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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.08 02:40. Заголовок: General News. Geroneja. (05/21/04 16:41:05)

Geroneja(05/21/04 16:41:05)

General News

С сегодняшнего дня все новости прошу сбрасывать сюда ))

Начну, пожалуй, я )
Сканы статьи в Cult Times о ДБ и ДМ)))
7 сезонов из жизни Ксана - каким он был и каким он стал )

Cult Times о Еве - сканы!

Эксклюзивный клип WB к окончанию "Ангела".

Кристин/Ванда спросила Джордана Левина о том, почему они закрыли "Ангела", и вот что он ответил:

"The big problem with Angel is it didn't repeat well," Levin said. "It wasn't growing its audience, but it was a show we loved. We adored that show. It was a really hard decision. Joss Whedon came to me in February and said, 'If you don't think the show is going to come back, I'd rather know it now, so I can end it appropriately.' When we looked at our schedule, with Charmed, 7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls, Angel and Smallville, we realized we had a lot of veteran series. And one of the challenges of any schedule is to let your veterans retire so you can make room for the rookies, like Jack and Bobby and The Mountain. It's a balancing act, and it's not fun. That was a sad day."

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 04:54. Заголовок: Geroneja(10/20/04 16..

Geroneja(10/20/04 16:30:58)

Васкес, огромное спасибо за ссылку )

Сара, Джеймс, Дэвид на британском ТВ. Слухи о появлении ДБ и ДМ на МТВ ходят давно, но кто его знает, как оно будет )

Сара не против сыграть Бонда - СМГ вот не понимает, почему Бонд не может быть женщиной ))

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 04:56. Заголовок: Jaruschka(10/20/04 1..

Jaruschka(10/20/04 19:51:29)

Хм, не хотелось бы казаться грубой, но с Сарой-то Мишель все понятно, куда любопытнее, что думают по поводу женщины-Бонда его создатели. Шансы хоть какие есть?

"I don't want to hurt you, baby. Doesn't mean I won't." Spike, 2.22 Becoming, BtVS

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

The Watcher's Library

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 04:57. Заголовок: squirrelD(10/20/04 2..

squirrelD(10/20/04 20:31:28)

Ой, как интересно! Но это еще более невозможная штука, чем 6-ой сезон Ангела
Джеймс Бонд - святыня, и так сказать последний оплот. (отредактировала свое мнение насчет мужского шовинизма, итак невменяемой обзывают ) Сомневаюсь, что женщина сможет играть эту роль ... ну в близжайшие 50 лет... А Сара смотрелась бы роскошно!

Life sucks and than you&'ll die ... and than still sucks. (DLM S2)

James Marsters.ru
Eliza Dushku in Russia Forum

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 04:58. Заголовок: Jaruschka(10/21/04 0..

Jaruschka(10/21/04 00:09:29)

Смотрелась бы она, конечно, шикарно, но, к сожалению, подобный расклад маловероятен. Вон о черном Бонде нас сколько лет слухами потчуют, а до сих пор ни одного шага в этом направлении не сделано. В лучшем случае мы рискуем получить гибрид первого и второго вариантов, в лице спин-оффа "Джинкс" с Халли Берри в главной роли, о котором тоже одно время поговаривали. Да только оно нам надо?

"I don't want to hurt you, baby. Doesn't mean I won't." Spike, 2.22 Becoming, BtVS

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

The Watcher's Library

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 04:59. Заголовок: VasquezE(10/21/04 02..

VasquezE(10/21/04 02:02:37)

Ведон против Буша

Накануне выборов Джосс самолично ходит по фанатским сайтам и призывает голосовать против Буша. Народ на Whedonesque - в отпаде!


Hey guys. I wanted to post on the thread about the fund-raiser, but it's long gone. So I'll post on the X-Men thread instead.

The truth about the X-Men is...

...much less important than this election. Much less important than putting someone in the White House who knows the difference between leading and bullying. I'm here to confirm that I will be doing the phone-party on Saunday and I'm urging any and everyone to attend one or even host one. (Highstakes2004.com.) I plan to be incredibly funny and insightful, or mention some people who have been in the past. We can talk about politics, we can talk about Buffy, we can talk about car maintenence (though I'll mostly just listen at that point) and I will once and for all tell you all what IS going on with the X-Men. And then we can talk about politics some more.

So many people are acting like there's little difference between Kerry and Bush and that is not the case. If you're for Bush I doubt I can sway you but if you're one of those people grumbling about politicians all being the same I'm begging you to look hard at the facts and at the smirking face of the man who is doing more damage to this country than any president in my lifetime. We cannot let apathy decide our fate. I'm sounding all soapbox-y but I am truly afraid for our economic infrastucture, our dwindling natural reserves and most of all our place in the world. We need to act.

Uh, and it'll be... fun...

It will. Insane Phone Posse, and for a great cause. Get in. I'll stay on the phone as long as anyone will listen. Let freedom ring, unless it's on vibrate. Can we pretend I didn't say that?

joss | October 21, 07:36 CET

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:02. Заголовок: Jaruschka(10/21/04 0..

Jaruschka(10/21/04 08:50:00)

Эк их всех колбасит, однако .

"I don't want to hurt you, baby. Doesn't mean I won't." Spike, 2.22 Becoming, BtVS

Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

The Watcher's Library

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:04. Заголовок: VasquezE(10/21/04 14..

VasquezE(10/21/04 14:56:30)

Уворовано со Слеерверса


The Buffy Mag published the top twenty of the sexiest men on both shows, who were voted by the fans

1. Spike - 58%

2. Angel - 23%

3. Wesley - 8%

4. Xander - 3%

5. Giles - 1%

6. Riley - 1%

7. Oz - 1%

8. Lindsey - 1%

9. Andrew - 1%

10. Gunn - 0.72%

What the magazine wrote about the top winner:

SEXIEST MOMENT/EPISODE: Spike got our temperatures rising quite a bit by appearing semi-naked several times -- but he could not have been sexier when he cuddled up to Buffy in "Touched," held her, looked after her, and simply watched her sleep. Ahhhh, how romantic!

WHY WE THINK HE'S SEXY: Spike's a combination of what everyone wants. He's strong and can look after himself, while at the same time he's vulnerable, sensitive and not afraid to speak his feelings and wear his heart on his sleeve. He's just wicked enough that you can't help finding him exciting, but he's also very charming. But perhaps the sexiest thing of all is that he changed who he was because he wanted to be a better person, for himself and the woman that he loved. Oh, and we suppose his killer physique, sparkling eyes and wicked sense of humor might also have something to do with it.

IDEAL DATE SCENARIO FOR SPIKE: A Ramones concert, followed by a splot of pool at the Bronze, with onion flowers and Buffalo wings to eat, or a visit to a poetry reading, then cuddling up in front of his favorite show, Passions, with the girl of his dreams.

SPIKE'S LOVE STATUS: Old Blondie Bear has always been a bit of a hit with the ladies (though, sadly, we can't say the same for poor William). First there was Drusilla, then there was Harmony, then there was Buffy, then -- very briefly -- there was Anya, but in the end, Buffy was the girl that won Spike's undying love. Spike is currently single -- and will, no doubt, be there when Buffy comes into his life again.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:09. Заголовок: Geroneja(10/22/04 10..

Geroneja(10/22/04 10:12:23)

Аллилуя! ))
Васкес, спасибо ) А Джосс, конечно, знает, что делает, вот бы он еще по поводу наших выборов высказался )

О Саре и Бонде, вернее, о черном Бонде - я тут на днях писала про Джея статью, дык он мечтает Бонда сыграть, частенько об этом говорит в интервью ))

А пока...

Капсы - Сара на шоу Дэвида Леттермана ) *и почему у меня в голове сразу одноименная песня "Роботов"?* Промки с Сарой и коктейлем. СМГ выходит с шоу Леттермана. Клип с этого самого события.

Редкие фото Каризмы.

Капсы с Джули Бенц - "Женаты, с детьми".

И тут появился Фредди - впервые за несколько месяцев мистер Принц-младший появился с женой на публике.

Капсы - Сара на шоу "Доброе утро, Америка!".

Сара о баффском мультике.

Капсы - Дэнни Стронг в "Девочках Гилмор".

Интервью с автором нескольких баффских и ангельских книг Полом Радитисом.

Сара на МТВ.

Снова о Урнерах и "Ангеле".

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:18. Заголовок: Geroneja(10/23/04 16..

Geroneja(10/23/04 16:54:41)

У нас тут, похоже, выходные имени Сары )

СМГ у Реджис и Келли, капсы. Сара о баффских ДВД. СМГ о том, почему она отказалась участвовать в мультике по "Баффи". Сара в Нью-Йорке, фото. Сара на TRL, клипы.
Сара у Конана О'Брайна, капсы. И клип! И СМГ о не вошедших в "Избранных" сценах.

Кристин/Ванда о "Веронике Марс".

Ситуация вокруг "Тру". Ничего нового, снова-таки Кристин. А вот какие новости от Душки и Шона Ривза:
On October 16th and 17th, Eliza Dushku and Shawn Reaves appeared at the London Movie, Comic and Media Expo in the UK. They signed autographs for hundreds of fans, and did confirm that Tru Calling has been canceled.

According to multiple reports from fans who spoke to him, Shawn said that fans need to fight to see the six episodes that were filmed for Season 2. So help Shawn and Eliza and join the fight to Save Tru!

Наш политический активист Джосс вот, что задумал:
This Sunday Joss Whedon will hold a poltical event in order to support Kerry and he has reached to bring nearly all Buffy stars with him. Read who will come...

Joss is bringing:

* Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg),
* Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris),
* Amy Acker (Winifred Burkle/Illyria),
* Alexis Denisof (Wesley Wyndam-Pryce),
* Nathan Fillion (Caleb/Mal Reynolds),
* Amber Benson (Tara Maclay)
* J. August Richards (Charles Gunn),
* Tom Lenk (nerd of doom Andrew Wells),
* Danny Strong (nerd of doom Jonathan Levinson),
* Adam Busch (nerd of doom Warren Meers),
* probably a bunch of the shows' other big-deal writers,
* and more!!
Кстати, подозреваю, что ДМ нет только потому, что он будет в Лондоне )
Джосс еще сегодня на радио был, вот и что сказал, вкратце:
Joss talked about the storyline of season 7 (Buffy started to take the fight to the big bad and stopped waiting for the first to attack her) and that it coincided with Bush's talks about invading Iraq. Joss and the writers were concerned that the storyline would be interpreted as pro-Bush.

Joss also said that Buffy is living in a more real world than Bush, because she acknowledges the consequences of her actions, which Bush doesn't do.

Infos about Serenity: The story was influenced by current events - even more than Joss could have predicted. It is about how you should not impose your beliefs on a whole world, because this will lead to a totalitarian regime despite good intentions.

Joss also joked about the fact that he would not give Bush the job of a villain in any of his projects.

Свежие фото Джульет Ландау.

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:20. Заголовок: Elena S(10/23/04 21:..

Elena S(10/23/04 21:51:39)

"she acknowledges the consequences of her actions"

Ой, правда, что ли?

На самом деле, для меня всегда было загадкой, как человек, снявший 6-7 сезоны "Баффи" может не любить Джорджа-младшенького, если только не по половому признаку.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:24. Заголовок: SanAnn(10/24/04 14:1..

SanAnn(10/24/04 14:10:42)


А мне очень понравилась фотка Алексиса на сцене в каком-то спектакле.

И долгожданная новость о сборах Grudge в первый уик-энд. Не далее как сегодня мы обсуждали этот факт . Васкес, вот оно свершилось!

Position/ Last Week/ Title/ Movie Company/Money Circulated on Weekend

1 N The Grudge Sony $40,000,000

2 1 Shark Tale DW $14,300,000

3 4 Shall We Dance Mira. $8,614,000

4 2 Friday Night Lights Uni. $6,962,000

5 3 Team America: World Police Par. $6,600,000

6 5 Ladder 49 BV $5,416,000

7 N Surviving Christmas DW $4,500,000

8 6 Taxi Fox $4,250,000 (Christian Kane Movie)

9 7 The Forgotten SonR $3,400,000

10 12 I Heart Huckabees FoxS $3,000,000

Неизменные воскресные обойки!

И еще одна песня Кристиана, которую можно закачать.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:26. Заголовок: Geroneja(10/24/04 14..

Geroneja(10/24/04 14:54:16)

О, а какой, однако, отрыв по сборам!! Ням )

Пародийная зарисовка на тему "Ангела".

МТ в поддержку выборов.

Фотки со съемок.

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:28. Заголовок: Inconsistency(10/24/..

Inconsistency(10/24/04 19:14:31)

Не знаю, можно ли это здесь вешать, если что не так поправьте- BAPS выпустили календарь с Джеймсом PedAIDS Charity Fundraiser Wall Calendar (там есть эти изумительные рисунки Erin Allen и кукольные Спайк и Ангел). Здесь ссылка, где календарик можно заказать
, а здесь рисунки лучше просматриваются.

I wasn't lurking. I was standing about. It's a whole different vibe

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:30. Заголовок: VasquezE(10/25/04 13..

VasquezE(10/25/04 13:52:00)

Джосс высказался по седьмому сезону

SoddingNancyTribe с Whedonesque пишет (о воскресном мероприятии, насколько я понимаю) кое-что, чего не упоминает Херк и другие

"Oh, just remembered another Joss moment that may have gone unmentioned. In response to someone's question, he talked about how the plot of BtVS S7 changed somewhat in response to the direction US foreign policy was taking at the same time. Initially, he said, it was going to be all about taking the fight to the enemy and dealing it. Once this country started, um, doing that, the writers moved away from that. Very pointedly, Joss said "when Buffy started acting like she had all the power and all the answers and demanded unquestioning obedience to her, what happened? She got kicked out of her own house!""

Стало быть, Баффи играла роль американской администрации, бедняга...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.08 05:34. Заголовок: Geroneja(10/25/04 15..

Geroneja(10/25/04 15:55:50)

Что называется, интересный поворот событий....

И, конечно, ссылки на календари не просто можно вешать,а нужно!! )

У Джея гостевая роль в сериале CSI: Maimi.

Джосс тут активно завязывает с телевидение, хотя что-то мне сдается, что не впервые, в общем, читайте:

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator Joss Whedon is done with TV -- for now. Twentieth Century Fox TV has approved Whedon's request to halt his overall deal at the studio, effectively shuttering his Mutant Enemy production shingle.

Besides wanting to focus on his feature career, Whedon said he decided to take a break from TV because, quite simply, he had run out of series ideas.

"I spent a lot of time trying to think what my next series would be," Whedon said. "I couldn't think of anything. When that happens, it generally means something is just not working. I didn't feel like I could come up with anything that the networks would want."

Whedon had a little over a year left on his overall pact with 20th Century Fox TV. Under terms of his departure, the scribe can't work on TV projects anywhere else. And if Whedon decides to return to TV, 20th gets first dibs.

"It would be a lie to say that I'm not disappointed, because I will miss working with Joss," said 20th Century Fox TV prexy Dana Walden.

"Hopefully, sooner rather than later, he'll have an inspired TV idea that he can't help himself from doing. ... We're just glad that when he decides to do TV again, it will be with us."

The departure doesn't affect Whedon's film career; the scribe is not set up anywhere on the feature side.

Whedon currently is writing and directing the feature "Serenity," based on his short-lived Fox skein "Firefly." He also has an animated TV version of "Buffy" in the works; that project will continue to be developed.

Mutant Enemy is expected to close shop as soon as this week; departing are the label's handful of staffers, including company president Chris Buchanan, who's been with Mutant Enemy since 2002 and is exec producing "Serenity."

"My career has always gone through phases of swelling and shrinking," Whedon said. "It's just a different phase, but this is hopefully not the end of my TV career. There are a lot of people I won't be working with that I will miss."

Mutant Enemy will continue with Whedon as the sole proprietor.

Whedon's decision caught some insiders off-guard. Given 20th's tremendous success with "Buffy" and its spinoff, "Angel," Whedon has more than earned his keep at the studio. So it's conceivable he could have finished out his deal at 20th without developing anything new -- and without anyone at the
studio minding.

But Whedon dismissed that idea.

"It's possible, but I'm not interested in taking money that I don't earn," he said. "And I found out from 'Firefly' that I'm not the kind of producer who can throw something up on the wall every year and see if it sticks."

Whedon said his decision also was helped by personal matters: His second child is due to be born shortly. And, Whedon admits, he's discouraged by TV's reality boom.

"I have a bitter taste in my mouth with where TV has gone in the past five years," said Whedon, who called TV's reality trend "loathsome."

Whedon got his start on laffers like "Roseanne" and "Parenthood" before turning his attention to features. Scribe's credits include "Speed" and "Toy Story," as well as the original film version of "Buffy."

"When we did the pilot of 'Buffy,' Joss' agent told us he'd be with the show for the first 13 episodes and then go back to his feature career," Walden said. "Given that we're hundreds of episodes of TV shows later, he's finally turning back to features. It would be unfair of me not to understand."

И в тоже время:

Someone pointed out that ED’s TV show Tru Calling has been cancelled and would Faith be in a Buffyverse movie…

Joss replied that he loves Faith and Eliza, and they both deserve a wonderful vehicle to explore the character further, but no body can say when anything like that will happen (evidently there are no Buffyverse movies in the offing, altho he didn’t say that directly).

А народ пока рассматривает жесты Фредди на фотках.

10 лучших гей-поцелуев. Народ уже в возмущении, почему не попал поцелуй из QaF.

"Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon

The Watcher's Library
Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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большой шрифт малый шрифт надстрочный подстрочный заголовок большой заголовок видео с youtube.com картинка из интернета картинка с компьютера ссылка файл с компьютера русская клавиатура транслитератор  цитата  кавычки моноширинный шрифт моноширинный шрифт горизонтальная линия отступ точка LI бегущая строка оффтопик свернутый текст

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Все даты в формате GMT  3 час. Хитов сегодня: 5
Права: смайлы да, картинки да, шрифты да, голосования нет
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