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VasquezE(03/28/04 15:51:44)

Спойлеры и рассуждения-2

Геро, извини, но у меня опять появился значок, что топик закрыт, а мне хочется поделиться поскорее...

Голосовалка на сайте

Два часа назад лидировал Ангел. Потом весть разнеслась по спайковским форумам. Сейчас результаты вот такие

The Poll I'll probably regret: Who should be with Buffy?
Spike 39.6%
Angel 33.1%
Xander 10.3%
No one. 8.8%
The mummy hand 5.0%
Other (comment) 2.5%
Riley (barring a divorce) 0.7%
Ben (barring resurrection) 0.2%

Total votes: 604

Меня умиляет относительно высокий процент "руки мумии".

И еще: похоже, я поторопилась, заявив, что у Уток сплошной позитив. Я не заходила к ним несколько дней, а там, оказывается, была такая буча... Поскольку место побоища уже убрали, подробности можно почитать в другом месте -


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VasquezE(04/14/04 13:46:54)


Отрывки из интервью Крафт и Фейн
Writers get their wings
Cancellation of 'Angel' bites, but KC-connected scripters are shielded
The Kansas City Star

О том, как объявили об аннуляции (кстати, во второй части пресс-джанкета ДМ, похоже, говорит о том же самом моменте)

The bad part was that same day, show creator Joss Whedon had bad news for
everyone: The WB had decided not to pick up the show for another season.

"They were shooting a scene in a dungeon, and that's where the announcement was made," Fain said with a slight laugh, with all these instruments of torture all around."

That episode, "Underneath," will air at 8 tonight. It's the first of the last
six original "Angel" episodes and the last of eight credits the two longtime
friends will have had on that show.

О том, как они пришли в шоу:

Both women were fans of "Buffy
the Vampire Slayer," the show that spawned "Angel," and he knew they liked the show. He encouraged them to interview with Whedon for a writing opening there.

"We basically watched six shows a day for a while, just trying to get caught
up with everything," Fain said. "We were so nervous at one point that our
agent offered to cancel the interview."

Whedon wanted to hear a spec idea. The one Fain and Craft came up with
involved the back story of Fred, a new character the heroes had rescued from a cruel alternative world the season before. Fred, they said, would find out a
professor she trusted was responsible for her misfortune.

Whedon bought it, and them as a writing team, which meant one salary, though
Fain said it was sufficient enough that both were pleased with it.

The idea was fleshed out as "Supersymmetry," the fifth show of Season 4.

О том, как их ругают фаны Спайка:

Some of it's hate mail, especially when they don't like what you're doing
with Spike," Craft said. "But we've always appreciated knowing how they feel. Some of them know a lot more about the mythology of the show than the writers do."

О финале:
And, no, neither would say what fate awaits Angel and company.
"Not if we want to live," Fain said. "But I think (the end) is fitting."
"It's going to be an 'Angel' ending," Craft added.

Полный текст:

Miggins сообщает из Англии: в последнем номере SFX есть интервью с костюмерами "Ангела", и они, в частности, говорят: Ведон заявил им, что плащ Спайка больше не понадобится.

I read this today in SFX about Spike's duster and telemovies. It should gladden the hearts of those who hated the duster! It just made me sad because it just shows that there is little chance of anymore Angel in any form. Of course, I already knew that, but hope springs eternal!

The interview was given by the Angel costume designer.
"...we even asked Joss, 'Should we save Spike's coat?' Because what happened on Buffy was when they wrapped, they sent Spike's coat to Twentieth Century Fox and they auctioned it off on eBay. When we started with Spike on Angel, I had to remake it. So, I said, 'Do I need to save Spike's coat for a film version or if another network buys Angel?' He said, 'Nope'."
I guess telemovies were never in the pipeline. Or perhaps they were considered, but the duster wasn't! It just brought it home to me how final it all is.

И снова идут разговоры о съемках в ночь с четверга на пятницу, после шоу Райана Сикреста , которое состоится вечером в четверг.

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SanAnn(04/14/04 14:30:56)

В общем, я уговариваю Наи пока не рыдать. Возможно, спин-офф-таки ожидается (но с другим плащиком).
А пока забавная новость - возможно, Марк Блукас сыграет Фреда в 3 части "Скуби-Ду". Как известно, парочка Сара и Фредди отказываются от участия в продолжении.
Помня, пародию Марка на этого самого Фреда...

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Geroneja(04/14/04 15:38:46)

Да, товарищи, вот, что бывает, когда сутки тебя нет в Сети - не успела оглянуться, как ДМ уже бреет голову налысо, причем в прямом эфире!!!!!! Он что решил конкуренцию Майклу Розенбуму составить?? )) *вот бы их обоих в "Смоллик" - Лексов Лютеров разного времени играть! Так, куда меня несет* В общем, пока что я себе это слабо представляю.....

А вот Марка в "Молчаливом Бобе" я прекрасно помню, вот это, чувствую, будет умора!!! ))

Присоденяюсь к поздравлениям СМГ ) Слеерверс выложил кучу клипов с ее интервью, так что рекомендую заглянуть ))

Эх... Хочу серию!!!!

Дамы, спасибо за поздравления с назначением ) Ох уж я надаминистрирую ))

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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AlhenaG(04/14/04 15:49:42)

Сколько всего интересного.
Эпохальное событие по сбриванию волос готовятся записать, похоже, все. Так что существует вероятность, что мы увидим это в самое ближайшее время. А вообще ничего особенного, ему это полезно после такого количества пергидроля, да растут у него волосы похоже не медленно. Но посмотреть занятно и весело. Вот если бы СМГ голову бы обрила вот это было бы экстиримально.
С днем рождения ее кстати. И путь не отрывается от коллектива. ))

в последнем номере SFX есть интервью с костюмерами "Ангела"

Где? В каком номере? Или я в апрельском это проглядела или где-то новый вышел. Рано еще для нового вообще-то.

А по поводу плаща.
Первое. Прощу не кидаться в меня Ангелом, но мне кажется ему давно пора его снять и одеть что-нибудь другое. И разбавить одежду чем-нибудь разноцветным. Ангел мог бы и поделиться костюмчиком от Армани. Хотя мне кажется он носит DKNY. Вот Ева и там и то Бланки носит, какая же в ВХ зарплата? Какой Джеймс был душка в SFX на костюмных фотках. Загляденье. Плащик, конечно жаль, он уже персонаж, но место ему в шкафу для ностальгических воспоминаний.
Второе. Насколько я помню в описании к 20 серии, говорилось что с одеждой Спайка и Ангела что там случится, и итальянцы, которые олицетворяют в сериале гнездо порока. Выдадут им что то другое и модельное.

Помня, пародию Марка на этого самого Фреда...

О, да породия была чудо.

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Geroneja(04/14/04 16:28:14)

Я тут пошуровала по форумам по ДМ )

Вести с полей - на MTS считают, что это Кристин-Ванда, от которой пошли слухи, что-то где-то недослышала, но они, к тому же, узнали непосредственно у какого-то сотрудника шоу Райана Сикреста, что ДМ планируется, но не завтра, а 27-го. В общем, понятно, что ничего непонятно )

На ВВВ все уверены, что чему быть, того не миновать и уже готовятся записывать, их это событие потрясло, но не так сильно, как MTS )

А волосы у него действтиельно растут быстро - к июню обычно от блондинистого великоления мало что остается и тогда он в том виде, какой я люблю больше всего у него - почти промилированный ))

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Geroneja(04/15/04 10:05:39)

Из новенького

Классные фото Эми Акер с премьеры фильма "The Punisher".

Душевнейшая благодарность JARа (Джей Август Ричардс) фанам с ASSB, просто прелесть, привожу текст:

Date Posted: 03:51:54 04/15/04 Thu
Author: J. August Richards
Author Host/IP: adsl-67-120-29-238.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net /
Subject: I'll try that again

So I'm trying to be all sentimental with you all right now, but I'm having issues here in the internet cafe. i wrote you this long empassioned letter about how this is the eve of my last shoooting day on ANGEL and I wanted to send a shout out to you all and tell you how much this whole experience has meant to me and how I was driving down Wilshire and I saw the mobile save Angel billboard and how I followed it for four blocks and I almost cried, but i couldn't do that because manly men don't do that and how incredibly moved I was that you guys banned together to save us and how grateful me and my castmates are for your efforts... but it never posted. So I'll try again.

I suppose you get the idea now.

i also suppose you'll never believe it's me, but it is.

thank you for 4 great years (yes, only 4 for me). this ride was a blast and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for embracing me and my character. It's late, tomorrow is my last day and I'm getting sentimental...

much love to you all,


PS It really is me. This is not a hoax!

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(04/16/04 08:55:30)

Слейерверс порадовал!
Откровения Ванды с комментариями ДМ и Эми Аккер:


Я уж сюда все перекину:

by Kristin Veitch (The artist formerly known as Wanda)

I used to consider myself the most die-hard TV fan on the planet. It was a badge I wore with pride, sorta like my "I heart Bo & Luke Duke" T-shirt back in the good ol' days of the good ol' boys. (Sigh.)

But you "Save Angel" folks put me to shame.

This week, even though we asked readers to send in questions for the huuugest show on television right now, The Apprentice (those answers are coming Tuesday), you Angel fans still managed to send in more queries than people asking what the bejesus is up with the Donald's hair. And that's saying something.

You've written letters. You've sent flowers. You've organized blood drives and food drives and candy-bar drives and truck drive-by drives. You've raised thousands for ads in the Hollywood Reporter and Variety and given the show more publicity in a month than it received in five years at the WB.

Your fervor amazes me...and it breaks my heart.

For weeks now, I've been trying to break it to you gently that, sadly, there is no promising news about the fate of Angel. And still, you keep asking. And asking. And asking. To the point where I want to cry because I so badly wish I had something good say.

Instead, I think I'll just tell you the truth on where Angel stands.

I've spent considerable time over the past few weeks talking to network, studio and production insiders, as well as a few of the actors (we'll get to them below), and I can tell you this with a fair amount of certainty:

Angel is not coming back. At least not as the weekly TV series we now know and love. It sucks, and it's wretched and wrong. But the sooner we all accept that, the sooner we can move on.

Now, I know from my dear friend Mary that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, so here are two of the sweetest people I know (no dookie) to give it to you straight.

"It's over," James Marsters (Spike) told me Wednesday. "And we've known for a while. It was a shock. I've never in my wildest dreams thought they would do that. But it's their game, their football, and it seems they want to pass it to someone else."

An emotional Amy Acker (Fred) also weighed in Thursday before going to set for her final day of shooting. "I guess they had just sort of decided the cancellation was for good, at a point. So, it seems so sad all these people were working so hard and nothing happened. The whole thing has been so sweet, and we all have been like, 'Oh maybe it will work!' But it seems like they're pretty set in their way."

That's the consensus I've gotten from various sources -- the WB suits aren't changing their minds on Angel. Though the cancellation seemed like a whack-job, crack-induced whim to us fans, Frog net insiders tell me the higher-ups feel strongly that Angel had "limited moneymaking potential," due to limited advertising revenue and what they consider to be a substantial budget. The fan base is clearly devoted, but these bigwigs see little hope of that audience expanding.

The final stake through Angel's heart? Dark Shadows, that remade vampire series the bigwigs believe to have "vast potential." Presumably, the man behind it is John Wells (ER, West Wing). If J.W. created a series about three young witches or, say, a reverend's family, things may have been different.

Meanwhile, UPN and Fox have both passed on Angel. UPN has a strict new edict not to pick up "other networks' scraps" (the same message given to the producers of Wonderfalls, though when you read on you'll find some promising news on that). And even if they did want these "scraps," quite frankly they can't afford 'em. As for Fox, well, one look at its midseason lineup and you know they're going for a slightly different angle than quality scripted television. Littlest Groom, anyone?

I'm told the feeling on set is not morose these days--but rather like graduation. Though it's been rip-out-your-heart difficult, the actors are learning to accept the show's fate and move on.

"I'm used to things being over," James said. "Coming from theater, I'm used to plays being wonderful or less than wonderful, and even if they're fabulous, they do have to come to an end. And you kind of come to a point where you're at peace with that."

And I can't help but mention that David Boreanaz seemed ready to move on before the show was even canceled: "I'm really itching to explore other characters and do other projects," he told me in January. "I think I've been stuck in this medical school for a while, and I need to open up and get out."

Not so much the case for Amy. She admits she's the weepy one. "I just keep crying, and everyone is like, 'Stop it! Or I'll cry, too.' It's hard because last Friday was Alexis' last night, and yesterday was Andy's last day. And today will be everyone's. It's hard to imagine you won't be spending 12 hours a day with them anymore."

All that said, you Save Angel folks, please, for the love of TiVo, do not despair. Though the campaign might not have accomplished exactly what we'd hoped, James points out that it managed to do something else truly magnificent.

"It may not have saved the show," he explained, "but what it does for the entire cast and crew is give us a little pop as we go out. Everyone takes notice that we connected well enough with the audience to give them that passion...And I have to tell you, it feels so good. After all these years of, frankly, battling time and money and always having to give up what you were planning to do and getting frustrated, at the end of it, to see everyone really going out of their way to try and save it, it just feels really, really good. So, big warm vampire fuzzies over here. It really took the sting out of getting canceled."

And really, after five years of stellar television, it seems the least we could do, no?

"I just want to say to the fans, thank you," Amy says. "I think that [Save Angel] has been so awesome and it has made us feel better when we've all been so sad. For people to come up and say, 'Did you hear there's a rally today?' or 'I saw the big poster today.' That has been as comforting as it could ever be."

Still, the best news is this: According to sources, the finale is supremely open-ended (Amy says it "opens new doors" and "doesn't tie up any strings"), and I hear the Powers That Be at the WB have approached Joss Whedon about doing at least a movie-of-the-week or two (possibly as many as six) next season--thanks in large part to the folks at Save Angel. "I think a Buffy movie is more likely to happen now," James said, "and they may be given better budgets, seeing this kind of interest, because there's a feeling that there's a guaranteed audience. So, the effort that I've seen, it is not in vain."

Rumor Patrol: While we're in the mood for telling it like it is when it comes to Angel, we should address a few more burning Q's for any and all conspiracy theorists.

1. Sarah Michelle Gellar isn't evil, just busy. She truly wanted to guest but couldn't make it back in time for episode 21, because she was shooting a movie in Japan and had commitments to Scooby-Doo. Sarah said she was available to do episode 22, but Joss already knew exactly what he wanted to do for the finale (and it sounds genius). They then tried to reverse the shooting of the two episodes, but it was logistically impossible to get everything together in time. (Joss hadn't even written the script.) So, put simply, it didn't work out.

2. Alyson Hannigan, Michelle Trachtenberg and Sarah Michelle Gellar really are not coming back. Unless this is the mother of all foilers, and/or all my sources are bold-faced liars, these three lovelies all had to decline because of other commitments. Alyson was doing a play and a new pilot, Michelle a Disney movie, and S.M.G. had the aforementioned non-evil conflicts.

3. The finale won't suck. Despite the surprise cancellation and guest-star disappointments, from everything I've heard, Joss really pulled through on the series ender. "The characters are in self-doubt and self-conflict and at each other's throats," James said of the finale. "I really didn't think there was any way for these characters to overcome what they were facing, frankly. And it's really suspenseful as to whether they can or can't. It's gonna be bloody, and people are going to get hurt. It's a Joss Whedon finale, man--blood and tears and death."


Wonderfalls Update: Though the ship may have sailed on Angel, there is still hope for another quality scripted series, Wonderfalls--which happens to be helmed by former Angel boss Tim Minear. Sources tell me UPN has passed on picking up the former Fox series for the same reasons they passed on Angel. However, the WB execs have decided to review an episode of Wonderfalls along with its pilots, which means it is in the running for the fall season.

That said, time to rally before it's too late. Send your support letters (and if you want to throw in a little zsa-zsa-zu, some kind of animal figurine) to:

Jordan Levin
CEO, Warner Bros. Network
4000 Warner Blvd., Building 34R
Burbank, CA 91522

After you send off your letter, postcard, what-have-you, join me for our next chat at our new time, 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT for all the usual goodies. You need to be an E! Online Insider to enter the chat, so save yourself some time and join now.

Happy Tubing!

Additional reporting by Diana Jung

Очень интересно!

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SanAnn(04/16/04 09:12:07)

Новые очаровательные фото Мишель для журнала Seventeen:

Новая заставка "Энджела":

Чудесная парочка Эли и Алексис на прогулке:

Обалденные фотки!
Ну и Эли и Мишель в журнале InStyle, сканы:

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Loy Yver(04/16/04 09:35:02)

Ой, Саби,
Спасибо огромное!!! Дивные фото! Особенно Эли с Алексисом. Так романтично...

Suum Cuique (c)

Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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SanAnn(04/16/04 09:50:52)

Я уже собиралась вылезать,

и вернуться ночью, но мусор, выброшеный на Ведона, меня не мог оставить равнодушной .

Статья Monty Ashley из Teevee.org:

I had hoped that with all his shows cancelled, the Internet would take a break from slobbering all over Joss Whedon. But it never stops!

Yeah, the guy made some great TV. But not so great that anyone else who does a good show is now “Doing a Whedon.” It’s not like Whedon invented television.

Actually, that’s part of what annoys me: There are people whose first exposure to silly sci-fi was Buffy. So when they see another show doing a plot that Buffy did, they say things like “They stole that from Buffy!” But the whole gimmick behind Buffy, at least for the first few years, was that it was doing absolutely generic horror-movie plots, but putting a spin on them.

I guess it’s just that I don’t think Whedon “reinvented” anything. He’s good with dialogue, but I don’t think his characterizations are all that great. And the long-term plotting on his shows is terrible.

Whedon’s shows pretend to have a big story arc, but it falls down on close inspection. Take the introduction of Dawn, which seems like it would require a lot of retconning of the previous seasons. And the way vampires were originally evil “because they are half-demon,” but after a few years, demons turned out to be just regular guys. A lot of the time, I feel like Whedon is doing “vaguely prophetic” things, like that one dream episode, with no idea of how he’s going to tie it together. I never understood the whole Wolfram & Hart angle on Angel, and I really don’t think any of the writers did either. This is an area where The X-Files would be a good comparison.

As far as his characterization, this might just be me, but I think the personalities of his characters vary wildly. Xander was sometimes an empathetic observer and sometimes the biggest idiot in the world (“Bitca?”). Willow was a computer nerd who completely forgot about computers for a couple of years so the show could do a weird magic-as-drugs plot. The early Spike has almost nothing in common with today’s Spike, except for the accent. And so on.

I realize that some people (although not me) have identified strongly with various Whedon characters. But they tend to be the same people who say things like “Season 7 Giles must have been possessed by an evil entity” and “That’s not Buffy. The Buffy I know ...”

I’d rather see an episode written by Tim Minear or Ben Edlund than an episode written by Joss Whedon. I think Whedon’s concepts are clever but, upon closer examination, usually incoherent. He’s good at quips, though.

Maybe I’d like Whedon to come up with general concepts, leave the writing and plotting to other people, and then come in to add zingers.

Я уважаю право каждого на свое личное мнение, но нужно помнить, что обливание грязью человека, которого многие любят и ценят, вовсе не является доказательством индивидуальности.
Автор явно не знаком с материалом, о котором так свободно рассуждает.

P.S. to Loy:
Всегда пожалуйста, милая!

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Сообщение: 1848
Зарегистрирован: 17.05.08
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 13:58. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/16/04 11..

Geroneja(04/16/04 11:28:36)

СанАнн, огромное спасибо за новости )) Хлюп, это все мне напоминает прошлый год, все эти финальные интервью.. эх..

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1849
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:01. Заголовок: VasquezE(04/16/04 13..

VasquezE(04/16/04 13:58:26)

Сабиночка, спасибо огромное за новости! Насчет статьи Кристин: шесть фильмов - все равно что 12 серий. То есть при хорошем раскладе фаны все-таки отвоюют целых пол-сезона! Причем Джосс, как истинный человек-оркестр, вполне сможет заниматься и "Светляком", и художественным руководством этими самыми телефильмами.
А насчет статьи... ну у товарища классический взгляд на ТВ. Персонажи классического сериала были масками, застывшими навеки. Можно было не смотреть сериал год, а потом включить - и увидеть то же самое. И это обеспечивало своеобразный комфорт, как "Макдоналдс", в котором одинаковые бутерброды и в Москве, и в Питере, и в Париже (в других городах не пробовала). Но ты видишь знакомую вывеску и совершенно точно знаешь, что тебя за ней ждет. Всегда и везде.
Примерно так же, насколько я понимаю, функционирует сегодня большинство сериалов. Их можно смотреть, не беспокоясь, что с героями что-то случится. И многим зрителям нравится именно это: сначала они накачиваются теленовостями, где им показывают, как все плохо, а потом они смотрят некое шоу, на просмотре которого можно ни о чем не беспокоиться.

И любопытная информация с Cold Dead Seed:

Tasty tidbit from the latest SFX. It's part of the article that mentions the non-retention of the duster. The article starts with a quote form the costume designer Shawna Trpcic:-

"In this nest episode [EPISODE 2 we go to 1978, we go to 1989, we go to 1950, and then 1894. And it's in Italy and America, so we're all over the map. I was taking notes on it and it's huge."

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Сообщение: 1850
Зарегистрирован: 17.05.08
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:04. Заголовок: Geroneja(04/16/04 15..

Geroneja(04/16/04 15:11:48)

Фух, ура, Васкес появилась - я уже собиралась Интернет-розыск объявлять )

Спасибо за цитату, вот теперь ждем-с!

Дамы и госопда, мне Alhena G прислала сканы SFX *за что ей еще раз огромное спасибо*, я попробую их потихоньку повесить, потом дам вам линки )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1851
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:05. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/16/04 15:1..

SanAnn(04/16/04 15:19:09)

Вам пасибки, любимые!
Вот еще кое-что из фото.
Скринкапсы Элайзы с шоу Крейга Килборна:
Красивая, загорелая, сексуальная и с новой прической!

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Сообщение: 1852
Зарегистрирован: 17.05.08
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.10.08 14:07. Заголовок: SanAnn(04/16/04 22:5..

SanAnn(04/16/04 22:50:17)

Еще кое-что...

ДМ появится в шоу Шэрон Осборн 26 апреля:

*ах, какая чудесная фотка*
Значитса, будет и новое интервью. Интересно, он бритым уже придет?

И фотки Сары со съемок в Grudge, мне прямо не терпится увидеть этот фильм:
Последние фотки Мишель от папарацци:

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