemed very
surprised that James and Sarah had it so wrong because James is
usually on the nail and that Sarah never really did seem to
understand exactly what he was after but he got it anyway ... and
yes " Love him when you say you Love him.. Love her when you say she
doesn't" .. The only mention of CGI was that they used a real burn
but the gel showed so they GCI'd it

And for what it's worth the Cookie dough was Marti's pitch

И вот весь (вроде бы) транскрипт.


Hi I'm Joss Whedon and this is the very final audio commentary on the very final episode of the very final series of Buffy and if you've actually sat through all the episodes and all the commentaries and you have a feeling of exhaustion confusion and sort of a low riding rage that you can't really describe or understand then you'll know how I felt when we shot this , to say that I was wiped out by the time we got here is the understatement of the world and no scene I think showed that more than this one because we had so little time to shoot so much and I'll explain
about that as we go to the credits


You see that was actually the first stuff we shot and we only had David for a little while and I mean a really little while I had about seven hours to do about ten pages and it all required everybody to be completely on point but that's what you get with Nathan and Sarah and David professionalism everybody was right on their marks and everybody worked really hard and it was a good start to this because there was no episode that we ever shot that was harder, bigger and that left less time for me to try and do anything interesting with the camera it left less time for the DP to light it left less time for everybody to do their best work and yet somehow people managed to

Act One

The stunts I did not have to shoot that day John Mettland shot most of it second unit and you'll be hearing a little bit about David Soloman who shot a huge amount of second unit for me on this show because it took so many days

What can I say about Nathan Fillion that hasn't already been said, he's a great hero and a great villain and just delightful I was so happy to have him back for the beginning of this episode just because I wanted to work with him and he'd gotten to work with other directors and I didn't think it was fair that he didn't get me, and I thought splitting him in half from the crotch up was you know maybe a little on the nose as a radical feminist statement goes but for his character I really thought he'd earned it . so

And David you know again came and just was right on the money same as Sarah from the first take which was important the only person who didn't do their best work here I think was me because lack of time meant that here we are that's an over that's an over and then we have a two shot over over two shot which is pretty much the gold standard for boring t directing but when we're in the kind of hurry that we were on this one we didn't have any choice, they make one big move in this entire scene and once they do we started shooting both of them at the same time, it's the rarest thing of all usually you light one direction it's very specific and then it takes awhile to turn round and light in the other direction but every now and then when you're desperate you ask your DP to light both people at the same time, it's not undoable both of them look good here but we had two cameras running the whole time .. it also helps the scene sometimes because both people are in it in their coverage in their close-ups at the same time and they're giving their all and they're feeding off the rhythms of the other person very specifically so you're not cobbling together something that has taken what could be hours apart . It's a fun way to shoot it just makes life hell for the DP and Ray came through as he always does really spectacularly on it.

Yes there will be praise because a lot of people really impressed me you know this was a really hard episode hard episode to shoot one of the shots coming up this one a steady cam shot designed to show the scope of the giant graveyard and give a little motion and emotion to what they're doing, course the giant graveyard is our parking lot, the graveyard that Gareth Davies our producer suggested we build at the beginning of season two to save time going out to graveyards we shot the first half of that scene the first half of that night and then we came out here to shoot the rest of it again the time constraints were insane and yet this stuff looks great and the two of them are as funny and real as they've ever been so that worked out just fine . and David doing my all time favourite thing being petty, whenever Angel is Petty I think he's at his best . And I love the fact that I feel the scope of the graveyard which is where I thought Buffy and Angel should leave their relationship on this show because it is the iconic place for Buffy the graveyard , more than anything else. A lot of this last episode had to do with finding that perfect iconic moment and that perfect iconic thing that really says this is a summation of what we've done . I've done it before I did it in episode 22 of season 5 where I had Buffy fighting a vampire in the alley at the beginning

I had made a lot of the statements to sort of round out my feelings about the show but life went on and the show went on and writing a second final episode of Buffy was much harder than writing the first partially because I'd already written one partially because I knew that this was the end at some point I just had to let go and just write forget about the pressure about it being perfect , it's not going to be and it isn't but make it good enough hit the beats give an episode so that people would remember. We knew where we wanted to go thematically It was just getting there.

This speech about cookies well not cookies exactly but I believe baking was in there was originally pitched by Marti Noxon early in the season and I think as the show runner I could have done a better job of bringing us to it , it comes to this conclusion a little bit out of the blue and that's my fault but we knew that emotionally it's where we wanted to get and where we wanted to get to was the idea of my relationships don't work out because I'm still becoming a woman and finding my place and I don't need to be finding the perfect guy at age 22 or however old Buffy is at this point , I can wait, I can wait until I'm fully formed and I think that's a very important message and when Marti had thought about this in her own life and she told me about it I was like I think this is exactly where we need Buffy to get . And it helps with the other really complicated part of writing this episode which is how to get Angel and Spike together in the same show, have her have the big emotion for both of them and not make her look like the slut queen of slutdonia as Marti herself would say . It was very tricky and I'd like to point out that I had to do it in the same act, that
by the end of act , well before the end of act one she's sleeping with Spike .

This exit for Angel was designed to mirror his first exit him backing off in the darkness. Something hopefully iconic enough and something to give people hope that Buffy and Angel might one day work out because some fans, now I realise not many but there were a few fans who feel that the Buffy Angel romance was like a big deal and clearly I thought Parker was the most important romantic relationship of her life other people disagreed that's fine I guess they can do that they care about the Angel thing, some people care about the Spike thing I don't know why we couldn't get Parker in there too but apparently no you know whatever so that vocal minority who care about Buffy and Angel meant that we had to do service by him.. Comment on screen action) "eye socket jokes always funny"

And this was how to get her in the sack with Spike half an act after Angel had left but you know the experience. I've said this probably a hundred times and probably all of them on the audio commentaries to these damn episodes the trick is always to make the audience go through exactly what she's going through It's confusing to us emotionally that we should bounce from one to the other and it's confusing to her but Spike is the person in her life right now. That drawing is one of my own creations and a lot of the
crew members were like "why does he hat e Butthead?" and I was like "Oh it's supposed to be Angel" and that was something that I did on the day it wasn't in the script, that's the kind of wacky improve I've got going. Who knows what could happen. At any moment I could come up with that I think that's actually the only thing I came up with. Asides from the script

The great Marsters with a chemistry with Buffy that is just completely different from Angels and different to Davids and it works very very well he's more on Buffys level he's they're [?? может быть, неправильно расшифровано, и на самом деле "here's where"] vulnerabilities come out and I don't just mean as characters but as actors Around each other and that really works it works on a different level. Their relationship, clearly been through a lot much more in fact than her relationship with Angel and you feel that history with these two and they bring it to the set they come to work and that's why we still came to work because they did And James the ability to turn on a dime is a very rare thing in an actor from incredibly noble or scary to completely dorky or disarming, he does it with the tongue line earlier he does it here you'd be amazed how few people can actually do that and the last person I ever expected to be able to do it would be a theatre trained actor yet he's got the chops he can go from Dracula to Jack Benny in a heart beat which is one of the reasons why I love him that and his shiny shiny hair

The idea behind their sleeping together is very important it was
that their relationship had enough trust in it that it was physical
and romantic but not sexual that was of course in response to the
rape issue of last year when he had attempted to rape her because he
didn't understand the boundaries of their relationship, he was
soulless but having gotten his soul and having fought to become a
person we wanted to say this man can be redeemed from that not and
I've said this before, not in a Luke And Laura ,he rapes her and
they get married way not in an all is forgiven way just in the way
of he's still a human being who did a wrong thing and we still count
him as a human being, I think that's a very important message, that
their relationship should be complicated and yet come to a place of
trust without saying alright they're going to become lovers again
because I think that would be wrong I think that would be the wrong
message I think that it's a very fine line

I love watching them face off, I love Nathan he tells his little
jokes almost like he's an old man his little puns and his
silliness the delight he takes in his character is just so very
charming and the point he's hitting on of course being the whole
point of the show .being the whole point of the season and it seemed
not only really affordable to have Sarah playing the First fort the
most part of this but also the smartest because we've come full
circle and it did make sense that we had Sarah telling herself
literally that she was alone. These two didn't get along together at
all I thought they would but they were complaining their outfits
were too similar their trailers were the same size and there was
trouble " I'm drowning in footwear" just one of those lines that
make you glad that you're a writer that you can write something
that silly and actually out it on the air it's an odd thing to end
an act with an affirmation of potential victory but it made sense
to me here because it's so strange


End of act one
Act Two

Well this shot is kind of a cheesy trick but it got everybody in frame so I liked it this scene was one of those OK gotta make our day kind of scenes . I shot the room as a three waller, you'll notice I don't come around on Giles when he speaks to Willow I get him in profile which I don't mind doing, I don't need to be in every bodies faces the whole time exactly for every moment but it was a function of the very small amount of time that we had that I played it in the proscenium form almost you never do see that forth wall and the bed helped. Some people have complained that the magic that this scythe , originally from the Fray comic that I was writing at the same time is a little to convenient , and my answer to those critics is " well don't tell everybody" it is convenient and that doesn't really bother me because ultimately to me the magic the phlobotonin was always secondary to what needs to be said and had to do with empowerment and the way to get there was through Willows magic and what it means to her and being a slayer and what it means to them so the fact that everything really fell into place a little too easily, maybe I could have thought of something a little more interesting but that isn't where my heart was, my heart was in the heart more than it was in the magic.

This scene well first all of the first time that Buffy got through this speech which I'm sure you can realise when you watch the episode we shot all as one , there are two parts to it and it's very long and it is about twice as long as what you see on screen we cut about half of it in the editing room apparently my pen runneth over so Sarah's basically doing a scene that is four times as long as what she does here and did she get every single word right on the first take? Yes she did the extras actually spontaneously burst into applause when she was done? Yes they did . Again it's one f the reasons why we went as long as we did, working as hard as we did the fact that she could do that. I'd also like to point out that it was Eliza Dushku who actually stopped to point out how much she liked the speech how much she liked the scene how much she liked the work and coming from an actor who knows they're gonna spend half the day standing there looking, with no lines I though that was particularly gracious.

In this scene she accused me of getting back at some girl because of the way Wood kind of disses on her but actually it just made me laugh, and there aren't any girls I need to get back! (Laughs) actually I think I told her that's if what I was doing with the show it would be going another four seasons.

But I think there two just had a lovely chemistry and this is not necessarily something that would have been in the last episode a relationship talk from the two of them but it deals with the isolated nature of the slayer embodied here by Faith rather than Buffy which is really an important part of the season and it just tells us a little something about the two of them and pays off at the end two takes you know in either direction , both of them were so on point so delightful, Eliza not happy about giving up control of being like vulnerable and he attacks her skills and the expression " Dude I've got mad skills" was actually said to me by Eliza in reference to serving ice cream, working at the Dairy Queen I believe not in reference to anything else but I loved the phrase so much I though I simply have to have Faith say it . Which since it was me writing it became dirty. Weird, it's a thing. DB Woodside from the first frame that I saw in the first episode he intrigued me so much a real you know a real comer a real epic guy just a little bigger than life and you look for that so often you don't get it, it's really hard to find someone. It was a match
I love Iyari and Allie in this scene well I love Allie in pretty much every scene where she doesn't have to speak a foreign language and I think It's not a big secret that originally I had planned to bring Tara back and when that didn't work out you know I was looking for the anti Tara , somebody as un earthy and unlike her as possible . Iyari has a wonderful presence and a great physicality with Allie that is just very natural so I liked
working with them ,this is like my first time because I didn't shoot any up until this one because I was too tired ,I was pretty much too tired to shoot this one too but I had no choice, I couldn't let somebody else do it except for the parts that I let John Maidland and David Solomon do which again we'll come to later and the reasoning behind the two of them was very simply somebody had to end this show with a God damned girlfriend and why shouldn't it be Willow? Somebody has to end in a decent relationship because we've seen so any of them fall apart.

I loved doing this as a one er because I love a One er you have to do them a lot more times they take about as long as doing a scene with coverage but when you get it and it's all there It's delightful and Tom well I can't say enough about him, this thing he does with his hood when he says step back he had never done in any take he just threw it in there now here we go he had never done that before and it just he's always trying to bring more to the table not in that annoying " I have an idea that will ruin the shot" way but just in I'm staying in it and I loved that he became a huge part of the show . this scene was also added so that we could give Amanda some screen time so that later on I could kill her because I wanted to take a toll I think that Emma knows that as well as
any., a battle without some kind of a toll is not a real battle.

Pulled wide here because I had planned to shot that on set and when they said we're going out I said well then dammit I'm pulling wide so they know we really went there that night we actually had four directors shooting porch scenes for four different shows and this bit here I did actually add on set not just the picture of Butthead on the punching bag but this where I said " I wanna get a couple of shots (we were going fast) And that one I didn't know if we were going to use the two of them… and to me it's almost the most important shot in the show because it shows the mystery of their relationship and that's one where I wanted the audience to fill in the blank I wanted whatever you want to have happened to have happened If people believe that on their last night together they made love great if people believe that on their last night together they talked all night if people believe they had a fight great whatever it s it's up to the viewer the viewer has earned that and I love that analytical nature that there should be work for the viewer to do in that sense emotionally I think that makes it more textured and that shot of the two of them looking at each other I just find that beautiful …


He talked about this right over the beginning of act three but I kept going … Now I'll post this as act two and get back

Act three

And I loved this shot too setting up all my parameters Look around big wide lens and then of course the great Andrew Oscar speech of the show which made me laugh every single time we did it sometimes out loud which was of course not a good thing for the director to do during a take his Brother Tucker of course who we referenced all the time was the guy who tried to destroy the prom and we had originally wanted that actor Brad to be one of the nerds but he was busy and couldn't so we found Tom and played up the idea that everybody couldn't remember him because he was somebody else's little Brother which by the way happened to me in high school all the time but I love that, the little continuity things are very important to me that sentence ( whatever you say is going to sound like Goodbye) was actually said to me by Marti after the show when she was leaving the house after we had watched it.. why it nearly made me cry , but I don't cry because I am a manly man This moment I don't think I really need to explain what's going on here I felt that it was very important and I think the audience did too that these four have their moment together, these four who started it all should finish it all and Much in the same way they began it that's why I echoed the exact lines from Giles this shot is I feel the every ending of the two part beginning And this shot also very important as they peel off one by one friends going to their destinies and Buffy left alone I shot that in slow motion but unfortunately it was so slow that it took up about half the show a whole long walk for Buffy where she walked down through the basement and remembered things and walked in slow motion really really long, I had to cut it I had to cut a lot of things my shows almost always come out long because I talk to much, in this instance I'm supposed to be talking right now too much but I almost cut this shot which is again I think one of the most important shots just for time when we were shooting but the idea of all these girls bleeding together I think ha a a good earthy almost menstrual metaphor to it which I think is important since they're all becoming Slayers . Oh did I give it way? Well if you're listening to the audio commentaries you probably already know that .

My biggest regret about this episode was that I didn't get to do more funny Willow stuff there was just so much plot to get through and Funny Allie is such a great thing and I wished we'd had more of her

This shot is rather seamlessly welded in by Ronnie and our guys at Zoic and really gave us an epic feel that we just didn't have the money for on this show all these many years so we've been saving all year for this very sequence and these very shots the idea that there was now a technology where you could do hundreds of thousands of bad guys it just didn't exist in the first six years and people well somebody saw The Two Towers and the fact of the matter is what I saw was a literal thing that was in cinefax explaining that they had this new technology you could create thousands of bad guys and I was like that will make this battle different from all the others the sheer number

And this, this I knew I was coming to from the start of the season pretty early on in it Buffy was isolated as a character even in the world Buffy and her gang never ensemble always like the star and the others in the magazines and what not and it was very important to me to say Ok great that you've worshipped this one iconic character but find it in yourself everybody and that's why we shot the people all over and that was a great fun thing to do the very last thing I shot for the show on first unit was the girl in the trailer and Drew Goddard pointed out that it was kind of a great shot to be shooting at this point for this show and I can't say enough about our little baseball girl, so may people just lost it I thought " oh this is gonna be too cheesy the baseball thing" but so many people were like " I was that girl, I played little league it's so important" and that s the cry moment for a lot of people again I can't say enough about the Zoic guys the job they did integrating these things and Felicia Day as Vi and Indigo as Rona just doing great work they really stuck you know a lot of girls came a lot of girls got killed and.

This image which we referred to, speaking of Lord of The Rings as the Blanchett image , obviously meant to she couldn't stop talking about her black haired evil and the idea that when she empowers these women she comes to something even more powerful beyond the concept of power beyond the powers of evil something truly connected about connection about Women's connection to the earth and that it can bring out the best in her and it would be nifty It seemed like a good conclusion to her story her arc

This scene this story all of this stuff this is where David Solomon really came in and helped out, he shot for days of second unit because there was simply so much to shoot and without him I mean he was a great director on the show and a great producer anyway and without him doing this episode I never would have made it through he kept it interesting. We actually had to stop filming one night one Friday night half way through because I was just too tired

Felicia was like "you hooked me up fat" she loved all of this footage we got of her but she looked great. that shot was very specifically storyboarded before we ever did anything, that was very important (Buffy swings scythe and dusts multiple ubies) I wanted to get that moment of just everybody doing everything in slow mo I thought it came out really nice though .

And if you're going to pay off things that people have dealt with over the years , Bunnies are going to be one of the most important Emma just about the funniest person who ever looked that good DB loved to fight, so did Tony I wished we could have had more of that again we wanted to keep everything moving as fast as possible and you know "I have swimmers" ear" is just something that Tom said that made me laugh and so I put it in I don't know why the characters saying that it's not going to stop the vampire . People complained again that the vampires were too easy to kill, they were supposed to be stronger than other vampires and the fact of the matter is it's true like the convenient magic it's true because again I was more interested in showing the empowerment than I was in the continuity to make every vampire as hard to kill as the first one would have been too hard.

End of act three

Act four

Act four

Shooting the battle as it was required many ,many more days than
we had scheduled and more directors so once I got all the big
moments out this was a very important thing too the sharing of the
scythe means the sharing of the power just about as literally as
you can get . Had to use a little sunlight since it was the middle
of the day. (Anya dies) one of the most brutal images we've ever
done and you know done to keep the sense of battle , you know the
un heroic death also interesting because I'd never seen it before
I'd never seen anybody cut like that and I came up with the idea of
the stuntman using a half sword and digitally adding the rest of the
sword and the cut so just instead of one of those slices like you
always get in swordfight movies we really cut someone down And of
course Sarah following as well that was because I needed a toll I
needed this battle really to feel like a battle and I couldn't kill
any of my core four and still call it a happy ending I couldn't
kill Dawn and still call it a happy ending either so Anya got the
nod and to make it as un heroic as possible just felt very real and
very creepy and that shot was in fact her last shot
( get out of my face) a lot of people didn't actually get that
this was a pun but it seemed like the right thing and here you've
really got to give it up for the composer he increased the budget
of the show by a half just because his music gave it such an epic
feel this music to me embodies so much of what I was striving
for , it makes the thing feel twice as epic it was a beautiful piece
of music. that's May a great great stuntwoman who gave us beautiful
footage as Felicia did too all the girls really enjoyed their
fighting, they wanted to fight more and more , Iyari particularly .
Sarah at one point said look we're going to need more footage,
just keep rolling and I'll fight

The sunlight hits Spike the sunlight is channelled through Spike
and it gets nasty some of the body language from these vamps again
CGI really beautifully done The idea of the soul as the thing that
elevates and kills him felt like a good wrap up and again going from
the epic to the humorous in a heartbeat that's our boy
The girls kept walking through the beam and I had to say "you're
being chopped in half. duck and she did ad she fell which was fun
but she wasn't hurt nobody was hurt it's all fake . The idea of the
bus was just that it felt right we had to get a lot of people out
and it's a school bus and that's what we did this shot one of my
favourites too , he's looking for her she's right there he doesn't
find her those always get me.

This was an interesting scene because both James and Sarah came to
it from the wrong place really, they were playing things falling
apart and the terror of it and I said that what I wanted was for
them to completely distance themselves from it and I explained how
the sound was going to drift out (Hand clasp) this was sort of a
romantic image the two of them, we actually did it with real fires.
But the hands were all gelled up and you could tell so this is CGI
and it looks beautiful I thought it was a nice comment on their
relationship .What I basically told them was
Play the romance be proud of him, love him when you say you love
him ,love her when you say she doesn't love you. forget about the
crumbling world for that period of time it doesn't exist it's a
cinematic trick but it's a necessary emotional one I was surprised
that they hadn't come there because usually with the three of us we
come to a scene in exactly the same place and this time it really
was sort of different. Eventually Sarah said if you have what you
think you need I think we should move on because I'm not sure I
understand how this works but I look at the two of them together and
you know their work is tremendous , but that is part of making TV
and movies sometimes you'll get a take from an actor that blows you
away and they'll go "oh I wasn't feeling the thing can we go again
and I'm like " you just gave me gold" " but I didn't feel it" and
I'm like " The audience will" sometimes you can let them have
another and sometimes you just say " trust me, the audience will be
there cos I was" . another beautiful image our boy goin down for
the last time even though everybody already knew he was gonna be on

I loved revving Felicia up to as much intensity as we could get
that was fun, right there we're going around the lot our little lot
and then this actually miniatures and CGI and I'm just obsessed
with people running and jumping on things the big leap and so I got
one at the end of my show . Its an old trick there was another
old trick( Sunnydale falls away .. I love that by the way you
couldn't have a better description of what happened to Sunnydale)
the first trick was she jumped the bus drove under her but
actually they happened at different times and we were still doing
something which we did when Faith fell into the truck they were
talking about the bag how to cheat the perspective and I was
like can't we just shoot them both and then do a split screen?
And then of course this I have to say, the endless road behind
them was something that came from Tony Head he pointed out " oh
that's beautiful an endless horizon it's a perfect image for the
rest of the show and the rest of their lives and I was like " yeah
that's great except I parked in front of it and you guys play in
front of the bus and we're never gonna see it" So I gave that moment
to Sarah of just looking out and seeing that horizon cos I agreed
with Tony I thought it was beautiful and I didn't think it should be
missed. And then of course that poor sign which in one incarnation
or another has been knocked down so many times

Again I had very much planned not to have any reason for Anya's
death any reason behind it or any reason to come after it , but
the writer in me couldn't not resolve it somewhat I think the
audience needed what Xander needed which was something and that
something was Andrew learning that the think that he's sort of
reviled for, making up stories becomes the thing that he helps
Xander with becomes the thing that he actually is good at, giving
her the epic death that she didn't actually get to have

( Faith/ Wood) I think that these two have as grown up and textured
a relationship as any of the characters on this show and they had
about four scenes together total so I love that about them I
love how much goes on in each of them when he dies dying, having
a character die and then suddenly bringing them back to life is
something you can only actually earn after you've killed a couple
so this was a nice opportunity to say this isn't over yet, to
have the call back and I wouldn't have been able to do it if I
hadn't legitimately offed a few beloved characters

And then we come to what is the final shot, needless to say we
shot this one a bunch of times I had this in my head from the
start when we first did it we started up high and it looked kind
of fake and cheesy and they're of course playing against an abyss
that isn't there but I knew this was going to be a one er I knew
it was going to be a slow push in we started to shoot it and then
Ray the DP said you know what? the lights not that good the winds
not that good lets just leave the crane arm and go shoot the
little bits in front of the bus So we held off for about four hours
and came back, tried again everybody getting their lines a tough
thing, everybody being in the right place in frame but I wanted it
to just be everyone and to end with the close up of Buffy because
what this shot ultimately is about is what a lot of the shows
about which is that the story goes on that there is closure but
not a closing that what we've seen is a life being formed like the
cookie dough speech explains , this a life in progress a life that
in some ways is just beginning, like that smile. That's all I have
to say thanks for watching my show

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VasquezE(04/03/04 09:33:02)

Я не в силах переводить все, поэтому (вы уж извините) переведу только куски про ДМ и Спайка. Вывешу попозже - либо сегодня вечером, либо завтра часиков в 12 (я раньше не проснусь).

Далее: в пятницу, 2 апреля Ведон дал интервью радиостанции KROQ в утреннем шоу "Кевин и Бин". Сегодня появился транскрипт, сделанный anige и перепечатанный TxVoodoo со Спарклей. TxVoodoo - она же Лиза - один из организаторов кампании "Спасти "Ангела".

Ничего такого-супертакого он не говорит, но я хочу отметить, что он действительно упоминает про спинофф (хотя предупреждает, что особой надежды нет), говорит про перспективу телефильмов и минисериала. Он сообщает также название последней серии - Not Fade Away. Кстати, пришли сайдзы. Их я переведу в первую очередь, потом - Spuffy goodness из комментариев. Кому лень читать весь транскрипт радиопередачи - я выделю самое существенное.

Joss on KROQ's Kevin and Bean morning show, April 2nd
Credit to anige

So my friend Elizabeth was listening to KROQ this morning sometime between 7 and 7:30 AM, and she heard something along the lines of "damn 'Angel' fans spamming us" and "we have Joss Whedon on the phone right now" and scrambled to record it. Thanks SO MUCH to my friend Elizabeth B., who was willing to sacrifice her Smashing Pumpkins tape for the cause. Those of you who were at the rally might remember her.

So, here's what was actually recorded, or what I could hear and ranscribe, anyway. Obviously, no guarantees. Punctuation is approximate. I *think* the chick in the background is Lisa, but I'm not positive. There's stuff I couldn't hear, and laughter, and people talk over each other, and sometimes I couldn't tell who was speaking, but I did the best I could. And I cut short my Friday night to do it!

Oh, and SPOILER WARNING for the title of the season finale.


Bean: ...it is unbelievable! But we'd like --

Joss: I told them to target you guys specifically.

Kevin: Like we have any say over it! Right! We'd like to say, Joss, it's obvious that your fans still want it, why are you quitting?

Joss: Um, I'm not quitting, I'm being fired.

Kevin: Oh, oh, that's right, I forgot.

Bean: Oh, way to walk away from it and break everyone's heart, Joss, nice work!

Joss: Yeah, yeah.

Kevin: Tell us all about, uh, about "Angel." We really -- Bean is not exaggerating, we have been inundated with people who are dying to save this show from all over the world.

Joss: You know, um, unfortunately, none of them seem to work for networks. It's odd.

Kevin: Yeah, unfortunately.

Joss: Um, you know, I -- I was shocked as hell when we got cancelled.

Kevin: You were.

Joss: Um, I thought, uh, the show -- I know the show was doing better than it's done before, I know people were receiving it well, we thought we were hitting our stride hugely, it's been a great year, we've been having so much fun, and it sort of came out of the blue.

Kevin: So, so, ratings-wise, there were no big red flags going off, you were fine.

Joss: No, no, none.

Kevin: Huh.

Joss: But, uh, you know, the WB I think is just looking to shake up its image, and do some stuff that's new, and we've been on for five years, and so we didn't just quite make the cut with them.

Kevin: Wow.

Joss: And it's that simple, it's, it's, it's dollars and cents.

Kevin: What can you --

Joss: Well, not cents so much as dollars.

Kevin: Dollars, right. Yeah, exactly, they're willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on the pennies, but not so much on the dollars. Uh, before we, uh, before we talk about what is likely to happen, what can y -- tell folks what the saving -- how savingangel.org got started, if you know, and some of the things that they've been doing in support of how much they love your show.

Joss: Well, I do know -- I don't know how exactly they got started -- I do know that one of the things they did, uh, uh, besides, uh, hiring a truck with a billboard to drive around LA and taking out ads in "The Hollywood Reporter" and "Variety", which is not cheap --

Kevin: Right.

Joss: -- they did organize a rally that happened, uh, on Wednesday, outside the actual WB, um, uh, to make a -- a big ruckus in front of the actual executives.

Kevin: That's gotta really make you feel good --

Joss: Gotta tell you, it does.

Kevin: -- about a product that you've worked so hard on.

Joss: It does. Because, uh, I was really heartbroken when they, when they cancelled the show. We still have something to air, which, uh, we're working on now. We're about to start shooting the -- the very last episode.

Kevin: Right.

Joss: It's been really sort of sad, over in the offices, and knowing that there are so many people who are sharing that with us? Is pretty cool.

Kevin: You know, uh, w -- as you know, we've been putting in the request for the last couple of weeks to have you on because we really did want to talk about this, and raise awareness of it, and we were always told by your people, "Hey, he's furiously typing this final episode of 'Angel'", in your mind, did you write it as the last episode of "Angel", or did you leave some room open for it to come back?

Joss: Well, I always do both. When I come to the end of a season, and this started from the very beginning of "Buffy", um, I always write it to give complete closure and really cap everything I tried to say about the series, but leave enough stuff open that, should there be another season, um, there's plenty to do.

Kevin: Just because it's always up in the air, no matter --

Joss: Yeah.

Kevin: -- no matter what you're doing?

Joss: Yeah, the reaper always loometh.

Kevin: That sounds like it ought to be the name of the episode, by the way. Doesn't that sound like an "Angel" title?

Joss: No, the name of the episode is, "Not Fade Away."

Kevin: "Not Fade Away."

Lisa: Oh. Well, that's good too.

Kevin: Interesting.

Bean: Nice.

Kevin: You know, it used to be in the old days, 99.9% of the time, when a show was cancelled, that was it, there was no fighting, there was no talking, it was outta here. Nowadays, it seems like there are more and more examples of shows that are cancelled by one network, and then they get picked up by somebody else, maybe they go to cable, uh --

Bean: Uh-huh.

Kevin: Obviously, the story -- the case of the -- yeah, one of our favorite shows, "The Family Guy" that was cancelled --

Joss: Right.

Kevin: -- and then now it's being brought back because of the DVD sales. What are the various options available to you, and what do you think is gonna happen, Joss?

Joss: Well, I'm not sure what's gonna happen. There's been some talk about the idea of doing, um, TV movies or miniseries, um, uh, on a limited basis --

Kevin: Uh-huh.

Joss: Um, we haven't really, sort of, explored that yet, we're just trying to get this season through the ground. But, um, uh, you know, in the case of "Buffy", it did go to another network, in the case of "Firefly", um, you know, I've managed to turn it into a film, um --

Kevin: I love that about you, Joss. Here is what happens: "Firefly" comes on the air, and it just, for s -- for whatever reasons, I think it was on a bad night, wasn't it, uh --

Lisa: Yeah.

Bean: It was Friday nights, I remember.

Kevin: Friday nights, it just --

Joss: Possibly a bad network!

Kevin: -- it didn't catch on. And, uh, but Joss says, "You know what? I'm gonna make it into a movie anyway, 'cause I like it, and it's got some stuff that people haven't seen yet." So I love that about you.

Joss: Oh, thanks. It wasn't easy, but, uh, it should be fun.

Bean: All right.

Kevin: So you could take "Angel" to another network, right?

Joss: You know, um, it's a little bit different. "Buffy" was such a cultural phenomenon, that it -- and, and the war about it was -- got such press, that that was kind of a no-brainer for UPN. "Angel" is in a different situation. We have always flown a little bit more under the radar. Um, and, uh, I think we -- it's gonna be very difficult. I don't see it happening. I don't see another network happening for us.

Kevin: Hmm.

Bean: Wow.

Kevin: Note to UPN: you'd be lucky to have it.

Bean: Yeah, no kidding.

Kevin: Uh, you know the --

Joss: I didn't say that!

Kevin: -- the, uh --

Joss: I went near it, but I didn't say it!

Kevin: The critics, that I, uh, that I read a lot in "Entertainment Weekly" or in "USA Today" -- they've been extremely supportive of "Angel". It's not just the fans, I mean, you get a lot of g -- a lot of good critical press on the show too.

Joss: You know, I -- I didn't expect it to happen after "Buffy". I expected the big backlash to start, but, uh, "Angel" kind of has its own vibe, and, and critics have responded to it too. I mean, everything about it is working just great, and these episodes that we have coming up, I'm as proud of as anything we've done on it. Everything is just perfect except for the fact that we're dead.

Kevin: All right, so, let me see if I can recap, then. Critics, check. Ratings, check. Um, success, check. But it's dead.

Joss: Yeah.

Kevin: This is odd. Um, what --

Lisa: I don't know what need to do nowadays to keep a show on!

Kevin: Did they -- did they give you a reason?

Joss: There were reasons. They had to do with repeatability, and, and, and in terms of, uh, ad revenues and the repeats, and, and again about, you know, "Well, we have to bring in new shows, we have to have more reality shows" -- yes, reality shows are in fact killing the landscape of television --

Kevin: Oh, no.

Joss: -- which I didn't think they'd do --

Kevin: Wow.

Joss: -- and, um, you know, just, uh, just no place for -- for an -- an old codger like Angel. He's like, two hundred and fifty, and that's not their demographic.

Kevin: You know, uh, we're talking to Joss Whedon here for just this morning about his show "Angel" that is gonna be leaving us, I guess, in May, will be the last episode, right?

Joss: Uh, that's right.

Kevin: May, right. And, uh, you do bring up a good point that we hadn't touched on, and that is... And this happens a lot, when you're dealing with entertainment, whether you're talking about music or TV or movies, is that you -- it touches you, because it's art, but on the other side of it, there are bean keepers, and, and, and they have to make a profit, and there are a lot of shows that end up going away, you know, because it just costs too much money to make. It's not profitable anymore. It's not that the show is -- isn't good, it's just that they can't justify it in the bottom line anymore, and --

Joss: Although --

Kevin: -- sometimes it sounds like that's what you get up against.

Joss: We did take a huge budget cut this year, actually cost less this year than it did last year.

Kevin: And you said, "Uh, okay, well, we would rather not, but we can make it work?"

Joss: We made it work.

Kevin: Wow.

Joss: For a season. Wasn't easy.

Kevin: Okay --

Joss: We spent a lot of time in that lobby.

Kevin: Okay, here's the -- here's the real question, then, Joss. Is there anything anyone can do to help you at this point, or is it just in the hands of -- of the suits?

Joss: You know, I think all the noise that's been made by the fans, um, does help. Because, um, you know, we -- we're talking about different venues for not just "Angel", but the Buffy -- Buffyverse in general.

Kevin: Right.

Joss: You know. Spinoffs, or, if -- TV movies, or whatever it is, uh, the more interest that's shown, um, whether or not the show itself as it is now gets to come back , um, that registers -- that registers with people, you know.

Kevin: Now, Bean and I are not, uh, uh, the people who can bring it back, unfortunately --

Joss: What?

Kevin: -- if we were, we would --

Lisa: Right.

Joss: Oh --

Kevin: So -- so, Joss who --

Joss: Oh, I've misdirected my fans.

Kevin: Who should they -- who should they write to?

Joss: Um, you know, I believe, uh, Fox Studios, who produces it, um, and, uh, you know, they should just keep writing to everybody. The more, you know -- the WB, the other networks -- the more the awareness of it is out there, um, the more, you know, it has a chance at -- at finding some kind of life.

Kevin: Oh, I see.

Joss: Even though I honestly don't think it's gonna come back in its present incarnation as the "Angel" series, um, you know, I think there's a lot more to say about the Buffyverse in general.

Bean: So people could even write to, say, ABC, and say "Hey, by the way, they're taking 'Angel' off, I sure would watch ABC if you were to pick it up."

Joss: If people have the time --

Kevin: Wow.

Joss: -- they could write to everybody.

Bean: Except for -- except for Kevin and Bean.

Joss: No, mostly Kevin and Bean.

Kevin: Oh, no. There's gonna be --

Joss: Listen to the sound of my voice. Kevin and Bean are the power behind the WB.

Kevin: We just have no control! But we have -- but we have no control!

Joss: They are the power.

Kevin: Oh, Joss.

Joss: Joe Levin, he puts on a cowl, he lights a candle, and he prays to them.

Bean: Joss, it's gotta be so crazy for you to wake up in a world where "Yes, Dear" is on the air every week and you're having trouble keeping "Angel" going.

Joss: Um, you know, uh, you know, uh, y-- did you know who's president?

Bean: Yeah.

Joss: World's crazy, you know.

Kevin: Yeah, the world is definitely crazy. Well, uh, we're very grateful that you, uh -- that you managed to get on the air and talk to us about this. This has -- this is something that we have been talking about, uh, without you, the past couple of weeks because we're certainly aware of the groundswell, and I -- man, I hate to see a show that people love -- not -- I mean, there are so few shows that you can get passionate about, if you find something great, there's gotta be a way to make it work so the fans can be happy I --

Joss: Yes.

Kevin: I really believe that. And I -- And I think you're giving some good advice, to just to keep -- keep making noise! You know, the old squeaky wheel, like they say.

Joss: Yup.

Kevin: All right.

Joss: 'Cause, uh, we'll -- we'll figure out something. It's -- our stories aren't told yet --

Bean: There you go.

Joss: -- not quite yet.

Bean: There's so much more to be told.

Lisa: Yes.

Joss: Yup.

Kevin: Joss Whedon, thanks a lot.

Joss: Thank you, guys.

Kevin: Bye now.

Bean: Bye.

Joss: Bye bye.

Just something interesting: they cut to commercial right after this,
and there was a traffic report, and then they had, "Hey, this is
Sarah Michelle Gellar, and you're listening to Kevin and Bean on the
world-famous KROQ."


A side note from me, TxVoodoo - this makes me feel so proud

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VasquezE(04/03/04 11:26:53)

Маленькая добавка:
СМГ дала радиоинтервью, где, в частности, говорит, почему не будет участвовать

Там вначале текст, потом - куда кликнуть. Грузится на Real Media Player
Sarah Michelle Gellar is back on our big screens this month as dapper Daphne in Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Inc. and it sounds like she's had a great time getting her teeth into this sequel too.
Although most of you probably know that Sarah Michelle Gellar was playing ever-fighting vampire slayer Buffy on TV for years, you probably won't know that her career started at the tender age of four, when she was discovered by an agent whilst eating in a local restaurant. Shortly after, her film career kicked off and numerous stints at various Broadway theatres followed.

She may have killed her last vampire on your TV screens but you will have plenty of opportunities to see her on your cinema screens, or even a theatre stage near you, very soon. Shooting Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Inc., which also features her husband Freddie Prince Jr., sadly prevented her from returning to play Buffy one last time on TV show Angel, but she says that it was probably best that way.

It's anyone's guess what is next for this multi-talented actress who is equally at home on screen and on stage. She kept her future plans firmly under wraps but who knows, she said that she loves London, so don't be too surprised if you see her walking around town, checking out a few plays in the West End.

To hear Sarah Michelle Gellar talk about filming Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Inc. and other things, such as her favourite Scooby Snacks, working with her husband and her new lucky charm, click here.

Или идите прямо вот сюда:

Она, в общем повторяет уже то, что мы слышали: что в 20 серию она не успевала по времени, так как находилась в Токио, а в финале ей, наверное, не стоит появляться, потому что в прошлом году, когда снимался финал "Баффи", многие фанаты были обижены, что Уиллоу и Ксандеру досталось слишком мало экранного времени - вот и здесь, мол, пусть финал будет о Фред, Уэсли, Ганне и других героях. Я слушала и восхищалась - СМГ нужно было работать дипломатом. Она сумела ни разу не назвать по имени ни Спайка, ни Ангела (только название сериала, но тут уж ничего не попишешь). И она очень хорошо сделала домашнее задание: она знает имена героев, она говорит с позиций фана, который любит шоу, и при этом не является шиппером. И все это было произнесено в очень быстром темпе и без единой запинки. Молодец девушка

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VasquezE(04/03/04 13:45:07)

Забавно: оказывается, ДМ понятия не имел, что это Джосс нарисовал карикатуру на Ангела...


Y'know, last year in tampa I actually asked JM who drew the butthead angel (even called it that). Clueless guy had no idea.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:03. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/03/04 16..

VasquezE(04/03/04 16:29:42)

Spuffy - forever!!!

Избранные куски из комментария Джосса Ведона на DVD 7 сезона к финальной серии Chosen.

Предупреждаю честно: перевод - точный, но выборка - тенденциозная. Это выборка, сделанная Спаффи-шиппером, и я умоляю my fellow Bangels не обижаться. Помимо этого Ведон много чего еще говорит.

О сцене между Баффи и Ангелом на кладбище:
Дэвид сыграл то, что я люблю больше всего - мелочность. Думаю, когда он изображает Ангела мелочным, у него получается лучше всего. И мне нравится то, что я ощущаю масштабность кладбища, где, как мне кажется, и должны остаться отношения Баффи и Ангела, потому что это каноническое место для них.

О речи Баффи:
Речь насчет печенья... была предложена Марти в начале сезона. Она очень помогла нам в решении другой очень трудной задачи, которую нужно было разрешить в этом эпизоде - как соединить Ангела и Спайка в одном шоу, дать Баффи возможность испытывать чувства к ним обоим, и чтобы она при этом не выглядела как "царица шлюх из Шлюхландии" (slut queen of slutdonia), как сказала бы сама Марти. Это было очень стремно - я бы хотел напомнить вам, что мне все нужно было уместить в один акт, потому что в конце первого акта она засыпает в объятиях Спайка.

Уход Ангела должен был стать зеркальным отражением его первого ухода во тьму. Я надеюсь, это выглядело символично и создало надежду, что у Баффи и Ангела когда-нибудь что-нибудь получится, потому что некоторые фаны, - я понимаю, что их немного, но они есть, - они считают, что любовь Баффи и Ангела - это главное. Я лично считаю, что самым важным мужчиной в жизни Баффи был Паркер, многие со мной не согласны, и это нормально, я думаю, что кто-то может волноваться за Ангела, кто-то за Спайка, а я не понимаю, почему мы не можем включить сюда Паркера. Так или иначе, это громкое меньшинство, переживающее за Баффи и Ангела, требовало, чтобы мы пошли им навстречу.
А теперь мы должны были вернуть ее к Спайку пол-акта спустя после ухода Ангела... главное - заставить зрителей почувствовать то, что чувствует она. Ее смущает происходящее, но сейчас мужчина ее жизни - Спайк.

О рисунке на боксерской груше:
Этот рисунок - одно из моих собственных творений. Многие члены съемочной группы не понимали: "Почему он так ненавидит Баттхеда?", и я отвечал: "Вообще-то, это Ангел!" Я придумал это в день съемок, этого не было в сценарии, у нас получилась эксцентричная импровизация.
[Примечание: на конвенции в Tampa Джеймс Марстерс сказал, что понятия не имеет, кто нарисовал карикатуру на Ангела].

О Спаффи в первом акте:
Великий Марстерс демонстрирует потрясающую алхимию с Баффи. Алхимию, которая сильно отличается от той, которую демонстрировал Дэвид. Это великолепно срабатывает, он в больше степени находится на уровне Баффи. Его - их уязвимость выходит на первый план, и я говорю не только о персонажах, но и об актерах, когда они оказываются рядом, и это действительно срабатывает на ином уровне. Их взаимоотношения подверглись гораздо более суровым испытаниям, чем ее отношения с Ангелом. В их отношения чувствуется прошлое, они приносят его на съемки...

Способность Джеймса мгновенно менять эмоциональный регистр - очень редкое качество в актере. От невероятно благородного или страшного - до совершенно малахольного или обезоруживающего. Он делает это чуть раньше, во время реплики насчет языка, он делает это здесь. Вы удивитесь, узнав, как мало актеров на это способно, и меньше всего я ожидал подобное от актера с театральным наследием. Тем не менее он может за секунду перейди от Дракулы к Джеку Бенни [американский комедийный актер первой половины ХХ века]. Поэтому я так люблю это - и еще за блестящие волосы.

Сцена, в которой они спят в одной постели, важна в идейном отношении. Я хотел показать, что они достаточно доверяют друг другу. Это близкие и любовные отношения, но не сексуальные. Конечно, это было эхо той сцены в прошлом году, когда он пытался изнасиловать ее, потому что не понимал рамок их отношений, потому что у него не было души. Но он завоевал душу и сражался за то, чтобы стать настоящим человеком, и мы хотели сказать, что этот человек может искупить свои грехи. Не так, как Люк и Лора [персонажи какой-то мыльной оперы, кажется, General Hospital] - он изнасиловал ее, а потом они поженились и все было прощено. А в том смысле, что он человек и совершил человеческую ошибку, и мы по-прежнему считаем его человеком. Я думаю, что это очень важное послание, что их отношения должны быть сложными и все-таки прийти к тому, что они снова могут доверять друг другу, но при этом мы не говорим "отлично, они снова станут любовниками", потому что я думаю что это неправильно, думаю, это было бы неправильное послание, думаю, здесь мы идем по лезвию бритвы.

О реплике, в которой многие увидели намек на шаншу для Спайка:
"Я тону в обуви" - одна из тех реплик, которые позволяют тебе радоваться тому, что ты писатель и можешь написать что-то глупое и даже выпустить это в эфир. Это странно - закончить акт утверждением о потенциальной победе, но я видел в этом смысл именно потому, что это странно.

О сцене, когда Баффи спускается в подвал к Спайку, и далее следует затемнение:
...Для меня это почти самый важный кадр в шоу, потому что он показывает загадку их отношений. Это один из тех кадров, когда я хотел, чтобы зрители сами домыслили остальное. Я хотел, чтобы произошло то, чего хотят зрители. Если люди верят, что в их последнюю ночь вместе они занимались прекрасной любовью - отлично. Если люди верят, что всю эту ночь они разговаривали, или что они поссорились - отлично, как вам будет угодно, решает воображение зрителя, он это заслужил. Я люблю, когда зрители спорят и анализируют, люблю, чтобы у зрителей была работа - в смысле, эмоционально! - и считаю, что это делает шоу более многослойным. Этот кадр, когда они просто смотрят друг на друга - я нахожу его прекрасным.

О финальной сцене Спайк\Баффи:
Солнечный свет не просто ударяет в Спайка. Солнечный свет передается через Спайка. Идея души, как субстанции, которая возвышает и убивает его - прекрасное завершение пути героя. И снова он мгновенно переходил от эпического к смешному - это наш парень!
Это была интересная сцена, потому что оба - и Джеймс, и Сара - подошли к ней совершенно неправильно. Они отыгрывали то, что вокруг все рушится, ужас ситуации. Я сказал им, что мне нужно, чтобы они полностью отключились от окружающей действительности, и объяснил им, что звуки катастрофы постепенно затихнут.
[Соединенные руки] - это был романтический символ их двоих. Мы пытались снять огонь по-настоящему, смазав руки гелем, но гель потек, это было видно, поэтому нам пришлось сделать при помощи компьютера, и это выглядит прекрасно. Я думаю, что это прекрасный символ их отношений.
Вот что я сказал им, в общем и целом: играй любовь и гордись им, люби его, когда говоришь, что ты его любишь; люби ее, когда говоришь, что она тебя не любит. Забудьте на время о рушащихся стенах, это перестало существовать. Это кинематографический трюк, но так необходимо с эмоциональной точки зрения. Я был удивлен, что они сами это не почувствовали, потому что обычно мы трое понимаем ту или иную сцену практически одинаково, а на сей раз было иначе. В конце концов Сара сказала: "Если вы получили то, что вы считаете нужным, давайте двигаться дальше, потому что я не уверена, что понимаю, как это должно сработать". Но я смотрю на них вместе, и, знаете, они проделали гигантскую работу. Такова работа на телевидении и в кино. Иногда ты получаешь от актеров дубль, который тебя потрясает, но они говорят: "Я не почувствовал того, что нужно, давайте повторим", - а ты отвечаешь: "Ты дал мне золото высшей пробы!" - "Но я этого не чувствую!" И ты отвечаешь: "Зритель почувствует". Иногда ты даешь актеру еще один дубль, а иногда говоришь: "Доверься мне, зритель получит то, что нужно, потому что я это получил".
И еще один прекрасный кадр - наш парень, каким он остается в памяти - хотя, конечно, к этому времени все уже знали, что он переходит в "Ангела".

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:04. Заголовок: Loy Yver(04/03/04 17..

Loy Yver(04/03/04 17:18:56)

Спасибо огромное за перевод! (А то я оригинал никак не дочитаю.)

Ой, а Джосс оказывается такой спаффи... Как говорит, Alhena, я плакать. *шмыгает носом* Это нам, спаффям, приятственно.

Suum Cuique (c)

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:06. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/05/04 00:3..

SanAnn(04/05/04 00:36:22)

Опять же Джосс...

Васкес, огромные спасибочки за перевод. Я вначале прочла в оригинале и больше всего меня поразило романтическое отношение Джосса к паре Баффи/Паркер.
В переводе шок не прошел.
Аудиоверсия интервью Джосса на The Kevin and Bean Show представлена на слейерверсе:
Уж, не знаю, какой Джосс спаффи, Лой, но вот то, что Баффки в финале не будет, енто грустно очень.
Зато можно повеселиться глядя на переодевания Сары в шоу Saturday Night Takeaway, фото здесь:
http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=6733, здесь еще и видео по ссылке:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:08. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/05/04 04..

VasquezE(04/05/04 04:08:53)

Я вначале прочла в оригинале и больше всего меня поразило романтическое отношение Джосса к паре Баффи/Паркер.

Джосс, как всегда, издевается над фанами. Кому то из спаффей он прислал открытку о том, что Баффи - и Спайк - forever... только имя Спайка было вписано вместо вычеркнутого директора Снайдера


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:09. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/05/04 05:1..

SanAnn(04/05/04 05:18:29)

В общем, любит он поиздеваться, садюга .
Одна хорошая новость от FOX - планируется выпуск саундтрэка Angel: http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=6756

Давно пора!
И печальная новость для Тима Майнера, его Wonderfalls прикрыли

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:11. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/05/04 10..

Geroneja(04/05/04 10:30:20)

Согласна с Васкес, я вообще про пару Баффи/Паркер от Джосса слышу далеко не впервые ))

А саундтрек - это есть очень хорошо, сообщил композитор "Ангела" и голосование идет вот тут! Не знаю, насколько серьезное, но все же )

А по поводу "Чудопадов".. Мдя-м, даже до пятой серии из 11-ти снятых не дотянули, жуть...

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:14. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/05/04 14..

VasquezE(04/05/04 14:21:13)

Народ с ASSB развлекается в отсутствие спойлеров

Date Posted: 14:31:29 04/05/04 Mon
Author: TGWShark
Author Host/IP: ohopfwr1x.oxy.com /
Subject: From the wastebaskets of ME, 10 rejected finale titles

10. Get Me to the Church on Time
9. Spiked!
8. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Illyria?
7. Lost and ForLorne
6. The Wild, Wild, Wes
5. Angel's Watching Over Me
4. The Naked Gunn 8-1/2
3. Baubles, Bangels, and Beads
2. Dust in the Wind
1. Gropabanana!, the AtS Musical by Joss Whedon & Barry Manilow

Меня, как кинообозревателя, 4 и 6 вариант привели в истерическое состояние...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:21. Заголовок: AlhenaG(04/05/04 14:..

AlhenaG(04/05/04 14:27:46)

а Джосс оказывается такой спаффи. .

не говори
Надо конечно, все сначала, до конца дочитать, но на первый взгляд Джосс даже не бальзам лет на раны Спаффи шипперов, он нас вареньем закармливает и даже без хлеба. Так все расчудесно, что даже подозрительно. А как он Спайка вдруг принялся оправдывать, чудо из чудес. Насколько мне помнится, сцена в «Ярости» раньше была нужна, что бы показать какая Спайк «бездушная вещь» и.т.д. далее по тексту. А тепреь оказывается для того, что бы показать, как бедный мальчик запутался. Прямо-таки «Удивительное рядом». Не исключено, что я уже просто старая склеротичка, и он все так с самого начала и говорил.
Но мне как все-таки еще Спаффи шипперу таки речи очень умилительны. Сижу вот и глупо улыбаюсь. Да еще и удивляется, не престаю.
И все-таки странно, это все звучит. То все трое актеров говорят, что «В/А фрева!», и вдруг великий и могучий Чингачгук большой Джосс, делает такие заявления. Странно как-то, не верю, что все трое актеров являются преданными Бангел шипперами. Кто-то им подсказал так говорить. Если все-таки Джосс, то с чего он поменял свое решение? А если не поменял, то почему он такой Спаффи?

Насчет Паркера, в этом есть некоторое рациональное зерно. В конце-концов это была ее первая создать взаимоотношения и с «нормальным» парнем. И это были отношения на которые она в принципе надеялась, а тут такой облом. Паркер способствовал усилению ее комплексов. Джосс конечно пошутил, но как говориться в каждой шутке есть доля шутки.

Мня еще позабавила следующая фраза

.потому что некоторые фаны, - я понимаю, что их немного, но они есть, - они считают, что любовь Баффи и Ангела - это главное.

Он это серьезно или опять шутит?

Васкес, спасибо огромное за перевод. Великолепно и оперативно как всегда.

SanAnn, от воспарявшего всем чем возможно спаффи шиппреа могу заявить, что Баффки не будет в конце сериала «Ангел». Что дает возможность делать зрителю делать то, что так любит, что бы мы делали Джосс. Если конечно он Спайка не убьет опять. А он ведь может садюга. Но нас еще всех может ждать сюрприз. И она приедет с … Паркером. )))
По мне так лучше бы показали что-нибудь более определенное и с Сарой в кадре. При всем моем уважении к мыслительному процессу.

Wonderfalls прикрыли

Хороший сериал то был? А то у меня, что по «Чудопадам», что по «Светляку» полный провал и двойка.

Пойду читать до конца, может он еще там чего-нибудь интересного и забавного наговорил.

ЗЫ Вопрос к постоянным читателям комментариев Джосса. Он всегда столько хвалебных речей в отношений Джемса произносит или он в этот раз был в ударе?. Мы то конечно все и так это знаем, но всегда приятно когда это и выше руководство знает. )))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:23. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/05/04 15..

VasquezE(04/05/04 15:11:08)

Капсы из промки:

Alhena, я подозреваю, что Джосс БЫЛ спаффи в 5-7 сезонах. А в 5 сезоне "Ангела" он радикально поменял точку зрения: Спайка совокупил с Хармони, Баффи - с Бессмертным (или это не Баффи вовсе была?)
Я вот (из мазохизма, наверное) пыталась просчитать, что было бы со Спаффи в 8 сезоне. Соединил бы Ведон Баффи с Ксаном, предельно скоропалительно, за летние месяцы, чтобы Спайк-призрак вернулся как раз к их свадьбе? Или еще какую свинью подложил?

Актеры... да, Утки уже кричат, что главное - актерская интерпретация, потому что они ближе всего к персонажам. А Спаркли готовятся ознакомить ДМ со речами Джосса на ближайшей конвенции и запечатлеть его реакцию на пленку.

Я в общем понимаю, почему СМГ и ДБ говорили про Б\А 4эва. Официальная рекламная кампания проходила под знаком реюниона, и они проводили в жизнь "политику партии". А вот ДМ... то ли это у него было последствие комплекса вины за то, что слишком хорошо играл , то ли Джосс запудрил ему мозги (я помню, что Вардек спрашивала его об этом на Harvest, и он подтвердил, что это, мол, Джосс - но транскрипта Харвеста так не появилось, поэтому дословного ответа мы не знаем.

Насчет Б\А шипперов - это опять из серии "в каждой шутке..." Я иногда заглядываю к Уткам - они до сих пор верят, что СМГ появится, что все происходящее - гигантская кампания по дезинформации и т.д.

Насчет того, с кем приедет Баффи. Вчера, отвечая на Спарклях на один пост, я "от балды" ляпнула, что Бессмертным может оказаться "специальный гостевой" вроде Эдриана Пола - потому что сайдзов на Бессмертного не было, а он вроде бы занимает значительное место в сюжете. Может быть, на него не было сайдзов, потому что брали человека, для которого не нужны пробы?
Народ высказался в ответ, что это в принципе, не исключено - а там тусуются тертые калачи, они эту кухню хорошо знают. Раз они в принципе не исключают такой возможности - значит, это не совсем бредовая мысль. Так что версий становится все больше и больше...

А комментарии еще будут, Дебора почти закончила расшифровывать комментарии к LMPTM. Надеюсь завтра вывесить.

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Geroneja(04/05/04 16:27:23)

LMPTM - это очень вкусно, тем более там, насколько я понимаю, комменты Фьюри, ДМ, Вудсайда и Дрю, то-то, чувствую, будет нам весело )

По поводу Бессмертного - если честно, то Дункану я бы там все равно предпочла Митоса, но чем Ведон не шутит?? Знаем мы его, он и клан МакЛаудов пригласить может, раз уж пошла такая пьянка ))

Что же касается Баффи и Паркера, то... Хм, Баффи и Ксан вызывает примерно похожие ощущения, если честно ))

Васкес, огромное спасибо за названия серий - "Дикий, дикий Уэс" - это просто отпад, а уж про мюзикл Джосса Ведона и Барри Манилова я вообще молчу Туда б еще добавить, что все мужские партии исполняют Дэвид Фьюри и Дэвид Бореаназ и все, больше ничего не надо

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:26. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/06/04 03:1..

SanAnn(04/06/04 03:13:02)

А может это и не Баффка будет?
Кто сказал, что блондинка с Бессмертным обязательно наша истребилка?
Была инфо, что это точняк Баффстер? Я енто пропустила?
До чего я дожила, подумать только - до Баффстер с МакЛаудами!

Туда б еще добавить, что все мужские партии исполняют Дэвид Фьюри и Дэвид Бореаназ и все, больше ничего не надо

Ну вот на второго Дэвида я бы посмотрела и послушала бы!

Очень душевная статья от репортера TV Guide об отношении к прикрытию "Энджела" и о нас, бедных фанатах:

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VasquezE(04/06/04 06:10:24)

Кто сказал, что блондинка с Бессмертным обязательно наша истребилка?
Была инфо, что это точняк Баффстер?

Увы - точно пока никто ничего не знает. Пандора прекратила поставку саммери, поэтому, начиная с 19 серии - полный мрак. Поэтому народ и строит самые дикие предположения. А ведь сегодня, судя по всему, уже начали снимать последнюю серию...

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SanAnn(04/06/04 10:27:23)

Пасибки, Васкес. А то я решила, что пропустила нечто важное.
Наш народ в апрельском SFX:

Тут вам и Дэвид, и Джеймс, и Сара, и Харизма, и Элайза, и Эли с Алексисом. Полный цветник наших как сексуальных звезд Sci-Fi в Галактике

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Geroneja(04/06/04 11:26:20)

*крамольная мысль* А может хорошо, что мы ничего не знаем?

Саби, я бы и на первого Дэвида тоже посмотрела и послушала ) Спасибо за ссылки )

Угу, последнюю серию снимают, тут же заговорили о пилоте "Файлов Дрездена".. хм!

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VasquezE(04/06/04 13:32:33)

Спасибочки за ссылочку! Очень вкусные фотки!

Вот интересно: а фаны будут, как в прошлом году, подсматривать через забор с биноклями, чтобы узнать, кто приехал и что творится на съемках?

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Geroneja(04/06/04 15:38:31)

Ты ж знаешь наш родной фандом - конечно, будут, зато какие потом вкусные отчеты ))

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:38. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/06/04 23:1..

SanAnn(04/06/04 23:19:09)

С нетерпением ждем первых ласточек .
Глядишь, еще кто-то из crew разоткровенничается.
Слейерверс дал ссылку на закачку плаката Джеймса (чтоб потом распечатать его по частям и получить большого Спайкушу, нелегкий процесс), в свое время тот же процесс Уорнеры подкидывали с Дэвидом.

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SanAnn(04/06/04 23:34:49)

Хорошее инфо - DVD Buffy начали дешеветь в Соединенном Королевстве. Все знают, что DVD в Англии были просто по-королевски дороги, порядка 80 фунтов, тогда как в Америке можно было отхватить сезон за 60 гринов.
А теперь...

Well, the good news is that as of 24th May Buffy fans in the UK can also get hold of the cheaper sets.

Here at the BBC we’re loath to talk about such dirty subjects as money, but suffice to say the new releases mark a significant saving. Previously, the sets have retailed at around 80 *фунты*. Now, some sites are quoting the new sets as significantly under the 40 mark.

So, it’s good news all round; whether you’re a fan who wants to replace his VHS copies or someone new to the series.

Думаю, может, ввиду конкуренции и окончания Баффиверса, еще и в Америке цены на DVD упадут. Ох, как бы мне этого хотелось .

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VasquezE(04/07/04 09:19:40)

Да, я уже воображаю, как усядусь и буду смотреть DVD "по-королевски" в роскошном качестве... Только когда-то это случится...

Официальная промка на последние 6 эпизодов

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Geroneja(04/07/04 10:38:18)

Эх.. *присаживается рядом с Васкес и тоже старадает по поводу ДВД*

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(04/07/04 10:47:31)

На Кресте и Коле...

... идут очень любопытные обсуждения комментариев Ведона. В отсутствие других развлечений стоит заглянуть туда - тем более что на этих нитках собрался весь цвет Спарклей...


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SanAnn(04/07/04 10:52:14)

Васкес, дорогая, я промку запостила в топике 17 эпизода, так что, действуем с обоих фронтов .
А DVD мы обзоведемся, девушки, не переживайте! Будем смотреть на вещи оптимистично, хотя бы на DVD .

Посмотрите на скан статьи, где присутствует чудесное фото Эммы:

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VasquezE(04/07/04 12:27:07)

Ох, какая Эмма замечательная! Судя по тексту, статья под французскую премьеру фильма "Темнота наступает". Ничего нового там не говорится, все давно известное - но какое фото!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:47. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/07/04 15..

Geroneja(04/07/04 15:01:04)

Фото - просто класс, кстати, сегодня у Эммы день рождения )

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:48. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/07/04 22:2..

SanAnn(04/07/04 22:21:40)

На слейерверсе появились вновь слухи о том, что Angel'а можем "подобрать" другой канал ввиду мощной компании в его защиту, но т.к. это опять же слухи и уже не первый раз мы их слышим...

Save Angel From Cancellation didn't get saved by the Lycos 50 this week, but have faith Angel Fans, for we are hearing that the show actually may be picked up by another network.

- Please note that this news is unconfirmed by ME but that the source has been reliable in the past. The future of the series can go either way right now, but any information regarding it's renewal certainly sparks a bit of hope.

И поздравляем Эмму с Днем Варенья, девушке исполнился 31 год, миленькое фото :

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Loy Yver(04/08/04 08:35:16)

Ой, девочки,
Спасибо огромное! Столько "вкуснятины"... (Стоило только сутки не появиться в Инете...)

Suum Cuique (c)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:51. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/09/04 12:1..

SanAnn(04/09/04 12:14:47)

Наш пресловутый трейлерочек к следующим эпизодам "Энджела" в хорошем качестве. Ням ! *я как раз об этом мечтала*

И, Лой... всегда пжалуста .
Последние фотки Мишель на вечеринке Playstation 2 -
http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=6864, как же она молодо выглядит, когда не наносит на себя тонны косметики!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:56. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/09/04 12..

VasquezE(04/09/04 12:19:37)

Полный оффтопик: я сейчас делаю колонку "Вопросы и ответы", пишу краткую биографию Майкла Розенбаума и обнаружила, что в фильме "Городские легенды" он играл персонажа по имени Паркер Райли...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:57. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/09/04 13:0..

SanAnn(04/09/04 13:06:30)

Ссорьки, что немного не в тему, но я подумала, что ссылки фото ДМ на концерте GOTR в теме Singing могли остаться незамечанными, вот я решила и сюда их запостить:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 02:59. Заголовок: AlhenaG(04/09/04 13:..

AlhenaG(04/09/04 13:54:08)

Loy Yver и не говори, вот так ходишь, ходишь в школу, а потом бац не появишься пару дней а тут столько всего не перечитать.

Вот интересно: а фаны будут, как в прошлом году, подсматривать через забор с биноклями, чтобы узнать, кто приехал и что творится на съемках?

Они действительно так делали?!? Ну ничего себе! Ай, молодца! Это конечно не корректно и неприлично, но тем не менее. И где можно почитать отчеты?

Насчет SFX Если кому надо я его каждый месяц покупаю могу делать и сканы, фотоаппаратом и присылать. Выкладывать не могу, некуда.

SanAnn, какая чудесная новость о удешевлении ДВД, но и 40 по сравнению с америкоскими ценами дорого. Будем ждать, что и Американцы цены понизят. Но купить все на ДВД очень хочется и поскорее. Будем надеятся на

Васкез, какое однако, звучное имя!

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VasquezE(04/09/04 14:02:49)

Они действительно так делали?!? Ну ничего себе! Ай, молодца! Это конечно не корректно и неприлично, но тем не менее. И где можно почитать отчеты?

Кажется, были ссылки или даже сами тексты на форуме Елены, в разделе "7 сезон "Баффи", а далее, наверное - топик "Спойлеры 722" . Я уже не помню точно...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 03:06. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/09/04 15..

Geroneja(04/09/04 15:56:16)

Alhena G, да, где-то в седьмом сезоне есть и ссылки, и куски отчетов, если хочешь, поищу ссылку на форум, плюс можно на MTS порыться ) Кстати, если ты будешь сканнировать, то я могу у себя вешать сканы и давать народу ссылки
Да, имя потрясающее, я когда увидела, так реакция была примерно такая же, как у Васкес ))

Васкес, что ж ты мне не сказала, что нужна информация про Майкла, я ж в этом всем варюсь *не только в "Смоллике", вообще в сериальном бизнесе*, я тебе сейчас свою статью про Розенбаума сброшу, в рубрику "Новое имя" в одном из своих журналов писала, может, поможет

The Watcher's Library
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 03:08. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/10/04 09..

Geroneja(04/10/04 09:44:22)

Новости дня, дамы и господа! )

Во-первых, то, что я определила, как "шок дня" - Каризме Карпентер дали свой сериал! )
Прошу инфо:
CC got the pilot for "Play Nice" the lead. It airs on UPN. She starts filming April 22nd.

Her co star is a guy names Tyler LeBean.

She is very happy with the people that she will be doing business with. Warner Little and Adam Chase are very connected with this project.

Mr. Little was with NBC for 10 years and was responsible for many of the great shows as well as late night TV. Adam Chase was a writer for Friends for about six years. So there should be some good stuff here.

She is a strong, ambitious pushing to make partner in a law firm. Sharing her apartment with a younger very sloppy brother who she adores and five dogs.

She does a lot of volunteer work where animal are concerned.

Good Luck Charisma!

Во-вторых, "событие дня" - стало известно, что 14 апреля - последний день съемок "Ангела", на ФОКС в этот день фаны отправят миллион шарик в поддержку шоу

В-третьих, "фото дня" - почти готова специальная благодарность для ДБ:

В-четвертых, "интервью дня" - радиоинтервью Тима Минеара, ссылка на мр-3 файл:
В-пятых, "история дня" - отчет со съемок "Судьбы" от журнала "Ангел":
Tale 1 - Day 6

At one point, over by the monitors, a smirking David Boreanaz, has a flustered Jefferson Kibbee (Director) attempting to explain the mythology of the Slayers. Kelly Manners explains: "Because [Jefferson] is such a lovely man, and naive to a degree, David [Boreanaz] just loves to torment him by asking stupid questions over and over again. He'll ask, 'Is Dana a Slayer or is she a demon?' or 'Is she psychotic and if so, is she still a Slayer?'" Jefferson does his best to answer David's questions, but, ultimately, fails miserably. "He just explains to [David] on and on, when it's obvious that [David] knows the answers much better than Jefferson," Kelly says with a chuckle.

Tale 2 - Day 6

Our setting is the Northridge Veterans Administration Hospital, which is being played as the Asylum that holds psycho-slayer, Dana. While the crew sets up the first shot of Angel and Spike arriving, Kelly manners grabs a camera operator and catches a quick shot for Episode 12, Angel's 100th episode. Kelly yells, "cut!" and the small group applauds. David Boreanaz teases Kelly that it technically isn't the first shot of Episode 12, since the episode doesn't start shooting for two days. The two squabble in jest until the first assistant director calls David Boreanaz to set.

At 3.30am, production comes to a screeching halt when the building's fire alarm goes off. Strobe lights and a deafening wail of sirens force the crew to evacuate the building. It takes 20 minutes to silence the alarm. However, the strobe lights remain on. Grips and electricians run around the building, taping over the lights with black tape so that shooting can resume. No one is sure what caused the false alarm, but the slightly mischievous grin on David Boreanaz's face tells its own story. Kelly reveals with a laugh, "He actually copped to it. He called me the next day and said that he may have caused a small delay."

Tale 3 - Day 7

Meanwhile, David Boreanaz continues to quiz Jefferson Kibbee about Slayers and their ability to speak Romanian. Ignorant of Slayer mythology, Jefferson concedes, and with a sigh asks, "If I say all Slayers can speak Romanian, will you leave me alone?" David responds with yet another hard-hitting question regarding Slayer's abilities to speak Chinese, too.

Source: UK Angel Magazine #10

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(04/10/04 14:58:00)

И еще..

Пандора сообщила об актерском составе на 19, 20 и 21 серии:

Episode 19

Winifred “Fred” Burkle AMY ACKER

as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Fell Brother #1 NICK GILHOOL

Written by BEN EDLUND
Directed by VERN GILLUM

Episode 20

Winifred “Fred” Burkle AMY ACKER

as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Alfonso DAVID S. LEE
Bartendress VIKKI GURDAS


Episode 21

Winifred “Fred” Burkle AMY ACKER

as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Senator Bruckner STACEY TRAVIS

Written by DAVID FURY

Итак, Эндрю будет, ура ))

Новые и красивые фото
Эммы Колфилд

МЕ получили три номинации на Хьюго (очень пристижная сценарная премия) - две у "Светляка" и одна у "Баффи", список номинатов:
+ Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Chosen" (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox; written and directed by Joss Whedon)
+ Firefly: "Message" (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox; directed by Tim Minear; written by Joss Whedon & Tim Minear)
+ Firefly: "Heart of Gold" (Mutant Enemy Inc./20th Century Fox; directed by Thomas J. Wright; written by Brett Matthews)
+ Gollum's Acceptance Speech at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards (Wingnut Films/New Line Cinema; written and directed by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson)
+ Smallville: "Rosetta" (Tollin/Robbins Productions/Warner Brothers; directed by James Marshall; written by Al Gough & Miles Millar)

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Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(04/10/04 15:27:19)

Геронеечка, спасибо за новости! Я тут тоже кое-что нарыла

From Mythical Boards
All thanks to Pandora
Cast & Crew for episodes 19, 20,21

Episode 19

Winifred “Fred” Burkle AMY ACKER

as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Fell Brother #1 NICK GILHOOL

Written by BEN EDLUND
Directed by VERN GILLUM

Episode 20

Winifred “Fred” Burkle AMY ACKER

as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Alfonso DAVID S. LEE
Bartendress VIKKI GURDAS


Episode 21

Winifred “Fred” Burkle AMY ACKER

as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Senator Bruckner STACEY TRAVIS

Written by DAVID FURY

И репортаж со съемок 19 серии (я положу его и в спойлерный топик по серии тоже)

And Now, the End is Near

Crew Call Report
Something strange is afoot in the offices of Wolfram & Hart, and Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan - alias Lorne - is on the case. Bright-green and dressed in a stylish, purple suit and alarming, polka-dotted shirt, you might fear Lorne lacks adequate camouflage as he tails the world-threatening super-demon Illyria. You would be mistaken.

For today, as he waits for his quarry in the lobby of Wolfram & Hart, feigning interest in a newspaper, Lorne is hiding behind... a plant.

"Bluebird is in flight," he says, into a hidden microphone. He stands up, nonchalently turcks the paper under one arm, and with a cautious, measured pace, follows Illyria out of the lobby...

After he's finished rehearsing the scene, Andy Hallett, who plays Lorne, hurries over to us and extends his green-painted hand in a rush of energy and enthusiasm. Angel's cancellation was announced to its cast and crew just weeks ago, but one could never tell from Hallett's demeanour.

"Hi guys. I've been going since one o'clock. It was just this one scene that I was in today. My line was at the top of the scene, and they're shooting it in one long shot with a steady camera... They call that a 'one-er'"

Hallett proceeds to explain a little of the plot of this episode [the 19th of this season, dubbed "Time Bomb"], "Angel assigns me to go undercover, like a private eye. That's why I was tucked into that plant. I'm sure you can barely even see me in that plant, especially with this shirt that I have on." Hallett laughs, pointing to his polka dots.

"So I'm on Illyria's tail. She's wreaking havoc, and the gang here doesn't really know how to take her. Of course, she's in Fred's shell, so it's a weird thing because you look at her, and of course we're seeing Fred. We realise that Illyria still thinks she's God of the entire world, and she thinks we're the little peons. It's quite a different character for Amy Acker, I will say that. The funniest thing... just watching her a minute ago, we would come out of that scene, I would follow her out behing the stage there, and I was doing this little walk, which [make-up supervisor] Dayne [Johnson] refers to as the 'Host Shuffle'. I was walking back there and Amy - you know how she stands as Illyria, her movements are so stiff - she starts to imitate the Host Shuffle as Illyria. That cracked me up...!

"I just love talking with her. She and Alexis [Denisof] will do this constantly. They'll repeat... If I say a line a certain way, they'll just go wild with it. Last week, it was the word 'goldmine'. I evidently said it with a little bit of a twang, 'Oh, it's a goldmine.' So Amy will always repeat stuff. She seems like this innocent little angel."

So Amy's not as shy as she seems?

"My ass," says Hallett. "She has a great sense of humour and she is tremendously witty, very funny. She also has a mouth like a sailor."

Director Vern Gillum suddenly calls Hallett back to shoot the scene, and he promises us we'll talk later. As Hallett resumes his position, I notice he's joined not only by Amy, but also by a trio of robed demons and Mercedes McNab, who plays Harmony, Angel's vampire secretary.

As they prepare to shoot, I check out the scenery. Like most television sets, Wolfram & Hart, located on Stage 5 of the Paramount Studios lot, is smaller than it appears on TV. But by US television standards, it's still pretty big, consisting not only of the law firm's lobby, but of various offices and conference rooms, all of which, tonight, feature a bright backdrop to their windows, to simulate daylight.

While the crew continues to set up the shot, I decide to get a better look at the proceedings and head over to "video village" - lawyer Charles Gunn's office, so dubbed tonight because of the video monitors filling it. I take note of some of the office's details: toy robots are everywhere, and a couple of kung-fu movie posters adorn the walls. Producer Ben Edlund, this episode's writer, sits alongside director Vern Gillum, both of them carefully observing a pair of monitors. The scene continues to play out - Lorne and Illyria have left the shot and the Steadicam's moved over to Harmony as she speaks to the Fell demons. The demons believe Illyria, whom they call "the Holy Vessel", is in Angel's office, and wish to know why. Harmony offers them some organic cola.

Edlund notices me, says hello, and cheerfully reveals some more of the episode's story. "This is where Illyria kind of takes her first hit in this world. The story's about her and her powers. She's got a human body and this tremendously powerful demonic essence inside it, and the body's starting to crack apart because there's so much power in there. Actually it gets to a Slaughterhouse-Five place - she starts living time out of sequence because the powers are time-related.

"It makes superhero logic," he adds, displaying the same sly wit we found in his scripts. "I checked it out on the computer. It's fine."

A crew member enters video village with a question: the extras playing lawyers are confused about how they should react to Illyria's presence. Edlund informs him that they notice Illyria but don't stop whatever they are doing, since they're used to seeing all manner of demons at Wolfram & Hart.

When the next take commences, Edlund is busy again watching the monitors. Fortunately, Hallett has finished his part in the scene, so I catch up with him and head back to his trailer so he can take off his make-up.

Outside the make-up trailer, I run into Amy Acker, who's also finished for the night, and has abandoned Illyria's blue tresses and skin-tight bodysuit for something Fred might wear. When I ask her how she enjoys her new character, Acker sounds very Fred-like in person. But her response is bittersweet.

"It's fun. It's like 180 degrees different from Fred, so it's been a nice change. I mean, before we knew we weren't going to have another year, I was sort of excited to have something different to play for a while. And with Joss doing the episode where I died, it sort of seemed appropriate. It was a good ending for Fred... But now it's been fun."

А на закуску: роскошная обойка: Спайк\Фейт в теле Баффи

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AlhenaG(04/10/04 16:53:35)

Vasquez, Geroneja Спасибо больше. Сколько всего интересного.
Geroneja, ссылки были очень и кстати, если тебя не затруднит конечно.
Свежий номер должен появится через недельки две, скажи куда присылать я пришлю, они обещали репортаж со съемок. Если не наврали, конечно.
Ай да Каризма! Судя по авторам то будет ситком или я ошибаюсь?

И кто же все-таки играет бессмертного?

Похоже Эми ведет себя как в «дневнике девушки в мужском коллективе»

Обойка класс!!.

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Geroneja(04/11/04 10:27:06)

Alhena G, сканы можно мне на мыло - mailto:dinamo@visti.com

Ссылка на топик, где есть отчет со съемок 7.22, на той же нитке еще пару штук должны быть

The Watcher's Library
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AlhenaG(04/11/04 11:20:05)

Geroneja спасибо за ссылку, а сканы как только так сразу. )))

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Geroneja(04/11/04 14:54:46)

Уже договорились

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Geroneja(04/12/04 14:07:38)

Дамы и господа, номинанты на SyFy Portal Genre Awards :

BEST ACTOR/Television
Richard Dean Anderson, "Stargate SG-1"
Scott Bakula, "Star Trek: Enterprise"
David Boreanaz, "Angel"
Ben Browder, "Farscape"
Christopher Gorham, "Jake 2.0"
Michael Grossman, "Tremors"
Edward James Olmos, "Battlestar Galactica"
Mandy Patinkin, "Dead Like Me"
Luke Perry, "Jeremiah"
Kevin Sorbo, "Andromeda"
Skeet Ulrich, "Miracles"
Michael Vartan, "Alias"
Tom Welling, "Smallville"

Claudia Black, "Farscape"
Jolene Blalock, "Star Trek: Enterprise"
Eliza Dushku, "Tru Calling"
Jennifer Garner, "Alias"
Sarah Michelle Gellar, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Mary McConnell, "Battlestar Galactica"
Alyssa Milano, "Charmed"
Ellen Muth, "Dead Like Me"
Lisa Ryder, "Andromeda"
Amber Tamblyn, "Joan of Arcadia"
Amanda Tapping, "Stargate SG-1"

David Anders, "Alias"
Michael Anderson, "Carnivale"
Jamie Bamber, "Battlestar Galactica"
John Billingsley, "Star Trek: Enterprise"
Nicholas Brendon, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Clancy Brown, "Carnivale"
James Callis, "Battlestar Galactica"
Alexis Denisof, "Angel"
Victor Garber, "Alias"
Greg Grunberg, "Alias"
Christopher Judge, "Stargate SG-1"
James Marsters, "Angel"
James Marsters, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Corin Nemec, "Stargate SG-1"
Alec Newman, "Children of Dune"
Wayne Pygram, "Farscape"
Ron Rifkin, "Alias"
Phillip Anthony Rodriguez, "Jake 2.0"
Michael Rosenbaum, "Smallville"
Michael Shanks, "Stargate SG-1"
Anthony Simcoe, "Farscape"
Nick Stahl, "Carnivale"
Connor Trinneer, "Star Trek: Enterprise"
Kevin Weisman, "Alias"
Gordon Michael Woolvett, "Andromeda"

Amy Acker, "Angel"
Daniella Amavia, "Children of Dune"
Jessica Brooks, "Children of Dune"
Emma Caulfield, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Nicole deBoer, "The Dead Zone"
Lexa Doig, "Andromeda"
Clea Duvall, "Carnivale"
Gigi Edgely, "Farscape"
Jasmine Guy, "Dead Like Me"
Alyson Hannigan, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Laura Harris, "Dead Like Me"
Alice Krige, "Children of Dune"
Allison Mack, "Smallville"
Amy Madigan, "Carnivale"
Rose McGowan, "Charmed"
Lena Olin, "Alias"
Grace Park, "Battlestar Galactica"
Teryl Rothery, "Stargate SG-1"
Katee Sackhoff, "Battlestar Galactica"
Susan Sarandon, "Children of Dune"
Judith Scott, "Jake 2.0"
Mary Steenburgen, "Joan of Arcadia"
Keegan Connor Tracy, "Jake 2.0"
Becky Wahlstrom, "Joan of Arcadia"

Sean Austin, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Alan Cummings, "X2: X-Men United"
Johnny Depp, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"
Sam Elliot, "The Hulk"
Albert Finney, "Big Fish"
Laurence Fishburne, "The Matrix Reloaded"
Laurence Fishburne, "The Matrix Revolutions"
John Isaacs, "Peter Pan"
Hugh Jackman, "X2: X-Men United"
Heath Ledger, "The Order"
Ewan McGregor, "Big Fish"
Ian McKellen, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Viggo Mortenson, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Keanu Reeves, "The Matrix Reloaded"
Keanu Reeves, "The Matrix Revolutions"
Andy Serkis, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Michael Sheen, "Underworld" Scott Speedman, "Underworld"
Nick Stahl, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"
Patrick Stewart, "X2: X-Men United"
Stuart Townsend, "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"
Elijah Wood, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Kate Beckinsale, "Underworld"
Halle Berry, "Gothika"
Cate Blanchett, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Helen Bonham Carter, "Big Fish"
Jennifer Connelly, "The Hulk"
Claire Danes, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"
Kelly Hu, "X2: X-Men United"
Famke Jannsen, "X2: X-Men United"
Keisha Knight Hughes, "Whale Rider"
Keira Knightley, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"
Jessica Lange, "Big Fish"
Kristanna Loken, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"
Carrie Ann Moss, "The Matrix Reloaded"
Miranda Otto, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Jada Pinkett Smith, "The Matrix Reloaded"
Jada Pinkett Smith, "The Matrix Revolutions"
Rebecca Romjin-Stamos, "X2: X-Men United"
Liv Tyler, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Peta Wilson, "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"

David Anders, "Alias"
Keisha Knight-Hughes, "Whale Rider"
Christopher Marquette, "Joan of Arcadia"
Britt McKillip, "Dead Like Me"
Jason Ritter, "Joan of Arcadia"
Jeremy Sumpter, "Peter Pan"
Amber Tamblyn, "Joan of Arcadia"
Michelle Trachtenberg, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Michael Welch, "Joan of Arcadia" and "Stargate SG-1"
Elijah Wood, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Adam Baldwin, "Heroes," Stargate SG-1
Francesca Buller, "Bad Timing," Farscape
Francesca Buller, "La Bomba," Farscape
Charisma Carpenter, "You're Welcome," Angel
Keith Carradine, "First Flight," Star Trek: Enterprise
Eliza Dushku, "Dirty Girls," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nathan Fillion, "End of Days," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Anthony Stewart Head, "Chosen," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Christian Kane, "You're Welcome," Angel
Thomas Lenk, "Damage," Angel
Michael McKean, "Perry," Smallville
Patrick McKenna, "Avenger 2.0," Stargate SG-1
Nia Peeples, "The Spider Strategem," Andromeda
Christian Slater, "End Game," Alias
Quentin Tarantino, "After Six," Alias
Gina Torres, "Shiny Happy People," Angel
Michael Welch, "Fragile Balance," Stargate SG-1

"A Hole in the World," Angel
"After Six," Alias
"Bad Timing," Farscape
"Chosen," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"Chosen Realm," Star Trek: Enterprise
"Destiny," Angel
"Evolution," Star Trek: Enterprise
"Exile," Smallville
"Full Disclosure" Alias
"Harbinger," Star Trek: Enterprise
"Heroes, Part II" Stargate SG-1
"Home," Angel
"Hot To Katratzi," Farscape
"La Bomba," Farscape
"Letters From the Other Side, Part II," Jeremiah
"Lifeboat," Stargate SG-1
"Little Girl Lost," Miracles
"The Magic Bullet," Angel
"Peace Out," Angel
"Reaping Havoc," Dead Like Me
"Sacrifice," Angel
"Shadows Cast by a Final Salute," Andromeda
"Similitude," Star Trek: Enterprise
"Smile Time," Angel
"Strategem," Star Trek: Enterprise
"The Telling," Alias
"Twilight," Star Trek: Enterprise
"The Uncertainty Principle," Joan of Arcadia
"Voices in the Dark," Jeremiah
"You're Welcome," Angel

Battlestar Galactica
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dead Like Me
The Dead Zone
Joan of Arcadia
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek: Enterprise
Tru Calling

BEST SERIES/Television
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dead Like Me
The Dead Zone
Jake 2.0
Joan of Arcadia
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek: Enterprise

28 Days Later
Big Fish
Children of Dune
Dracula 2: The Ascension
The Hulk
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Order
Peter Pan
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
X2: X-Men United
Whale Rider

Paul Anderson
Tim Burton
James Cameron
Roger William Corman
Wes Craven
Peter David
Jonathan Frakes
Jim Henson
Frank Herbert
Peter Jackson
Matt Jeffries
Stan Lee
Ronald D. Moore
Majel Barrett Roddenberry
William Shatner
Steven Spielberg
Patrick Stewart
J. Michael Straczynski
Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(04/13/04 13:47:17)

Геронеечка, спасибо!
Мне тоже попались интересные кусочки.

Вышло свежее интервью Джули Бенц

Julie Benz
An April 2004 Interview

Вот отрывок про ДМ:

I agree with you about it being one of the best conceived shows ever on television. I think it doesn't get the respect it deserves, including the actors. I think Sarah Michelle Gellar has done some brilliant work as Buffy. James Marsters is just brilliant ... David as well. They just don't get the recognition they deserve.

И на сайте MSN написали про закрытие "Ангела"

Опять же кусочек про Спайка:

The show’s true gem, though, is a certain bleached-blond vampire with a Billy Idol sneer and penchant for saving the world. The addition this season of James Marsters’ Spike to the team has helped elevate “Angel” to “Buffy”-level appointment television. On the “Buffy” series finale, Spike finally became the hero we all knew he aspired to be, by sacrificing his life to save humanity. And now, he’s back.

Reformed-evildoer Spike – as he comments on the action with a bemused indifference, then gleefully joins in the fight – has given “Angel” a rush of new blood, both hilarious and heart-wrenching. And Spike’s oil-and-holy-water moments with Angel have finally allowed Boreanaz the opportunity to show a biting sense of humor, rather than a constant wounded puppy pout.

Там же голосовалка - милости просим!

Should 'Angel' be saved? * 1992 responses

Yes, it's a great show 71%

No, it's no 'Buffy' 6%

Never watched it 23%

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Geroneja(04/13/04 15:27:19)

Васкес, большое спасибо )

Кстати, о голосованиях- закончилось голосовании на Слеерверсе по повду того, кто у на самый горячий вампир - Ангел или Спайк. Спайк победил с 58% голосов

В дополнение к интервью Джули, ее новые фото! Кстати, в интервью еще есть хороший момент, мне понравилось:

Did you watch the last season of "Buffy?"
I watched it off and on. I didn't' watch the last episode. I can't watch it. I never read the end of a good book. I just don't like things to end.

Новые фото Эми Акер.

И фото с пресс-тура UPN по "Баффи" в очень хорошем качестве

З.Ы. Дамы и господа, с сегодняшнего дня я официальный администратор Марстерсверса, очень прошу вас всех заглянуть в раздел "Объявления" и готова выслушать ваши идеи по поводу модернизации форума там же )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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VasquezE(04/14/04 03:13:27)

Поздравляю с новой должностью! Будешь теперь всех нас администрировать!
А теперь - новость дня (а также недели, месяца и прочая...) Пришли сообщения, что сегодня, в связи с окончанием съемок Джеймс обреет голову наголо и в четверг придет в шоу Райана Сикреста с лысым черепом. Не знаю, утка или нет, но эта новость затмила и новое саммери и все прочее...

sueworld2003 уже сделала реконструкцию (в верхней трети странички)


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SanAnn(04/14/04 04:21:10)

Поздравляем Сару, которой исполнилось 27 лет.
Если бы не она, то нашей Баффи не было бы.
А ведь в это время идут съемки последнего эпизода "Энджела"
P.S. Геронеечка, с новой обязаннностью тебя

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SanAnn(04/14/04 04:25:56)

Ничего себе кукла Спайка. Вид как у мафиози. Прям дон Корлеоне крашеный в миниатюре:

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VasquezE(04/14/04 07:40:08)

СанАнн, я присоединяюсь к поздравлениям! Кстати, завтра в кинопрокат выходит японский фильм "Проклятие", в римейке которого СМГ только что закончила сниматься.

По форумам бродят какие-то странные фэнвонки. Мол, съемки-то будут продолжаться и в ночь с четверга на пятницу, когда ДМ уже обреет голову. Может быть, это будет как-то обыграно в сюжете? Админ Спарклей TX Voodoo пишет? что ДМ устроит обривание головы в прямом эфире, и что TX Voodoo обязательно это запишет, оцифрует и положит в Сеть.

Поздняя добавка: ME закручивает гайки. Они перестали передавать wildfeeds в аналоговом режиме, перешли на цифровой. Теперь ни у Дори, ни у Angel's Acolyte нет возможности отсмотреть на сутки раньше и выложить в Сеть описание. до выхода серии в эфир. Я рассчитывала прочитать его сезоня ночью часиков этак 2.00 - но, похоже, придется ждать до утра пятницы...

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VasquezE(04/14/04 13:46:54)


Отрывки из интервью Крафт и Фейн
Writers get their wings
Cancellation of 'Angel' bites, but KC-connected scripters are shielded
The Kansas City Star

О том, как объявили об аннуляции (кстати, во второй части пресс-джанкета ДМ, похоже, говорит о том же самом моменте)

The bad part was that same day, show creator Joss Whedon had bad news for
everyone: The WB had decided not to pick up the show for another season.

"They were shooting a scene in a dungeon, and that's where the announcement was made," Fain said with a slight laugh, with all these instruments of torture all around."

That episode, "Underneath," will air at 8 tonight. It's the first of the last
six original "Angel" episodes and the last of eight credits the two longtime
friends will have had on that show.

О том, как они пришли в шоу:

Both women were fans of "Buffy
the Vampire Slayer," the show that spawned "Angel," and he knew they liked the show. He encouraged them to interview with Whedon for a writing opening there.

"We basically watched six shows a day for a while, just trying to get caught
up with everything," Fain said. "We were so nervous at one point that our
agent offered to cancel the interview."

Whedon wanted to hear a spec idea. The one Fain and Craft came up with
involved the back story of Fred, a new character the heroes had rescued from a cruel alternative world the season before. Fred, they said, would find out a
professor she trusted was responsible for her misfortune.

Whedon bought it, and them as a writing team, which meant one salary, though
Fain said it was sufficient enough that both were pleased with it.

The idea was fleshed out as "Supersymmetry," the fifth show of Season 4.

О том, как их ругают фаны Спайка:

Some of it's hate mail, especially when they don't like what you're doing
with Spike," Craft said. "But we've always appreciated knowing how they feel. Some of them know a lot more about the mythology of the show than the writers do."

О финале:
And, no, neither would say what fate awaits Angel and company.
"Not if we want to live," Fain said. "But I think (the end) is fitting."
"It's going to be an 'Angel' ending," Craft added.

Полный текст:

Miggins сообщает из Англии: в последнем номере SFX есть интервью с костюмерами "Ангела", и они, в частности, говорят: Ведон заявил им, что плащ Спайка больше не понадобится.

I read this today in SFX about Spike's duster and telemovies. It should gladden the hearts of those who hated the duster! It just made me sad because it just shows that there is little chance of anymore Angel in any form. Of course, I already knew that, but hope springs eternal!

The interview was given by the Angel costume designer.
"...we even asked Joss, 'Should we save Spike's coat?' Because what happened on Buffy was when they wrapped, they sent Spike's coat to Twentieth Century Fox and they auctioned it off on eBay. When we started with Spike on Angel, I had to remake it. So, I said, 'Do I need to save Spike's coat for a film version or if another network buys Angel?' He said, 'Nope'."
I guess telemovies were never in the pipeline. Or perhaps they were considered, but the duster wasn't! It just brought it home to me how final it all is.

И снова идут разговоры о съемках в ночь с четверга на пятницу, после шоу Райана Сикреста , которое состоится вечером в четверг.

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SanAnn(04/14/04 14:30:56)

В общем, я уговариваю Наи пока не рыдать. Возможно, спин-офф-таки ожидается (но с другим плащиком).
А пока забавная новость - возможно, Марк Блукас сыграет Фреда в 3 части "Скуби-Ду". Как известно, парочка Сара и Фредди отказываются от участия в продолжении.
Помня, пародию Марка на этого самого Фреда...

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Geroneja(04/14/04 15:38:46)

Да, товарищи, вот, что бывает, когда сутки тебя нет в Сети - не успела оглянуться, как ДМ уже бреет голову налысо, причем в прямом эфире!!!!!! Он что решил конкуренцию Майклу Розенбуму составить?? )) *вот бы их обоих в "Смоллик" - Лексов Лютеров разного времени играть! Так, куда меня несет* В общем, пока что я себе это слабо представляю.....

А вот Марка в "Молчаливом Бобе" я прекрасно помню, вот это, чувствую, будет умора!!! ))

Присоденяюсь к поздравлениям СМГ ) Слеерверс выложил кучу клипов с ее интервью, так что рекомендую заглянуть ))

Эх... Хочу серию!!!!

Дамы, спасибо за поздравления с назначением ) Ох уж я надаминистрирую ))

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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AlhenaG(04/14/04 15:49:42)

Сколько всего интересного.
Эпохальное событие по сбриванию волос готовятся записать, похоже, все. Так что существует вероятность, что мы увидим это в самое ближайшее время. А вообще ничего особенного, ему это полезно после такого количества пергидроля, да растут у него волосы похоже не медленно. Но посмотреть занятно и весело. Вот если бы СМГ голову бы обрила вот это было бы экстиримально.
С днем рождения ее кстати. И путь не отрывается от коллектива. ))

в последнем номере SFX есть интервью с костюмерами "Ангела"

Где? В каком номере? Или я в апрельском это проглядела или где-то новый вышел. Рано еще для нового вообще-то.

А по поводу плаща.
Первое. Прощу не кидаться в меня Ангелом, но мне кажется ему давно пора его снять и одеть что-нибудь другое. И разбавить одежду чем-нибудь разноцветным. Ангел мог бы и поделиться костюмчиком от Армани. Хотя мне кажется он носит DKNY. Вот Ева и там и то Бланки носит, какая же в ВХ зарплата? Какой Джеймс был душка в SFX на костюмных фотках. Загляденье. Плащик, конечно жаль, он уже персонаж, но место ему в шкафу для ностальгических воспоминаний.
Второе. Насколько я помню в описании к 20 серии, говорилось что с одеждой Спайка и Ангела что там случится, и итальянцы, которые олицетворяют в сериале гнездо порока. Выдадут им что то другое и модельное.

Помня, пародию Марка на этого самого Фреда...

О, да породия была чудо.

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Geroneja(04/14/04 16:28:14)

Я тут пошуровала по форумам по ДМ )

Вести с полей - на MTS считают, что это Кристин-Ванда, от которой пошли слухи, что-то где-то недослышала, но они, к тому же, узнали непосредственно у какого-то сотрудника шоу Райана Сикреста, что ДМ планируется, но не завтра, а 27-го. В общем, понятно, что ничего непонятно )

На ВВВ все уверены, что чему быть, того не миновать и уже готовятся записывать, их это событие потрясло, но не так сильно, как MTS )

А волосы у него действтиельно растут быстро - к июню обычно от блондинистого великоления мало что остается и тогда он в том виде, какой я люблю больше всего у него - почти промилированный ))

The Watcher's Library
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Geroneja(04/15/04 10:05:39)

Из новенького

Классные фото Эми Акер с премьеры фильма "The Punisher".

Душевнейшая благодарность JARа (Джей Август Ричардс) фанам с ASSB, просто прелесть, привожу текст:

Date Posted: 03:51:54 04/15/04 Thu
Author: J. August Richards
Author Host/IP: adsl-67-120-29-238.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net /
Subject: I'll try that again

So I'm trying to be all sentimental with you all right now, but I'm having issues here in the internet cafe. i wrote you this long empassioned letter about how this is the eve of my last shoooting day on ANGEL and I wanted to send a shout out to you all and tell you how much this whole experience has meant to me and how I was driving down Wilshire and I saw the mobile save Angel billboard and how I followed it for four blocks and I almost cried, but i couldn't do that because manly men don't do that and how incredibly moved I was that you guys banned together to save us and how grateful me and my castmates are for your efforts... but it never posted. So I'll try again.

I suppose you get the idea now.

i also suppose you'll never believe it's me, but it is.

thank you for 4 great years (yes, only 4 for me). this ride was a blast and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for embracing me and my character. It's late, tomorrow is my last day and I'm getting sentimental...

much love to you all,


PS It really is me. This is not a hoax!

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(04/16/04 08:55:30)

Слейерверс порадовал!
Откровения Ванды с комментариями ДМ и Эми Аккер:


Я уж сюда все перекину:

by Kristin Veitch (The artist formerly known as Wanda)

I used to consider myself the most die-hard TV fan on the planet. It was a badge I wore with pride, sorta like my "I heart Bo & Luke Duke" T-shirt back in the good ol' days of the good ol' boys. (Sigh.)

But you "Save Angel" folks put me to shame.

This week, even though we asked readers to send in questions for the huuugest show on television right now, The Apprentice (those answers are coming Tuesday), you Angel fans still managed to send in more queries than people asking what the bejesus is up with the Donald's hair. And that's saying something.

You've written letters. You've sent flowers. You've organized blood drives and food drives and candy-bar drives and truck drive-by drives. You've raised thousands for ads in the Hollywood Reporter and Variety and given the show more publicity in a month than it received in five years at the WB.

Your fervor amazes me...and it breaks my heart.

For weeks now, I've been trying to break it to you gently that, sadly, there is no promising news about the fate of Angel. And still, you keep asking. And asking. And asking. To the point where I want to cry because I so badly wish I had something good say.

Instead, I think I'll just tell you the truth on where Angel stands.

I've spent considerable time over the past few weeks talking to network, studio and production insiders, as well as a few of the actors (we'll get to them below), and I can tell you this with a fair amount of certainty:

Angel is not coming back. At least not as the weekly TV series we now know and love. It sucks, and it's wretched and wrong. But the sooner we all accept that, the sooner we can move on.

Now, I know from my dear friend Mary that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, so here are two of the sweetest people I know (no dookie) to give it to you straight.

"It's over," James Marsters (Spike) told me Wednesday. "And we've known for a while. It was a shock. I've never in my wildest dreams thought they would do that. But it's their game, their football, and it seems they want to pass it to someone else."

An emotional Amy Acker (Fred) also weighed in Thursday before going to set for her final day of shooting. "I guess they had just sort of decided the cancellation was for good, at a point. So, it seems so sad all these people were working so hard and nothing happened. The whole thing has been so sweet, and we all have been like, 'Oh maybe it will work!' But it seems like they're pretty set in their way."

That's the consensus I've gotten from various sources -- the WB suits aren't changing their minds on Angel. Though the cancellation seemed like a whack-job, crack-induced whim to us fans, Frog net insiders tell me the higher-ups feel strongly that Angel had "limited moneymaking potential," due to limited advertising revenue and what they consider to be a substantial budget. The fan base is clearly devoted, but these bigwigs see little hope of that audience expanding.

The final stake through Angel's heart? Dark Shadows, that remade vampire series the bigwigs believe to have "vast potential." Presumably, the man behind it is John Wells (ER, West Wing). If J.W. created a series about three young witches or, say, a reverend's family, things may have been different.

Meanwhile, UPN and Fox have both passed on Angel. UPN has a strict new edict not to pick up "other networks' scraps" (the same message given to the producers of Wonderfalls, though when you read on you'll find some promising news on that). And even if they did want these "scraps," quite frankly they can't afford 'em. As for Fox, well, one look at its midseason lineup and you know they're going for a slightly different angle than quality scripted television. Littlest Groom, anyone?

I'm told the feeling on set is not morose these days--but rather like graduation. Though it's been rip-out-your-heart difficult, the actors are learning to accept the show's fate and move on.

"I'm used to things being over," James said. "Coming from theater, I'm used to plays being wonderful or less than wonderful, and even if they're fabulous, they do have to come to an end. And you kind of come to a point where you're at peace with that."

And I can't help but mention that David Boreanaz seemed ready to move on before the show was even canceled: "I'm really itching to explore other characters and do other projects," he told me in January. "I think I've been stuck in this medical school for a while, and I need to open up and get out."

Not so much the case for Amy. She admits she's the weepy one. "I just keep crying, and everyone is like, 'Stop it! Or I'll cry, too.' It's hard because last Friday was Alexis' last night, and yesterday was Andy's last day. And today will be everyone's. It's hard to imagine you won't be spending 12 hours a day with them anymore."

All that said, you Save Angel folks, please, for the love of TiVo, do not despair. Though the campaign might not have accomplished exactly what we'd hoped, James points out that it managed to do something else truly magnificent.

"It may not have saved the show," he explained, "but what it does for the entire cast and crew is give us a little pop as we go out. Everyone takes notice that we connected well enough with the audience to give them that passion...And I have to tell you, it feels so good. After all these years of, frankly, battling time and money and always having to give up what you were planning to do and getting frustrated, at the end of it, to see everyone really going out of their way to try and save it, it just feels really, really good. So, big warm vampire fuzzies over here. It really took the sting out of getting canceled."

And really, after five years of stellar television, it seems the least we could do, no?

"I just want to say to the fans, thank you," Amy says. "I think that [Save Angel] has been so awesome and it has made us feel better when we've all been so sad. For people to come up and say, 'Did you hear there's a rally today?' or 'I saw the big poster today.' That has been as comforting as it could ever be."

Still, the best news is this: According to sources, the finale is supremely open-ended (Amy says it "opens new doors" and "doesn't tie up any strings"), and I hear the Powers That Be at the WB have approached Joss Whedon about doing at least a movie-of-the-week or two (possibly as many as six) next season--thanks in large part to the folks at Save Angel. "I think a Buffy movie is more likely to happen now," James said, "and they may be given better budgets, seeing this kind of interest, because there's a feeling that there's a guaranteed audience. So, the effort that I've seen, it is not in vain."

Rumor Patrol: While we're in the mood for telling it like it is when it comes to Angel, we should address a few more burning Q's for any and all conspiracy theorists.

1. Sarah Michelle Gellar isn't evil, just busy. She truly wanted to guest but couldn't make it back in time for episode 21, because she was shooting a movie in Japan and had commitments to Scooby-Doo. Sarah said she was available to do episode 22, but Joss already knew exactly what he wanted to do for the finale (and it sounds genius). They then tried to reverse the shooting of the two episodes, but it was logistically impossible to get everything together in time. (Joss hadn't even written the script.) So, put simply, it didn't work out.

2. Alyson Hannigan, Michelle Trachtenberg and Sarah Michelle Gellar really are not coming back. Unless this is the mother of all foilers, and/or all my sources are bold-faced liars, these three lovelies all had to decline because of other commitments. Alyson was doing a play and a new pilot, Michelle a Disney movie, and S.M.G. had the aforementioned non-evil conflicts.

3. The finale won't suck. Despite the surprise cancellation and guest-star disappointments, from everything I've heard, Joss really pulled through on the series ender. "The characters are in self-doubt and self-conflict and at each other's throats," James said of the finale. "I really didn't think there was any way for these characters to overcome what they were facing, frankly. And it's really suspenseful as to whether they can or can't. It's gonna be bloody, and people are going to get hurt. It's a Joss Whedon finale, man--blood and tears and death."


Wonderfalls Update: Though the ship may have sailed on Angel, there is still hope for another quality scripted series, Wonderfalls--which happens to be helmed by former Angel boss Tim Minear. Sources tell me UPN has passed on picking up the former Fox series for the same reasons they passed on Angel. However, the WB execs have decided to review an episode of Wonderfalls along with its pilots, which means it is in the running for the fall season.

That said, time to rally before it's too late. Send your support letters (and if you want to throw in a little zsa-zsa-zu, some kind of animal figurine) to:

Jordan Levin
CEO, Warner Bros. Network
4000 Warner Blvd., Building 34R
Burbank, CA 91522

After you send off your letter, postcard, what-have-you, join me for our next chat at our new time, 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT for all the usual goodies. You need to be an E! Online Insider to enter the chat, so save yourself some time and join now.

Happy Tubing!

Additional reporting by Diana Jung

Очень интересно!

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SanAnn(04/16/04 09:12:07)

Новые очаровательные фото Мишель для журнала Seventeen:

Новая заставка "Энджела":

Чудесная парочка Эли и Алексис на прогулке:

Обалденные фотки!
Ну и Эли и Мишель в журнале InStyle, сканы:

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Loy Yver(04/16/04 09:35:02)

Ой, Саби,
Спасибо огромное!!! Дивные фото! Особенно Эли с Алексисом. Так романтично...

Suum Cuique (c)

Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(04/16/04 09:50:52)

Я уже собиралась вылезать,

и вернуться ночью, но мусор, выброшеный на Ведона, меня не мог оставить равнодушной .

Статья Monty Ashley из Teevee.org:

I had hoped that with all his shows cancelled, the Internet would take a break from slobbering all over Joss Whedon. But it never stops!

Yeah, the guy made some great TV. But not so great that anyone else who does a good show is now “Doing a Whedon.” It’s not like Whedon invented television.

Actually, that’s part of what annoys me: There are people whose first exposure to silly sci-fi was Buffy. So when they see another show doing a plot that Buffy did, they say things like “They stole that from Buffy!” But the whole gimmick behind Buffy, at least for the first few years, was that it was doing absolutely generic horror-movie plots, but putting a spin on them.

I guess it’s just that I don’t think Whedon “reinvented” anything. He’s good with dialogue, but I don’t think his characterizations are all that great. And the long-term plotting on his shows is terrible.

Whedon’s shows pretend to have a big story arc, but it falls down on close inspection. Take the introduction of Dawn, which seems like it would require a lot of retconning of the previous seasons. And the way vampires were originally evil “because they are half-demon,” but after a few years, demons turned out to be just regular guys. A lot of the time, I feel like Whedon is doing “vaguely prophetic” things, like that one dream episode, with no idea of how he’s going to tie it together. I never understood the whole Wolfram & Hart angle on Angel, and I really don’t think any of the writers did either. This is an area where The X-Files would be a good comparison.

As far as his characterization, this might just be me, but I think the personalities of his characters vary wildly. Xander was sometimes an empathetic observer and sometimes the biggest idiot in the world (“Bitca?”). Willow was a computer nerd who completely forgot about computers for a couple of years so the show could do a weird magic-as-drugs plot. The early Spike has almost nothing in common with today’s Spike, except for the accent. And so on.

I realize that some people (although not me) have identified strongly with various Whedon characters. But they tend to be the same people who say things like “Season 7 Giles must have been possessed by an evil entity” and “That’s not Buffy. The Buffy I know ...”

I’d rather see an episode written by Tim Minear or Ben Edlund than an episode written by Joss Whedon. I think Whedon’s concepts are clever but, upon closer examination, usually incoherent. He’s good at quips, though.

Maybe I’d like Whedon to come up with general concepts, leave the writing and plotting to other people, and then come in to add zingers.

Я уважаю право каждого на свое личное мнение, но нужно помнить, что обливание грязью человека, которого многие любят и ценят, вовсе не является доказательством индивидуальности.
Автор явно не знаком с материалом, о котором так свободно рассуждает.

P.S. to Loy:
Всегда пожалуйста, милая!

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Geroneja(04/16/04 11:28:36)

СанАнн, огромное спасибо за новости )) Хлюп, это все мне напоминает прошлый год, все эти финальные интервью.. эх..

The Watcher's Library
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VasquezE(04/16/04 13:58:26)

Сабиночка, спасибо огромное за новости! Насчет статьи Кристин: шесть фильмов - все равно что 12 серий. То есть при хорошем раскладе фаны все-таки отвоюют целых пол-сезона! Причем Джосс, как истинный человек-оркестр, вполне сможет заниматься и "Светляком", и художественным руководством этими самыми телефильмами.
А насчет статьи... ну у товарища классический взгляд на ТВ. Персонажи классического сериала были масками, застывшими навеки. Можно было не смотреть сериал год, а потом включить - и увидеть то же самое. И это обеспечивало своеобразный комфорт, как "Макдоналдс", в котором одинаковые бутерброды и в Москве, и в Питере, и в Париже (в других городах не пробовала). Но ты видишь знакомую вывеску и совершенно точно знаешь, что тебя за ней ждет. Всегда и везде.
Примерно так же, насколько я понимаю, функционирует сегодня большинство сериалов. Их можно смотреть, не беспокоясь, что с героями что-то случится. И многим зрителям нравится именно это: сначала они накачиваются теленовостями, где им показывают, как все плохо, а потом они смотрят некое шоу, на просмотре которого можно ни о чем не беспокоиться.

И любопытная информация с Cold Dead Seed:

Tasty tidbit from the latest SFX. It's part of the article that mentions the non-retention of the duster. The article starts with a quote form the costume designer Shawna Trpcic:-

"In this nest episode [EPISODE 2 we go to 1978, we go to 1989, we go to 1950, and then 1894. And it's in Italy and America, so we're all over the map. I was taking notes on it and it's huge."

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Geroneja(04/16/04 15:11:48)

Фух, ура, Васкес появилась - я уже собиралась Интернет-розыск объявлять )

Спасибо за цитату, вот теперь ждем-с!

Дамы и госопда, мне Alhena G прислала сканы SFX *за что ей еще раз огромное спасибо*, я попробую их потихоньку повесить, потом дам вам линки )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(04/16/04 15:19:09)

Вам пасибки, любимые!
Вот еще кое-что из фото.
Скринкапсы Элайзы с шоу Крейга Килборна:
Красивая, загорелая, сексуальная и с новой прической!

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SanAnn(04/16/04 22:50:17)

Еще кое-что...

ДМ появится в шоу Шэрон Осборн 26 апреля:

*ах, какая чудесная фотка*
Значитса, будет и новое интервью. Интересно, он бритым уже придет?

И фотки Сары со съемок в Grudge, мне прямо не терпится увидеть этот фильм:
Последние фотки Мишель от папарацци:

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SanAnn(04/16/04 22:58:01)

НУ и напоследок, капсы 5.17 от слейерверса. Не такие качественные как от Isa, но все же:

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Ariel BtVS(04/17/04 04:44:08)

Нет ну что за хамство! Не продуманы и не прослежаны исторические линии! Ну конечно! А представление Дон было продумано их всех закодовали так что нечег тут понимаете ли... В сериале конечно есть ляпы, но а где их нет! И потом ничего серьезного, подумаешь Спайк в зеркале отражается, ну и что я например даже не заметила пока не ткнули пальцем!
Вампиры не понравились - добрые слишком? Так в этом и штука что демошы перевопитались. Ведон показывает что даже всамое большое зло может быть исправлено и что любовь (какая она бы не была разделенная или нет) побеждает все и что за свою дюбовь надо бороться. Так что в этом плохого? Дракула тоже между проим влюбился и пытался добиться своей любимой! А какими целями это уже другое.

Ринни Спайк не имеет ничего общего с ннешним! Фи! А как вы хотели он же изменялся! Он в Баффи влюбился и душу себе раздобыл между прочим и как тут не изменися?
Что за чушь! Думать надо прежде чем такое говорить! Совсем совесть потерял! Вот бы автора с Марстерсом свести он бы ему все конкретно обьяснил что к чему да так что не повадно было бы говорить о том в чем совепшенно не разбираешься.

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Geroneja(04/17/04 10:35:02)

Ариэль, спокойно, знаем мы этих авторов статей и не такое еще бывает, не нервничай )

Ох, жду я это шоу Шарон Осборн, и 27-го вроде бы он обещал появится у Райана Сикреста )

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VasquezE(04/17/04 15:41:48)

Ариэль,не бери в голову, не переживай. Джосс - не долларовая купюра, чтобы всем нравиться.

Лучше посмотрите, как народ экспериментирует с прической ДМ

И еще очень милая инфа:
eshelley (член BAPS и Спарклей) написала отчет о лекции Джейн Эспенсон. Вот интересные отрывки:

I've just returned from Jane Espenson's talk at W and M. Her
topic was "Buffy Versus the Gilmore Girls" and she tried to
illustrate how certain subjects were handled on each show: power,
relationships, and stereotypes. However, it was obvious that the
audience was more interested in Buffy and in the question and answer
section only Buffy questions were asked.

She made a few general interesting points. Joss got his slant on
feminism from his feminist mother who mentored young women. She did
not live to see BVTS and he considered the program a tribute to her.
(Could this be why many think that his feminist viewpoint was stuck
in a timewarp?)
I then asked "Why was rape necessary to send him on a soul
quest. Couldn't something like the attempted vamping of Buffy have
served the same purpose and not have such a harsh realistic intrusion
into essentially a fantastic and metaphorical world?" Well, she
stepped away from the podium and said, "Some of us argued against it
and were totally against a rape." She said that she knew it would
cause an big problem but was argued down with the Laura/Luke plotline
and how popular that had been. She answered that it was not 1984 and
that opinions on rape were vastly different today. She didn't win,
but she loved writing the redemption of Spike in season seven.
I think I was unclear because of what some BAPS posters commented.
Jane in no way suggested that some people wanted the attempted rape to be a copy of Luke/Laura or that Buffy/Spike would be L/Lpower couple clones. I think what she was saying (and, boy, is it hard to interpret when
she was very careful not to be critical of anyone specifically) was
that when the attempted rape was discussed, Luke and Laura were
brought up in the pro argument as a popular plot device in the past.

PS. As per a request, I told her about Joss's acting directions to
SMG and JM for the "I love you,". She said that she always knew
Buffy loved Spike.

Полный текст: http://www.sparklies.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=836&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=25

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Ariel BtVS(04/18/04 00:50:26)

Ну не все предпочитают доллары... некорые специализируються по еврикам.

Ну у людей и фантазия, но мне он больше всего нравиться с мелированием! Такой лапочка.

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SanAnn(04/18/04 04:36:24)


Очень интересное интервью безумно интересного мужчины Кристиана Кейна.

Christian Kane on DB & the Wonderful Glenn Quinn

In an exclusive interview with Horror-Web.com, Christian Kane talked about his role on Angel and his problem with using the name Doyle in 'You're Welcome'.

"Me and David have the most fun when we're at each other's throats. Because it's fun and games. The footage that is shown on TV is nothing compared to the footage that is on the floor in the editing room, because me and him are laughing at each other so much. We are friends outside of the show and it's just hard for me to look at him and say, 'I'm going to kill you' [laughs] because he'll start laughing and then I'll start laughing... you don't see it. In season two if you look very very closely when it's an over off of him to me, or an over off of me to him, there's shoulders jerking and jiggling, because the other person who's not on camera but has a shoulder in the shot, is laughing. And that's the honest to God's truth. We'd sit there and he's 'so, you're going to come back here and I'm going to kill you' and the other guy's just bumping up and down laughing. We had to hold a straight face... [HW: So some days it takes a lot of takes to get what we see?] Yeah. Well, actually we're pretty professional. We pretty much tune out the other person when we can. "

If you look at that episode, I did not say Doyle, I said, my name is 'Charles' or something, I can't remember what it actually was. But Joss did that, and this person went online and said hey Chris Kane is back on Angel as Lindsey and it went across the internet like that. It went from here to China in like two seconds. But it said he's playing a character named 'Charles' or whatever it was, and it was the wrong name because Joss is so dang smart. And they put it out there like that and no one got the Doyle reference because I went back into ADR and said 'Doyle' – if you watch my lips I'm not saying 'Doyle' I'm saying Joey or whatever it was. [laughs] But Joss said, come back in and now say 'Doyle'. [HW: And hearing that name come out of your mouth? Let me tell ya... ] I know, right? [HW: Oh yeah, everyone was like 'he's pretending to be who?]

"And that's another thing. When we first started this whole thing, Glenn Quinn, what a great guy and a friend of me and Dave's, and that upset me and I used that as well. Because Glenn was a good friend of mine, and he was a good friend of David's and when we first started this whole thing it was me, Boreanaz, and Glenn. We'd go to Goldfingers, which is Glenn's club, and drink a lot of Jack Daniels and a lot of beer [laughs] and we had a good time. Dave was single, and I've been to his wedding and every birthday party that Jaden's [David's son with wife, Jamie Bergman] had, and Jamie's good people. But there was a time when it was just me, big 'D', and Glenn – it was very very tough [to come back and pretend to be Glenn's character], and I think David fed off that too, I could see it in his eyes.

Literally, it was tough because I felt that I was saying, hey I'm Glenn Quinn. I used that, but it screwed with me. And when David walks down those steps in episode 100 and says 'Lindsey, and this and that, Doyle' I think he's honestly using that because I could see it in his eyes. We're getting ready to fight, but I could see it, it's got to be a tough deal for him. And I felt like maybe that's the one thing that shouldn't have happened. But Joss is brilliant because he used that. How do you turn me and David against each other? You really can't because we're such close friends. So to use that for Angel and Lindsey, I think has a little bit of brilliance to it. It's kind of sick [laughs] but it's brilliant. But it did the job. [HW: Yes, and it was also another way of coming full circle.] It was."

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VasquezE(04/18/04 05:34:10)

А вот здесь полное интервью КК. http://www.horror-web.com/hollywood/angel/christian.html

И делаю кросс-пост из Acting - "Ангел" и "Баффи" получили кучу номинаций, голосование с 25 апреля, голосовать можно раз в сутки, с главной страницы. Конечно, все мы понимаем, что эти голосовалки проводятся в основном для повышения кликабельности (у них наверняка расценки на рекламу от этого зависят), но все равно хочется поддержать наших. Кстати, ДМ - первый, кто получил сразу две номинации в одной и той же категории.

SyFy Genre Awards Nominations has been announced.
BtVS got 9, AtS got 8 nominations. James is nominated for both Buffy and Angel in the "Supporting actor category". Joss's also nominated for Gene Roddenberry Lifetime Achivement award. Here's is the full article.

SyFy Genre Awards Nominees Announced

Author: Michael Hinman
Date: 04-18-2004
Source: SyFy Portal
The fifth SyFy Genre Awards have been announced, and the now-cancelled "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series is this year's top show with nine nominations. It's spinoff "Angel," which will go off the air in May, received eight nominations -- tying it with "Stargate SG-1" and "Farscape."

UPN's "Star Trek: Enterprise" got five nominations while both "Alias" and HBO's "Carnivale" got four nominations each.

On the movie side, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" was the big winner with seven nominations. Both "X2: X-Men United" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" were tied with three nominations each.

The nominees were chosen based on votes from a nominating committee put together by SyFy Portal.

Beginning April 25, fans will be able to vote for their favorites in each of the 13 categories. Visitors can vote once per day per e-mail address, and all they need to do is visit SyFy Portal's main page.

SyFy Portal has been doing the awards since 1999 (no awards took place in 2002 because of the Sept. 11 attacks).

Here are the nominees:

BEST ACTOR/Television
Richard Dean Anderson, "Stargate SG-1"
Scott Bakula, "Star Trek: Enterprise"
David Boreanaz, "Angel"
Ben Browder, "Farscape"
Edward James Olmos, "Battlestar Galactica"
Mandy Patinkin, "Dead Like Me"

Claudia Black, "Farscape"
Jolene Blalock, "Star Trek: Enterprise"
Eliza Dushku, "Tru Calling"
Jennifer Garner, "Alias"
Sarah Michelle Gellar, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Amanda Tapping, "Stargate SG-1"

Clancy Brown, "Carnivale"
James Marsters, "Angel"
James Marsters, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Michael Rosenbaum, "Smallville"
Michael Shanks, "Stargate SG-1"
Connor Trinneer, "Star Trek: Enterprise"

Amy Acker, "Angel"
Clea Duvall, "Carnivale"
Gigi Edgely, "Farscape"
Alyson Hannigan, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Lena Olin, "Alias"
Teryl Rothery, "Stargate SG-1"

Alan Cummings, "X2: X-Men United"
Johnny Depp, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"
Ian McKellen, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Viggo Mortenson, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Patrick Stewart, "X2: X-Men United"
Elijah Wood, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Kate Beckinsale, "Underworld"
Halle Berry, "Gothika"
Keira Knightley, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"
Jessica Lange, "Big Fish"
Miranda Otto, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
Liv Tyler, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

David Anders, "Alias"
Britt McKillip, "Dead Like Me"
Amber Tamblyn, "Joan of Arcadia"
Michelle Trachtenberg, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Michael Welch, "Joan of Arcadia" and "Stargate SG-1"
Elijah Wood, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Francesca Buller, "La Bomba," Farscape
Charisma Carpenter, "You're Welcome," Angel
Eliza Dushku, "Dirty Girls," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nathan Fillion, "End of Days," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Thomas Lenk, "Damage," Angel
Michael McKean, "Perry," Smallville

"A Hole in the World," Angel
"Bad Timing," Farscape
"Chosen," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"Heroes, Part II" Stargate SG-1
"La Bomba," Farscape
"Twilight," Star Trek: Enterprise

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek: Enterprise

BEST SERIES/Television
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Stargate SG-1

Big Fish
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Matrix Revolutions
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
X2: X-Men United

James Cameron
Jim Henson
Peter Jackson
Matt Jeffries
Steven Spielberg
Joss Whedon

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Geroneja(04/18/04 10:09:48)

Васкес, я номинации вешала где-то тут четь раньше

Дамы, спасибо за ссілки )


Reviewed by Ken Tucker

The WB's cancellation of "Angel" -- only five more episodes to go -- has inspired fans to fill TV critics' desks with postcards and letters protesting its demise (Angel Avengers, your sorrow and rage are duly acknowledged). Any show that turns its title character into a felt-covered puppet for a week clearly deserves some affection. And with ''Angel,'' creator Joss Whedon has shown a gift for incorporating such silliness into a season-long, nuanced contemplation of the price people pay for the atonement of wrongdoing. If anyone could escape the Chris Carter Curse -- creating one genius series (in his case, ''The X-Files''), then spending years wringing less satisfying variations from it (''Millennium,'' ''The Lone Gunmen'') -- Whedon would seem to be the most likely to succeed.

But thanks to his writers' attempts to distinguish the show from ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer,'' ''Angel'' has resembled a teenager suffering an identity crisis: What began as a vampire noir morphed into a sci-fi wig-out, which in turn became the current supernatural law-office series. At the end of last season, David Boreanaz's title character and buddies including Wesley (Alexis Denisof), Gunn (J. August Richards), and the waif Fred (Amy Acker) accepted job offers at Wolfram & Hart -- ''an evil, multidimensional law firm,'' as Fred has called it. Angel's reasoning was that he'd use his position to fight the good fight from within the belly of this corporate beast of all bad things. The show's writers, however, have had other ideas, like tempting Gunn to unleash an evil spirit who immediately inhabited (and may or may not kill) Fred. Key protagonists have plunged into the Wrath, a ''holding dimension'' of awful terror, and Angel himself is overwhelmed with a paralyzing realization: ''Everything we do is a distraction'' from the coming apocalypse. Angel this season has carried undercurrents of guilt, moral doubt, and confusion that make Kafka seem like a staff writer for ''Hope & Faith.''

At the risk of loosing the Angelic furies upon myself, I gotta say the apocalyptic mumbo jumbo was always the weakest element of ''Buffy,'' and it doesn't play any better here. Ditto the transformation of wabbity Wesley into foxy Wesley -- seducer and, lately, dewy-eyed mourner of Fred. ''Angel'' is wildly uneven: Sometimes it's an absolute blast (James Marsters' gleeful guffaw as Spike, ''You're a wee little puppet man!'' was priceless); sometimes it's a dead-end street (the whole Connor, grown-son-of-Angel subplot was where I exited the series for a spell). For a show with such superb acting -- all honor to Boreanaz, who's got macho vulnerability down to a smooth essence not achieved since James Garner in his ''Rockford Files'' days, and to Amy Acker, who has gone from victim to sexpot to villain without ever hitting a false note – ''Angel'' is surprisingly rife with leaden lines like ''Rules can be broken; all you have to do is push hard enough.''

That said, it's still dismaying that ''Angel'''s lead-in, ''Smallville,'' with its stubbornly inert plots (no flying is one thing; no narrative momentum is another, guys), should remain on the air even though its ratings, like ''Angel'''s, have fallen off this year. And unlike ''Smallville,'' Whedon has been able to ring new changes on resonant themes. In the March 3 episode, for example, Gunn began losing the intelligence boost that Wolfram & Hart implanted in him and desperately did not want to, as he put it, ''go back to being just the muscle'' (that's TV code for ''the stereotypical Strong Black Man''). So in return for remaining a brainiac lawyer, he inadvertently unleashed the season's Big Bad: Fred as the leathery Illyria and her ''army of doom.'' This is at once an extremely ingenious reworking of the Robert Johnson myth (black man sells soul to devil in return for immense talent) and a groaner of a plot turn, since it sets up the series for a climax all too reminiscent of -- you know...Buffy.

Earlier this season, Wesley said, ''Time is not on our side.'' To which Spike retorted, ''Nobody is on our side.'' This beleaguering is what makes ''Angel'''s fan base so passionate; it's also what has kept ''Angel'' locked in adolescence, unable to fully mature. It's sad that for a show with so much complex talent on and off screen, we'll never be able to watch it grow up. Grade: B+

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1861
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:22. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/18/04 13..

VasquezE(04/18/04 13:05:43)

Геро, извини, я пропустила...
Ну ничего, напомнить не помешает, не правда ли? Будем голосовать. Я - с двух компьютеров: моего и дочкиного. У нас с ней кооперация: я голосую за ее Дэвида Андерса в категории "лучший молодой", она - за ДМ.

Кстати, видела на Спакклях сообщение, что сегодня какой-то канадский телеканал показывает вручение премий Spacey Awards, и среди участников церемонии числится ДМ. Надо полагать, что он что-то выиграл. Возможно, он будет не лично, а в виде клипа-репортажа, снятого на съемочной площадке "Ангела". Ежели появится видеофайлик - будем качать.

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Сообщение: 1862
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:25. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/18/04 13:3..

SanAnn(04/18/04 13:38:20)

Как я понимаю, все ждем 25 апреля для голосования. Ню-ню .
Чертовски приятно, что Баффка отхватила сразу девять, учитывая то, что шоу уже закончено.

Ну и Эмбер Бенсон (с соавтором с Крисом Голденом) номинируется на Bram Stoker Award за свое мистическое произведение Ghosts Of Albion.

Экое талантище! Да еще и красавица к тому же!

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Сообщение: 1863
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:29. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/18/04 16..

Geroneja(04/18/04 16:21:20)

Васкес, в нашем деле - чем больше раз напомним, тем лучше

Эх, голосовать будет обязательно, и видео ждем-с, плюс обещают с шоу Шарон Осборн сделать оперативно )

Но интервью Кристиана Кейна - это песня, этот парень явно не любит поговорить. Вот, что он сказал про ДМ, кстати:

. Big Time. And especially with James [Marsters, 'Spike'] coming back to the show. Me and him are like peas in a pod [laugh] when it comes to acting. I have so much fun acting with that kid. We're both kind of die hard... we want the scene to be the best that it can. So with me and James it's like, when it comes to fight stuff, 'push me harder' and he's like, 'no push me harder,' and I'm like 'ok... but push me harder'. We'll give up the body to help the soul. And it's a lot of fun working with him, he's one of the most talented actors I've worked with.

Вот от этого "kid", учитывая то, что Кейн 1974 года рождения, если мне не изменяется память, я выпала в осадок )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1864
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:30. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/19/04 02..

VasquezE(04/19/04 02:20:36)

ДМ выиграл канадскую премию Spacey Award

Со Спарклей - Amelia
James just won the Spacey Award for favorite Male TV character! And he had a taped acceptance speech!
He was in costume with his Spike duster V.2 and black shirt. Same old I'm afraid. But he was as sweet as can be, mostly stating that he wasn't worthy(as usual) but he was very thankful for his fans and the thing that caught me most was that he said "Canada Rocks!" so really what else is there to say.

I believe he got %37 of the vote. He beat the Lex dude from Superman and the Captain from Enterprise and 3 others.

И добавка с Cold Dead Seed
JM wins Spacey Award: Space Channel April 18, 2004

Just because I love you all (and because, frankly, it's no hardship watching JM over and over again), here's a transcript of his acceptance speech after winning Fav. TV Male Character on the Spaceys.

Introductory clip shows: Puppet Angel and Spike scene, the scene with Illyria just before the fight scene with A & S in Shells - before she and Wes jump into her old dimension, and Spike with the mini bottle of Jack.

We then see JM seated with his back to a wall resting the palm of his (very large) left hand on the top of the Spacey Award (which looks a bit like an alien head). He says:

Hello. This is James Marsters coming to you from the set of Angel. And, I've just been given the Spacey Award for this year and I’m very thankful to you for that. (Casts his eyes down). I didn’t really get into acting for the applause, frankly, or even the awards but what I have missed over the years of doing the show is to not have the kind of (bites lower lip) communication with the audience. The kind of moment to moment (rocks right hand in the air) thing when they tell you if you’re being boring, (scratches head), being interesting, they find something funny and….this is about as close as I’m going to get. (Small laugh). So I thank you.

I feel like I’ve been reaching out over the years, during all the takes and stuff knowing that there were people who were interested and I feel like you guys were reaching back. And I really thank you for that. And you make me feel really good today (nods head). Thank you. (upbeat voice and Hawaiian salute). Canada Rocks.

Angel also won the "Best TV show" category beating out Enterprise, Alias, and some others not familiar to me.
Pretty cute as Horatio Hornblower (Smile Time) puppet accepted the award with Steven DeKnight doing the voiceover. He mentioned that he was sorry that they weren't doing another season.

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Сообщение: 1865
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:38. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/19/04 10..

Geroneja(04/19/04 10:46:42)

Васкес, спасибо за новости, вот бы теперь еще видео достать ))

От меня:
Интервью Эммы Колфилд

Классные фото, некоторых даже у меня не было )

Статья о сериях с 18-й по 20-ю

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Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1866
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:39. Заголовок: Ariel BtVS(04/19/04 ..

Ariel BtVS(04/19/04 15:07:58)

VasquezE, спасибо за статейку, пойду читать и вникать в смыл всего сказанного. А за ДМ могу только порадовать, он заслужил эту премию и думаю что не только эту!

Геро, фотки действительно замечательные, и ОЗ там такой забавный!

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Сообщение: 1867
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:40. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/20/04 00..

VasquezE(04/20/04 00:00:12)

Менеджер ДМ попросил распространить информацию: 27 апреля в полдень состоится эпохальное обривание головы в шоу Райана Сикреста

Teeps posted this on BAPS:

James Marsters Shaves Head For Charity


Actor James Marsters (aka ‘Spike’ from “Buffy The
Vampire Slayer” and “Angel”) will be appearing on the
Ryan Seacrest Show, Tuesday, April 27, 2004 from 12
noon to 1 pm. James will be shaving off his famous
platinum blonde locks to help raise money and
awareness for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation. The top 10 donors will receive a
personalized autographed photo along with a lock of
James’ hair. To make a donation go to:
www.pedaids.org and make an on-line donation no
later than noon on Monday, April 26, 2004. Be sure
to mark your donation in honor of James Marsters.

Also, for those fans who can come to the taping,
please do so. James will be making an appearance
after the show in the courtyard sporting his new
look!! This is for a great cause!

**Photo and lock of hair will be mailed out within a
week of the event.

Thanks in advance for all your support,

Steve Himber
Manager for James Marsters

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Сообщение: 1868
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:43. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/20/04 05:0..

SanAnn(04/20/04 05:07:25)

Один фанат Эли без проблем зашел в ее костюмерную в театре после спектакля 'When Harry Met Sally' (Эли в тот момент там не оказалось).
Но вот переполох о безопасности актеров поднялся большой:
Мишель: http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=7226
Господи, зачем ей эта красная помада?

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Сообщение: 1870
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 23:51. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/20/04 09..

Geroneja(04/20/04 09:42:43)

Вот-вот, я бы эту красную помаду..

Эх, таки да, таки будет обривание всенародное, пора запасаться валидолом ))

Классные фото Каризмы

Интересная голосовалка - голосуем за своего любимого персонажа - нечеловека )) Правда, там нет Спайка, но есть Ангел, а Спайка внизу можно вписать как любимого персонажа из шоу, которое сейчас в эфире

Подборка фото от слеерверса:

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1871
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 23:52. Заголовок: Loy Yver(04/20/04 14..

Loy Yver(04/20/04 14:03:51)

А мне показалось, что цвет губ наложен сверху уже на фото.

Я думаю, что пару цистер живительной влаги, то бишь, настойки валирианы, нам хватит. Заказывай!

Suum Cuique (c)

Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1872
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 23:54. Заголовок: Loy Yver(04/20/04 14..

Loy Yver(04/20/04 14:03:51)

А мне показалось, что цвет губ наложен сверху уже на фото.

Я думаю, что пару цистер живительной влаги, то бишь, настойки валирианы, нам хватит. Заказывай!

Suum Cuique (c)

Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine The Watcher's Library

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Сообщение: 1873
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.08 00:07. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/20/04 15..

Geroneja(04/20/04 15:30:04)

Лой, уже заказала, не волнуйся )

Довольно интересная статья о неудачниках телевизионных - в своих шоу звезды, вне - неизвестны никому, больше не снимаются, яркий пример Ян Зиринг (Стив Сендерс из "Беверли"), мне, как специализирующемуся на сериалах журналисту, почитать было очень интересно ) Но к чему это я - ДБ там тоже представлен, хотя я думаю, что у него шансы есть, если не как у актера, то как уКрасивые фото режиссера точно ) Элизабет Ром из сериала "Закон и порядок", в котором она сейчас снимается

И продолжение фоток Каризмы

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.08 00:08. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/20/04 15:5..

SanAnn(04/20/04 15:52:34)

>А мне показалось, что цвет губ наложен сверху уже на фото.

Ой, не думаю, солнышко! Но девочка явно полюбила красную помаду:

*также представлены потрясающая Элайза и милая Эми*

По поводу статьи, где считают Дэвида бесталанным, думаю все знают мое мнение на сей счет
Ведон никогда не работает с бездарностями!

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Сообщение: 1875
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.08 00:10. Заголовок: Jaruschka(04/20/04 2..

Jaruschka(04/20/04 21:36:58)

Эх, таки да, таки будет обривание всенародное, пора запасаться валидолом

Геро, да что ты так переживаешь, мой младшенький вон тоже побрился, пара недель и скинхединки как не бывало .

По поводу статьи, где считают Дэвида бесталанным, думаю все знают мое мнение на сей счет

При всей моей неприязни к Ангелу и равнодушию к ДБ не могу не согласиться с Саби, будь Дэвид безнадежен, черта с два бы Ведон на него столько времени угрохал.

Саби, спасибо за ссылочку . Элиза и Эми просто очаровательны, а вот Мишель, на мой взгляд, выглядит несколько нелепо (а может даже и больше, чем несколько ).

"I don't want to hurt you, baby. Doesn't mean I won't." Spike, 2.22 Becoming, BtVS

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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