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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.11.08 04:27. Заголовок: General News - 4. Geroneja. (11/29/05 12:20:09)

Geroneja(11/29/05 12:20:09)

General News - 4

Ввиду того, что Ежи очередной раз решила нам устроить веселую жизнь, переползаем в новый новостийный топик - все милости прошу к нашему огоньку )

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine
Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

Оффтоп: ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:20. Заголовок: lag9(01/24/07 10:42:..

lag9(01/24/07 10:42:11)

Ну, очень хороша!
Слайдшоу "James Marsters & Friends"

"Ten artists you should know about"

Комикс "Spike : Shadow Puppet"

Фанатский клип по 8 сезону "Forgotten Memories"

Предлагается аудиокнига "Летний рыцарь"

Сару "поймали" папарацци 1, 2

ДБ и Эмили Дешанель 1

Элиза Душку

На Ведонверсе всё вспоминают Сару с Фредди в 2002 году

Клипы "Angels" , "Doyle Tribute", "Buffy vs Freddy", "L.A. Song", "The Line"

Натан Филлион в "Drive" и на Сандансе

Алексис Денисофф в "Горце"

Мишель Трахтенберг на вечеринках по случаю Золотого Глобуса1, 2

Куклы Спайк и Друзилла

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:21. Заголовок: VasquezE(01/25/07 14..

VasquezE(01/25/07 14:11:36)

Специально для поклонников "Супернатуралов": один из продюсеров - большой поклонник Спайка и хочет заманить Джеймса в свой сериал


iF: Any other shows that you guys are fans of, that you would like actors to guest spot from?
SINGER: I thought BUFFY had a great cast, and we used Amber Benson. I’d like to get Spike [James Marsters] on our show. I never thought I would particularly like BUFFY, but my wife got me hooked on it, and I was hooked on him. Plus, that series was so well written. It was so smart.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:31. Заголовок: Poltavka(01/25/07 14..

Poltavka(01/25/07 14:20:15)

Глюкнуло... повтор

Только прочла твой пост у Саби - это было бы здорово, пусть даже на одну серию!

Love's a funny thing

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:41. Заголовок: lag9(01/28/07 12:59:..

lag9(01/28/07 12:59:18)

Чем больше интересной работы - тем лучше! Марстерс буквально расцветает, если ему нравится то, чем он занимается!
8 сезон "Баффи"

Продолжение "глобусных" вечеринок Мишель 1, 2

Клипы "All The Thing She Said", "Swing Life Away", "Two Hands" , "Honestly (Not) OK", "Cursum Perf", "Living Dead Girl", "Who Am I ?" , "Have You Ever ?"

Натан Филлион на Сандансе 1_ 2

Капсы Эли из "How I Met Your Mother"2x14

Каризма Карпентер в "ВМ" Season 2

Скан Сары из журнала Glamour
Сара и Фредди в 2002 году

Элиза Душку

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:42. Заголовок: Uktalynka(01/29/07 0..

Uktalynka(01/29/07 09:57:46)

Как же я хочу Марса в "Супере"...))))))

увидела вот такую новость "анонсирован новый цикл Джима Батчера, автора выходящих в АСТ "Файлов Дрездена". 1-й роман "The Furies of Calderon" - в переводе. Цикл называется "Кодекс Алера".- издательство ЭКСМО"
Кто -нибудь еще что-то слышал?На сайте издательства я ничего не нашла.Что у нас вообще с изданием Батчера в России?)))))

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:49. Заголовок: lag9(01/31/07 00:44:..

lag9(01/31/07 00:44:07)

К сожалению, ничем не могу помочь...
СМГ в аэропорту Лос Анжделеса

Капсы Эмбер Бенсон "Gryphon"

Очень красивая Эми Экер 1, 2, правда, обойка

Элиза Душку

Джосс Ведон и "The Office" 1, 2

Клипы "Can't Take It", "Broken Dreams Slash", "What is this Feeling ?"

Мишель Трахтенберг на премьере "Hannibal Rising"

Фигурки героев "БтВС" и "АтС"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:51. Заголовок: VasquezE(02/01/07 09..

VasquezE(02/01/07 09:51:18)

Джосс дал интервью на MTV насчет комикса


В двух словах: Дон переживает моральный кризис из-за того, что лишилась девственности, Ксандер почему-то оказался в Шотландии, про Аню Джосс говороит, что "она точно умерла, но это не значит, что она ушла навсегда", Бафсстер со товарищи подозревают в международном терроризме... Мне показалось очень любопытным, что автор "вдруг" решил процитировать Эмбер Бенсон (говорят, это фраза из какого-то старого интервью, я сама не помню). А потом автор пишет "не раскрывая слишком много..." типа, читайте между строк...

Re-Buffed: New Comic Book Series Resurrects Vampire Slayer

So what if Buffy the Vampire Slayer has died twice? After all, nobody really passes away in the Buffyverse — there's always an afterlife for anyone with a good story line.

In March, Buffy will get resurrected once again, this time in a comic book series that picks up where the last TV season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" left off. "Buffy" creator Joss Whedon is overseeing a multi-episode comic book arc that plays out as it if were a new season for the show. The comic book series promises to be conceptually bigger and more fantastical than the show ever was, thanks to being freed from the restrictions of time, budgets and, oh yeah, those pesky actors.

"Don't get me wrong: I'm tired of those people," Whedon joked. "I can't stand them. But seriously, there were certain things we couldn't do, and many things we couldn't afford to do [in the TV show]."

"There were financial limitations, as well as limitations with what you could do with CGI, at the time, for television. And time constraints," said "Buffy" castmember Amber Benson, who played Willow's wicca gal pal, Tara. "It was hard to get an episode done in eight days."

"So now we can do pretty much whatever we want, within the bounds of common decency," Whedon said. "Well, near the bounds of common decency."

For starters, Whedon gets to rewrite history. At the end of the TV series, Buffy (finally) had her whole life in front of her — after which the spinoff show "Angel" put her back to work and had her shacking up with the Immortal in Rome. But as we learn in the first few pages of the comic, that didn't necessarily happen like we thought.

"That's one of the great things about writing," Whedon said. "You get to play off on everything you've set up. 'Well, that was clearly a double, they didn't have Sarah [Michelle Gellar] there, and that Italy really looked a lot like the Universal back lot.' But you know, at first she was with the Immortal, and then I thought, 'I don't see her that way. I want to pick up [with] Buffy more like she was.' "

So Whedon decided that the "Scoobies" — Buffy's gang of friends — had expanded into 10 separate squads, with 500 Slayers and three Buffys, to spread confusion for those who might target our original Slayer. "One's underground. Literally," Buffy explains in the comic. "One's in Rome partying very publicly — and supposedly dating some guy called 'The Immortal.' That part was Andrew's idea. [Andrew is a former member of the Trio who became incorporated into the Scoobies.] He did research on the guy, said it would be hilarious for some reason."

"I thought, 'If Andrew — who was there to counsel Spike and Angel in their time of grief when they realized Buffy found a new boyfriend — created the entire scenario just to mess with them, well, I find that delightful,' " Whedon said.

"What was great about 'Buffy' is that it was like a soap opera," Benson said. "What's going to happen next, who is going to sleep with who, who is going to turn into a vampire, who is going to die five times and come back. It leaves people on the edge of their seats because they're not sure what's going to happen, and they want to find out."

Without giving too much away, Whedon revealed that vengeance-demon-turned-Scooby Anya is "definitely dead" — "but that doesn't mean she's gone," he said — and we will only see Spike and Angel "sparingly." "Buffy and Angel were separated on TV, and for a reason," he said. "You can only play variations on 'Romeo and Juliet didn't die' for so long before you get bored. You know, a 'Romeo's Working Out to Get Rid of His Spare Tire' episode is not going to be that exciting. You want to keep the great passions but save them for the big moments."

As for those big moments? Well, Dawn — Buffy's sister — is in the middle of an especially "big" one after having reached ginormic proportions because she lost her virginity. "Her first time and it all goes wrong, which I'm totally well-versed in," Buffy quips in the comic book.

Xander — yet another Scooby — now a leader at Central Command, which, since Sunnydale was demolished, is now Scotland. And speaking of Sunnydale, did anyone really think no one would ever notice if an entire town was destroyed? Now the army is involved, deeming Buffy's squads terrorist cells. "They got power, they got resources and they got a hard-line ideology that does not jibe with American interests," one general rants. So in addition to her regular crew of monsters and vamps, Buffy's got a new battle coming her way.

And what about all those day-to-day doldrums that Buffy faced on the show? Trying to juggle a job while being a Slayer, for instance, or raising a sister on the side? How much of that side of her life will we see in this new Buffy series?

"The show was very mundane, deliberately mundane," Whedon said. "A comic has got to work on a grander, epic scale. We can really take the characters wherever we want, and of course, that means I can kill them. That's where the fun is, in revisiting these characters. It's like being with my old friends, but in actuality, not being with my old friends, because the actors aren't there to play them. It's a little different. This is bigger variations. It's a symphony based on the little tune we played."

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 00:59. Заголовок: VasquezE(02/02/07 14..

VasquezE(02/02/07 14:40:44)

Новые картинки из комикса

Из новостей фильм Сары "Путеводитель девушки по охоте и рыболовству", который теперь называется "Девушка из пригорода", выходит в прокат 24 мая. Одновременно с третьей серией "Пиратов".

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 01:01. Заголовок: Hope82(02/02/07 17:3..

Hope82(02/02/07 17:34:32)

Спасибо за новости.
Я бы, ежели честно, очень хотела увидеть все на экране, а не в рисованном виде...

И печальная новость.

Джосс Ведон заявил, что больше не работает над проектом "Wonder Woman".

You (hopefully) heard it here first: I'm no longer slated to make Wonder Woman. What? But how? My chest... so tight! Okay, stay calm and I'll explain as best I can. It's pretty complicated, so bear with me. I had a take on the film that, well, nobody liked. Hey, not that complicated.

Let me stress first that everybody at the studio and Silver Pictures were cool and professional. We just saw different movies, and at the price range this kind of movie hangs in, that's never gonna work. Non-sympatico. It happens all the time. I don't think any of us expected it to this time, but it did. Everybody knows how long I was taking, what a struggle that sсriрt was, and though I felt good about what I was coming up with, it was never gonna be a simple slam-dunk. I like to think it rolled around the rim a little bit, but others may have differing views.

The worst thing that can happen in this scenario is that the studio just keeps hammering out changes and the writer falls into a horrible limbo of development. These guys had the clarity and grace to skip that part. So I'm a free man.

Well, sorta. There is that "Goners" movie I can finally finish polishing, and plenty of other things in the hopper I've wanted to pursue. I'm as relieved as I am disappointed, and both of those things lead to drink, so that's a plus. Truly, you may be hearing some interesting things brewing in the coming months. But all potential jets therein will be visible.

But most importantly, I never have to answer THAT question again!!!! And you don't have to link to every rumor site! Finally and forever: I never had an actress picked out, or even a consistant front-runner. I didn't have time to waste on casting when I was so busy air-balling on the sсriрt. (No! Rim! There was rim!) That's the greatest relief of all. I can do interviews again!

Thanks for your time. You are the people who make the world go 'round. Or, no, science does that.


ps All right, it was Cobie Smulders. Sorry, Cobes


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 01:04. Заголовок: amguz(02/03/07 12:36..

amguz(02/03/07 12:36:57)

Спасибо за новости!

Новые картинки из комикса

Плиз, не мог бы кто-нибудь зоркий расшифровать текст на первой картинке? Я с моим зрением не могу разобрать ничего, кроме You're five-by-five, Buf
...but the bother is nothing rhymes, you see.
Ugly Business
UB @ LiveJournal

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 01:06. Заголовок: Hope82(02/03/07 14:0..

Hope82(02/03/07 14:06:11)

Там написано:

1. I used to be in construction.
2. You're five-by-five, Buf. Satellite has them clustered by the altar and our psychics read them as unaware.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 01:14. Заголовок: amguz(02/03/07 14:28..

amguz(02/03/07 14:28:59)

Ир, спасибо!

*тихонько* Мда, если честно, я от комикса пока тоже не в восторге. По-моему, и Баффи, и Фейт тут - совершенно ООС :-/ *подумав* Если это вообще они...

...but the bother is nothing rhymes, you see.
Ugly Business
UB @ LiveJournal

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 01:21. Заголовок: lag9(02/04/07 10:31:..

lag9(02/04/07 10:31:25)

Большое спасибо за комиксные новости!
Ну, а "нравится-не нравится"...здесь уже ничего не поделаешь! бурная фантазия автора!
Ведоновский комикс "Runaways #25"1, 2

Чета Ханниган-Денисофф в Филадельфии

Капсы Эмбер Бенсон "Gryphon"

Клипы "Tango", "Faith Worst Nightmare", "Willow Crawling", "Buffy Crawling" , "Enya - CursumPerf", "Better Days"

Клип по сериалу "Кости" "Saving Me"

Элиза Душку, капсы "The Alphabet Killer"

Капсы "Buffy" Tv Series - 7x18 "Dirty Girls"

МТ и Сэт Грин на вечеринке по поводу Golden Globes

Джулия Бенц

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.08 01:23. Заголовок: Uktalynka(02/04/07 1..

Uktalynka(02/04/07 15:25:53)


Выходит в марте)))))

Оксана Панкеева. ПУТЬ, ВЫБИРАЮЩИЙ НАС.

Панкеева О.П.
Путь, выбирающий нас: Фантастический роман / Рис. на переплете О.Бабкина — М.:АРМАДА: «Издательство Альфа-книга», 2007. — :ил. — (Магия фэнтези).
7Бц Формат 84х108/32 Тираж 18 000 экз.
ISBN 5-93556-857-8
Отгремела великая битва. Завершилась череда бесконечных революций. Занял свой трон законный король. Расходятся по домам победившие повстанцы. И наш герой вдруг обнаруживает, что ему некуда идти и нечем заняться, что назад дороги нет, остается только отдаться на волю судьбы и плыть по течению.

Но возвращение на потерянный когда-то путь не всегда зависит от наших стремлений и желаний. Ведь если путь воина мы можем выбрать сами, то путь барда выбирает нас, и никогда при этом не спрашивает нашего мнения…


и там же :
******Ольга Громыко, Андрей Уланов. ПЛЮС НА МИНУС.

Громыко О., Уланов А.
Плюс на минус: Фантастический роман / Рис. на переплете О.Бабкина — М.:АРМАДА: «Издательство Альфа-книга», 2007. — :ил. — (Фантастический боевик).
7Бц Формат 84х108/32 Тираж 35 000 экз.
ISBN 5-93556-853-5
Она — самый обычный инспектор Государственной охраны нежити, привлекательная блондинка, минчанка с ч/ю и без в/п.

Он — самый обычный бывший студент истфака, привыкший смотреть на мир поверх автоматного прицела и доверяющий только гранате в кармане.

И он и она уверены, что знают о жизни ВСЕ.

Проверим?! *****

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VasquezE(02/05/07 14:24:08)

Чуяла я, что Джосс готовит Баффстер какую-то гадость. Правда, не очень понятно, какую именно


Buffy the Vampire Slayer #3
Writer: Joss Whedon
Cover Artist: Jo Chen
Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Inker: Andy Owens
Colorist: Dave Stewart
Genre: Horror, Action/Adventure
With Buffy incapacitated, Amy the witch has taken the opportunity to-get this-lay siege with an army of the undead. Willow takes her on in a witches' battle royal as hundreds of Slayers defend their Scottish citadel, but without the kiss of true love, Buffy will be out of commission indefinitely-with an unwelcome familiar face, and an image you won't soon forget.

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