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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.08 02:40. Заголовок: General News. Geroneja. (05/21/04 16:41:05)

Geroneja(05/21/04 16:41:05)

General News

С сегодняшнего дня все новости прошу сбрасывать сюда ))

Начну, пожалуй, я )
Сканы статьи в Cult Times о ДБ и ДМ)))
7 сезонов из жизни Ксана - каким он был и каким он стал )

Cult Times о Еве - сканы!

Эксклюзивный клип WB к окончанию "Ангела".

Кристин/Ванда спросила Джордана Левина о том, почему они закрыли "Ангела", и вот что он ответил:

"The big problem with Angel is it didn't repeat well," Levin said. "It wasn't growing its audience, but it was a show we loved. We adored that show. It was a really hard decision. Joss Whedon came to me in February and said, 'If you don't think the show is going to come back, I'd rather know it now, so I can end it appropriately.' When we looked at our schedule, with Charmed, 7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls, Angel and Smallville, we realized we had a lot of veteran series. And one of the challenges of any schedule is to let your veterans retire so you can make room for the rookies, like Jack and Bobby and The Mountain. It's a balancing act, and it's not fun. That was a sad day."

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1947
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:46. Заголовок: VasquezE(05/30/04 07..

VasquezE(05/30/04 07:25:59)

Лой, спасибо!
У меня крохотный улов: обложка 5 сезона "Ангела", который выходит на кассетах в Англии
UK VHS season 5 boxset

И - не знаю, относить ли в "спойлеры" или в "новости", но все-таки решила в "Новости" - цитата Фьюри о том, каким должен был бы стать 6 сезон:
Dreamwatch 118
"If Angel had come back next year, it would have been post-apocalyptic. I don't mean like Dark Angel with just a bunch of industrial buildings, I mean Mad Max Road Warrior. Season six would have been hugely post apocalyptic, with Angel as the Road Warrior. That was the idea for the next season, so with that in mind we knew the end of season five was heading into something huge and global and monumental. In the finale, they basically start a war and it's a war that will have huge good and evil implications of almost Biblical proportions. It would have been very different next year, and a little more sci-fi, I guess.

It was something that we knew we could never show because we would never have the money to show it, so we figured, "Let's lead us into it... We knew we would end this rhing with our guys about to jump into the breach of a giant apocalypse" - David Fury

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:52. Заголовок: Nozomi san(05/30/04 ..

Nozomi san(05/30/04 07:52:34)

Еще чуть-чуть о "пыли от Спайка". Продают, как водится, на ebay, начальная цена была 15 баксов, сейчас уже 127,5...
Пока неплохо для кучки пыли? Ой, то ли еще будет! )

Every person, all the events of your life,are there because you have drawn them there.
What you choose to do with them is up to you.

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Сообщение: 1949
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:53. Заголовок: SanAnn(05/30/04 09:2..

SanAnn(05/30/04 09:22:48)

Огромное всем спасибо за ссылки!
Джеймс вблизи: http://www.buffy.nu/article.php3?id_article=4828

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:53. Заголовок: Geroneja(05/30/04 09..

Geroneja(05/30/04 09:44:40)

*из-под стола* Прах Спайка?? Да, товарищи.. это просто да... Переварю - вернусь ))
Спасибо всем за новости ))

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1951
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:54. Заголовок: Ghost2004(05/30/04 1..

Ghost2004(05/30/04 13:18:01)

То, что 6 сезон должен был проходить в постапкалиптическом мире (причем намного хуже,чем в "Тёмном Ангеле") наводит на мрачные мысли - как бы всех истребительниц не истребили, чтобы получить начальные условия для "Фрэй".

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Сообщение: 1952
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:55. Заголовок: Loy Yver(05/30/04 14..

Loy Yver(05/30/04 14:10:43)

Постапокалиптический мир? Похожий на мир "Безумного Макса"? Эк их торкнуло-то... Хм... Мда... И Ангел - "рыцарь дороги"... Хм... Окровенно говоря, не представляю, как они бы это обыграли. Вернее, представляю, что обыграли бы обязательно. Но переводить готику, пусть даже современную и техногенную, в русло антиутопической скай-фай... Не знаю, насколько бы это было художественно оправдано.
Впрочем, рассуждения эти подобны дележу шкуры неубитого медведя, поэтому не буду далее растекаться мыслью по древу. Пока, во всяком случае. Ибо, если мне дать волю порассуждать об антиутопиях в фантастике, то потом ни за что не заткнешь.

Нозоми, как ты говоришь, называется этот виртуальный магазин, где продают опиум... тьфу!.. прах Спайка? "Ebay"? Ну, тогда я не удивляюсь, что цены так растут... Кыхым... *накинулись воспоминания о "друге чекиста"* Извините, господа, "Остапа несло".

Suum Cuique (c)
Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine The Watcher's Library

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Сообщение: 1953
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 02:57. Заголовок: SanAnn(05/30/04 21:4..

SanAnn(05/30/04 21:43:46)

С новостями у нас негусто нынче . Капсы с мероприятия 2002 panel discussion, которое проходит бонусом к DVD 6 сезона *за получение этого видео отдельное спасибо Белочке *. Так вот они капсы!
Ну и возможность выиграть DVD Eurotrip вот здесь.

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Сообщение: 1954
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:00. Заголовок: Loy Yver(05/31/04 08..

Loy Yver(05/31/04 08:04:04)

Новостей сегодня мало. И то не новости, а так, новостюшечки.

Спайк, уставший от секса. Очень симпатиный клип.

Фото Сэта Грина.
Сканы с TV-Guide по первому сезону "Баффи". Кажется, они уже были, но, вдруг, у кого нет.
Фото, вернее скан, СМГ из фильма "Harvard Man".

Вот и все.
Suum Cuique (c)
Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine The Watcher's Library

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Сообщение: 1955
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:03. Заголовок: Geroneja(05/31/04 10..

Geroneja(05/31/04 10:21:00)

От себя добавлю, что там будет еще не только первый сезон, но все остальные тоже )
От себя добавлю, что там будет еще не только первый сезон, но все остальные тоже ) Каризмы Карпентер )

Капсы одного из дополнений к ДВД шестого сезона, думаю, все видели, но капсы не помешают )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1956
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:06. Заголовок: SanAnn(05/31/04 12:4..

SanAnn(05/31/04 12:41:09)

Metro Entertainment предлагает автографы звезд BUFFY & ANGEL: : Эми Аккер, ДМ, Николаса, Эмбер и Сары Хаган (Аманды). Есть симпатишные фотки!
Автограф ДМ, например, продают за $59.99.

Наш Баффиверс подвергался серьезному обсуждению на конференции в Нэшвилле. Источник.

TV's BUFFY discussed in groves of academe as scholars flock to Nashville conference.

by Malene Arpe

They They didn't come to Nashville for the tunes, although the Friday-night singalong of "Once More With Feeling" might, with some generosity, be described as music.

The 300-plus academics, scholars and students attending the Slayage Conference on Buffy The Vampire Slayer (SCBtVS) in Tennessee this past weekend came to present and listen to some 190 papers on Buffy and Angel, the television shows that comprise creator Joss Whedon's "Buffyverse."

With Angel just off the air after being cancelled by the WB it was also a chance to say goodbye after eight years of thought-provoking television. Buffy was cancelled last year.

"Soon after we announced plans for the conference, the end of Buffy was made known. Some people thought that would have a negative effect on the SCBtVS, but it did not. We have conceived the conference as a as a post-mortem/wake/summing-up for one of television's greatest shows," said Prof. David Lavery of Middle Tennessee State University.

Lavery and his co-convener Rhonda V. Wilcox are co-authors of Fighting The Forces: What's At Stake In Buffy The Vampire Slayer, as well as editors of the Online International Journal of Buffy Studies, alias Slayage.

The serious show with the silly name dealt with Buffy Summers, the chosen one, the vampire slayer and
her crew of friends ("the scoobies"), her vampire lovers (one of whom, Angel, got his own show after season three) and the horrors of day-to-day living. Whedon's willingness to deal with issues of faith, morality, good/evil, the nature of love and sacrifice as well as the necessity of cheap, but stylish, footwear and knowing your pop culture references made for a show that attracted fierce loyalty.

While the Slayage Conference wasn't a fan convention (not a single set of fake vampire teeth on display) there was no mistaking that almost everyone here was indeed a rapt devotee of the show, as witnessed by the enthusiastic participation in the aforementioned singalong to the musical episode from season six.

"Fan conferences ordinarily feature actors from the series. They are for-profit events, including chats and Q&As with the cast, autograph sessions, and so on. Ours is an academic conference, with scholarly/critical papers on a wide variety of Buffy Studies topics," Lavery said.

"In the book Fan Cultures, Matt Hills makes a distinction between `Scholar-Fans' and `Fan-Scholars,' convinced as he is — and I think he's right — that the chasm between fans and scholars isn't very wide. Most television/popular culture scholars love the shows they study; many fans are extremely knowledgeable about the shows they love. Because we acknowledge Hills's point, we have included a few fannish things at our conference. We have fanfic readings, for example, and screenings of fan videos."

With scholars from as far away as Australia, Germany and Singapore, SCBtVS was the biggest academic conference ever on a TV show and had papers that dealt with everything from "Russian Existentialism And Vampire Slayage: A Shestovian Key To The Power And Popularity of BtVS," through "Perspective By Incongruity And The Tao Of Cordelia: Dramatistic Considerations Of Vampires, Technology, And The Technological Society" to "`This Is How Many Apocalypses For Us Now?': The Buffyverse And Apocalyptic And Premillenialist Christianity."

There were several sessions on Pedagogy to encourage the teaching of Buffy and awards were handed out for published works on everyone's favourite blonde champion.

During a session labelled "Heroes," one of the participants, English professor David Fritts, spoke on "Warrior Heroes: Buffy The Vampire Slayer And Beowulf," convincingly making the case, by way of Joseph Campbell, that the first five seasons of Buffy mirrors the heroic narrative in the Anglo-Saxon epic about the monster fighter and his eventual demise.

Fritts, who translated Beowulf as part of his graduate studies years ago, said that when he came across Buffy, he found similarities between the two, which made him realize the depth of the show. As for the conference, he was pleasantly surprised at the different angles the presenters came from in dissecting the Buffyverse.

"No matter what people bring to it, it makes sense, just like Shakespeare."

Fritts credits Buffy with opening his eyes to new venues of scholarship.

"The book on Buffy and philosophy (Fear And Trembling In Sunnydale) took me into something I'm ashamed to say I didn't know about," he said.

Prof. Elizabeth Miller, formerly of Newfoundland's Memorial University and now a Toronto resident, brought to the conference her expertise on Bram Stoker's Dracula. The author of Dracula: The Shade And The Shadow and other texts on the granddaddy of all vampires is not a Buffy expert, but was invited because of the context she could bring to the discussion.

Miller, who's a veteran of gatherings on unusual academic subjects have heard it all: "`You're what? A Dracula scholar? What? Do you drink blood?'"

Miller is thrilled that pop culture, within the last 15 years, has found its rightful place in academia.

"Pop culture is as important as so-called high culture. It expresses the desires, the fears and the anxieties of the population ... our academic world is finally getting down from the stuffy ivory tower. Even comic books are now a subject for serious study," she said. "That there are about 200 papers here says something about the inter-textuality of Buffy."

Three new books were launched at the conference: Jana Riess's What Would Buffy Do? The Vampire Slayer As Spiritual Guide, which looks at the show from different religious points of view; Gregory Stevenson's Televised Morality: The Case Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer delves into small-screen moral discourse and Nancy Holder's Heat is the latest Buffy/Angel crossover novelization.

Riess, who has a master of divinity degree, a Ph.D. in religion and is the religion book review editor for American trade magazine Publisher's Weekly, said she was inspired by Buffy's courage, humour and willingness to sacrifice herself and that she wishes Buffy were her neighbour.

"I think that spiritual teachers come in all kinds of disguises and for me, Buffy and Angel have been great spiritual guides."

Riess, who presented a paper on "Buffydharma: BtVS And The New American Buddhism," was thrilled to be at the conference surrounded by people who don't look at you funny when you talk passionately about your favourite show and where she found the presentations to be, "without posturing and posing. This is all about the show and what we have gleaned from it. And I find that very appealing."

Asked in a recent interview how he felt about the fact his texts are dissected by scholars, Whedon said: "I take these things enormously seriously, and so do my writers. We don't come at it from a point of view of `that would be cool.' If somebody does I fire them.

"Cool is easy to come by, but the heart of a thing, what really matters is why we're there ... the oddities within myself and the oddities within the show that we're not aware of or in control of/ are absolutely worthy of study. Did I expect people would get together and take them seriously? I did not ... I find it enormously gratifying."

How gratifying he might have found hearing 300 scholars who had just finished their chicken-and-Jack-Daniel's pie belting out his songs, we can only imagine.

И почему у нас таких конференций не бывает . Я бы с удовольствием вновь влезла бы в "шкуру" студента.

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Сообщение: 1957
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:09. Заголовок: SanAnn(05/31/04 13:0..

SanAnn(05/31/04 13:00:38)

Четвертая часть отличных фото Эмбер Бенсон.

И еще одни фотки с уже знаменитой конвенции в Чикаго.
Новый комикс о Спайке и Дру, ’All’s Fair’ , часть первая.

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Сообщение: 1958
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:12. Заголовок: Geroneja(05/31/04 15..

Geroneja(05/31/04 15:45:55)

СанАннчик, не могу обещать, что это будет тоже самое, но приезжай в гости - февраль 2005-го, Киев, Национальный технический университет Украины "Киевский политехнический институт", защита дипломов по специальности "Издательское дело и редактирование", думаю, что у нас будет, чем порадовать баффоголиков ))
Фото из знаменитой серии Джосса образца третьего сезона "Ангела" )

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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Сообщение: 1959
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:13. Заголовок: SanAnn(05/31/04 20:1..

SanAnn(05/31/04 20:19:43)

Дорогая, не совращай меня. Я уже и так "совращенная" .

Я этого очень хочу, надеюсь, что обстоятельства мне позволят.
Еще одни фотки Эммы с Farm Sanctuary Gala 2004.

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Сообщение: 1960
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.08 03:22. Заголовок: Loy Yver(06/01/04 08..

Loy Yver(06/01/04 08:22:45)

Добрый день, граждане баффоголики! Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем канале!.. Тьфу ты, черт... Болею однако... Эээ... Немного новостей, господа!
Slayage Conference - Joss Whedon New Spinoffs!!!

From Livejournal.com/users/redsrule1 - By Redsrule1 - 2004-06-1st

Academic Buffy Conference

Just arrived back from Nashville, and a weekend of seeing baseball and listening to Buffy papers being presented at the “Slayage Conference” at the Renaissance Marriott. Most of the attendees were presenters, but from the registration numbers there were almost as many people just attending (like me). I thought I’d share some notes from the weekend.

Probably the most relevant discussion to the future of Buffy/Angel came on Sunday at the “Cancellation as Apocalypse: A Panel Discussion on the End of Angel.” On the panel was David Bianculli, TV critic for the New York Daily News, as well as host of NPR’s “Fresh Air,” as well as three academics, including one from the UK who still hadn’t seen the finale of “Angel” but was on the panel because she is editing a forthcoming academic book on the show. This wasn’t a particularly helpful choice for anyone, including her, since it’s difficult to discuss a show’s end without mentioning spoilers. This quickly happened anyway when someone mentioned Wesley’s death, but she said that didn’t really surprise her because Wes had gone so dark in S5 that there was really no way for him to return from the places he had gone to and they were going to have to kill him off.

Bianculli mentioned several helpful things he learned from interviewing Joss by phone prior to the finale.

(1) Joss confirmed that Hamilton was supposed to represent the network suits.

(2) “Dark Shadows” was indeed being deliberately pitted against “Angel” by the WB as it was an in-house production that would cost them less. By the time the pilot for DS was greenlit, “Angel”’s cancellation had been decided. Bianculli has not seen the pilot but confirmed it was apparently awful, and plans to get a hold of it and write a review of it when he does, just to make a point of it.

(3) Bianculli disliked “The Girl in Question” as did most of the audience in the room (numbering about 70 people). He felt it was cheaply done and poorly timed.

(4) Joss apparently also mentioned in the conference call that we “haven’t seen the last of Puppet Angel.” (yay!)

(5) Bianculli brought up how the Sopranos was supposed to end this year but instead the creator decided the story wasn’t finished. They will be getting another 10 episodes from HBO to complete the series. He said it was too bad Joss couldn’t get the same and concluded “network TV sucks.”

(6) He felt that while Angel’s treatment of Harmony was consistent, her representation was not. When the episode “Harm’s Way” aired it looked like the show was going to give her more depth and characterization but this didn’t seem to be followed through.

(7) Joss wanted to do more with Illyria, and Bianculli thought that a Spike/Illyria spinoff would be a great idea. Bianculli noted that the rest of Angel’s group accepted that Illyria was here to stay when Spike nicknamed her.

( Although he was only speculating, Bianculli thought that Joss wrote the “last day” sequence as well as the final scene.

(9) Bianculli was asked whether he thought the “Save Angel” efforts did any good. He said he thought they mirrored the show’s end, you fight even though you know the fight will be useless. He mentioned that another critic had written an open letter to the producers of “Freaks and Geeks” when it ended to point out to them that the cancellation was not their fault and they had done everything right. Bianculli thought that he should do the same in the future, even if the shows had no chance. He said you never know what good a protest can do. He is surprised that “Enterprise” is getting another season. He has also seen “Joey,” believed it had quality and thinks it may do well.

(10) He was surprised by Gunn’s arc. He believed that Gunn was going to go dark after he murdered for Fred, and was also surprised Gunn got over Fred “because I wouldn’t.” He thought that Hamilton’s offer to Gunn was for him to become another Hamilton. He also believed that Lindsey and Angel both got out of hell free whereas Gunn did not. Another panel member mentioned that Gunn’s search for identity had led him to become an attachment to Fred, and when their relationship ended, Wolfram & Hart’s offer to upgrade him replaced her in this search for identity.

(11) Like apparently everyone else in the room, Bianculli enjoyed Spike’s moments in the finale, and he asked if people thought Spike’s addition to t he show worked. There was agreement it did. He said it was great to see Spike and Angel interact, the character seemed lost for a while, but he was great at being able to knock Angel down and cut to the chase with him. The “briefcase” moment seemed to be an audience favorite.

(12) Regarding Lorne, Bianculli noted that some of the most shocking and unexpected violence in both Buffy and Angel came from a simple handgun.

(13) He concluded saying that 2 years ago he had 3 shows on his TiVO that now aren’t there.

Aside from Bianculli’s comments there were some other interesting points of discussion from either the other panelists or the audience members.

(1) People felt Connor’s use as a character was redeemed in the last episodes of the season. Even though many had not liked him before, they loved his return. On the other hand there was a general dislike of “The Girl in Question.”

(2) It was suggested that Angel HAD shansu’ed - through Connor.

(3) There seemed to be a liking for Illyria’s character and a firm consensus that Amy Acker did a marvelous acting job.

(4) An audience member brought up that Wesley’s role as a watcher came full circle with Illyria at the end, something which the panel had not considered and were taken with.

(5) It was felt Lorne’s last scene was a tribute to the show’s “noir” roots.

(6) There was disagreement about Lindsey’s death, since wasn’t the show supposed to be about choices and redemption? The discussion seemed to conclude that because Lindsey kept coming back to Wolfram & Hart, that he would always revert. He was an opportunist - and both Angel and Lorne showed disappointment in his answers in their scenes with him.

(7) An audience member talked about how one of the show’s writers said that the loss of the female characters on “Angel” was about the hole it left in men’s lives along with a loss of hope. That “Angel” was never about the empowerment of women but rather about the fragmented images of masculinity.

( One of the panelists mentioned that some of her favorite moments of S5 were the various “heart to hearts” that took place on Angel’s couch, showing the great range the show had, from the fantastical to the intimate and realistic.

One other interesting point came from the end of the conference in a short panel Q&A with the various Buffy book authors at the conference. Nancy Holder, who was there launching her latest Buffy/Angel crossover novel, discussed the exhausting process of putting together the Watcher’s Guides for both shows and mentioned that Joss was disappointed with the first one. He wanted it to be more academic but the publisher wanted it to be more fan oriented.

Buffy re-animated - The slayer returns in a cartoon series

From Bbc.co.uk - 2004-06-1st

We don’t know when. We don’t know how many episodes - but it looks like a Buffy Animated Series is happening.

A series was nearly made for Fox a few years ago and then parked. The man behind it, Jeph Loeb, went off to work for Smallville. Having heard rumours that the series may be on again, we caught up with Jeph to find out what’s going on.

What has happened to resurrect Buffy: Animated? Is a network backing it now?

Magic. No... honestly? We think that Fox became aware of this wonderful treasure and wanted to move forward again. As to where and when it will arrive... that part we’re holding as a secret for now.

Will the project continue where it left off?

Like any great Buffy story it’s all about resurrection. We have the same great crew, the same commitment from the actors and the same scripts we had in the drawer. It just needed the stake taken out of it so it could rise again.

Will you be in control of the project as before and, if so, how will this affect your Smallville role?

I return to season four of Smallville as the Supervising Producer. My role on Buffy Animated will be much as before because, as you all know, I spent a year and a half getting the show ready, it just wasn’t sent into production. Animation is unique really in that production is actually the final step.

How many of the original cast are likely to be on board?

We’re thrilled to have Alyson (Willow), Nick (Xander) and Tony (Giles) on board so far. There are still some surprises that we’ll talk about at a later date.

After the project stalled, artist Eric Wright revealed a lot of the proposed character designs on his website. Do you still plan on using him and his team to animate the project?

Well, it was actually Eric Radomski’s team (Batman Animated, Spawn) and Eric Wright did some of the key designs. Yes, much of that vision that was Radomski’s continues... only it’s better.

Radomski is in charge of the animation and as he proved with Batman and Spawn, Buffy will reinvent what can be done in animation again. Sometimes when you have two years away from something you can really see how to change it for the good.

I know you have some scripts, but will the Buffy writing team be involved in scripting the rest, now that they have moved to other projects?

We’ll drive off that bridge when we get there. We’ve got quite a few in the drawer. And, of course, we’ll hunt them all down again!

How involved is Joss likely to be, given that the Firefly movie begins shooting next week?

Don’t you know? Joss has cloned himself so he can take care of all parts of his empire. Trust us, there ain’t gonna be no Buffy Animated without Joss getting ink and paint all over his hands.

Jeph has promised to keep us informed as Buffy Animated progresses. In the meantime, you can follow the links to check out our Buffy ecomics section, or watch a recent video interview with Jeph regarding his work on Smallville.


Новенькое от Джосса.Промо-фото ко 3-му сезону "Ангела".
Buffy in TV Guide. .Часть II.

Девид Фьюри станет сопродюссером нового шоу Д.Д.Абрамса ("Alias") "Lost".

Эмма и Тони приглашены на Spanish Buffy Convention.

TV Guide назвал двух актеров из "Ангела", заслуживающих "Emmy". И почему я не удивлена? Джеймс Марстерс и Эми Эккер.

Потрясающие, IMHO, фото Мишель Трахтенберг.

Все. Пока.

Suum Cuique (c)
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