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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.11.08 04:27. Заголовок: General News - 4. Geroneja. (11/29/05 12:20:09)

Geroneja(11/29/05 12:20:09)

General News - 4

Ввиду того, что Ежи очередной раз решила нам устроить веселую жизнь, переползаем в новый новостийный топик - все милости прошу к нашему огоньку )

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine
Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.11.08 04:59. Заголовок: lag9(02/06/06 03:54:..

lag9(02/06/06 03:54:18)

Спасибо за ссылку!

Накануне Валентинова дня Слеерверс опубликовал вот это

Интересные фотографии Сэта Грина с не менее интересного мероприятия - вручения премий Писательской Гильдии

Предлагаются разные клипы 1, 2
И ещё предлагается довольно странное голосование за любимых дам

Материалы о Тони Хэде 1, 2

И материалы о MT 1, 2, часть из последних прошла уже во вчерашних новостях.

А ещё Слеерверс опять сыграл в угадайку. Народ обнаружил единодушие только в губах Блукаса

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.11.08 05:01. Заголовок: Uktalynka(02/06/06 1..

Uktalynka(02/06/06 12:47:32)

Новая информация о съемках "Southland Tales"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.11.08 05:03. Заголовок: lag9(02/07/06 00:41:..

lag9(02/07/06 00:41:10)

Денисоф будет гостем в шоу "How I Met Your Mother"

Элизабет Ром

Спандеровский клип

Постер нового проекта ДБ

Ответы на вчерашнюю угадайку Вардек, ты была права!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.11.08 05:05. Заголовок: Geroneja(02/07/06 03..

Geroneja(02/07/06 03:38:47)

Дамы, огромное спасибо за новости )) Эли таки уболтала Алекса сняться в комедии, да еще и в своей

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine
Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.11.08 05:06. Заголовок: VasquezE(02/07/06 16..

VasquezE(02/07/06 16:41:11)

Скан из журнала с изображением новых фигурок Спайка и Ангела, которые должны выйти в конце весны. Спайк в двух видах - (1) в гавайке и (2) с топориком. Ангел тоже в двух видах, и, что характерно, тоже (1) в гавайке и тоже (2)с топориком. Похоже их уже не мыслят иначе как пару...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:46. Заголовок: novichok74(02/08/06 ..

novichok74(02/08/06 13:28:28)

Всем, кто соскучился по Брианику bendy1 по доброте душевной дала ссылку на vid, который привел ее в совершенейший восторг, автор клипа Jules Время действия ссылки ограничено, так что спешите видеть...

High quality (30mb)

Lower quality (12mb)
Хм, скачала и посмотрела. Оказалось, что клип сделан с любовью к Кларку, хотя в героической музыке и суперменской атрибутике я усмотрела некий сарказм, о чем сказала bendy1, но она уверила, что на это не было и намека. В общем смотрите и выбирайте для себя сами, с какой колокольни вы будете на него... смотреть

"Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:49. Заголовок: lag9(02/08/06 23:08:..

lag9(02/08/06 23:08:54)

Спасибо за ссылочки!
Информация о Великом и Ужасном

Новости о Саре, одна чисто светская, другая творческая

И две новости о Тони Хэде на TV

Элиза покинула "Dog Sees God"

Капсы Эли

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:51. Заголовок: Geroneja(02/09/06 04..

Geroneja(02/09/06 04:33:34)

Ого, какие ссылки, дамы, огромное спасибо )

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine
Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:54. Заголовок: lag9(02/09/06 22:21:..

lag9(02/09/06 22:21:07)

Папарацци поймал Сару 1, 2

Светский выход Элизы

И светский выход MT

Спаффский клип "Sweet Dreams"

Некоторые подробности о новом комиксе о Спайке

На Слеерверсе опять развлекаются всякими загадками 1, 2

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:57. Заголовок: novichok74(02/10/06 ..

novichok74(02/10/06 00:15:38)

Спасибо за ссылочки

Спаффский клип "Sweet Dreams"

Есть у меня один клип на эту песню, замечательно смонтированный, вот я и думаю - тот это клип или нет Может, кто уже скачал и посмотрел? В том клипе, что у меня, в углу торчит неприличный значок

"Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:58. Заголовок: lag9(02/10/06 08:49:..

lag9(02/10/06 08:49:42)

Посмотрела!!! Действительно хорошо смонтированный клип... и значок есть, только вишенки это, вишенки...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 05:59. Заголовок: novichok74(02/10/06 ..

novichok74(02/10/06 09:30:58)

Спасибо, что откликнулась

и значок есть, только вишенки это, вишенки...

Ну, каждый судит в меру своей... ээээ... какая я все-таки испорченная дэвушка

"Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 06:00. Заголовок: lag9(02/10/06 12:00:..

lag9(02/10/06 12:00:59)

Насчёт испорченности...хм... не обольщайся!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 06:02. Заголовок: VasquezE(02/12/06 09..

VasquezE(02/12/06 09:49:33)

Helcat перепечатала из SFX новое интервью Джеймса. Огромное спасибо Helcat!

Brain Trust

A familiar face hit Smallville this season - and he stirred up plenty of trouble for Clark. James Marsters discusses Milton Fine, Brainiac, nudity and much, much more...

Interview by Bryan Cairns

After several years as Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, actor James Marsters ditched his peroxide blond dye-job, British accent, leather trenchcoat, and fangs for his role as Professor Milton Fine on Smallville. However, exorcising all traces of his former evil self proved to be another matter entirely. Milton Fine is this series' version of Brainiac - and Clark Kent's most formidable foe to date. Of course, there was plenty of online pre-buzz from James' legions of fans, although he refused to check out the hype.

"I'm really scared about that stuff," admits James from his Vancouver hotel room. "I really am. I want to remain a human being and so I don't go on the Internet much. They are so nice and complimentary. I remember in the beginning of the whole Buffy thing, I went online twice and my friends say I looked drunk both times I got out of the room, and I was. Drunk on my own ego. I thought that was a bad road to walk down. It would be horrible if I got on a series in a cool role and people were like, 'Whatever. We saw it before. We don't care.' That would be depressing, so I'm happy to hear there [was] anticipation, but you have to leave it there and do your work."

In the comic books and cartoons, Brainiac has menaced the Man of Steel as a green-skinned uber-intelligent extraterrestrial, a chrome domed Terminator-esque model, and a robotic body with tentacles. Surprisingly, any background research was minimal since James was up-to-speed on those various incarnations. "I used to read DC comics when I was younger," he confesses. "Smallville is so wonderful about taking the core of the characters and then kind of futzing with the externals so that I didn't have to go too far into the comic book Brainiac. However, visually, I noticed he was enjoying himself. He will often be drawn as smiling - which doesn't seem like the right thing for a robot to do, but becomes kind of terrifying when you realize how good a robot he is, that he has malicious glee. I'm taking that, not the green skin, pink tights, or the wire ball cap."

It wasn't that insight or the script that sold James on Briainac, however. "It was a meeting with the producers," he recalls. "The thing that struck me was that they were having fun at their job, that they were truly expressing themselves in these scripts, and that they seemed to be good people I could trust with my life."

In the season five premiere, Arrival, a black liquid oozed from a Kryptonian spaceship and took the form of Brainiac. It was a foreboding introduction, and after spending so much time shirtless at his previous Mutant Enemy gig, James once again found himself half-naked on Smallville. "Yeah, I had never had a problem showing my body before I met Joss Whedon, but after that..." sighs James. "The problem is when you are put up as a sex object and you don't have a clear objective, you become a sex toy. People would stop me in the street and tell me I was a wonderful actor until I started those sex scenes with Buffy. Ever since then, it's (yells), 'Take off your shirt!' When that happens about 5,000 times, you really don't feel like it. I've developed a modesty. I've been naked on stage. My professional debut was spread-eagled strapped to a metal hoop. 'Here I am!'"

What quickly becomes apparent is that separating James from Spike is an impossible task. For instance, James notes that after Spike flip-flopped between hero and villain over in Sunnydale, he jumped at the opportunity to finally play a character with a laser-clear objective. "As Brainiac, I [came] in with one goal and I [would] not be dissuaded from that thing," states James. "For actors, an objective is really the rocket fuel. I was on Buffy and my character was so apathetic he almost never had an objective. I was always, 'Why am I coming into Buffy's house? There's no reason. Okay. I decided to kill Xander then I changed my mind.' In the mid-season, one of the castmembers would always say, 'What the hell is Spike doing around here this year?' and I'd never really have an answer. No sour grapes or anything. It was a great role and I never had to tell the stories, but it was delicious to think I'd know exactly what I would be after."

In that respect, Brainiac isn't your typical rampaging freak-of-the-week that belongs on Chloe's Wall of Weird. "He wants to erase human beings," says James. "They are like ants who overpopulate their acre and die. There is no sin in taking this beautiful, fertile planet from them, because they are destroying it anyway. They don't have more than 200 years. It's best to step on them, spray the insecticide, and get them off. Probably the kindest thing for the planet is to get that species out. Kryptonians ruled their planet for 30,000 years. From my perspective, I [was] trying to take this wonderful young man raised by apes and make him realize there is a better way to live."

In essence, Brainiac believed his mission [was] for the greater good. "Exactly!" agrees James. "He truly is a zealot, which is just as dangerous. But like all zealots, he sees himself as the one person that sees the truth."

But rather than pound Clark into submission, Brainiac attempted to seduce him to the dark side with a powerful persuasive weapon: words. "Brainiac [was] one of his teachers, Professor Fine, and [was] trying to come in the way of any good relationship that Clark has with a human being," says James. "I [was trying] not to make him stuffy. My favourite teachers could deliver the points but in a warm, conversational way. I [didn't play] any of the stuffiness or, 'I'm more intelligent than you.' I'm that college professor that these students will remember the rest of their lives. Because he's a poly sci professor, he can really talk about the imperfection of the human race. Right away, he tried to prove to Clark that human beings are a primitive lot and not cut out to dominate a planet."

To nail his point home, Milton Fine lined up the usual suspects, beginning with someone already travelling down the path of destruction. "Well, I [tried] to convince Clark that human beings do not deserve the love he gives them and the best example of how screwed up a human being is, and how your friends really will turn on you, is Lex Luthor," says James, "He is the most brilliant of all Clark's friends but he's also the most flawed. I [went] for him first. Basically, I came in and beat the hell out of Lex. I dug up dirt on his company, I made him nervous about going public with itm but it [was] all designed to get the worst side of Lex out on the field so I could show Clark."

By the end of that confrontation, James could related to Michael Rosenbaum's distress over Lex becoming a plot punching bag. "We did two or three scenes together that were designed for me to dominate," recalls James. "Fine wins again. By the end of the second day, Michael was like, 'Oh God!' He was getting frustrated. I remember the same feeling over on Buffy. Whenever they wanted a new character to be really cool, just take him over to Spike and have them beat him up a bit. And I remember thinking, 'Could we come up with a better way to set up these characters that to diss me?' So I was thinking lately, 'Man, the tables have turned and now I'm watching some other guy who has spent years building up a really cool character, and now they are using that to really pump me up.' I was kinda feeling for Michael."

Yet even the best-laid strategies can fall to pieces, and so Brainiac was forced to resort to his contingency plan. "That [was] kicking Clark's head," laughs James. "Brainiac came from Krypton and if he couldn't get what he wanted by fooling Clark, he [was willing] to try to beat him down into the magma of the Earth. He's just as strong as Clark and they came to blows. Clark saw through me, didn't buy it, and I tried to deal a death-blow which didn't work. I wasn't able to get his friends away from him. That's where I fai. I try to isolate him so I can turn him, but his relationships with his friends were stronger than I counted on. He got a little help when he needed itm so ended up kicking my ass."

Winding down the interview, the topic returns to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Although Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz seem uninterested in reprising their parts, rumors have been swirling about a possible Spike television project. "Joss hasn't told me that," counters James. "He's come to me twice and said 'I don't really have plans for the character, but I need to know in case I do, would you be interested?' He asked me that when Angel was finishing and I talked to him [several] months ago. My answer was the same. 'Yes, I'm very interested, but not it we wait more that five years. I don't want to be an aging vampire. No one made a mark on the mythology playing an aging vampire.'"

Sporting her star-spangled costume and fighting crome in Man's World, actress Lynda Carter will always be fondly remembered as pop culture icon Wonder Woman. Similarly James has no regrets if he never steps out of Spike's shadow. "The other option is to never really find a role that you can impact an audience that well with," he concludes. "It does present some problems, but I feel very lucky to have been offered a role that coincided with my personal life so well that I was able to let loose. It doesn't always happen in life, and I'm grateful for that."

James Marsters On...

Tom Welling
"I'm ashamed to admit this, but Tom is a lot more intelligent than I was prepared for. It was the same prejudice with people that are that good-looking, which is I have to be smarter than them. It was wonderful to find Tom is smart, well-read and funny. We've had wonderful conversations about acting, politics, and religion. We seem to be cut from the same attitude with regards to celebrity, which is, 'Let's not let that in today. Let's get our shots and go home.'"

Michael Rosenbaum
"Michael is a little hurricane of a man. When he is on set, it is the Rosenbaum Power Hour. If you're smart enough to let that happen, you'll have a great day. He just has talent coming out of his pores. God help you if you don't engage, because he'll start cracking jokes. I loved working with him."

Super Trooper

Sprawled out on his bed with a severely sprained ankle during the interview, and feeling the pain of an action-packed confrontation on teh Smallville set, James reveals some of the hazards of the acting life.

"There are these wonderful Prada shoes which are really designed for people who don't run very much," he sighs. "We were on the Fortress of Solitude [set] which is supposed to be ice, so it's all painted some glossy paint. We don't use real snow 'cause it tends to melt, so we use this finely ground paper that looks like pillow stuffing. They spread that all over the set and it becomes a real ice rink. My good old Prada shoes, well, I slipped. I got the shot, but after I was 'Ackkk!'"

Still, James is a trooper and professional and quietly suffered for his craft. "Then they needed to do eight more takes," he says. "Oooo, it was so sick, man. Then the stunt coordinator came over and was like, 'Walk it off, walk it off. Keep moving.' I toor about five steps and was like, 'I'm fine.' Everyone is like, 'Yeahhhh!' I go back to do the scene again, take one step on it, and collapse. But we got the shot!"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.11.08 10:09. Заголовок: lag9(02/13/06 02:53:..

lag9(02/13/06 02:53:28)

Большое спасибо за интервью!

Несколько интервью Эли 1, 2, 3

и капсы дестского периода времён "Моей мачехи-инопланетянки" 1, 2

Клип на "Normal Again"

Тони Хэд будет петь в своём новом пилотном проекте

Такую длинноногую Сару я уже видела!

Очень симпатичные Джулия и Винсент на конвенции 2004 года

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