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VasquezE(09/21/06 16:00:41)
P.S. I love You

С официального сайта Джеймса:

JAMES MARSTERS has been set as a co-lead in the feature film “P.S. I Love You” for Alcon Entertainment. The film stars Hillary Swank, Kathy Bates, Gerald Butler, Lisa Kudrow and Gina Gershon. James will portray the role of ‘John’, the best friend and partner of Gerard Butler’s character.

The film is based on the novel by Cecilia Ahern and will be directed by Richard LaGravenese. The picture centers on a widow whose life is rejuvenated when letters left by her husband send her on a series of adventures. Production will begin mid-October. The film will be distributed by Warner Bros.

Он получил роль в экранизации романа ирландской писательницы Сесилии Ахерн "P.S. Я тебя люблю". Режиссер - Ричард Ла Гравенезе. В ролях, помимо Джеймса - Хилари Суонк (дважды лауреатка "Оскар"), Кэти Бэйтс (единожды лауреатка "Оскара"), Джерард Батлер, Лиза Кудроу, Джина Гершон. Джеймс сыграет Джона, лучшего друга и партнера персонажа Джерарда Батлера.

Первые соображения:

Судя по тому, что мне удалось нарыть в Сети, роль у Джеймса небольшая. По крайней мере в романе его герой значительного места не занимает.

ЛаГраванезе, как сценарист, написал "Короля-рыбака" (1991), "Маленькую принцессу" (1995), "Мосты округа Мэдисон" (1995), "Героев со слабыми нервами" (1995), "У зеркала два лица" (1996), "Заклинателя лошадей" (199 , "Возлюбленную" (199 "На всю катушку" (199 . Его "специализация" обработка популярных романов на женские темы и превращение их в великолепные сценарии.

Его фильм "Париж, я тебя люблю" выходит в российский прокат 30 ноября (прокатчик - Централ Партнершип). Надо посмотреть. Его страница в imdb -

Richard LaGravenese

Имя Сесилии Ахерн мне ничего не говорит. Не помню, чтобы ее переводили на русский. Вот ссылка на ее книги на Амазоне


И на ее личный сайт


Там можно прочитать отрывок (первые 13 страниц).

Содержание книги: После смерти мужа Холли (Суонк) получает от него заранее написанные письма с указаниями, как она должна себя вести, чтобы пережить его смерть и научиться снова радоваться жизни.

Из Variety:

Swank finds a new 'Love'
LaGravenese to helm 'P.S.' for Alcon


Hilary Swank is set to star in "P.S. I Love You" for Alcon EntertainmentAlcon Entertainment with Richard LaGravenese set to direct this fall in New York and Ireland.

LaGravenese and Steve Rodgers adapted the bestselling Cecilia Ahern novel, about a widow whose life is rejuvenated when letters left by her husband send her on a series of adventures.

Alcon partners Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove produce with Wendy Finerman. Warner Bros. will distribute domestically.

WB locked down domestic distribution through its output arrangement with Alcon. Summit EntertainmentSummit Entertainment is selling international rights.

Molly Smith is a producer, and Lisa Zupan and John H. Starke are exec producers.

"P.S." marks a swift reteaming for Swank and LaGravenese, who just completed "Freedom Writers," which Paramount Pictures will release in January.

Swank next stars in the Brian De Palma-directed "Black Dahlia" for Universal, bowing Sept. 15, followed in November by Warner Bros. thriller "The Reaping."

Date in print: Tue., May 23, 2006, Los Angeles

(Меня привлекло имя Уэнlи Финерман - она была продюсером "Форреста Гампа")

Отрывки и кусочки с различных форумов

The book it was made from was #1 on the bestseller list in Ireland (for 19 weeks), the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and the Netherlands.

This is what I know about the story it's not much but you get the general gist.

The novel centers around Holly Kennedy, a thirty-year-old Irish woman who recently became a widow following the death of her husband, Gerry due to a brain tumor. Holly does not know how she will go on without her soulmate by her side, and truth to be told, she doesn't want to.

But it turns out that Gerry has other plans for his wife. Months after his death, Holly receives a package of letters from him, with instructions to open one on the first day of each month from March to January. Each letter contains a specific task Holly is supposed to do to help her move on to a new life. Supporting her along the way are her friends Sharon and Denise, as well as her endearing family who drives her crazy, most of the time.

List Of Characters:

John McCarthy (aka. James Marsters) – Sharon's husband, and Gerry's best friend
Holly Kennedy – (Hillary Swank)The main character
Gerry Kennedy – (Gerard Butler) Holly's late husband
Sharon McCarthy – One of Holly's best mates
Denise Hennessey – One of Holly's best mates
Frank & Elizabeth Kennedy – Holly's parents
Richard, Ciara, Jack and Declan Kennedy – Holly's siblings

Поклонники книги уже сделали промо-трейлер с Хилари Суонк и Джерардом Батлером.


Краткая история проекта: Ла Гравенезе работает над ним с 2004 года

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.05.08 23:51. Заголовок: VasquezE(09/22/06 01..

VasquezE(09/22/06 01:19:35)

Сайдзы, господа.

Собственно говоря, у Джеймса только одна "своя большая сцена" с Хилари Суонк. Есть еще пара (?) сцен, в которых он присутствует и подает проходные реплики. Я перевожу и выкладываю только сцену, в центре которой - герой Джеймса. Ежели кому нужно, могу прислать по почте остальное. На аглицком, естессно.


Дом Шарон и Джона. Холли и Джон пьют кофе. Урна с прахом Джерри стоит между ними.

Холли: Думаю, Джерри останется с вами на некоторое время. Сегодня твой день рождения. (Джон кивает). Я не купила подарка. Слушай, я знаю, что я все вам испортила.
Джон: Хол, мы понимаем, через что тебе приходится пройти, но...

Холли: В том-то и дело. Вы все знаете, через что мне приходится проходить, но не понимаете, что я все еще через это прохожу.

Джон: Это не так. (Короткая пауза) Джерри был моим лучшим другом почти всю мою жизнь. Его смерть - самое ужасное, что мне пришлось пережить. Хуже, чем мой отец, потому что мы были готовы к этому. Он был шафером на моей свадьбе. Я познакомился с Шарон благодаря вам двоим. Когда у меня возникали проблемы, я шел к Джерри. Если мне хотелось повеселиться, я шел к Джерри. Я рассказывал ему то, чего никогда не рассказывал Шарон - или кому-либо еще. То, о чем я никогда никому не расскажу. Рядом с Джерри я мог позволить себе испугаться, потому что он не стал бы из-за этого хуже обо мне думать. Он бы никогда не отвернулся от меня. Ты знаешь как это трудно - когда один парень вот так доверяется другому парню? Когда становишься старше и осознаешь свое место в жизни, ты уже не можешь найти еще одного такого же лучшего друга. Рядом с которым тебе всегда хорошо, рядом с которым ты не чувствуешь конкуренции. Ты просто любишь этого парня как брата... Каждый день я по нему скучаю. И у меня... Мне ненавистна мысль о том, что мой сын никогда с ним не познакомится.

Холли осознает - возможно, впервые - насколько глубоко горе Джона. Она улыбается сквозь слезы.

Холли: Так у вас будет мальчик?

Джон кивает. Она берет его руку и целует. Они обнимаются и долго сидят обнявшись.

Шарон: Эй, убери руки от отца моего ребенка.

Холли (шокирована): Привет. Господи, ты стала необъятной.

Шарон: Ну... я чувствую себя уютно. Я так рада, что крестная мама маленького Джерри решила все-таки нанести ему визит.

Холли: "Крестная мама"?

На словах "крестная мама" Холли понимает, что прощена. Она начинает плакать. Они обнимаются.

Шарон: Шшшш. Все в порядке. Я люблю тебя не за то, что ты идеальна. Это было бы слишком трудно. (Короткая пауза) Я слышала, что Дэниэл тобой интересовался. Тебе стоит ему позвонить.

Холли улыбается и пожимает плечами. Тем временем Джон просматривает писбма и обнаруживает письмо ему - от Джерри.

Джон: Девочки...

Они поднимают на него глаза. Джон читает вслух.

Джон: "Джонни Ди... поздравляю с 33-летием... Надеюсь, тебе выпадет год получше, чем Иисусу в 33 года... Я знаю, что ты... мой лучший друг...... лучший парень... Позаботься о своей прекрасной жене. Я люблю тебя всем сердцем... P.S. Я же сказал, что исполню свое обещание."


Я уже начинаю представлять себе , как Джеймс сыграет ЭТО!!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.05.08 23:54. Заголовок: VasquezE(09/22/06 01..

VasquezE(09/22/06 01:39:29)

Досье на режиссера:


Richard LaGravenese is an American screenwriter and occasional film director, born October 30, 1959 in Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for having written the screenplay for The Fisher King, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award.

Из NY Times

A prolific screenwriter who has long been associated with "women's films," Richard LaGravenese is known for crafting poignant, funny, and very humanistic screenplays that touch the viewer's emotions without manipulating them.

Нарыла на форумах IMDB


It was a film analysis class. Our final screening was Living Out Loud. Great film, great female lead (holly hunter is wonderful). Suprisingly enough Richard LaGravenese was present and did a Q&A at the end of the screening and I had the fortunate luck to ask him a question. "how do you write such powerful female characters?"... He went on to say that he doesn't differentiate between male and female characters, he treats them equally and just develops the character as he tells the story. I think he said it more profoundly and in more justly than the way I'm saying it now, I mean this was almost seven years ago. I guess I'd just like to say that Richard LaGravenese is a truly gifted filmmaker who really inspired me as a writer and it was great to have his great work bookend my experiences at filmschool.

А вот здесь - о его режиссерском дебюте "На всю катушку":


'Loud' Mouth. Director Richard LaGravenese talks about his first film, 'Living Out Loud' by Rebecca Ascher-Walsh

Anticipating that a run-in with Brad Pitt in "Meet Joe Black" (which opens next Friday) would mean death at the box office, New Line snuck Richard LaGravenese’s "Living Out Loud" into a limited release last weekend, where it is emerging as a strong box office success. (The film earned an above-average $17,838 per theatre.) LaGravenese, 40, whose screenwriting credits include "Beloved" and "The Horse Whisperer," chose to make his directorial debut with "Living" because "it was time to take responsibility for a creative idea from beginning to end. I knew it would bring up every fear and weakness, and it did, but that was the point."

The film, about a woman finding her center after a messy divorce, stars Holly Hunter, and Danny DeVito as a besotted doorman. "I started with the theme of loneliness and disconnectedness," LaGravenese tells EW Online. "And then I added my sister, who had gone through a difficult divorce. She was a free spirit when I was young, and then when she got married she went into a kind of a coma. It’s great fun to blame my brother-in-law, who is an a--hole, but I knew my sister was responsible, too, because she had abandoned herself as well."

LaGravenese doesn’t plan to stop directing, although he’s back to scripting for now, working on a story about the '60s Manhattan music club the Peppermint Lounge. "Just writing feels like a bit of a vacation," he says. "Directing is sometimes the greatest high, and sometimes it’s the greatest low. It’s like living a mini lifetime."


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.05.08 23:54. Заголовок: Geroneja(09/22/06 03..

Geroneja(09/22/06 03:18:14)

Васкес, огромное спасибо, особенно за сайдсы ))

Самое главное, дамы и господа, то, что это большой экран, причем дистрибьютором будут Уорнеры, а Уорнеры - это большая рекламная компания, обзоры критиков и вообще довольно неплохо Правда, посмотрим, каким будет выход ) Сегодня сообщили, что одну из ролей будет играть Джеффри Дин Морган - Джон Винчестер из "Супера", Дэнни ДюКе из "Анатомии Грей", Джуда Ботвин из "Травки", в общем, тот еще кадр ))

Теперь бы еще дожить )

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.05.08 23:55. Заголовок: SanAnn(09/22/06 04:5..

SanAnn(09/22/06 04:50:01)

Я читала сцену, представляла ДМ и слезы навернулись. Офигеть! Только от представления его в этой роли!!!
Васкес, спасибо!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.05.08 23:59. Заголовок: VasquezE Всегда пож..


Всегда пожалуйста, Сабиночка!

Новая инфа:

Kudrow and Morgan Join P.S. I Love You
Source: Variety September 20, 2006

Lisa Kudrow and Jeffrey Dean Morgan have signed on for Alcon Entertainment's P.S. I Love You opposite Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler.

The film, based on the novel by Cecilia Ahern, will be directed by Richard LaGravenese. It centers on a widow whose life is rejuvenated when letters left by her husband send her on a series of adventures. LaGravenese and Steve Rodgers adapted for the screen.

Kudrow will star as one of Swank's best friends, a successful and single press agent in NYC. Morgan takes a love interest role opposite Swank as an Irish singer whom her character falls for in Dublin.

Кудроу играет одинокую пресс-агентшу в Нью-Йорке.

Значит, жену Джеймса, скорее всего, будет играть Джина Гершон. По типажу скорее Фэйт, чем Баффи. И хорошая актриса, кстати. (Надеюсь, все смотрели "Связь" братьев Вачовски, где несравненная Джина играет сантехника-взломщика (-цу)? )

Постараюсь нарыть на нее досье в кратчайшие сроки.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.05.08 23:59. Заголовок: DelfiaFila(09/24/06 ..

DelfiaFila(09/24/06 10:58:43)

Ой.... ну почему у Джея маленькая роль? надо побольше, побольше... хотя, все мы знаем, как Джеймс из маленькой роли умеет сделать большую)))

Ладно, спасибо, девченки, бум ждать)))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:00. Заголовок: VasquezE(09/24/06 12..

VasquezE(09/24/06 12:12:26)

Сегодня ирландская пресса отреагировала. Пишут, что:

-- ирландская часть фильма будет сниматься в Дублине и графстве Уиклоу
-- автор романа, Сесилия Ахерн, оказывается, дочка ирландского премьер-министра
-- она сказала, что хотела бы принять участие в работе, и очень хочет познакомиться с актерами и посетить съемочную площадку.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:01. Заголовок: VasquezE(09/25/06 15..

VasquezE(09/25/06 15:22:22)

Симпатичная ревьюшка на книгу. Сцену Джона отмечают как один из ударных моментов романа.

My throat tightened when John (Gerry & Holly's best friend) confronted Holly about locking herself away from the world and expecting it to stop because Gerry was no longer with them. And then my vision blurred when John spoke about his feelings of missing his best friend so openly.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:03. Заголовок: SanAnn(09/26/06 22:3..

SanAnn(09/26/06 22:37:56)

она сказала, что хотела бы принять участие в работе, и очень хочет познакомиться с актерами и посетить съемочную площадку.

Интересно, с кем именно она хотела познакомиться?!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:03. Заголовок: Shelena(09/27/06 01:..

Shelena(09/27/06 01:42:02)

Просто хочу сказать большое спасибо за информацию. Я очень рада за Джеймса, невзирая на то, что роль по размеру скромная. Интересно, как скоро будут фотографии (если будут)…

Про писательницу – ну, думаю, действительно интересно посмотреть на актёров, которые буду играть твоих героев. Издали пусть посмотрит, так и быть.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:06. Заголовок: VasquezE(09/28/06 06..

VasquezE(09/28/06 06:45:19)

Интересно, с кем именно она хотела познакомиться?!

Скорее всего, с лауреаткой "Оскара" Хилари Суонк. Писательница - довольно молодая дама (она написала этот роман в 21 год), ей лестно, что на нее обратили внимание сильные мира сего...

действительно интересно посмотреть на актёров, которые буду играть твоих героев. Издали пусть посмотрит, так и быть.

...и встанет в длинную очередь, которая еще с шестого сезоня тянется от китайской стены!

Сегодня The Hollywood Reporter разразился сообщением (оперативно, однако, бумажная пресса работает... )

'P.S.': Alcon taps Marsters for WB movie

James Marsters has joined the cast of the Alcon Entertainment drama "P.S., I Love You." Richard LaGravenese is directing the movie, which will be distributed domestically by Warner Bros. Pictures. Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler star in the adaptation of the best-selling Cecelia Ahern novel about a grieving young widow who discovers her late husband has left her a list of tasks revealed in 10 monthly messages that are intended to ease her out of grief and transition her to a new life. Marsters will play the late husband's best friend. (Borys Kit)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:07. Заголовок: novichok74(09/28/06 ..

novichok74(09/28/06 11:20:29)

Леночка, огромное спасибо за такую подробную информацию Я визжала от счастья, когда узнала об этом *Конни подтвердит, так как визжала я в ее многострадальное ухо*

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:16. Заголовок: Hope82(09/29/06 10:0..

Hope82(09/29/06 10:06:31)

СпасибоSpikeylover за новости.

Заметки в прессе и не только о сотрудничестве Джеймса Марстерса с Хилари Суонк:

Hollywood reporter.
Digital Spy.
Coming soon.net
Empire Online.
Movie Hole.
Gerard Butler Website.
Оффтоп: (ссылка рабочая, скопировать в адресную строку, убрав звездочку прим. lola)
Dark Horizons.
Movies Online.

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VasquezE(10/02/06 01:57:09)

Спасибо, Хоуп!

А новость тем временем катится по блогам...


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VasquezE(10/03/06 07:57:58)

Кристин\Ванда не могла не отметиться

Watch with E online Kristin chat transcript:

From Brandon: True or false? James Marsters is in that P.S., I Love You movie.

True! And P.S., so is Jeffrey Dean Morgan. And at least one J.M. is--hope you're sitting down for this--naked in the movie! At least, that's the word on the "Creepy Brides with Inappropriate Crushes" hotline. And, oh, okay, I'll tell you who it is, so you Buffy fans don't fly over to Ireland and try to crash the set--it's JDM, our beloved Denny. Grey's fans, book away! (And please also note that was a joke--but I'll take your ticket if you already booked it.)

Из Ирландии тем временем пошли репортажи со съемок
Интересно, что по мнению тамошних журналистов Джеймс будет сниматься в Ирландии. Конечно, они могли и перепутать. В любом случае, то, что его назвали "звездой класса "А" - чертовски приятно!


Hollywood stars Swank into town


IF there is one thing Bertie Ahern's youngest daughter does not need right now - it is a loan.

It was a case of 'if you could see me now' for Cecelia Ahern as the cream of Hollywood talent crowded into the country to star in her first film.

Two-time Academy Award-winning actress Hilary Swank and Misery star Kathy Bates did a 'whip around' the Wicklow mountains during the opening day of 'PS I Love You'. And rumours were rife that newly-divorced Swank's alleged love interest, Hollywood agent John Campisi, was also on the set of the big screen adaptation of Cecelia's first best-selling novel.

In Dublin city centre, shoppers had to double take as Friends star Lisa Kudrow - who had a day off from filming - was spotted bargain-hunting in high street outlets on Grafton Street.

And the country is set for a further A-list invasion over the coming weeks as Scottish actor Gerard Butler and Buffy the Vampire Slayer's James Marsters also arrive to appear in the film. Grey's Anatomy star Jeffrey Dean Morgan also has a supporting role.

Yesterday, his co-stars Hilary Swank and Kathy Bates were busy getting set for 10 weeks shooting in locations around Wicklow and Dublin, before moving to New York.

Million Dollar Baby star Hilary, who has taken the lead role of Holly, chose an understated outfit of classic beige trench coat and chic black boots for her first day on set.

Her colleague Kathy Bates, who sported a fringed shawl and highlighted hair, looked more Glenroe extra than Annie Wilkes.

The cameras rolled as the pair filmed the first scene in the movie in a working farm house in the Wicklow mountains.

Gardai closed off the roads near Roundwood as the two actresses arrived at the farm in a Dublin-registered Mercedes taxi for the first takes.

"It really was in the middle of nowhere," said an insider. "Kudrow was not around because she was on a day off, and I think Bates was just flown in for the day. There was a crew of around 40 people and I think they have set up a base camp somewhere around the mountains. We also saw a guy who looked very like John Campisi."

The film centres on widow Holly (Swank) whose life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers 10 letters left by her husband (Butler) to help ease her pain and start a new life.

Friends star Kudrow will play one of Swank's best friends, who is a successful and single press agent in the Big Apple.

Morgan plays an Irish singer who Swank's character Holly falls for while in Dublin.

Alcon Entertainment's big screen adaptation is directed by Richard LaGravenese of The Horse Whisperer, who has previously worked with Swank on the film Freedom Writers.

Anne-Marie Walsh

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James Marsters has played a platinum-haired vampire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) and a mechanical genius from the planet Krypton (Smallville), so it should be cinch for him to slip into...a touching romantic drama? Marsters just joined Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler in the cast of PS, I Love You, about a widow (Swank) whose late husband (Butler) leaves her a series of missions to help her through her grief. But not before the husband's grieving best friend (Marsters) goes through a tortured series or trials to win back his sou…no? Just a regular, human, ensouled best friend? Where's the challenge in that?! (Hollywood Reporter, 9/2

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Shelena(10/04/06 00:15:03)

Забавно С одной стороны роль вроде и, правда, совсем из «другой оперы», а с другой - будто бы в «Баффи…» было мало «romantic drama». Там столько «drama», что некоторые до сих пор никак в себя не придут…

Большое спасибо за новости и ссылки!

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VasquezE(10/06/06 04:55:19)

Фотографии со съемок в Ирландии - Суонк, Джерард Батлер и Кэти Бэйтс

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:27. Заголовок: Belfast Telegraph Ho..

Hope82(10/06/06 10:37:05)

Просто приятно. Вот кто настоящая звезда - Марстерс!!!

Prepare for more Ahern revelations... from his daughter

By Eddie McIlwaine
06 October 2006

Never mind daddy's troubles - writer Cecelia Ahern is heading for Belfast to talk about her new chick-lit novel and sign copies for adoring fans.

The 23-year-old daughter of besieged Taoiseach Bertie will be at Easons at Donegall Place on Friday, October 20, at 12.30pm.

And on the table will be copies of her latest romantic novel, A Place Called Here, awaiting her signature.

"There is enormous interest in this young lady that has nothing to do with the upheavals in her father's political career," says Trevor Proctor, deputy manager at Easons today.

"Cecelia is a star in her own right especially as the best-seller that made her name, PS I Love You - described as an Irish Sleepless in Seattle - is soon to be made into a film."

PS I Love You will star James Marsters, Hillary Swank and Kathy Bates.

The theme of all her stories is that true love never dies.

Although her father's problems in Dublin have cast a shadow over Cecelia's celebrations at the news that PS I Love You is to become a blockbuster, the Taoiseach has told his daughter to get on with the business of publicising her new book and forget what is going on in his life right now.

So there is no question of the Belfast visit being cancelled.

Belfast Telegraph

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VasquezE(10/06/06 12:13:36)

Знаешь, у меня давно уже было такое впечатление, что Джеймса в Европе ценят гораздо больше, чем в СШША. Ведь за океаном "Баффи" показывали по какому-то хилому The WB, который мало кто смотрел, а в Европе сериал показывали по крупным общенациональным каналам. (Кроме матушки-России, естественно)

И вполне понятно, что для ирландцев он звезда покруче двух лауреаток "Оскара".

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Uktalynka(10/07/06 22:14:18)

Скажите мне кто-нибудь фотки ДЖи со съемок уже есть?

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VasquezE(10/10/06 07:04:39)

Там, где я тусуюсь - не попадалось. Скорее всего, их пока не было вообще. У меня такое впечатление, что Джеймс в Ирландию вообще не ездил и будет сниматься только в "нью-йоркской" части.

Но судя по последним сводкам, съемки в Ирландии заканчиваются и съемочная группа в ближайшие дни перебазируется в Нью-Йорк


letter can always get you through hard times . . . not to mention a few A-list stars

Tuesday October 10th 2006

THERE was once a tradition in public life where a newly appointed politician would be given two letters by his predecessor to be opened in an emergency.

When the proverbial hit the fan, the new statesman would open the first letter which said, "blame your predecessor". After the second crisis, the next letter to be opened read, "sit down and write two letters".

It's safe to say that Bertie Ahern will not be thinking about writing letters to his successor should the storm that has developed over recent weeks turn fatal.

Better, then, to stick to the letters closer to home, those his daughter Cecilia knows well. Taking the short trip around the corner from Leinster House yesterday morning, Bertie pressed the flesh with the height of Hollywood glitterati, who were shooting the upcoming film version of 'PS I Love You', Cecilia's best-selling novel.

In Whelan's of Camden Street, where the shooting took place, the twice-taoiseach met the twice-Oscar winner Hilary Swank, who plays widow Holly in the film, as well as Gerard Butler, who plays her husband Gerry. Before he dies, Gerry writes Holly a series of letters to be opened after his death. The cast and crew are here for 10 days before they head off to New York to shoot the remainder of the film.

Bertie spent almost half an hour in the city centre bar, where a music scene of 'Galway Girl' was being filmed. Said to be in "great form", he chatted to director Richard LaGravenese, as well as producer Molly Smith before heading off to Germany on EU business.

Former 'Friends' star Lisa Kudrow missed her golden opportunity to meet the Taoiseach as she was on a day off. Meanwhile, the Irish Film Board is celebrating the making of the movie on home soil by opening its first overseas office in Los Angeles.

Dubbed the Irish Film Commission US, Jonathan Loughran said the office would promote Ireland as a location for US feature films and television dramas, such as 'The Tudors', a major television series shot here this year.

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VasquezE(10/17/06 02:03:33)

Съемки переместились в Нью-Йорк. По сведениям из imdb, две недели назад nfv шел набор в массовку для сцены в стриптиз-баре для геев. Подбирали красивых мужиков.


There was a PSILY "Extras call" 2 weeks ago in New York City and My actor friend went. he said that they REALLY wanted, Good looking men with GREAT bodies for a "Gay stripper" bar scene. The Casting agent wanted All kinds of people for the movie, BUT they really wanted good looking men . Plus Irish looking people and people with dogs.

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VasquezE(10/18/06 01:45:03)

Поклонники Батлера отрыли подробное описание сюжета и персонажей (судя по формулировккам, из кастингового агентства)


PSILY : Casting Call (August 2006)

Category: P.S. I Love You News
Article Date: October 17, 2006 | Publication: My Entertainment World | Author: Editors
Publication/Article Link: http://www.myentertainmentworld.com/ Posted by: admin

GB.NET Note: This is an OLD casting call notice, but describes in detail each character, including Gerry's.

(New York & Ireland) - Send pictures & resumes ASAP to: Details Are only Available By Subscription..

Title: P.S. I LOVE YOU, Feature Film. CAST, Hilary Swank; EXEC PROD, Lisa Zupan, John H. Starke; PROD, Wendy Finerman, Molly Smith, Andrew A. Kosove, Broderick Johnson; DIR, Richard LaGravenese; SCR, Steven Rogers. Contract: SAG.

Shoot Dates: October, 2006 (in New York & Ireland).

STORY: The film is about Holly, a young widow discovering that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life. Breakdown--

Gerry: 31, Irish, attractive, brash, fun-loving and deeply romantic, he married Holly in Ireland after a whirlwind courtship nearly 10 years ago and moved back with her to NYC, where he's been a limo driver for the past six years with an eye toward opening his own company. No longer newlyweds but not yet ready to raise a family in their tiny one-bedroom apartment, Gerry and Holly are completely in love, but first seen arguing about the direction their life together has taken. Eighteen months later, Gerry has tragically died from a tumor, but lives on in the form of Holly's memories, as well as a mysterious series of letters he planned, wrote, and distributed to trusted friends and family for her to receive during the following year. The first letter arrives on Holly's birthday, urging her to get out of the house and celebrate; another provides plane tickets for Holly and her two best friends to use on a trip to Ireland; and the final one asks her to move on and find love again. Gerry is the type of guy everyone counts on for both a sympathetic shoulder or a hearty laugh, and his loss is devastating for his friends and family.

Lead; Sharon: Early/Mid 30s. Holly's supportive, pretty best friend, always up for a good time. She's is married to John, who was Gerry's best friend. She cares a lot about Holly and, like the others, grows worried about her despondent state. Sharon, a real estate agent, encourages Holly to take a job at her firm so they can work together, but this quickly proves a bad idea when Holly gets into a humorous, inappropriate fight with an overbearing client. While on vacation to Ireland with Holly and Denise, Sharon reveals she's pregnant and despite Holly's mixed reaction (jealousy), she patiently waits for Holly to come around and supplies unconditional love during Holly's rough year.

Lead; Denise: Early/Mid 30s. Holly's other best friend. She's a successful, single professional who works as a press agent in NYC. She's got a wicked sense of humor, and when it comes to dating, she doesn't want to waste her time, and often fires off a rapid burst of questions to would-be suitors to determine their viability. Truth be told, she's got a healthy level of well-earned self-esteem, knows she deserves the best, and doesn't want to settle. Luckily she meets Tom, a club owner who feels the same way. When Holly blows off the role of maid-of-honor for Denise's wedding, Denise grows frustrated but forgives her.

Lead; Richard: 30s. He is Holly's straight-arrow older brother, often mocked for his serious attitude and concern about Holly's finances and behavior. Married to a strict woman nobody in Holly's family particularly likes, and father of two girls, he's been dourly pegged the "responsible" sibling. Though Richard and Holly's relationship has always been awkward, he is a truly loving older brother who was forced to grow up faster than any of his siblings when, at age 17, his father abandoned the family. He's a caring soul who genuinely wants to help. Once Holly realizes this, they are able to form a much closer bond.

Lead; Patricia Reilly: 50s. This beautiful, commanding woman comes from classic Irish stock. She is Holly, Richard, and Ciara's mother, who has had a tough life and doesn't laugh or smile very often. Beneath this intimidating exterior is a loving, driven woman who was abandoned by her husband and worked herself to the bone raising three young kids while running Hogan's Pub. When Gerry's posthumous letters begin arriving for Holly, Patricia doesn't particularly approve; she's afraid Holly will never be able to move on if she is always mired in the past. She refuses to give Holly a job at the pub because she doesn't want Holly to settle for the same things Patricia did, but rather to forge ahead on a new path.

Lead; Ciara: 20s. Pegged as the wild, flirty, impetuous sibling. She is Holly and Richard's irresponsible younger sister who is still finding her way in the world but having a heck of a lot of fun in the process. She travels from Australia for Gerry's wake and ends up sticking around NYC for a while, working at her mom's pub and staging a bizarre one-woman show off-off-Broadway that amuses and alarms her family. Ciara admits that Holly, who traveled to Ireland at 19 and returned with a husband, was her role model in how to live.

Lead; Daniel: 30s. A handsome, affable guy. He works for Patricia as the new manager of Hogan's Pub. His history with women is extremely troubled (his wife left him for a woman - and not just any woman, but his exfiance) but he is able to chuckle about it and offers up the experience for heartbroken Holly to laugh about. They become good friends but ultimately decide not to pursue a romantic relationship.

Lead; John: 30s, considerate, patient, and kind. He is married to Sharon and was Gerry's best friend. The death of his closest confidante emotionally tears John apart, but he keeps his sadness in check for Holly's sake, until he can no longer do so and reminds Holly she's not the only one who loved and lost Gerry.

Lead; William Gallagher: 30s. This gorgeous singer is the "epitome of masculine Black Irish beauty" with dark wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. When Holly, Sharon, and Denise travel to Ireland, they are instructed by one of Gerry's posthumous letters to visit a specific pub where William performs. Holly is immediately attracted to him, but hesitates acting on her feelings. It turns out William was Gerry's best mate growing up as kids. He's sexy, smooth, and very sweet; Tom: Late 30s, beefy and handsome. Tom is the host of a karaoke club the girls visit on Gerry's posthumous request. To Denise's immense delight, Tom meets all her criteria for a love interest, and she falls hard for him. Within the year, they are married;

Barbara: In flashback and present time, this travel agent explains to Holly and John how she met Gerry and set up his dying request of a trip to Ireland for Holly and her friends. Barbara gets teary-eyed recounting the experience, especially since she was terse with Gerry before realizing his situation;

Meredith: Holly's sister-in-law and least favorite relative, she is John's wife, a humorless mother of two girls who puts a damper on any family gathering she attends, which luckily isn't that many;

Rose Kennedy: An attractive older Irish woman. She is Gerry's mom, whom Holly visits in Ireland on a whim. When Holly took Gerry away to make a new life with him across the ocean, it clearly hurt Rose. The two women lament the loss of Gerry and promise to keep in better touch;

Martin Kennedy: Gerry's father. He's an older Irish gentleman who still regrets that he had to miss his son's wake in the States. He was recovering from surgery at the time. He's happy to see Holly when she visits;

Vicki: A short, aggressive woman used to getting her own way. Vicki insists on purchasing a particular apartment despite her husband Ted's protests, prompting Holly to chew her out and start a fight;

Ted: As Vicki's husband, and the beleaguered father of three teenage girls. He is often overruled and ignored. When Vicki insists on purchasing a property Ted doesn't think they can afford, Holly steps in to defend him but only makes the situation worse;

Mrs. Reiner: This foul-mouthed middle-aged woman is one of Holly's neighbors who has a loud, bickering relationship with her husband. Mrs. Reiner is blunt and a bit scary, announcing she can't take Holly's gift of wine because she's an alcoholic, and claiming no knowledge of Holly's mysteriously renewed garden;

Leprechaun: This bitter NYC messenger, dressed up as a leprechaun, delivers a posthumous message to Holly, grumbling that he once acted with Al Pacino and is now reduced to this;

Man #1 & Man #2 & Man #3: These single men attending Gerry's wake are sharply and efficiently interrogated by Denise. The first is gay, the second is unemployed, and the third is a bad kisser; Bouncer: This huge bouncer guarding a posh NYC club refuses Holly, Denise and Sharon entrance until Holly pulls the widow card and gains the crowd's sympathy;

Minister: This minister resides over Gerry's unusual, raucous wake, gaily singing along to Gerry's obscene choice of music, and gets a big kiss from Ciara;

Dog's Master: This dog owner is disturbed by Holly and doesn't want her petting his dog;

Gay Men: These gay men out at a club are listing their dead friends. Holly feels right at home with them;

Audience: At a cheerful, noisy karaoke bar. This audience cheers on Gerry when he challenges Holly to sing;

Mr. Reiner: Heard OFF-SCREEN, he wonders who's at the door. Mrs. Reiner screams that it's none of his business;

Denise's Date: This young man is disappointed to learn Denise is no longer interested in casual sex and spouts an expletive to make his point;

Bambi's Master: This dog owner passes Gerry and Holly in Ireland while collecting his or her dog, Bambi;

Female Tailor: This tailor suggests Denise not show off so much of her bust in her wedding dress, but Denise shuts her up;

Patsy: A strapping, virile, middle-aged man. He is William Gallagher's father. He catches Patricia's eye.

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VasquezE(10/24/06 11:59:16)

Народ с Imdb сегодня видел ДМ на съемках:

apparently James Marsters is filming. I just met him at the catering table on 2nd Ave and 4th street.

Дополнение: эта же девушка ухитрилась сфотографироваться с Джеймсом! И даже разрешила показать фото на других форумах (что мы и делаем!)

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VasquezE(10/25/06 01:31:51)

Репортажи со съемок: Helcat нашла место, где снимали сцену в баре, постояла в сторонке, ДМ ее ЗАМЕТИЛ, УЗНАЛ И САМ К НЕЙ ПОДОШЕЛ!!!

Location: New York, New York
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:36 am Post subject:

I have no photo to share but I did get to talk to James briefly on the set this evening.

As you've seen from the photos he's looking very good at the present. They were filming inside a bar and when he came out he was just wearing a t-shirt and jeans before putting on the jacket to venture out into the cold. (As a recently located AZ resident I say the jacket was very necessary, there was a nasty cold wind tonight). Anyway when he saw me lurking around he came over and said hello and we chatted about New York (he's happy to be back in the city which he thinks has changed for the better since he lived there as people seem much happier than they did back in the 70s), and the film (he's really excited to be doing it and had tried to talk himself out of that because it was 'just a job' but when he got there everyone had been so excited and nice he'd gone back to being openly enthused about it all).

Other actors I recognised there were Hilary Swank and Gerald Butler. I didn't see any sign of Lisa Kudrow or Gina Gershon but then again I'm not sure I'd recognise Gina in person.

Очередной репортаж со съемок на imdb. Интересно, что режиссер фильма оказался поклонником "Баффи"


by alldevilgirl 7 hours ago (Tue Oct 24 2006 18:09:17)

So... to keep you all updated:
My friend and I went to the set tonight and, although people were walking up and down the street, we were really the only ones there who wanted to get a picture. I saw my assistant production manager (or whatever his position was) "friend" again... and it's a good thing too, because I would have missed James Marsters (a.k.a Spike from Buffy) if he hadn't!
So first we followed him to his trailer, and he was seriously the nicest guy I have ever met. He had his friend take the pictures and he said, "Take a couple, I'm with girls" - how cute. And then I talked to him for a little... told him I liked his brown hair but wasn't used to it because I'm watching my Buffy DVD's and I'm used to the blonde. And he was like "Oh yeah? Awesome. Yeah the director likes Buffy too..." And I was like "Does he? that's awesome." And he just laughed and said "Yeah that's how I got the job so thank God for that!" And he was just like "it was very nice meeting you" and shook our hands and then I melted into a puddle of goo.

Там же есть ссылки на фото. Разрешения перепечатывать она не давала, поэтому я могу только посоветовать сходить на imdb, а оттуда по ссылке - в ее photobucket. Подписи под картинками там замечательные "His cheekbones are out of control. Seriously."

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Hope82(10/26/06 10:43:24)

На Imdb некто Phoenix523 делится впечатлениями о встрече с Джерардом Батлером, который в свою очередь рассказывает оДжеймсе Марстерсе.
Новыефото Джеймса со съемок: прокрутите до поста Guttersnipe. Прическу оценили все, кто видел

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VasquezE(10/27/06 01:51:50)

Спасибо, Хоуп! Фото потрясные!

А пишет девушка ну очень интересные вещи

So I took out my script book [имеется в виду сценарий Oncce More With Feeling] and I said "would you sign this for me" and he said "sure honey" AHHH!!

Then we talked about something else which I can't share right now, but when we spoke he was so animated about it and glowing and happy and I loved it!

И позже в ветке:

About what James and I spoke about...

No, it wasn't about the movie. Really, it's not like anything is preventing me from saying what it was, but should this thing that we discussed actually happen, I think people would like it much better to be a surprise. It's not a HUGE thing, but to a bunch of Buffy fans it will be a amazing.


-- Что-то связанное с комиксом - предисловие, фотосессия...

-- Запись комментариев к очередному "Special edition"

-- Блин, не хочется бередить раны, но вдруг все-таки Spike movie??!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:45. Заголовок: Alfa Vardek(10/31/06..

Alfa Vardek(10/31/06 02:08:35)

Ох, Васкез, я даже догадываться не буду, сколько раз уже нас обламывали... ой, нет, не выдержала, может все же решили реанимировать мультик?
а причесон у него я тоже заценила ))) скоко же на него мусса вылили!!!! для такого волюма ))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:47. Заголовок: Hope82(10/31/06 14:0..

Hope82(10/31/06 14:03:12)

Статья в If Magazine.

BUFFY & ANGEL actor will be on the big screen in P.S. I LOVE YOU

Senior Editor
Published: 10/31/2006

LOCATION: Vampland

THE SKINNY: James Marsters, who spent seven years playing Spike, one of everybody’s all-time favorite vampires, on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and ANGEL, has finally moved up to mainstream moviedom. After starring with Tony Todd (CANDYMAN) and Jolene Blalock (STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE) in the indie horror thriller SHADOW PUPPETS, written and directed by Michael Winnick and due out next year, Marsters has been cast in the Warner Bros. drama P.S. I LOVE YOU. Richard LaGravenese (LIVING OUT LOUD, the upcoming FREEDOM WRITERS and the screenplay for Terry Gilliam’s THE FISHER KING) will direct his own script adapted from Cecilia Ahern’s novel, about a young widow whose life is turned around when she reads a series of letters from her beloved deceased spouse. Hilary Swank (Best Actress Oscar winner for BOYS DON’T CRY and MILLION DOLLAR BABY) plays the widow and Gerald Butler (PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) is the husband. Other cast members include Kathy Bates (Best Actress Oscar for MISERY), Lisa Kudrow (FRIENDS), Gina Gershon (BOUND) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (TV’s current favorite dead guy – he’s been a significant character who dies on WEEDS [heroine’s husband], GREY’S ANATOMY [co-lead’s boyfriend] and SUPERNATURAL [heroes’ dad]). Marsters plays the best friend/business partner of Butler’s character. The film began production this month in New York and Ireland.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:50. Заголовок: VasquezE На съемках..


На съемках имел место инцидент. Снимали сцену стриптиза (без Джеймса, увы...), во время раздевания подтяжки отлетели и попали в лоб дважды лауреатке "Оскара"... Конфуз, одним словом

Strip tease disaster

(KP International) - Who knew a seductive strip tease could be so dangerous? Hilary Swank found this out the hard way when she was injured on the set of her new movie, PS, I Love You, when a pair of suspenders got overly excited.

While steamy Glasgow hunk Gerard Butler was performing a strip tease in front of the Academy Award-winning actress, his suspenders supposedly got snagged and smacked Swank in the forehead, People magazine reported. Filming had to be halted as the 32-year-old actress apparently needed stitches in her forehead.

PS, I Love You is the film adaptation of Cecelia Ahern's novel of the same name. It is the story of a widow whose late husband left her a series of notes to help her move on. Former Buffy vampire James Marsters has just reportedly signed on to play the late husband's best friend.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:51. Заголовок: VasquezE(11/15/06 12..

VasquezE(11/15/06 12:00:40)

Вроде бы завтра последний день съемок в Нью-Йорке. Последние дни девушка Helcat почти каждый вечер ездила к бару, где идут съемки, и каждый раз видела ДМ только издалека. Там же она видела Гарри Конника и Лизу Кудроу.

В ночь с вс на пн по НТВ в 2.40 будет предыдущий фильм товарища Ричарда Ла Гравенезе "На всю катушку". Я его не видела и собираюсь записывать.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:53. Заголовок: VasquezE(12/14/06 01..

VasquezE(12/14/06 01:24:33)

Вчерашняя фотография со съемок (девушка просила не помещать в других местах, поэтому даю только ссылку)

forum.colddeadseed.com/vi...&start=220 Оффтоп: (ссылка не рабочая прим lola)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:56. Заголовок: VasquezE(03/30/07 04..

VasquezE(03/30/07 04:18:12)

Черт возьми, сцены Джеймса и Хилари нет в черновом монтажном варианте!!! Гады!!!

Вчера был тест-просмотр. На него попала девушка LipsofJames, которая написала отчет на CDS. Начало ее постов - здесь


а подробное описание сцен с Джеймсом - здесь

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 00:59. Заголовок: VasquezE(03/30/07 04..

VasquezE(03/30/07 04:18:12)

Variety сообщает дату премьеры - 21 декабря

Alcon just wrapped the Richard LaGravanese-directed "P.S. I Love You," which stars Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler. WB releases the film Dec. 21.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.05.08 01:03. Заголовок: VasquezE(09/20/07 1..

VasquezE(09/20/07 12:52:19)


И капсы хорошего качества

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